JERUZALEM U RANOISLAMSKOJ TRADICIJI JERUSALEM IN EARLY ISLAMIC TRADITION Boris Havel UDK / UDC Odsjek za komparativnu politiku / Department of 94:297](569.4Jeruzalem) Comparative Politics DOI: 10.15291/misc.2748 Fakultet političkih znanosti, Sveučilište u Zagrebu / Izvorni znanstveni rad / Original scientific paper Faculty of Political Science, University of Zagreb Lepušićeva 6 HR – 10000 Zagreb [email protected] Primljeno / Received: 22. X. 2018. Abstract Abstract U članku su opisane ključne ranoislamske tradicije pre- The article describes major early Islamic traditions in ma kojima se Jeruzalem smatra trećim po važnosti svetim which Jerusalem has been designated as the third holiest gradom u islamu. Iz perspektive vjerskih, međuvjerskih, city in Islam. Their content has been analyzed based on političkih i povijesnih okolnosti analiziran je njihov sadr- the historical context and religious, inter-religious and žaj te su razmotreni mogući razlozi za nastanak tih tradi- political circumstances in which they were forged. Par- cija. Pozornost je posvećena tekstualnim i materijalnim ticular attention has been paid to textual and material vrelima, razini njihove autentičnosti, datiranju, te njihovu sources, their authenticity, dating and their interpreta- tumačenju od strane uglednih orijentalista i povjesničara tion by prominent orientalists and art historians. The umjetnosti. U članku su obrađene pojedinačne teme, kao article addresses specific themes, such as Jerusalem in što je Jeruzalem u islamskim kanonskim tekstovima, Mu- Islamic canonical texts, Muhammad’s Night Journey hamedovo noćno putovanje u el-Aksu, legende o Oma- to al-Aqṣā, the legends of Caliph ‘Umar’s conquest of rovu osvajanju Jeruzalema, imena Jeruzalema u djelima Jerusalem, names for Jerusalem in Early Islamic chron- ranoislamskih ljetopisaca, uloga Židova i židovskih obra- icles, the influence of Jews and Jewish converts on early ćenika u nastanku ranoislamskih tradicija te izgradnja, Islamic traditions, and the construction, symbolism, or- ukrasi, inskripcije i simbolika Kupole nad Stijenom. Au- naments, and inscriptions of the Dome of the Rock. In tor u zaključku razmatra pitanje u kolikoj je mjeri religij- the concluding remarks the author considers the ques- sko čašćenje Jeruzalema u islamu povezano s autohtonim tion of to what degree attributing holiness to Jerusalem ranoislamskim vjerskim tradicijama, a u kojoj s ranom in Islam has been based on autochthonous early Islamic muslimansko-židovskom interakcijom te političkim pro- religious traditions, and to what degree on Muslim-Jew- cesima, od unutarislamskoga raskola u vrijeme prelaska ish interaction in Palestine, political processes, such as rašidunske vlasti na umajadsku i Abdul-Malikova sukoba fitnah during early Umayyad rule, ‘Abd al-Malik’s strug- s hidžaskim kalifom el-Zubeirom, preko Križarskih rato- gle with Caliph Ibn al-Zubayr in the Hejaz, the Cru- va, do današnjega arapsko-izraelskog sukoba. sades, and the present-day Arab-Israeli conflict. Ključne riječi:Jeruzalem; islam; muslimani; Židovi; Keywords: Jerusalem; Islam; Muslims; Jews; Cali- kalifat; el-Kuds; Brdo Hrama; el-haram eš-šarif; Kupola phate; al-Quds; Temple Mount; al-Haram al-Sharif; nad Stijenom; komparativna religija Dome of the Rock; Comparative Religion 113 Boris Havel, Jeruzalem u ranoislamskoj tradiciji, MHM, 5, 2018, 113-179 1. UVOD: JERUZALEM KAO OBJEKT 1. INTRODUCTION: JERUSALEM ČEŽNJE I SUKOBA AS AN OBJECT OF LONGING AND CONFLICT Bogata i uzbudljiva povijest Jeruzalema tema je golemoga historiografskog opusa i predmet The rich and exciting history of Jerusalem is the brojnih analiza, pa se lako stječe dojam kako o topic of an enormous historiographic opus and the tome fascinantnom i intrigantnom gradu znamo object of numerous analyses. Consequently, one sve što je relevantno.1 Grad čiju svetost prepo- easily gets the impression that we know all that znaju sve tri velike monoteističke religije namet- is relevant about that fascinating and intriguing 1 nuo se kao česta tema sakralnih predaja, drevnih city. The city, whose holiness is recognized by all pripovijesti, ezoteričnih mitova i zagonetnih three great monotheistic religions, imposed itself as the frequent topic of sacred traditions, ancient legendi, znanstvene polemike, duhovnih čežnja narratives, esoteric myths and perplexing legends, i religijskih nadmetanja, a u posljednjih pola academic polemics, spiritual longings and reli- stoljeća i sve žešćih političkih i vojnih sukoba gious competitions. In the last fifty years or so it te sigurnosnih izazova. Ipak, svetost Jeruzalema has become the stage of fierce political and mili- za islam i muslimane na Zapadu donedavno je tary struggles, challenging the security of Israel uglavnom bila poznata samo kao suhi činjenični and other Middle Eastern countries. However, the podatak; njegov su kontekst i sadržaj zapadnja- holiness of Jerusalem for Islam and Muslims has cima bili skoro sasvim strani. Tek u posljednje been, up until rather recently, known in the West vrijeme ta se svetost ozbiljnije i, barem naizgled, only as a matter of factual information; its context dublje prepoznaje u međunarodnim političkim and contents have been almost completely foreign kontekstima, ali i onima koji istupaju kao kultur- to westerners. It is only recently that Jerusalem’s ni i povijesni. To je između ostaloga rezultiralo holiness in Islam has been more seriously and, at rezolucijama UNESCO-a od listopada 2015.,2 least seemingly, more deeply recognized in interna- travnja 2016.3 te UNESCO-ova Odbora za tional political contexts, as well as in those that are svjetsku baštinu od srpnja 2017.4 Iz tih se doku- cultural and historical. That has, inter alia, resulted 2 menata iščitava sklonost da se Jeruzalem pogla- in the UNESCO resolutions of October 2015 and 3 vito naglasi kao islamsko svetište: grad u kojem April 2016, and the UNESCO World Heritage Committee resolution from July 2017.4 From these documents one may detect tendencies to primari- ly identify Jerusalem as an Islamic sanctuary: the city in which the Al-Ḥaram al-Sharīf is found along 1 Ovaj je članak proširena inačica predavanja Jeruzalem u ranoislamskoj tradiciji održanog 10. studenoga 2017. na Odjelu za povijest Sveučilišta u Zadru. Zahvalan sam M. Šaronu, profesoru Islamskih i 1 This paper is an expanded version of the lecture Jerusalem in bliskoistočnih studija s Hebrejskog sveučilišta u Early Islamic Tradition held on November 10th, 2017 at the Jeruzalemu za dragocjene savjete o izvorima i tumačenju Department of History of the University of Zadar. ranoislamskih tekstova koje sam primio tijekom pisanja I am thankful to Moshe Sharon, professor of Islamic and ovoga članka, mnogih ranijih razgovora te Šaronovih Middle Eastern Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, predavanja kojima sam nazočio kao student. Odgovornost for his advice on the sources and interpretations of early za interpretacije, zaključke i moguće pogreške isključivo Islamic texts, which I received both as his student, and in je moja. many later conversations and correspondences. The 2 http://unesdoc.unesco.org/image- responsibility for the interpretations, conclusions and s/0023/002351/235180e.pdf (pregledano 11. studenoga possible mistakes is entirely mine. 2017.) 2 http: //unesdoc.unesco.org/image- 3 http://unesdoc.unesco.org/image- s/0023/002351/235180e.pdf, accessed 11/11/2017. s/0024/002443/244378e.pdf (pregledano 11. studenoga 3 http: //unesdoc.unesco.org/image- 2017.) s/0024/002443/244378e.pdf, accessed 11/11/2017. 4 http://whc.unesco.org/archive/2017/whc17-41com-18- 4 http: //whc.unesco.org/archive/2017/whc17-41com-18- en.pdf (pregledano 11. studenoga 2017.) Zbog tih i sličnih en.pdf, accessed 11/11/2017. Due to these and other, similar odluka Država Izrael koncem 2017. odlučila je istupiti iz decisions, the State of Israel decided to drop out of UNESCO UNESCO-a. at the end of 2017. 114 Boris Havel, Jerusalem in Early Islamic Tradition, MHM, 5, 2018, 113-179 se nalazi el-haram eš-šarif i uz njega zid el-burak.5 with the wall of Al-Buraq.5 The political message Politička poruka koju tȋ dokumenti ipak prenose conveyed by those documents is overt and not new; očita je i nije nova; ona je dosljedna sveukupnoj it is consistent with interaction of many of the UN’s interakciji niza međunarodnih organizacija koje international organizations and the State of Israel for u posljednjih nekoliko desetljeća djeluju pod the past few decades. What is new is the introduction pokroviteljstvom UN-a s jedne strane te Države of the Islamic narrative about Jerusalem to the non-Is- Izraela s druge. Ono što je novo jest upoznava- lamic world, essentially by including Jerusalem in that nje neislamskog svijeta s islamskim narativom o interaction and in Arab-Israeli political polemics. Thus has the place, linked in the Christian world tra- Jeruzalemu, poglavito kroz uključivanje Jeruza- ditionally almost exclusively to the Jewish Temple due lema u tu interakciju i u arapsko-izraelsku poli- to Biblical stories about Jesus and his disciples which tičku polemiku. occurred in and around the Temple became attractive Zbog toga prostor koji se u kršćanskom svijetu as never before also because of exotic Muslim narra- tradicionalno povezivao gotovo isključivo sa židov- tives, and magnificent Islamic buildings whose pictur- skim Hramom, uključujući – dakako – novozavjet- esque ornaments have transposed some of these narra- ne priče o Isusu i njegovim učenicima koje su se tives since the Early Middle Ages. Throughout history,
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