'7 PASCHIM MEDINIPUR ZILLA PARISHAD Midnapore :: 721 101 Fax: (03222) 263597 :: Phonc.- (03222) 275071 :: cmail.- [email protected] :: wcbsitc.- www.zpmidwest.org ORDER An amount of Rs. 108.00 lakh (Rupees one crore eight lakh) only is hereby sub- allotted to the Executive Officer of Medinipur Sadar, Salboni, Garhbeta-I, Garhbeta-Ill, Keshpur, Dantan-Il, Narayangarh, Pingla, Mohanpur, Debra, Jhargram, Binpur-I, Binpur-Il, Jamboni, Gopiballavpur-Il, Nayagram, Sankrail, Chandrakona-I, Chandrakona-Il & Daspur-I Panchayat Samiti to meet up the 2nd installment of lAY for the year 2013-14 as shown in annexure-lout of the total fund of Rs. 14233.65307 lakh (Rupees one hundred forty two crore thirty three lakh sixty five thousand three hundred seven) only received as central and state assistance of 1st installment for the year 2014-15 for new construction under Indira Awaas Yojana. Terms & conditions:- 1. The fund will be utilized for the construction of new houses @ Rs. 75000/- to the conditions laid down in the guidelines of Indira Awaas Yojana (lAY) from time to time. No deviation from the provisions of the guidelines is permissible. 2. Regular close supervision / inspection of the construction of houses is obligatory. During each inspection photograph of the house will have to be captured and the same should be uploaded in Awaassoft. 3. Disbursement shall be made at Block level in a camp mode on prior arrangement and intimation shall be given to Zilla Parishad, SDO and operating bank branches. Application for loan as Differential Rate of Interest (DRI) shall be collected from the beneficiaries at the time of disbursement. 4. The amount so disburse amongst the eligible beneficiaries must be uploaded through Awaassoft. 5. Executive Officer of Panchayat Samiti shall abide by other terms and conditions as laid down by State Govt.lMORD in the implementation of lAY. 6. Progress Report shall be submitted by the 3rd day of each month positively In prescribed format. 7. UC of the allotted fund must be submitted to this end. "-..... Enclo.- Annexure -I ~Ml~ Additional District Magistrate & i, :1 Additional Executive Officer Paschim Medinipur Zilla Parishad C:\Rajesh\My-Dock\RD\IAY 2014-1S\Order & sub-allotment_2013-14_2nd instt.Jll.docx Page 1of 3 Memo No.- "1A/, (1:1.) I f0 Date.- :nj':J-/11j Copy to the.- l. Spl. Secretary, P&RD Deptt., Joint Administrative Building, HC-7, Sector-Ill, Bidhannagar, Kolkata-l 06. 2. Karmadhyaksha, Purta-Karya-O-Paribahan Sthayee Samiti, Paschim Medinipur Zilla Parishad. 3. Sub Divisional Officer, Midnapore Sadar / Kharagpur / JhargrarnlGhatal. 4. Dy. Secretary, Paschim Medinipur Zilla Parishad. 5. FC.& CAO, Paschim Medinipur Zilla Parishad. Fund shall be transferred to the respective account of Pan ehayat Samiti immediately. 6. Sabhapati, Medinipur Sadar, Salboni, Garhbeta-I, Garhbeta-IlI, Keshpur, Dantan-Il, Narayangarh, Pingla, Mohanpur, Debra, Jhargram, Binpur-I, Binpur-Il, Jamboni, Gopiballavpur-Il, Nayagram, Sankrail, Chandrakona-I, Chandrakona-II & Daspur-I Panchayat Samiti. 7. Executive Officer, Medinipur Sadar, Salboni, Garhbeta-I, Garhbeta-III, Keshpur, Dantan-II, Narayangarh, Pingla, Mohanpur, Debra, Jhargram, Binpur-I, Binpur-II, Jamboni, Gopiballavpur-II, Nayagram, Sankrail, Chandrakona-I, Chandrakona-II & Daspur-I Panchayat Samiti. 8. Accountant, Paschim Medinipur Zilla Parishad. 9. DIA, Paschim Medinipur Zilla Parishad, for sending this allotment letter, vide email and uploading in website. 10. Cashier, Paschim Medinipur Zilla Parishad. 11. PA to Sabhadhipati, Paschim Medinipur Zilla Parishad. 12. CA to District Magistrate, Paschim Medinipur. '~~\1 Additional District Magistrate & Additional Executive Officer Paschim Medinipur Zilla Parishad C:\Rajesh\My-Dock\RD\IAY 2014-15\Order & sub-allotment_2013-14_2nd instt._XII.docx Page 2 of3 Annexure-I Paschim Medinipur Zilla Parishad 2nd lnstallment of lAY 2013-14 SI. Name of the block No of beneficiaries Total amount No released (@ Rs. Fund now Fund already 45000/- ) as 2nd being released released instaIlment (Rs. In lakh) 1 Medinipur Sadar 5 561 2.25 2 Salboni 1 463 0.45 3 Garhbeta-I 2 521 0.90 4 Garhbeta-III 2 420 0.90 5 Keshpur 1 859 0.45 6 Dantan-II 1 232 0.45 7 Narayangarh 29 514 13.05 8 Pingla 5 333 2.25 9 Mohanpur 4 154 1.80 10 Debra 53 639 23.85 11 lhargram 3 502 1.35 12 Binpur-I 8 561 3.60 13 Binpur-II 9 652 4.05 14 lamboni 15 338 6.75 15 Gopiballavpur- II 1 349 0.45 16 Nayagram 24 364 10.80 17 Sankrail 14 319 6.30 18 Chandrakona- I 1 342 0.45 19 Chandrakona- II 9 258 4.05 20 Daspur-I 53 302 23.85 Total 240 8683 108.00 (Rupees one crore eight lakh) only. ~\~\'1 Additio~al Dis~aglstrate & Additional Executive Officer Paschim Medinipur Zilla Parishad C:\Rajesh\My-Dock\RD\IAV 2014-15\Order & sub-allotment_2013-14_2nd instt._XII.docx Page 3 of 3 OFFICE OF THE PASCHIM MEDINIPORE ZILLA PARISHAD (U\~·I , Memo No ..'f~~ /Accts. Date: 24-12-2014 To The Sr. Branch Manager United Bank of India, Sepoybazar, Midnapore Sub: Transfer of fund for2!U'lnstallment of 2013-14 from Zilla Parishad's lAY Account to lAY Accounts of 20 nos Panchayat Samities Sir, Please debit a sum of Rs. 1,08,00,000.00 ( Rupees one crore eight lakh ) only from Paschim Medinipore Zilla Parishads lAY SB Account No.0788011937190 and credit the same amount to 20 nos Panchayat Samity's lAY Savings Bank Account as stated in Annexure -1 for construction of Houses under lAY for 2nd Installment 2013-14 .. Please ensure that transfer of fund as mentioned in Annexure-I should be given effect to only when both the name of recipient body and its account no. match. The entire process of transmission should be done immediately. This may be treated as urgent. Enclo: Annexure-I Y~aithfUllY, Financi~ J:nt~ & Chief Accounts Officer Paschim Medinipore Zilla Parisahd. Memo No. /l( 4l)/Accts. Date: 24-12-2014 Copy Along forwarded to the: 1. Savadhipati, Paschim Medinipore Zilla Parisahd. 2. District Magistrate, Paschim Medinipore & Executive Officer, Paschim Medinipore Zilla Parisahd. , .,~ ·3. Addiitonal District Magistarte & Additional Executive Officer, Paschim Medinipore Zilla Parisahd. This has a reference to her no.224/l(43)/RD dated 22.12.2014. 4. Secretary, Paschim Medinipore Zilla Parishad 5. Deputy Secretary, Paschim Medinipore Zilla Parishad. 6. Sabhapati, Panchayat Samity .. 7. Executive Officer, :.. Panchayat Samity. 8. Accountant, Paschim Medinipore Zilla Parishad. 9~ Cashier, Paschim Medinipore Zilla Parishad. 1O. Monoj Das .Duita, UDA, DA for file. 11. DIA, Paschim Medinipore Zilla Parishad with a request to upload the allotment in website . /~"/ ··hrv)16I-? ~_ f., .JtJ\'0; Financial ~ntroller .". \.: -.. erne Accounts fficer--====== .-- Paschim Medinipore Zilla Parisahd Annexure-I PASCHIM MEDINIPUR ZILLA PARISHAD Sub-allotment of Fund for new construction of houses under lAY 2nd Installment of - 2013-14 vide this Office memo No. 224/1(12)/RO dl22.12 2014 No. of beneficiaries Total amount Fund now being Fund already 0 released @ z Name of Block Bank Name Bank Branch Account No. IFSCCODE released released Rs.4S000/- as Vi 2nd Installment ( Rs. in lakh) 1 Medinipur Sadar lOBI IDBI, Midnapur 0420104000103961 IBKLOOO0420 5 561 225000.00 2 Gopiballavpur-II UBI Beliaberh 0847010108485 UTBIOBEBC53 1 349 45000.00 3 Mohanpur UBI Mohanpore 0693010110044 UTBIOMHP078 4 154 180000.00 502 4 Jhargram UBI Jhargram 0183010143066 UTBIOJHG300 t 3 135000.00 - , 5 Debra PNB Oebra 1506000100150344 PUNB0150600 53 639 2385000.00 6 Nayagram SBI Baligeria 30886939527 SBINOO08328 24 364 1080000.00 7 Keshpur Allahabad Bank Ohalhara 50243880213 ALLA0211629 1 859 45000.00 8 Narayangarh SBI Belda 11604312902 SBINOO02017 29 514 1305000.00 9 Sankrail SBI Rohini 11885883190 SBINOO06828 14 319 630000.00 10 Garbeta-1I1 SBI Chandrakona Road 30917841565 SBINOO11386 2 420 90000.00 11 Jamboni PNB Chilkigarh 1669000100051317 PUNB0166900 15 338 675000.00 12 Dantan-II UBI Khakurda 686010114127 UTBIOKRD077 I 232 45000.00 13 Garbeta-I UBI Garhbeta 0482010142373 UTBIOGBT991 2 521 90000.00 14 Daspur-l UBI Daspur 0188010166027 UTBI00AS295 53 302 2385000.00 15 Pingla PNB Jamna 1996000100116710 PUNB0199600 5 333 225000.00 16 Salboni UBI Salboni 340010118521 UTBIOSLB948 I 463 45000.00 17 Binpur-I UBI Lalgarh 0688010142854 UTBIOLGR062 8 561 360000.00 18 Binpur-II SBI Belpahari 11738402305 SBINOO06915 9 652 , 405000.00 19 Chandrakona-I SBI Halderdighi 30852694518 SBINOO09136 1 342 45000.00 20 Chandrakona-II UCO Chandrakona 06430110011782 UCBAOOOO643 9 258 405000.00 (Rupees one crore eight lakh ) only 240 8683 10800000.00 ~If(~ Financial Controller . & Chief Accounts Officer Paschim Medinipur Zilla Parishad.
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