April 20, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E541 118th annual meeting of the Pennsylvania So- IN SPECIAL RECOGNITION OF AN- To be honored with a gold medal, girls must ciety. Since 1976, the Distinguished Citizen of DREW HAMMOND ON HIS OFFER go above and beyond the requirements for the Commonwealth Award has been bestowed OF APPOINTMENT TO ATTEND completing the five levels of clubs offered by upon an individual whose actions have stood THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE the ministries. Medal awardees must also out in benefiting the Commonwealth. Mr. So- ACADEMY have read the Bible twice, the New Testament lano is renowned across Pennsylvania for three times, memorized portions of scripture dedicating a lifetime of service to his country, HON. ROBERT E. LATTA and have met weekly with a sponsor who state, and community. OF OHIO helps to guide them spiritually. A veteran of World War II, Mr. Solano was IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Speaker, Megan Huddle has not only with the Eighth U.S. Air Force Heavy Bom- displayed an uncommon level of spiritual de- Wednesday, April 20, 2016 bardment Group from 1943 to 1946. Mr. So- votion during her time in the Girls Ministries lano completed twenty-three combat missions Mr. LATTA. Mr. Speaker, it is my great program, but also a measure of determination aboard a B–17 named ‘‘Hangover.’’ His valor pleasure to pay special tribute to an out- and commitment that will undoubtedly serve earned him the Group Presidential Citation, standing student from Ohio’s Fifth Congres- her well through her life. On behalf of Mis- the Air Force Medal with two Oak Leaf Clus- sional District. I am pleased to announce that souri’s Seventh Congressional District, I urge ters, and the European Combat Theatre Medal Andrew Hammond of Van Wert, Ohio has my colleagues in congratulating her on this with two Bronze Stars. been offered an appointment to the United well-earned achievement. Following his military service, Mr. Solano States Air Force Academy in Colorado f advised nine governors of Pennsylvania. He Springs, Colorado. Andrew’s offer of appointment poises him to TRIBUTE TO SOUTHERN IOWA offered counsel to William Scranton, Raymond REGIONAL HOUSING AUTHORITY P. Shafer, Milton Shapp, Dick Thornburg, Rob- attend the United States Air Force Academy ert P. Casey, Tom Ridge, Mark Schweiker, Ed this fall with the incoming Class of 2020. At- Rendell, and Tom Corbett, as well as Pennsyl- tending one of our nation’s military academies HON. DAVID YOUNG vania State Senate Majority Leader Dominick not only offers the opportunity to serve our OF IOWA Pilleggi. Mr. Solano earned a reputation for country but also guarantees a world-class IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES working behind the scenes to find bipartisan education, while undertaking one of the most Wednesday, April 20, 2016 solutions and funding for projects. In addition challenging and rewarding experiences of their Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise to advising Pennsylvania’s chief executives, lives. today to congratulate Southern Iowa Regional Mr. Solano served as Deputy Secretary for Andrew brings an enormous amount of Housing Authority (SIRHA), Creston, Iowa on Parks and Forests at the Department of Envi- leadership, service, and dedication to the in- their 40-year anniversary. This is an important ronmental Resources and as the Acting Sec- coming Class of 2020. While attending Van milestone in their history of service to southern retary of the then newly created Department of Wert High School in Van Wert, Ohio, Andrew Iowa and the Third Congressional District. Conservation and Natural Resources. was a member of the National Honor Society, SIRHA provides rent assistance and rent After forty years of service to the Common- a Renaissance Program—Gold Card Recipi- subsidy to low income citizens, elderly and wealth of Pennsylvania, Mr. Solano retired in ent, a member of the Spanish Club, and a disabled persons of the Third Congressional 2002. Today, he resides in Hughestown with choir district participant. District in Iowa. They also rent apartment units his wife Marie. They are the parents of six Throughout high school, Andrew was a to citizens in communities that are scattered daughters and have eleven grandchildren. member of his school’s wrestling and football throughout a six-county area. SIRHA pro- It is an honor to recognize Patrick J. Solano teams, earning various awards. He was also grams have helped to create a positive envi- for receiving the Distinguished Citizen of the active with Fellowship of Christian Athletes. I ronment to promote self-sufficiency. Commonwealth Award. I am deeply grateful am confident that Andrew will carry the les- Mr. Speaker, throughout its many years of for his outstanding service to Pennsylvania. sons of his student and athletic leadership to service, Southern Iowa Regional Housing Au- the Air Force Academy. thority has successfully provided necessary Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me f services to the communities of Iowa’s Third in congratulating Andrew Hammond on the Congressional District. I congratulate SIRHA TRINITY SETS THE PACE AT offer of his appointment to the United States on this historic anniversary. It is an honor to QUICK DRAW ART CONTEST Air Force Academy. Our service academies represent its employees in the United States offer the finest military training and education Congress. I wish SIRHA nothing but continued available. I am positive that Andrew will excel success for another 40 years and beyond. HON. PETE OLSON during his career at the Air Force Academy, f OF TEXAS and I ask my colleagues to join me in extend- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ing their best wishes to him as he begins his IN SPECIAL RECOGNITION OF Wednesday, April 20, 2016 service to our Nation. TREY SMITH ON HIS OFFER OF f APPOINTMENT TO THE UNITED Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY congratulate Trinity Pace for winning first CONGRATULATING MEGAN HUD- place in the 2016 Houston Livestock Show DLE ON RECEIVING THE BRIGH- and Rodeo Quick Draw Art Contest. TON ASSEMBLY OF GOD’S GOLD HON. ROBERT E. LATTA OF OHIO Trinity is in eighth grade at St. Laurence MEDAL Catholic School in Sugar Land, Texas. This IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES talented student won both first place in the HON. BILLY LONG Wednesday, April 20, 2016 Quick Draw Art Contest and was also titled OF MISSOURI Mr. LATTA. Mr. Speaker, it is my great ‘‘Junior High Champion,’’ where she earned a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES pleasure to pay special tribute to an out- cash reward, scholarship to the Glassell Junior standing student from Ohio’s Fifth Congres- Wednesday, April 20, 2016 Art School, and finally a Junior High Gold Rib- sional District. I am pleased to announce that bon of Excellence. Out of 600 students who Mr. LONG. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to con- Trey Smith of Delphos, Ohio has been offered applied for the contest, only 26 were selected gratulate Megan Huddle, who was recently an appointment to the United States Air Force to move forward. The Houston Rodeo Art Pro- honored with the Brighton Assembly of God’s Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado. grams have produced 50 years of talented Gold Medal Award, the highest achievement in Trey’s offer of appointment poises him to at- students and phenomenal art. We are so the Assemblies of God Girls Ministries pro- tend the United States Air Force Academy this proud of Trinity, and look forward to seeing gram. fall with the incoming Class of 2020. Attending the fantastic art she will create in her bright fu- To be honored with the Brighton Assembly one of our nation’s military academies not only ture. of God’s Gold Medal is the culmination of a offers the opportunity to serve our country but On behalf of the Twenty-Second Congres- 13-year journey of devotion to God that begins also guarantees a world-class education, while sional District of Texas, congratulations again in kindergarten and finishes at the end of high undertaking one of the most challenging and to Trinity for her success at the Quick Draw school. The Girls Ministries program strives to rewarding experiences of their lives. Art Contest at the Houston Rodeo. We can’t instill Christian values and virtues in the young Trey brings an enormous amount of leader- wait to see what she does next. women who will be the future of our nation. ship, service, and dedication to the incoming VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:49 Apr 21, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A20AP8.012 E20APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E542 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 20, 2016 Class of 2020. While attending Delphos Jeffer- Antonovich to numerous presidential commit- IN SUPPORT OF APRIL AS NA- son High School in Delphos, Ohio, Trey was tees and commissions, including the Fulbright TIONAL FINANCIAL CAPABILITY a member of the National Honor Society, an Foreign Scholarship Board, the U.S.-Japan MONTH Honor Roll selection every quarter, earned the Advisory Committee, the Commission on Pri- Best in Class Award for three consecutive vatization, and the U.S. Delegation to the HON. BRAD SHERMAN years, and was ranked first in his class. He United Nations International Conference on OF CALIFORNIA also served as a class officer. Indo-Chinese Refugees. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Throughout high school, Trey was a mem- His many significant accomplishments over Wednesday, April 20, 2016 ber of his school’s basketball team, earning the years include: various awards and becoming Delphos Jeffer- The High Intensity-Criminal Alien Apprehen- Mr.
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