10744 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE , AUGUST 2 Roy W. Williams, Redwood Valley. NORTH CAROLINA Urho C. Panttaja, Reedley. Ethel B. Brinson, Arapahoe. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Harold B. James, Rionido. Fate Brown, Ashford. Margaret F. Fluker, San Ardo. Elizabeth W. Settle, Cordova. FRIDAY, AuGUST 2, 1946 James J. Kehoe, San Mateo. Charles T. Hagood, Culberson. COLORADO James N. Morgan, Gold Hill. The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Rev. Bernard Braskamp, D. D., pastor Martha E. Williams, Redcliff. Richard A. Job, Hatteras. Myrtle M. Stimson, Lewisville. of the Gunton-Temple Memorial Pres­ CONNECTICUT John A. Finley, Marion. byterian Church, offered the following Abbie S. Holbrook, Abington. Joe P. McLeod, Pisgah Forest. prayer: FLORIDA James R. Nelson, Prospect Hill. John W. Bradshaw, Relief. 0 Thou gracious benefactor, whose Elizabeth Kemps, Fort George. Jennie S. Marks, Tillery. heart and hands always respond to our Virginia M. Douglass, Lake Mary. Albert C. Hall, Jr., Wallace. every need, we pray that this may be a ­ GEORGIA Thurber G. Dickinson, Wrightsville Beach. day of unclouded vision and of joyous -' Lee J. Flowers, Adel. NORTH DAKOTA achievement as we seek to live and labor Avery Graves, Farmington. in faith, in faithfulness, and in the fear Bernys W. Peters, Nashville. Clarence C. Brudeseth, Hamar. William A. Krogh, Kloten. of the Lord. ILLINOIS Helen Morton, Manning. Purge us from everything which Paul D. Schenck, Gifford. Arthur J. DeKrey, Pettibone. dwarfs and deadens our capacities for Carl T. Heaton, Granite City. Lutie T. Breeling, Ross. noble service. May our minds and hearts Edith J. Hudson, Manchester. omo be impervious to all thoughts of per­ IOWA Grace E. M. Allen, Portland. sonal aggrandizement. Emancipate us Carrie E. Grom, Colesburg. Clara B. Sohngen, Roscoe. from every selfish propensity. Rebuke Herbert E. Sinow, Gray. -William P. Kilcorse, Toledo. and restrain us when some insurgent im­ Kermit G. Benson, Kiron. pulse tempts us to be recreant to the Clinton S. Price, Nevada. OKLAHOMA duties of our high vocation as servants Charles E. Brandt, Toledo. James H. Hughes, Dill City. of .God and our beloved country. KANSAS Elmen D. Hughes, Logan. Grant that the blessings of insight and John F. Younger, Marienthal. Ivan E. Armstrong, Medford. understanding, of clear judgment and Elwood C. Marshall, Minneola. OREGON wise decision, of faith and courage may KENTUCKY William L. Hollen, Condon. be given in an ever-increasing measure William w. Earle, Depoy. PENNSYLVANIA to our President, our Speaker, and all LOUISIANA Julia Haley, Broad Ford. the Members of this legislative body as George Sanford Heber.t, Brusly. Earl K. McDaniel, Cooperstown. they sincerely seek to lift mankind to the Alon M. Terral, Hackberry. Elmer E. Caseber, Finleyville. high plateau of peace and prosperity, of brotherhood and good will. MAINE Jessie M. Breame, Jeanesville. Lena Cosner, Newell. Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Harold A. Freeman, Robbinston. Carolina R. Mrowca, Oliver. Christ, the love of God, and the fellow­ MARYLAND Violet Arner, Parryville. ship of the Holy Spirit be with us all. Eleanor Cadell, Fort Howard. George W. Lauck; Pine Grove Mills. To Thy name we ascribe all the praise. Harry T. Robinson, Freeland. Imo F. White, Pleasant Unity. A..'llen. Alvin Parsons, Muirkirk. Ben J. Lukas, Shen~ndoah. Charles Gretzinger, Trumbauersville. The Journa.l of the proceedings of yes­ MICHIGAN terday was read and approved. Charles A. Catcher, Lake Orion. SOUTH DAKOTA Marguerite G. Cox, Lupton. Ruth B. Vernon, Fort Meade. MESS_A.GES FROM THE PRESIDENT Howard H. Miel, McBrides. 'IENNESSEE Sundry messages in writing from the Ira J. Anderson, Omer. President of the United States were com­ Peter J. Trierweiler, Portland. Truman Barret Snowden, Brunswick. Gladys P. Smiley, Port Sanilac. Della Douglas, Elk Valley. municated to the House by Mr. Miller, Florence M. Barnes, Shepherd. Edna B. Snodgrass, Kyles Ford. one of his secretaries, who also informed Clair S. Carvell, Vicksburg. Edward G. Harder, Linden. the House that on the following dates Sidney C. Roberts, Whitesburg. the President approved and signed bills MINNESOTA of the House of the following titles: Gregory E. Arens, Dundee. TEXAS Greenberry F. Isom, Carrollton. On August 1, 1946: MISSOURI Asa G. Williamson. Dike. H. R. 2243. An act for the relief of Arthur Walter Ferguson, Reeds. Jane Elizabeth Ball, Elmendorf. Guarino. Claude G. Huffman~ Winston. Nicolas Cantu, Jr., Encino. On August 2; 1946: MONTANA Anne K. Hershberger, Imperial. H. R. 3420. An ac_t to provide for refunds to railroad employees in certain cases, so as Joseph E. Parker, Buttew Maud Swanner, Scroggins. Ella B. Hasenbeck, Southton. to place the various States on an equal basis, NEBRASKA under the Railroad Unemployment Insur­ Blanche E. Steele, Alda. UTAH ance Act, with respect to contributions of Catherine C. Edberg, Ong. Paulie T. Boothe, Honeyville. employees; · Harry C. Hagedorn, Royal. Vernon Perkes, Hyde Park. H. R. 3543. An act for the relief of Elmer Joseph R. Tuddenham, Newton. D. Thompson and the legal guardian of James NEW HAMPSHIRE Thompson; and Georgianna L. Nichols, Guild: VIRGINIA H. R. 6533. An act to authorize certain ad­ Lewis C. Darling, Hampstead. Ernest W. Pittman, Ivor. ministrative expenses in the Government Bertha A. Trickey, Northwood Narrows. Pansy B. Snyder, Lackey. service, and for other purposes. George E. Kelly, Rumney. WASffiNGTON AsaP. Colby, Rumney Depot. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Edith D. Ross, South Lyndeboro. Sibyl 0. Brady, Parker. A message from the Senate, by Mr. NEW JERSEY WEST VIRGINIA Frazier, its legislative clerk, announced Violet M. Burkhardt, Alpine. Pauline Waddell, Canebrake. that the Senate had passed without Murray Kreutner, Clarksburg. WISCONSIN amendment a bill of the House of the Frederick A. Crine, Red Bank. Gordon W.\Amundson, Emerald. following title: NEW MEXICO William S. Sinkler, Green Bay. H. R. 5125. An act to establish the Castle Annie L. Haddow, Eagle Nest. Emma McCarthy, Limeridge. Clinton National Monument, in the city of Charlie Lee White, Whites City. Augusta Phalen, Malone. New York, and for other purposes. Henry J. Dieruf, Morrisonville. NEW YORK TITLE TO LANDS BENEATH TIDAL AND Victoria L. Petsch, Neosho. NAVIGABLE WATERS Louise D. Van Wagonen, Bearsville. LucUle H. Maum, Oakdale. Edward J. Quigley, Brooklyn. Clarence H. Martin, Pine River. The SPEAKER. When the House ad­ John C. Hoffman, Whitehall. Woodrow W. Lawrie, Redgranite. journed yesterday the unfinished busi- 1946 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 10745 ness was the President's veto message on Bulwinkle Gors-ki Monroney The Clerk announced the following Byrne, N.Y. Granahan Murdock the joint resolution <H. J. Res. 225) to Camp Grant, Ala. Neely pairs: quiet the titles of the respective States, Cannon, Mo. Green Norrell On this vote: and others, to lands beneath tidewaters Carnahan Griffiths O'Brien, lll. Mr. Shafer and Mr. Kinzer for, with Mr. Chelf Harless-, Ariz. O'Brien, Mich. and lands beneath navigable waters Coffee Hays O'Toole Rooney against. within the boundaries of such States and Cooley Healy Pace Mr. D'Ewart and Mr. Grant of Indiana for, to prevent further clouding of such titles. crosser Hedrick Pratt with Mr. He1fernan agarinst. The question is, Will the House, on D'Alesandro Heselton Price, Til. Mr. Hebert and Mr. McGehee for, with Mr. reconsideration, pass the bill, the objec­ De Lacy Hobbs Priest Keogh against. Delaney, Hoch Quinn,N. Y. Mr. Hale and Mr. Henry for, with Mr. tions of the President to the contrary James J. Hook Rabaut Gordon against. notwithstanding? Dingell Huber Rabin Doughten, N. C. Hull Randolph Mr. Hoffman of Michigan and Mr. Mc­ Mr. SUMNERS of Texas. Mr. Douglas, Calif. Jarman Rayfiel Gregor for, with Mr. Pfeifer against. Speaker, this matter has very recently Durham Johnson, Okla. Resa Mr. Bender and Mr. Scrivner for, with Mr. been fully debated in the House, and I Eberharter Judd Rich Izac against. Ervin Kelly, ill. Sabath Mr. Smith of Wisconsin and Mr. Hartley assume the Members of the House are Fallon Kerr Sadowski as familiar with the question and the Feighan Kopplemann Sasscer for, with Mr. Case of South Dakota against. issues ~nvolved as they are with reference Fernandez Kunkel Smith, Va. Mr. Robsion of Kentucky and Mr. Ploeser to any other matter that has come before Flannagan LaFollette Sullivan for, with Mr. Klein against. the Hvuse in a long time. Fiood Lesinski Thorn Mr. Elsaesser and Mr. Latham for, with Folger Link Trimble Mr. Sheridan against. Mr. Speaker, I have had no request Forand Lynch Voorhis, Calif. Mr. LeFevre and Mr. Mas_on for, with Mr. from any Member for time to speak on Gardner Madden Walter Geelan Mankin White John J. Delaney against ~ this matter. I move the previous ques­ Gerlach Marcantonio Woodhouse Mr. Taylor and Mr. Eaton for, with Mr. tion. Gore Mills Zimmerman Hart against. Mr. Clippinger and Mr. Blackney for, with The previous question was ordered. NOT VOTING-196 The SPEAKER. The Chair desires to Mr. Barrett of Pennsylvania against. announce that the Chair has received Adams Gallagher Mason Mr. Auchincloss and Mr. Kean for, with Allea, Ill. Gary May Mr. Barry against. veto messages on the bills H. R. 46:60 and Allen, La. Gathings Merrow H. R. 6442. They will be laid before the Almond Gifford Milier, Calif. Mr. Jennings and Mr. Jones for, with Mr. House at the proper time. · Andersen, Gillespie Miller. Nebr. Lane against. B. Carl Gordon Morgan Mr. Dondero and Mr. Elston for, with Mr. The question is, Will the House, on Anderson, Calif. Granger Norton Rowan agains-t. reconsideration, pass the bill, the objec­ Andrews, N.Y. Grant, Ind. O'Konski tions of the President to the contrary Arnold Gregory O'Neal General pairs until further notice: Auchincloss Hagen Outland notwithstanding? Baldwin, Md. Hale Patrick Mr. Brooks with Mr. Taber. Under the Constitution, this vote must Baldwin, N.Y.
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