-» J* Vol. 56 Frktiiv. March 33. !!»"!» James Madison University, llarrisonburg. Virginia No. 42 Pile blasts The Breeze Suggests expanding commuter newsletter Ry RRITK osiiORM: many, many examples of waited til Thursday." he said Student Government inaccurate and inadequate "We came out looking like Association President Darrell coverage " do nothings." Pile said at the Pile blasted The Breeze at the Pile mentioned the meeting "I had no chance for SGA meeting Tuesday experimental pub article in a rebuttal " Pile suggested that the the March 20 issue of The As for inaccurate coverage. senators consider allocating Breeze as one example of Pile cited an article about him funds for expanding Scooter's inadequate coverage in The Breeze last semester Nooze. so that students could "T was gone from Friday at which quoted him as saying if have a "factual newsletter." three until Sundav at 9:30 he had it all to do over again, Pile said he had received <pm >." Pile said " Since the he wouldn't have run for "complaints of inaccurate, person interviewed in the president Pile said he meant inadequate coverage" by The article questioned Pile's that he would not run for Breeze interest in the pub. he said the president two years in a row. "I've got tons of points." storv should not have been Another problem is that Pile responded when asked for printed until he had had a Dwayne Yancey "has used his examples after the meeting chance to reply position as editor to encourage "If we choose to pursue the "There was no reason why controversy in the paper." the idea of a short newsletter, at the pub article had to come president said One example that time 1*11 have manv. out Tuesday It could have of this was Yancey's "JMU is a failure" commentary in a November issue. Another example was Yancey's handling of the SGA's work with teacher evaluations. At first, an editorial said the SGA should drop the program. Later, when the evaluations were dropped. The Breeze OIT AN A LIMB. Andrew to get tangled in a tree but also condemned the SGA's actions. Black risks life and limb to for the kite flying contest on "It's apparent that he's retrieve Candy Aucott's the quad to be postponed until Continued on Page S errant kite Lack of wind Friday at noon caused not only Aucott's kite Pnoto by Lawrence Emerson ABC suggests guest lists rather than advance tickets Greeks told 'tickets can get you in trouble9 By THFRFSA BFALF' "I have no exception to a group of you Fraternity and sorority members should getting together and pooling your assets to make prearranged guest lists for private have a party."Reed said. "If you start selling parties in the Greek complex houses, rather tickets or charging admission at the door, that than sell tickets beforehand. destroys your private status. And once an That suggestion was made Monday in a outsider gets in there, your private status is meeting of Greeks by Frank Reed, a regional Photo by Lawrence Emerson gone director of the Virginia Alcoholic Beverage "They must be invited guests. If it's Control Commission prearranged and you have a list of people Reed was asked by the Richmond ABC office you've invited, and you check the list off at the to clarify a ticket-selling procedure explained door, it's a private party," Reed said. m to Greeks last month by Buddy Decker, the To ha ve a party open to the public, a "special ABC representative for this district. event" classification is needed in addition to a At that time. Decker told Greeks they could banquet license. The license is issued in the collect money for beer before a private party name of an organization and the event is about by selling tickets to a few friends each. Greeks conducted for an athletic, charitable, civic, had been selling tickets to their parties in this educational, political or religious purpose. manner since the fall. A private party must be The ABC commission grants banquet prearranged, unadvertised and nonprofitable. licenses to "just about anybody" for a private time... Decker said. affair. Reed said. The license is granted to a According to Reed. Richmond ABC officials individual not seeking individual gain or \\\ KB IS < MM SON became concerned that the private status of a profits, he said. Greeks could seek a banquet Wilson Hall is no longer timeless-the clock on the Greek party might be violated if the tickets license for a private party where beer was sold buildings front which has not worked for ten years has were sold, indicating the sale of alcoholic and donate all profits to charity. Reed said. recently been repaired beverages. A banquet license must be obtained In response to some Greeks' questioning of The clock was very old and just had worn out. for an individual to sell beer or wine at a the accessibility of banquet licenses. Reed said according to Gene Wagner, director of the physical private affair. Reed said. the- students and administration here have plant, so a totally new mechanism was needed inside. "Tickets can get you in trouble," Reed said. been cooperative with ABC regulations. The original clock face and hands were maintained as "It would be better if each fraternity brother However, he said that banquet licenses may much as possible, so that the clock still looks like the got three invitations each before the party." not be frequently granted for events at the .» original Wagner said With invitations, each Greek could invite two Harrisonburg Auto Auction because of The decision to pay the $2.nno or $3,000 needed to fix or three friends to a party and collect complaints from local merchants. the clock was made six months ago by University donations for beer before the party, Reed said. Also at the meeting. Dr. Dan Daniel, dean of President Ronald Carrier. Wagner said. In the past ten Then those persons would be placed on a guest students, announced that 200 has been set by \ears several groups, such as the Student Government list and checked off at the door. Any person not Greek presidents as the maximum number of \ssociation had approached Wagner about fixing the on the guest list would not be considered an guests allowed at Greek complex parties. clock but none were able to afford the project, he said. invited guest and would not be allowed to enter Greeks are required to submit their party the party This procedure doesn't violate ABC guest lists to Daniel's office at least 24 hours ■■ regulations. Reed told the Greeks. before the event takes place. , . • > • • Page >. TIIK Kill F7I\ Friday. March 23. 1979 Ex-manager reinstated; polfcy to be drawn Turk will receive back pay * Hair code expected for fall n\ KIVIN KI re. w Haggins did not know how with stud.ent personnel and no heard, an expanded Ky VANTF KK II Mtl)S()\ menu, and extended operating \ new hair length and the new policv would be "set A grievanceTiled 1st month director Allan Kennedy and hours heard policv for food service up. but I seriously doubt if by a former student manager bv calculating the averege emplovees will soon he there would be different in food services has been with monthly hours Turk worked The student management devised hv a committee of policies for men and women drawn due to a satisfactory during the previous year, they of dining hall has been asked food service student emplovees, That would he resolution in his favor. arrived at a figure of 7ft hours to formulate a policy emplovees. sudent managers unfair " Haggins sajd Herman Turk has been Based on this figure. Turks governing hair and beards. ind full time mangers "As far "as I know." reinstated as student compensation came out to be Turk said In addition. Turk Haggins said "there is no manager of catering and will *275. he" said said that he has been asked to \ former policy, state requirement as a hair receive back pay covering the Turk said he with drew his help draw up a policy prohibiting beards and code " month of his forced absaence. governing student employees restricting hair length for in regard to students, grievance from Col. Adolph male emplovees. was he said Philips last Friday. in catering dress codes 'and hair codes" rescinded aft »r protest hy are up to local employers." Turk resigned his cost after The policies will be written ':tudent emplovees being issued an ultimatum "I'm satisfied with what's and made known to all the director of administrative that he either shave his beard happened." Turk said. "I prospective employees at the The new hair codes which affairs said or take a demotion think the whole issue proves beginning of the year. Turk will not go into effect this "The bottom line." that the student labor supply said Although he couldn't say semcster>Vas prompted by however, according to title Truk said he was offered in dining hall has a yoice that the Herman Turk incident. student manager position for certain. Turk said he 1X1. "is that an employer can speak for itself and get thought that the policies would according to the senior cannot make rules that back at a meeting of dining results." he said in reference student manager hall student managers last most likely go into effect at discriminate against either to the new policies enacted by the beginning of the next Turk, a former student sp\ " Dr .lohn Mundv said Thursday Turk agreed to food services management semester conform to a no-beard policy, and later rescinded as a manager resigned when An official of the American he said, in order to retrun to There will be differences issued an ultimatum requiring Civil Liberties I'nion in result of protests by dining him to shave his heard or he his former
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