KK15D00056-"Water Supply Schemes Atghsgarangsirajkhel, and Constr GGMS Wankisirajkhel As Per PC-I. Vcwankisirajkhel"

KK15D00056-"Water Supply Schemes Atghsgarangsirajkhel, and Constr GGMS Wankisirajkhel As Per PC-I. Vcwankisirajkhel"

DISTRICT Project Description BE 2018-19 KARAK KK15D00056-"Water Supply Schemes atGHSGarangSirajKhel, and Constr GGMS - WankiSirajKhel as per PC-I. VCWankiSirajKhel" KARAK KK15D00063-Maintenance and repair of BHU jattaIsmail Khel as per PC-I. VC Jatta Ismail - Khel KARAK KK15D00064-Provision of solar panel to RHC HospitalJ.I.Khelas per PC-I. VC Jatta Ismail Khel - KARAK KK15D00111-"Installation of Pressure Pumps in UCJatta Ismail Khel as per PC-I. 1- Jatta - Ismail Khel 2. Makoori 3 MamiKhel " KARAK KK15D00119-"P/F of Pipe dia, 3"", 2"", and1-1/2""as per PC-I VCTeri, VC EsakKhumari - " KARAK KK15D00147-"Construction of PCC Road/Reconstruction/Repair of Streets,as per PC-I. VC - Jehngiri, VCYaghiMuskan, VC Khojaki. " KARAK KK15D00152-"Construction of PCC Road/ pavement ofstreets as per PC-I. VC Janderi, VC - SaratKhel, VC DhodaKhel, VC TarkhaKoi " KARAK KK15D00153-"WSS InstalllationofTubewell at AjabNoor Koroona, Show Banda as per PC-1. - VC Chokara" KARAK KK15D00158-Shingle Road/PCC Road/StreetPavement/Kacha Track as per PC-I EsakChuntra - KARAK KK15D00162-Construction of Group Laterin in GHSGandariKhattak as per PC-I. VC - GandariKhattak. KARAK KK15D00169-Repair/Rehabilitation/Renovation/Furniture of Circuit House Karakas per PC-I - Circuit House Karak KARAK KK15D00175-PCC Road from Main Bazar to GGHSSabirAbadas per PC-I. VC Sabir Abad - KARAK KK15D00178-"District Nazim Directive (SpecialInitiatives) (Installation of Pressure Pumps, - Hand Pumps, Pavement ofstreets, replacement of old pipes, installation of new pipes, KARAK KK16D00030-Installation of Pressure Pumps at Tehsil Karak - KARAK KK16D00031-Pavement of Streets at Tehsil Karak - KARAK KK16D00032-Open Well along with Solarization at GurGuri Eidal Khel - KARAK KK16D00033-Construction of Retaining Wall at Ghundi Shahbaz Khan and Lakkana - KARAK KK16D00034-REpair / Renovation / Improvement / Rehabilitation and solarization of - emergency &children Ward of Women & Children Hospital Karak KARAK KK16D00061-"Provision of Drinking water to BHUShagi Lawagher. VC Kanda Karak, " - KARAK KK16D00062-Maintenance & repair of BHU Mitha Khel.VC Mitha Khel - KARAK KK16D00063-Solarization and Construction of groupliterin/WSS and distribution at BHU Esak - Chontra and BHU Dabb. VC EsakChontra/VC Dabb KARAK KK16D00064-Repair and solarization of BHU JattaIsmail Khel . VC Jatta Ismail Khel - KARAK KK16D00065-Repair & Maintenance/Provision ofmissing facilities in BHU Ghunda - Shamshaki. VC PalosaSar KARAK KK16D00066-Repair of BHU building of Khurram. BHUKhurram. - KARAK KK16D00069-Provision of missing facilities at BHU Darish Khel. VC Darish Khel - KARAK KK16D00070-Solarization of Civil Hospital Gurguri.VC Gurguri. - KARAK KK16D00071-"Repair and provision of drinking waterto various BHUs. VC SuratiKilla, VC - Saikot, VC WMH Khel, VC TaterKhel." KARAK KK16D00072-"Repair & provision of drinking water atBHU UC Jehangiri, SH: Repair - work/Drinking Water. VC Jehngiri, VCYaghiMuskan, VC Khojaki." KARAK KK16D00073-Renovation of Civil Hospital Teri. VCTeri - KARAK KK16D00075-Solarization/Installation of PressurePump/pipe line and other missing facilities - at BHU Ghundi Mir Khan Khel.VC GMK Khel KARAK KK16D00077-"Provision of missing facilities at BHUChokara/ RHC Ahmad Abad. VC Chokara, - VC Ahmad Abad" KARAK KK16D00078-Installation of Solar Based Lights AtWomen And Children Hospital Karak. UC - Karak North/south KARAK KK16D00080-PCC work at RHC Jandri UC Jandri - KARAK KK16D00081-"Construction of protection bond (2 innumber) and water pond (1number). - VC Deli Mella, VC Sabir Abad, VCEhandEidal Khel." KARAK KK16D00082-Construction of Pond in VC Jatta IsamilKhel. VC Jatta Ismail Khel. - KARAK KK16D00083-"Construction of protection Band in UCMiankias. VC Gandari Khattak, VC - Shahidan, VC Mianki" KARAK KK16D00084-"Construction of protection Band. VCMandaw, VC LatamberSharqi, VC - LatamberGharbi, Surdag, WaranaLatamber" KARAK KK16D00085-Construction of protection Band andspur. VC MitaKhel VC Kanda Karak VC - Laki Ghundaki KARAK KK16D00086-"Construction of water ponds. VCGurguri, " - KARAK KK16D00087-"Construction of protection bund. VCSurati Kala, VC Saikot VC W. M H Khel, VC - W.Musakan, VC Tattar Khel" KARAK KK16D00088-"Construction of Check Dams. VCJehangiri, VC YaghiMusakan, VCKhojaki" - KARAK KK16D00089-Construction of protection Band/ Spur.VC Ahmadabad VC Chowkara VC - Ghundi Kalla KARAK KK16D00090-"Construction of protection Band &Spillway. VC WankiSiraj Khel, VC - SarkiLawagher" KARAK KK16D00091-"Construction of protection Band/ ChekDam. NC Official Colony, NC College - Town." KARAK KK16D00092-"Construction of water ponds and Onenumber of Chek Dam. VC Dagar Nari, - VC Nari Panos VC Khurram" KARAK KK16D00093-Construction of protection Band and ChekDam. UC Karak North - KARAK KK16D00094-Construction of Protection Bond. VC GMKVC Tarki Khel - KARAK KK16D00095-"Construction of Protection Bond. VCEsak Chontra, VC Kando khel" - KARAK KK16D00096-Construction of Water Pond and Chek Dam.VC Bahader khel VC dareshkhel - KARAK KK16D00097-Construction of Water ponds. VCEsakKhumari VC Teri - KARAK KK16D00098-"Construction of Water Pond and Spur. VCNarra,VC Shah Salim,VC Kari Dand" - KARAK KK16D00099-"Construction of Protection Bond WaterPond. VC Palosasar, VC CheniKhel" - KARAK KK16D00100-"Construction of Protection Bond & Spur.VC Takhti Nasrati Bala,Paya and VC - Bogara" KARAK KK16D00101-"Construction of protection Bond AndWater Pond. VC - Jandri,VCSaratKhel,VCDhodaKhel,VC Tarkhakoi," KARAK KK16D00104-Installation of Pressure Pumps. 2.Distribution of Pipeline of different dia. Karak - North KARAK KK16D00105-Construction of PCC road/ street. KarakNorth - KARAK KK16D00106-Construction of PCC road/ street/ DozerTrack. UC Mitha Khel - KARAK KK16D00107-Installation of Pressure Pumps. 2.Distribution of Pipeline of different dia. UC - Mitha Khel KARAK KK16D00108-1. Installation of Pressure Pumps. 2.Distribution of Pipeline of different dia. UC - Esak Chontra KARAK KK16D00109-Construction of PCC road. UC EsakChontra - KARAK KK16D00110-Installation of pressure pumps. UC GMKKhel - KARAK KK16D00111-Installation of pressure pumps. UCSabirabad - KARAK KK16D00112-Installation of Pressure Pumps. UCJandri - KARAK KK16D00113-Installation of P/Pump. /Construction ofwater Tank/ Maintenance/ Repair of - open well. UC Nari Panos KARAK KK16D00114-Construction of PCC road/street. UC NariPanos - KARAK KK16D00115-Gravity based water supply scheme toWargha Banda. UC Nari Panos - KARAK KK16D00116-Construction of PCC road/street. UC Teri - KARAK KK16D00117-Installation of Pressure Pumps. UC Bahadar Khel - KARAK KK16D00118-Construction of Causeway. UC Bahadar Khel - KARAK KK16D00119-Provision of pipe of different dia. UC Bahadar Khel - KARAK KK16D00120-Pavement of streets/ drainage system/Construction of water tank and pipe - line. UC Warana Ahmadabad KARAK KK16D00121-Pavement of streets/ drainage system/Construction of water tank and pipe - line. UC Jahangiri KARAK KK16D00122-Installation of pressure pumps. UCShanawa Gudi Khel - KARAK KK16D00123-Distribution of 2” pipeline 15000 feetfor water supply scheme. UC Shanawa - Gudi Khel KARAK KK16D00124-Installation of pressure pumps/provision of pipeline of different dia. UC Mianki - KARAK KK16D00125-Construction of PCC road/ street UCMianki - KARAK KK16D00126-Installation of pressure pumps/provision of pipeline of different dia. UC - T/Nasrati KARAK KK16D00127-Construction of PCC road/ street in VCChokara. UC Chokara - KARAK KK16D00128-Installation of pressure pumps at VCChokara. UC Chokara - KARAK KK16D00129-Provision of pipe of different dia. UCChokara - KARAK KK16D00130-Installation of Pressure Pumps alongwith allied work. Tehsil Karak - KARAK KK16D00131-Construction of PCC roads/ Kacha Track/P.Wall. Tehsil Karak - KARAK KK16D00132-Repair of Transformers District Karak - KARAK KK16D00133-Rehabilitation/Renovation of AdditionalDeputy Commissioner (ADC) - Residence District Karak KARAK KK16D00134-Installation of Pressure Pumps/solarization of Pressure Pumps/ Provision of - PVC pipe of different dia/Construction of surface water tank/ Construction of PCC streets. KARAK KK16D00135-Installation of pressure pumps/ HandPumps Tehsil T/Nasrati - KARAK KK16D00136-Construction of PCC roads. TehsilT/Nasrati - KARAK KK16D00137-Installation of pressure pumps/ HandPumps Tehsil BD Shah - KARAK KK16D00138-Construction of PCC roads. TehsilT/Nasrati - KARAK KK16D00139-Installation of pressure pumps/ HandPumps Tehsil Karak - KARAK KK16D00140-Construction of PCC roads. Tehsil Karak - KARAK KK16D00141-Installation of pressure pumps/ HandPumps UC Sabirabad - KARAK KK16D00142-Construction of PCC roads. UC Sabirabad - KARAK KK16D00143-Construction of PCC road at Ghufran KoroonaNew Abadi Kach Banda UC Karak - South KARAK KK18D00002-"Construction of School Play Groundalong with Volley Ball / Basketball Courts 3,000,000 at Govt CMHS Chokara (ChiefSaeed Iqbal (late) Sports Ground,UC Chokara" KARAK KK18D00003-"Construction of Additional Class Roomand 02 Nos. of Latrine, other additional 3,000,000 work at GGHS Ghundi Killa,UCChokara" KARAK KK18D00004-"Protection Band/Ponds/spillways ,UCG.M.Khel" 2,300,000 KARAK KK18D00005-"Protection Band/Ponds/spillways ,UCBshadr Khel" 2,300,000 KARAK KK18D00006-"Protection Band/Ponds/spillways ,UCMianki" 1,800,000 KARAK KK18D00007-"Protection Band/Ponds/spillways ,UC T.Nasratti" 1,800,000 KARAK KK18D00008-"Protection Band/Ponds/spillways ,UCMitha Khel" 2,300,000 KARAK KK18D00009-"Protection Band/Ponds/spillways ,UCEsak Chont" 2,300,000 KARAK KK18D00010-"Protection Band/Ponds/spillways

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