8372 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE April .~6, 1965 Albert E. Knauf, Jr. Anthony P . Pyrz His sacrifice, that we may live freely the Consent Calendar and the Private John W. Koletty Thomas A. Ridenour with joy and happiness amidst all the Calendar will be called today. Joseph P . Kosciusko Dennis J . Sellers glories of Thy creation. Amen. Richard E. Kramer Dennis A. Shantz The Clerk will call the first bill on the David B. Kuhn, Jr. Charles F. Shaw, Jr. Consent Calendar. Richard A. Leary Thomas R. Sheckells Anthony G. Livic Michael T. Shulick THE JOURNAL Gordon A. Long Grover C. Starling The Journal of the proceedings of SECTION 502 OF THE MERCHANT John A. Madia Jerry R. Stockton Thursday, April 22, 1965, was read and MARINE ACT David V. Mastran Francis P . Tantalo approved. Walter H. Oehrlein Thomas D. Thompson The Clerk called the bill (H.R. 4346) Richard M . Osgood, Terrence R. Tutchings to amend section 502 of the Merchant Jr. James R. Webb III MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Marine Act, 1936, relating to construc­ Karl J . Plotkin Richard G. Wirth tion differential subsidies. Frank J . Prokop Adolf H. Zabka A message in writing from the Presi­ The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Richard E. Pullen Andrew A. Zaleski II dent of the United States was communi­ the present consideration of the bill? The following midshipmen, U.S. Naval cated to the House by Mr. Geisler, one Mr. GROSS. Mr. Speaker, reserving Academy, for appointment in the Regular of his secretaries, who also informed the the right to object, I would like to ask Air Force, in the grade of second lieutenant, House that on the following dates the someone how much longer it is antici­ effective upon their graduation, under the President approved and signed bills of pated it will be necessary to pay a 60- provisions of section 8284, title 10, United . the House of the following titles: percent subsidy for the construction of States Code. Date of rank to be determined On April 11, 1965: by the Secretary of the Air Force: passenger vessels and 55-percent sub­ H.R. 2362. An act to strengthen and im­ sidies for the construction of freight and Richard D. Bayer . Boyd K. Knowles prove, educational quality and educational Robert F. Cook Thomas 0. Koch opportunities in the Nation's elementary and other vessels. Robert D. Hennessy Bernd McConnell secondary schools. Mr. BONNER. Mr. Speaker, let me Jan M. Jobanek Nicholas A. Paldino On April 16, 1965: say as chairman of the Committee on Henry B. Keese Furman E. Thomas H .R. 5721. An act to amend the Agricul­ Merchant Marine and Fisheries that the tural Adjustment Act of 1938, as amended, gentleman raises a very good question. to provide for acreage-poundage marketing If we are going to have an American quotas for tobacco, to amend the tobacco merchant marine, we are going to have HOUSE OF.REPRESENTATIVES price support provisions of the Agricultural to subsidize the construction of vessels Act of 1949, as amended, and for other and the operation of American-flag ves­ MONDAY, APRIL 26, 1965 purposes. On April 20, 1965: sels. So you can take your choice. We The House met at 12 o'clock noon. H.R. 4527. An act to authorize appropria­ recently held hearings and were advised Archbishop Hrant Katchadoorian, tions for procurement of vessels and aircraft by high officials of the Navy that the prelate of Armenians of North America, and construction of shore and offshore es­ American merchant marine was essen­ offered the following prayer: tablishments for the Coast Guard. tial to the operation of the national de­ fense. This bill is a continuation of the In the name of the Father, and of existing law. It extends it for 1 year. the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE It is just that plain, I say to my fine Almighty God, divine Guide of all na­ A message from the Senate by Mr. friend; we are going to have to have this tions and people, direct us along the path Arrington, one of its clerks, announced or we are just not going to construct any of justice and honor in the conduct of that the Senate had passed a bill of the more vessels. our daily affairs. Shower Thy blessings following title, in which the concurrence Mr. GROSS. Would the distinguished on this noble Nation so that it may con­ of the House is requested: · gentleman from North Carolina be able tinue to shine with a warm brilliance S. 327. An act to provide assistance· to the to give us any assurance that these sub­ amidst the darkening clouds of tyranny States of Oregon, Washington, California, sidies can be reduced in the foreseeable and oppression. Give of Thy eternal and Idaho for the reconstruction of areas future or must they continue at the high wisdom to the several Members of this damaged by recent floods and high waters. rate of 55 and 60 percent? august body, that they may be inspired The message also announced that the Mr. BONNER. There is a matter of toward a greatness of purpose, that they accelerating costs under the situations may be ennobled in the urgent search for Senate disagrees to the amendments of the House to the joint resolution (S.J. that now exist. The gentleman knows peace, freedom, and justice for all of what those costs are due to. mankind. Res. 1) entitled "Joint resolution propos­ ing an amendment to the Constitution of Mr. GROSS. In other words, if infla­ In particular, we beseech Thee, O God, tion continues in this country-- to be mindful of the Armenian people the United States relating to succession to the Presidency and Vice-Presidency Mr. BONNER. I do not think it is who this year sorrowfully commemorate inflation so . much. I think it is the the 50th anniversary of the martyrdom and to cases where the President is un­ able to discharge the powers and duties manner in which they operate with re­ of one and a half million Armenians in spect to labor contracts. the Turkish massacres of 1915. Mindful of his office," requests a conference with of the teachings of Thy Son, our Lord, the House on the disagreeing votes of the Mr. GROSS. Of course, inflation and Jesus Christ, we ask not for retribution two Houses thereon, and appoints Mr. increasing costs enter into that. or vengeance but for repentance and BAYH, Mr. EASTLAND, Mr. ERVIN, Mr. Mr. BONNER. If you want to call that redemption. The Armenians have suf­ DIRKSEN, and Mr. HRUSKA to be the con­ inflation then, of course, that is your fered too long the pain of tyranny and ferees on the part of the Senate. privilege. I am not opposed to unionism, oppression. They, too, wish to share in but we do have a difficult time keeping Thy most precious gifts of liberty and our ships and our merchant marine COMMITTEE ON BANKING AND operating. We have difficulty on the justice. Their once joyous land, that CURRENCY nation of Christian warrors, O Lord, is shore side as well as the floating side. now but a barren wasteland of sad and Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, I ask So, I feel very much concerned about painful memories. Grant that they and unanimous consent that the Committee this. I know we must have these ships Thy other homeless children be soon on Banking and currency have permis­ and I know the position of the gentle­ given the hope and re~lity of freedom. sion to sit today while the House is in man from Iowa. We pray, Almighty God, that never session, during general debate. Mr. GROSS. One further question: again on this earth will the horror of The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Are the American shipyard owners genocide afflict any of Thy children. the request of the gentleman from Okla­ spending any money to modernize the Spare them, through Thy divine inter­ homa? shipyards of this country to meet the cession, the pain and grief which we try There was no objection. modernization and lower costs of foreign to forget but in our human weakness yards? cannot. Mr. BONNER. If the gentleman will Grant to all of the nations of the CONSENT CALENDAR yield further, I believe ,we have good family of mankind, the compassion and The SPEAKER. · Pursuant to the management in our American yards. I love which Thy Son offered to us through unanimous-consent request of April 14, believe they have modern equipment. April 26, 1965 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 8373 They have tried to stay abreast of the Mr. TEAGUE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, Mr. HALL. The gentleman feels it advance in technology and engineering. will the gentleman yield? would not have any effect on the general The gentleman from Iowa can visit the Mr. HALL. I yield to the gentleman laws administered by the Veterans' Ad­ yards themselves. I would be delighted from Texas. ministration, and the enlistment or en­ to have the gentleman go with us some­ Mr. TEAGUE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, rollment in the military or naval service, time. The gentleman served on this this bill does one very simple thing. An selection by the draft, or the length of committee and he knows our problems in American citizen up in the hills of Ar­ time served in a capacity other than in connection with this matter. kansas was ordered to an induct~on sta­ time of emergency or war. Mr. GROSS. Is the gentleman from tion to be inducted into the armed serv­ Mr.
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