VOL. 1. No. 3. MARCH 1937 2! c Oll éenis PAGE PAGE a , K Baller f'Johannes cJlein CfJlobert & . Qjiean RUDOLF STEINERS LIFE AND 6 KABBALAH—'THE TRADITIONAL 20 WORK LORE cChato Cfesmond ffobert Jfarborouöh C'Jherard HOW THEY LIVE IN THE 26 CONTACTS WITH THE OCCULT 10 NEXT WORLD C y \ eené n é affaöier 0I lorman JfJdcocL LA FRANCE MYSTIQUE 13 THE ORIGIN OF FOLK TALES 28 AND MYTHS ( d l ( d Velare v aineron JAlan Q0. Q Calls POEMS 13 & 47 THE SPIRIT OF ASIA 32 '~J\aymund ffJndrea ^ C jjr . 0 lanclor c f oc/or THE MY STIC AL NOVITIATE 14 IS THERE EMDENCE FOR 34 SURVIVAL? bbJjilliana J j er!icircli Q f ö . f j . L lieber MY GREATEST EXPERIENCE 16 ASTROLOGICAL SUPPLEMENT 4 0 -4 7 J (f J f . TT u r n e r C Jeanor C . Ille n y BEETHOVEN AND REVOLUTION 18 POEM 17 BOOK REVIEWS T itle. PUBLISHER. Page T it l e . P u b l is h e r . Pace Hea v en ly Hell Putnams 37 Strange D ia r y Rider 37 Editions du Symbolisme 37 What I s Y our W i l l ? Rider 37 Stanislas de Guaita T he S ec ret W isdom of the Mithraic E mblems Boriswood 38 Qabalah Rider 37 Moon and P lant Growth Anthroposophical Agricultural T he A mazing P henomenon Foundation 38 of V oice Rider 37 OUR POINT OF VIEW FÜHR MOST IMPORTANT BOOKS The Secret Personal Transcendental Sunburst hy Lorol Schofflocher Tradition in Memoirs of Aslrology The author has travellecl the world hy A. G. S. Norris over in her search of a spiritual ideal, which she found in the Freemasonry H. P. Blavatsky This volume aims at the Restoration remarkable Bahai faith. This in- of Astrology to its rightful status. hy Arthur E. Walte Compiied byM. K. Nejf timate record of her travels, of It demonstrates the correct interviews with famous characters, In Freemasonry the name of From hitherto unpublished records numerals for the Solar System, kings, and rulers, and the manv A. E. Waite is outstanding. Among has been prepared a remarkable postulates the discovery of a new astonishing adventures she en- other works he is author of “ A autobiography of H. P. Blavatsky. planet in 1938, which the author countered, makes a narrative of New Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry” names Athene, and works out the Written in H.P.B.’s inimitable enthralling interest. King Feisal, (2 vols.), which is in its eighteenth twelve Zodiacal Glyphs. It relegates style, the intimate details given of the Maharaja of Patiala and the edition. This new book is his life Numcrology to its rightful status as hitherto vague periods of her life Shah of Persia, among others, work and is offered to the public, an adjunct to Astrology and, received her as an honoured guest. render this a most valuable work magnificently illustrated, in one in short, provides material that 16 Illustrations. of reference. The work has been volume. The work combines the will prove of the utmost value to Shortly. teaching of A. E. Waite’s “ Em- prepared and issued with the full the advanced Astrologer. Such a blematic Freemasonry ” with his approval of the Theosophical Society book has not appeared for many 1 5 / ' U We"v r JL earlier volume under the present and will, the publishers believe, years. Nutnerous Illustrations. 0 ccttl ^ title. 648 pp. Large Demy, with 26 create a furore. With hitherto Shortly. of ,, full-page plates and 75 IttnstrcUions unpublished illustrations, some of in text and Index. them drawn by H.P.B. herseif. Shortly. 42/- Shortly. 18/- RIDER SUBSCRIPTION ORDER FORM Make sure oj your Copies hy Subscribing 7 / lo d e rn TO THE PUBLISHERS OF THE MODERN MYSTIC, 35, GT. JAMES ST., BEDFORD ROW, LONDON, W.C.l: Please send me the Modern Mystic for 12 months commencing with your next issue. I enclose Cheque T Money Order Walue 25/- Postal Order FOR OFFICE USE NAME (MrMrs. or Miss) ADDRESS 1 5 - 3 - 3 7 . Page T w o A M onthly J ournal Devoted to the Study of M ysticism and the Occult Sciences. all COMMUNICATIONS INTENDED FÜR THE ALL BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS AND EDITOR SUBSCRIPTIONS should be addressed to the Editor, The Modern Mystic, 35, Great should in all cases be addressed to King, Littlewood & King, Ltd. James Street, Bedford Row, London, W .C.i. 35. Great James Street, Bedford Row, W.C.i. Cheques and Postal Orders should be made payable to King, Littlewood & King. CONTRIBUTORS are specially requested to put their name and address, legibly written SUBSCRIPTION RATES on all manuscripts, which must be typewritten. Annual subcription 25/- post free, payable in advance. U.S.A. $6-50. MANUSCRIPTS must be accompanied by stamped addressed envelope, or we cannot ADVERTISEMENTS undertake to return them. It is understood that no responsibility can Applications respecting advertisements should be addressed: The be taken for manuscripts accidentally lost, either by fire, or in transit, Advt. Manager, The Modem Mystic, 35, Great James Street, Bedford or in any other way. Row, W.C.i. Tel. CHA 7266. Rates : On application. The Editor cannot hold himself responsible for the views expressed by Contributors. Since the appearance of the February number of the Modern No small portion of the innumerable books written about Mystic, many readers have written for copies o f the first issue. Napoleon have been devoted to the “ superstitious ” aspect of Only a limited number o f both the January and the February his many-sided character. That he had a firm belief in his Star lssues are available; readers wishing to possess them should is not in doubt. Indeed, the idea of a tutelary star possessed his apply immediately. mind from the outset of his career, and Surgeon-General R. Brice in The Riddle of Napoleon relates many interesting instances of the Emperor’s belief. His uncle, Cardinal Fesch, said that In a letter to the Editor o f the Sunday Express, Mr. H. de one evening at Fontainebleau Napoleon wished to point it out to Vere Stacpoole, the novelist, says that the Egyptian Government him, but he could not see it. General Rapp declares that in 1806, intend to re-bury the Pharaohs. He continues : “ . It was on his return from the siege of Danzig, the Emperor got into a a scandal even desecrating their tombs and I think it brought fury with bim because he was unable to distinguish it from the ad luck on the world. Any ho w, if they are going to make some other stars. Napoleon once said of Salicetti, “ He wanted to do «)rt of amends now, they ought to do the thing properly ...” me great mischief, but my star would not allow it.” And then t least one thing is certain, and that is the impossibility of there is the prophetic moment when, on the way to Elba, he unearthing the whole unsavoury story of Egyptian excavation. himself could not find his star. * * * * * nstead of making the re-burial an excuse for ceremonial and a spectacle ” for the insatiable seekers after the sensational, As we intimated in our first number, we shall keep in mind the \ ese anc>ent kings should be returned to their tombs as surrep- practical side of the occult. In this issue there appears a review tmously as they were exhumed, but with the dignity to which of a book which should excite the interest of all gardening readers. Wey are surely entitled. There can be no doubt at all of the moon’s influence on all manner a* Page THREE of things ; gardening is only one of them. Will readers who are We have been asked to publish an article on Count Louis interested in this subject write to us, stating whether they would Hamon, known the world over as Cheiro. It will be recalled like a permanent gardening feature based perhaps upon the that immediately following his transition, the more sensational methods outlined in the book ? I f the response is sufficiently of English newspapers devoted considerable space to alleged large we shall try to do something about it. phenomena attending his passing. The newspaper “ stories ” ***** centred around the Statements o f Mrs. Edith Phelan, a trained nurse who was apparently the sole witness. At bottom the The effects of the moon are by no means confined to plant phenomena appears to have consisted o f a perfumed atmosphere life and to the tides. The moon very largely affects health, and pervading the room, a clock that struck one at the hour of 12.15 there are those who believe that if not wholly, at least to a con- and, although no other persons were in the house, a sound as of siderable extent, it determines sex. an army marching up and down the stairs. The phenomena ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ however it may be explained, was evidently real enough to Mrs Will readers Ordering books through the bookshelf page Phelan. Such happenings, however, can be duplicated, and are kindly bear in mind the necessity of enclosing postage ? Failure not so uncommon as the newspapers suggested. Count Hamon to omit the small amount asked for postage in many cases has had extraordinary psychic gifts, and the accuracy of many of his meant the whole difference between profit and loss ! Additions predictions is not to be questioned. We should not, however, to this month’s Bookshelf are a number of volumes published by consider him a great mystic in our understanding of the word.
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