Directory of Radio Stations in Canada Alberta

Directory of Radio Stations in Canada Alberta

Directory of Radio Stations in Canada progmg dir; Jennifer Reynolds, prom dir; Darren Robson, mus dir; (403) 242 -6956. Web Site: Format: Rock. Ryan Alberta David Spence, news dir; Tanya Berner, pub affrs dir. Dryden, mktg dir; Bob Harris, progmg dir; Ben Jeffery, mus dir; Ken Pasolli, engrg dir. CFFR(AM) -Jan 10, 1984: 660 khz; 50 kw -U, DA -2. Stereo. Hrs opn: Athabasca 24. 2723 37 Ave. N.E. T1Y 5R8. Phone: (403) 291 -0000. Fax: (403) CKRY-FM-July 9, 1982: 105.1 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 400 ft. Stereo. Hm 291 -5342. Licensee: Rogers (Alberta) Ltd. Group owner: Rogers opn: 24. 630 3rd Ave. S.W., Suite 105 T2P 4L4. Phone: (403) Broadcasting Ltd. (acq 9- 10-99; grpsl). Format: All news. News staff: 716 -2105. Fax: (403) 716 -2111. Web Site: CKBA(AM) -Aug 1, 1989: 850 khz; 1 kw-D. Hrs opn: 24.2 -4907 51st 5; News: 10 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25-49. Spec prog: Sports 15 hrs Licensee: Cons Entertainment Inc. (group owner) Natl rep: Canadian St., Venture Pl. T9S 1E7. Phone: (780) 675-5301. Fax: (780) wkly. *Kevin McKenna, gen mgr; Jennifer Reynolds, prom dir & Broadcast Sales. Format: Country. News staff: 6; News: 7 hrs wkly. 675 -4938. E -mail: [email protected]. Licensee: 3937844 Canada progmg dir; Kelly Kirch. prom dir & progmg dir; Darren Robson, mus Target aud: 25 -54. Garry McKenzie, gen mgr & stn mgr. Inc. Group owner: NewCap Inc. (acq 4-19 -02; grpsq. Format: Today's dir; David Spence, news dir. country. News staff: one. Target aud: 25-54. Joanne Peckham, gen mgr. CKIS-FM-Co -owned with CFFR(AM).June 3, 1996: 96.9 mhz; 48 kw. Camrose Ant 686 ff. TL: N51 02 18 W114 13 28. Format: Classic rock. Vince Blairmore Cownden, VP & progmg dir; K. Kirch, mus dir; K. Crook, engrg VP. CFCW(AM)-Nov 2, 1954: 790 khz; 50 kw -U, DA -2. Stereo. Hm opn: 24. 2394 W. Edmonton Mall, 8882 170th St., Edmonton T5T 4M2. Phone: (780) 437 -4996. Fax: (780) 436-9803. Licensee: Newcap Inc. CJPR 2004: 94.9 mhz; 760 w. Box T0K Phone: -FM- 840 OEO. (403) 15, 1982: 107.3 mhz; 100 kw. Ant CFGO -FM-Apr 638 ft. TL: N51 03 Group owner: NewCap Inc. Natl rep: Canadian Broadcast Sales. 562 -2806. Fax: (403) 562 -8114. Licensee: 3937844 Inc. Canada 54 W114 12 47. Stereo. 630 3rd Ave. S.W., Suite 105 T2P 4L4. Phone: Format: Format: Country. News: 11 hm wkly. Target aud: 25 -54; country mus, Full country. L. Anderson, VP; Linda Huze, stn mgr. (403) 716-6500. Fax: (403) 716 -2111. Web Site: sports & hockey listeners in Edmonton region. Spec prog: Sports open Licensee: CKIK -FM Ltd. Group Inc. (acq owner: Cons Entertainment line, farm 5 hrs wkly. Randy Leray, gen mgr. 7 -6 -2000; grpsq. Format: Classic rock. Target aud: 25-44. Garry Bonnyville McKenzie, gen mgr; Doug Young, gen sls mgr; Christian Hall, progmg dir; Natasha Rapchuk, news dir; Wade Wensink, chief of engrg. CFCW -FM-Oct 1, 2005: 98.1 mhz; 50 kw. 5708 48th Ave. T4V OKI. Phone: (780) 672 -9822. Fax: (780) 672-4678. Web Site: CJEG-FM -May 23, 2006: 101.3 mhz; 27 kw. Box 8251 T9N 2J5. Licensee: Newcap Inc. Format: Country. Bruce Makokis. gen mgr. Phone: (780) 812 -3058. Web Site: Licensee: CHOR(AM) -Co-owned with CFGQ- FM.November 1964: 770 khz; 50 NewCap Inc. Format: CHR. Lise Lacombe, stn mgr; Cash Kaye, kw -U, DA -2. Stereo. Hm opn: 24. Web She: Www.gr77.COm. (AN progmg mgr & mus dir: Robb Hunter, news dir. 4- 15-70). Natl rep: Canadian Broadcast Sales, Dora -Clayton. Format: News/talk, sports. News staff: 11; News: 17 hrs wkly. Target aud: 35 Canmore plus. Conan Daly, prom dir & engrg VP; Jay Donald, progmg dir. Brooks Co -owned TV: CICT -TV affil CHMN -FM- February 1998: 106.5 mhz; 510 w. Peschl's Comer, 749 Railway Ave. T1W 1P2. Phone: (403) 678 -2222. Phone: (403) 678 -2223. Fax: (403) 678 -6844. Licensee: Rogers Broadcasting Ltd. CIBQ(AM) -Apr 15, 1973: 1340 khz; 1 kw -U, DA -1. Hrs opn: 24. Unit CHKF -FM -Nov 14, 1998: 94.7 mhz; 53 kw. Hm opn: 24. 2723-37 (group owner). Natl rep: Canadian Broadcast Sales. Format: Hm adult 8 -403 2nd Ave., West Brooks TIR 1S3. Phone: (403) 362 -3418. Ave. N.E. /109 T1Y 5R8. Phone: (403) 717 -1940. Fax: (403) contemp. *Kevin McKenna, gen mgr. Phone: (403) 362 -6000 (NEWS). Fax: (403) 362-8168. Web Site: 717-1945. E -mail: general ® Web Site: www.eidnet.orgaocaV013. Licensee: 3937844 Canada Inc. Group Licensee: Fairchild Radio (Calgary FM) Ltd. Format: Ethnic. News owner: NewCap Broadcasting Ltd. (acq 4.19.2002; grpsl). Format: staff: 2; News: 21 hrs wkly. Target aud: General. Thomas Fung, Contemp country. News staff: one; News: 12 hrs wkly. Target aud: chmn; George Lee, sr VP, VP & gen mgr; Christine Leung, stn mgr & Drayton Valley 25-54. Anderson, gen mgr; John Petrie, stn mgr. AI mktg mgr. CIBW -FM-1994: 92.9 mhz; 7.4 kw. Hm opn: 24. Postal Bag 929 T7A CIXF -FM- Co-owned with CIBQ(AM).Oct 11, 2005: 101.1 mhz; 2.2 1V3. Phone: (780) 542 -9290. Fax: (780) 542 -9319. E -mail: CIBK -FM -Sept 6, 2002: 98.5 mhz; 100 kw. Suite 300, 1110 Cemter kw. Format: Adult contemn. bwcprod ® Licensee: Jim Pattison Broadcast Group St. N. T2E 2R2. Phone: (403) 240-5800. Fax: (403) 240-5801. Web Ltd. (the general partner) and Jim Pattison Industries Ltd. (the limited Site: Licensee: Standard Radio Inc. Group owner: partner) carrying on business as Jim Pattison Broadcast Group L.P. Standard Broadcasting Corp. (acq 4 -19 -02; gnash). Format: CHR. Group owner: The Jim Pattison Broadcast Group (acq 9- 7 -95). Nat] Tom Peacock, gen mgr. Calgary rep: Canadian Broadcast Sales. Format: Country. News staff: one; News: 16 hrs wkly. Target aud: General; people with money to spend. CBCX-FM--2003: 89.7 mhz; 10 kw. 1724 Westmount Blvd. N.W. T2N Paul Mason, gen mgr. CIOX- FM-Aug 30, 2002: 103.1 mhz; 100 kw. Stereo. California 3G7. Phone: (403) 521-6000. Wet) Site: Licensee: CBC. 103.1, 1110 Centre St. N.E., Surte 100 T2E 2112. Phone: (403) Network: Espace Musique. Format: Fr. *Don Orchard, gen mgr. 271-6366. Fax: (403) 278 -6772. E -mail: feedback Web Site: Licensee: 3937844 Canada Inc. Drumheller CBR(AM) -Oct 1, 1964: 1010 khz; 50 kw -U, DA -2. Hrs opn: 20. Box Group owner: NewCap Broadcasting Ltd. (acq 4-19-02; grpsl). Format: Adult contemn, smooth jazz. News staff: one; News: 35 hrs wkly. 2640 T2P 2M7. Secondary address: 1724 Westmount Blvd. N.W. T2N CKDO(AM) -1958: 910 khz; 50 kw -U, DA -2. Stereo. Hm opn: 24. Box Target aud: 35-54. Stephen Peck, gen mgr. 3G7. Phone: (403) 521 -6000. Fax: (403) 521 -6271. Web Site: 1480 TOJ OYO. Secondary address: 515 Hwy. 10 E. TOJ OYO. Phone: Licensee: CBC. Format: Info, div, news/talk. News: 24 (403) 823 -3384. Fax: (403) 823 -7241. E -mail: bbrown hrs wkly. David Gray, gen mgr, Ashley Demulder, opns mgr; Harry Licensee: 3937844 Canada Inc. Group owner: NewCap Broadcasting CJAY- FM- Listing follows CKMX(AM). Wagter, mktg mgr; Helen Henderson, progmg mgr; Donna McElligott, Ltd. (acq 4 -19-02; gips(). Natl rep: CBS Radio. Format: Country. News news dir. staff: 2; News: 11 hm wkly. Target aud: 25 -54. Spec prog: Fan 8 hrs, CJSI -FM- December 1997: 88.9 mhz; 47 kw. Ant 979 ft. TL N51 03 relg 2 hrs wkly. Hugh MacDonald, gen mgr. CBR-FM--Sept 29, 1975: 102.1 mhz; 100 kw. 788 ft. Stereo. Network: 54 W114 12 47. Suite 100, 4510 Macleod Trail S. T2G 0A4. Phone: CBC Radio Two. Format: Class, blues. (403) 276 -1111. Fax: (403) 276 -1114. E -mail: shine Web Site: Licensee: Touch Canada Broadcasting Inc. Edmonton Format: Contemp Christian. *Allan Hunsperger, CEO, pres & gen CBRF-FM-2002: 103.7 mhz 22 kw. Rebroadcasts CHFA(AM) Edmonton mgr. 100 %. Box 555, Edmonton T5J 2P4. Secondary address: 1724 CBX(AM) -1948: 740 khz; 50 kw -U, DA -2. Hm opn: 24. Box 555 T5J Westmount Blvd. N.W. T2N 3G7. Phone: (780) 468 -7500. Fax: (780) 2P4. Secondary address: Edmonton City Ctr., 10062 -102 Ave., Suite 468-7849. Web Site: regiordabertafindex.shtml. Licensee: 'WSW-FM-Jan 15, 1985: 90.9 mhz; 4 kw. Stereo. Hm opn: 24. Rm. 123, Alberta T5J 24G. Phone: (780) 468 -7500. Fax: (780) 468 -7419. Canadian Broadcasting Corp. Network: Premiere Chaim. Format: Fr. 127- MacEwan Hall, 2500 University Dr. N.W. T2N 1N4. Phone: (403) E -mail: [email protected]. Web Site: Francois Pageau, gen mgr. 220 -3904. Fax: (403) 289 -8212. Web Site: Licensee: Licensee: CBC. Network: CBC Radio One. Format: Info, news4alk. The University of Calgary Student Radio Society. Format: Alternative, Target aud: 35 plus; college educated. Judy Piercey, VP; Don jazz, community. News: 5 hrs wkly. Target aud: General; young, trendy Orchard, progmg dir. CFAC(AM )-May 1922:: 960 khz; 50 kw -U. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24.2723 & well -heeled. Spec prog: Fr one hr, Ger 2 hrs, It one, Sp one hr wkly. 37th Ave. N.E.

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