I ^ Jequip or close— . 4£*U^L4L~S ^HPRSPAY, iQCTOBEr 24, 1 957 x — B Banks High 4 P.. tions. New high school to Mea I union i parents give j ing the bear Dr. Banks' name good fai. South East Lake High School "I DON'T FEEL the board Howarc ultimatum yesterday became L. Frazer as a matter of policy should nc. has L Provide proper facilities or Banks High School. name a school for anyone em­ the strike i close Banks High School. ployed by the board and ac­ Yesterday, a The Birmingham Board of This demand was heard by Education named it so—over tively engaged in work with up for a Little the protest of Dr. L. Frazer the schools," he said. the Howard ca the Birmingham Board of Edu­ it was 'withdraw Banks, superintendent of The South East Lake delega­ cation Friday. schools. tion, which included Mrs. W. A delegation of parents said The board yesterday at the K. Griffin, Principal Roy Shel- "We're much close, ever been," Archer sa the new South East Lake beginning of a special meet­ ton and Waller, then left and school is not equipped prop­ ing heard W. A. Waller, presi­ the board turned to other mat­ Items in contention dent of the new school's PTA, ters. wages, holidays, vacation; erly. say there was "a bit of urgen­ time pay and a five-day wt "We think this is a disgrace At the meeting's end, how­ Dry cleaning employes t cy" about naming the school. and we want something done "We want to name it for a ever. Board Member R. F. tracts are expected to be signe,. person who has done a dis­ Whitaker placed the matter shortly. , about it." said Sam Payne, tinguished job for the board before the board as a resolu­ DR. L. FRAZER BANKS delegation spokesman. "We of Education," he said. tion. School bears name HONORE D—Dr L. East Lake Elementary School think the board would be fool­ The person he named was L. Mrs. Frank James, another Frazer Banks. ,• just across the street. ish to construct more new Waller said the PTA had Frazer Banks. board member, said, "They schools until present schools "I want you to know how need the name at South East taken a poll of the teachers, greatly I appreciate your want­ Lake." pupils, and parents of the school, are prope*rly equipped.'' Deaths • and that they had approved the ing to do this," Dr. Banks said. Board President T. R, Broom East Lake School "I don't know any honor I new name. T. R. BROOM, board presi­ said, "I respect Dr. Banks sen­ Jesse B. Whaley dent, said the .board "was at would appreciate more than timents. But in my opinion we Dr. Banks said he didn't think having a Birmingham school retired merchf schools ought to be named for loss for words" since it had are not going to have a school tried to supply -Banks High named after me. to equal this in a long time." living persons in the school sys­ Jesse E. Whaley Honors Dr. Banks tem, but the school board over­ with all facilities possible. Member J. L. Holcomb sug­ Warrior merchar ruled him and named the school Payne said the possibility MEVROLET - BUICK gested that the board "go residence in •" The South East Lake High after him anyway. I thai Banks High will not be ahead and do it over Dr. Thursday. School is now the Banks High accredited when its first class "\DILLAC Banks' protest." He is sur School, named after Dr. L. First Aid Jelly F<- graduates spurred , them to ters, Juar Frazer Banks, Birmingham come before the board. Service So the new school, still in school superintendent. the building stage but well dale an Hot Gre' Dr. L. Frazer Banks, super­ ">R CO. stocked with freshmen, now of Tr The Birmingham Board of Ed­ intendent of schools for whom bears the name L. Frazer Clar ucation changed the name of the the school was named, said he Banks High School. ha* school in a special meeting yes­ felt Banks High had gotten P terday. Quick, apply Morol' its fair share from the board. relieves, eases pa' "Today, if we had $1 million The name change was sug­ to stand on," Dr. Banks said. gested by W. A. Waller, presi­ skin as it speed "it would not move Banks dent of the school's PTA keep a jar of High closer to accreditation. group, and Roy Shelton, prin­ the kitcher cipal, along with Mrs. W. K. HE SAID HE felt the school Griffin. Regular j' would be accredited just as Get 2V soon as the time necessary for Mr. Waller said there was con­ OS ' qualification had lapsed. fusion between the South East Facilities for teaching phys­ Lake High School and the South ics and chemistry will be add­ ed when the students have ad­ vanced to the upper grades,J he said. The school has the freshmen class only this year. This class would be the first to graduate in May, 1961. Dr. Banks also said Banks High will probably get a li­ brary next year. THE BIRMINGHAM NEWS JUNE 27, 1958 /& -/^^t > J-Z •••• - New facilities and classes await Banks High students Expanded facilities and new man of the Southern Assn. ac- could elect to take home eco­ upper semesters, as students ham," he said. "Needed facili­ for accreditation by Alabama classes will await Banks High credition committee, has nomics, mechanical drawing, move into these semesters. ties, such as a larger library, and the Southern Assn. are students when they return to served as an unofficial adviser vocal music, art, band and Subjects offered will be those expanded lunchroom, an au­ completed." their million dollar school guiding Banks High toward orchestra, speech or physical requested and needed by the ditorium and additional class­ education. Chinese storekeepers h? this Steptenlber. accredition. students." room space, would be pro­ complete control over the n? In addition to 22 existing Students at Banks will "As money becomes avail­ vided." economic life of Madagasca classrooms, a new gymnasium, choose from major and minor "WHEN BANKS reopens in able, we expect to continue Dr. Banks said, "Judging by French-owned island of 'locker rooms, rest rooms, 11 subjects "taught by well-quali­ September, there will be work our plans to make Banks a progress already being made coast of Africa. Clove classrooms and two specially fied teachers, many with a designed for pupils up through four-year high s c h o o 1," he at Banks High there is every principal crop of designed science laboratories— master's degree," points out the fourth semester, along said. reason to believe the school and the Chinese sf one for chemistry and the oth­ Sellers Stough, assistant super­ with the addition of several "At present the most likely will continue its forward move­ barter food produc* er for physics—are being con­ intendent in charge of Bir­ new elective courses," Stough source of funds for future con­ ment and become a fully ac­ necessities for the structed at a total estimated mingham high schools. added. struction is from a bond issue, credited high school as the French exporters cost of $467,500. Classes offered include basic If demand is great enough, voted by citizens of Birming- full number of grades required buy from the C Some $17,500 in equipment recommended first and second typing and shorthand may be is expected to be placed in semester subjects of English, included in classes to be add­ the new addition, which will mathematics, history and civ­ ed. The present staff of 20 house third and fourth semes­ ics, science and three foreign teachers is to be increased to ter students. languages — French, Spanish 29, including a trained library- Dr. Frank Philpots, chair- and Latin. In addition, pupils English instructor, who will I ••• •'• 1 r-i rminm supervise a library already NO MONEY DO containing more than 2000 vol­ umes. Two new laboratory rooms being built will permit the addition of chemistry and phy­ sics by the time students are advanced enough for them. Some 11 classes in biology are to be offered in September. Banks last year boasted a band of more than 30 players. Rather than waiting to buy in­ struments from small fees charged band students, as oth­ er city high schools must do. ->ecr The Condition Of Banks was given seven band instruments. A piano for use > You Our in teaching choral music also •ions. No Obligation. was purchased. Other instruments were add­ ed through efforts of civic- our home this summer minded groups and more will have many different be purchased with band fees. Each member of the band now Replace your worn either uses a school instru­ sy budget terms. ment or has his own. EE WITH $4200 authorized by the Board of Education, the IMATES school began its fifst .year II be glad to with athletic equipment for about a 50-man football squad, < a complete a 20-man basketball team and if materials a 20-man track team. During ind mate- the coming school year a $2800 grant from the board will supply an additional 25 sets of football uniforms and equip­ DOWN ment for a 20-nian baseball 0 PAY team. This is well in line with athletic supplies provided to "B" team players in any city high school. Varsity sports will probably begin in the 1959-60 season, with proceeds from ticket sales helping to further equip the teams.
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