'THE WIZARD OF 01" July 25 - July 30 Souvenir Program rt HILTON U. BROWN TH DRAW (BUTLER BOWL} LENNOX & Mi INC. BUTLER UNIVERSlf GUARANTORS AND CONTRIBUTORS 1961 STARLIGHT MUSICALS (Guarantors give nothing unless there is an operational loss at the end of a season, in which event they are a,ssessed on a pro rata basis to the limit of their guaranties. Individuals, and organizations of all kinds, who are interested in joining the list of civic-minded people and organizations printed below, are invited to call any officer of the Board of Directors for particulars.) Advertising Letter Service, Inc. Joseph J. Daniels Robert R. Hamilton C. 0. Alig Mr. and Mrs. James L. Darlington Melvin A. Hansen Cornelius 0. Alig, Jr. George W. Davidson Dr. F. M. Hapak Rowland Allen Davidson's Southport Lumber Co. Clifford J. Hart E. E. Allison Frank H. Davis Gaylord A. Hawkins H. A. Alpert Mr. and Mrs. T,. Clare Davis Stanley Herman Miss Gladys Alwes Watson E. Deakyne C. M. Herriman American States Insurance Company Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Dean Hubert Hickam Mrs. William B. Ansted, Jr. Paul J. DeVault Mr. and Mrs. Beryl E. Hicks Frederic D. Anderson H. H. Dice Benj Hitz, Jr. Arthur Jordan Foundation Michael Dobich J. I. Holcomb Manufacturing Co. Bon O. Aspy Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Drake Robert Bruce Holley Frederic M. Ayres, Jr. Donal H. Draper, D. D. S. Walter C. Holmes Ayrshire Collieries Corp. L. E. Drum Henry Holt Michael J. Duffecy Hooven Letter Service Co. George Bahre Jack Dustman Mr. and Mrs. Truman D. Hoover Don Bailey C. B. Dutton Huber, Hunt & Nichols Merlin M. Bailey William A. Dyer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Huehl Hugh J. Baker & Company Philip R. Huffman Paul J. Baldwin Harrison Eiteljorg W. Shannon Hughes Paul Barnard Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Carl S. Hulen D. R. Barneclo Mr. and Mrs. John Rabb Emison Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Huncilman Earl B. Barnes Empire Life & Accident Ins. Co. N. K. Hurst Co. Miles S. Barton Richard H. Englehart Baxter Foundation T. M. Englehart Harry T. Ice Burton E. Beck Indiana Bell Telephone Company Eugene N. Beesley Richard H. Fague Indianapolis Glass Container Co. The Benham Press Arthur A. Fairbanks Indianapolis Power & Light Co. Mr. and Mrs. Noble L. Biddinger Ray T. Fatout The Indianapolis Star and Thomas M. Billings Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Feibleman The Indianapolis News Thomas W. Binford Mary E. Feist Indianapolis Water Company Marsh H. Blackburn Dayton Fertig Inland Container Corporation Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bloch Howard Fieber International Alliance of Theatrical William H. Book Glenn L. Findley Stage Employees Wilfred R. Borinstein M. K. Fish George A. Bowen Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. Fitzgerald Price Ai. Jackson Victor L. Boyer 0. T. Fitzwater Edward D. James C. Harvey Bradley Mr. and Mrs. Roger C. Fleming Louis J. Jenn William G. Brandt William P. Flynn Charles C. Jerden Mrs. Tina M. Brant Kenneth Foster Nelson G. Johnson David N. Brewer David J. Fox Robert D. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D. Brosnan Philip W. Freiberger Thomas P. Johnson Archie E. Brown, M. D. Edwin T. French, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. William Julian George Brown, Sign Artist Otto N. Frenzel Mr. and Mrs. John I. Kautz H. Prentice Browning Mr. and Mrs. Cecil M. Fritz Donald B. Keller Bryant-Hedback Co. J. Hugh Funk The Keys Restaurant John L. Buehler W. D. Kibler Trucking Co. Harold C. Buell Charles S. Galbreath Kiefer-Stewart Co. Ludwig G. Burck Edward L. Gallagher Erie A. Kightlinger John Burkhart Edward P. Gallagher Philip G. King Fermor S. Cannon Martin E. Gebhardt William V. Kingdon, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. H. Earl Capehart, Jr. Dimitrius Gerdan Jane Klausmeyer Thomas P. Carney Carl M. Geupel Construction Co., Inc. Harold Charles Koehler Edwin L. Cassady Earl W. Gibson C. C. Koepper Cavell Ford Sales, Inc. Robert R. Girk Kenneth G. Kohlstaedt Stanley G. Cederquist Charles J. Gisler Claude B. Koontz Central Engineering and Construction Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Glick Abe Kroot Mr. and Mrs. William E. Chambers James A. Gloin Mrs. Clementine Kruse Alex M. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Wayne H. Glover George A. Kuhn, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. A. Lee Clifford, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Don W. Goelzer Walter W. Kuhn, Jr. Albert P. Coffin Samuel C. Goldberg Herbert Kulwin Mrs. Jack A. Goodman Donald P. Coffin Mrs. Howard J. Lacy, II Alvin L. Cohen L. L. Goodman Morris Goodman John 0. LaFollette Merrell X. Cohen Rosemary Lang Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Conde Mrs. Pierre F. Goodrich LeRoy George Gordner R. Stanley Lawton Mr. and Mrs. Pembroke M. Cornelius A. J. W, LeBien James W. Costin Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Greenleaf G. Thaddeus Gregory Wallace 0. Lee James C. Courtney C. Perry Griffith James M. Leffel, M. D. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall P. Crabill Mr. and Mrs. William C. Griffith Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Leighty D-A Lubricant Co., Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Lemons Ronald B. Daley Mr. and Mrs. Lucius 0. Hamilton C. P. Lesh Paper Co. STARLIGHT MUSICALS, INC, A Non-Profit Corporation Directed by Civic Leaders of the City of Indianapolis GENERAL OFFICES COLISEUM—INDIANA STATE FAIR GROUNDS—INDIANAPOLIS 5, IND.—WALNUT 3-1545 Dear Friend of Starlight Musicals: One of the most pleasant things about Indianapolis in summer has been STARLIGHT MUSI­ CALS in the Butler Bowl. But I'm sure you realize that these delightful evenings of popular musical entertainment don't just happen. Starlight Musicals is a non-profit enterprise. If you've ever had anything to do with a non-profit project, you know that a lot of people put in a lot of their time without pay while others help back it up with their pocketbooks. As a matter of fact, Starlight Musicals' guarantors dipped into their pocketbooks to make up a $30,000 deficit, last year. While nobody got hurt in so doing, operating "in the red" cannot go on. What Starlight Musicals needs above all else is more people in attendance at each performance. We are sure that in and around Indianapolis there are enough folks who enjoy good musical entertainment to assure Starlight Musical's success. What we need to do is get a lot of them to attend. That would be easy if enough people like you would "talk up" Starlight Musicals among your friends and business associates, urging them to come out here to see and hear these delightful shows. We feel sure that once you folks start really boosting Starlight Musicals, the word will spread and we will begin packing 'em in, every night. Remember, the best advertisement in the world is printed on the wagging tongue of a happy, satisfied customer. Join the "tongue waggers" and help make Starlight Musicals a continuing source of summer­ time pleasure for yourself, your family and your friends — and for the community. Cordially, NOBLE L. BIDDINGER President, Starlight Musicals, Inc. It gives us great pleasure to draw your attention to the excellent productions the Avondale Playhouse offers you. Their complete schedule can be seen on page 28. NOBLE L. BIDDINGER Page one « .. Next, For Your Enjoyment" Next on your program for Better Living is a Gold Medallion Home, with 1 otal-Electric heating ana cooling, kitchen ana laundry and modern lighting. Wrietrier you ouy, build or remodel, make yours a Gold Medallion Home. ELECTRIC HEAT < INDIANAPOLIS ^ ^B I M AU. "^JM Am. 'Ammf Am* A f«^ COMPANY THE FLOWER MART STARLIGHT MUSICALS OFFICIAL FLORIST Bill Cronm — Bill O'Laughlin ^py^ "BEST WISHES A GOOD NEIGHBOR . FOR A IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD! SUCCESSFUL SEASON" INDIANAPOLIS' LEADING FOOD STORES FOR OVER 03 YEARS i 2421 N. Meridian WA 4-5301 Page two HILTON U. BROWN THEATRON (BUTLER BOWL) BUTLER UNIVERSITY, INDIANAPOLIS OPERATED BY STARLIGHT MUSICALS, INC. THE HON. MATTHEW E. WELSH (A Non-Profit Organization) THE HON. CHARLES H. BOS WELL Honorary Chairman, Indiana Honorary Chairman, Marion County OFFICERS 1961 H. T. PRITCHARD L. G. GORDNER NOBLE L. BIDDINGER Honorary Chairman of the Board Chairman of the Board President . / BH BI • 4 v * Jiiii?P5 / EDWARD P. GALLAGHER MRS. WM. B. ANSTED, JR. A. J. THATCHER Vice President Vice President Vice President BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mrs. Wm. B. Ansted Jr. Mrs. Howard J. Lacy II Noble L. Biddinger Miss Louise Lage William H. Book W. I. Longsworth, Jr. Mrs. Harold C. Buell Robert M. Loomis Alex M. Clark Miss Josephine Madden Jack D. Dustman J. Perry Meek Roy C Echols Thomas W. Moses Roger Fleming Kurt F. Pantzer Philip W. Freiberger H. T. Pritchard E. P. Gallagher William J. Schumacher *«*>0>~. Mrs. J. A. Goodman Roland Swingley L. G. Gordner A. J. Thatcher Henry Holt, Sr. Evan Walker Carl S. Hulen Howard S. Wilcox John I. Kautz A. E. Wilhoite W. D. Kibler Mrs. Betty B. Williams Claude Koontz PHILIP W. FREIBERGER A. E. WILHOITE Secretary Treasurer Address all correspondence to STARLIGHT MUSICALS, INC.—COLISEUM—INDIANA STATE FAIR GROUNDS—INDIANAPOLIS 5, IND. Page three 1961 STARLIGHT John C. Sacco, musical director, returns for his sixth season at Starlight. Wearing a duo hat since January of this year, Mr. Sacco has been appointed executive director for the Starlight Musicals. In this capacity he is in charge of special promotions and women volunteer workers to whom Starlight owes so much of its success. A composer of note, Mr. Sacco's works have been recorded and programmed by leading concert artists the world over. A member of American Society of Composers, Authors and Pub­ lishers and a former member of the editorial staff of G.
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