.I •• • ... • • Attend The Dance E I• E L...... I• VOLUlIE xxv. No. 17 Candid BrlY~ ~] ,1~: Educators Make Cooperative StUdy Commentary [ Letters To Eleven Band I::::; s ~===================== Of Senior High School Curricula I/ The halls of P. H. S. wll1 be thronged By Charles Davis ._.~ February Ii, to Feb, unry !J dorf is the director of the Southwest with educators the first three days of division of the North central 'Asso­ FrIdaY: Anybody that didn't get 'a next week. The principal visitors will ciation and has long been in college 8,m,I<:. Dehate, Parsons, dime's worth out of that game Mon­ be J. W. Diefendorf of the University, and university work. At one time he Oolumbus basketball, 7:30 P. M. day night must have something wrong od' New Mexico; Dr. T\vente, of K. U.; taught at State Teachers College of Sadie Hawkins Dance, lIftcr gamc, somewhere. It was certainly a. sight and M. A. Callahan, state supervisor New Mexico at Las Vegas. At present Douglas basoketbull. to see those learned scholars out there of high schools, who made up he is professor of education at the 1I10nday: having a ri,p-raoring time. And that a committee to supervise the cooper­ University of New M(',Xioo at Albu­ AJiied Youth mecting, afternoon. was a worthy cause, too. Any of us I ative study of the curriculum. querque. Coopel'ative Study Committec here. should be willing to give a dime of I "Principals and superil1ltend!ents Dr. Twente is a member of the Th\lrF.day: our money to help those who are criP-, i of sUI'rounding schools have been in­ School of Education at Kansas Uni­ Hi-Y meeling, ~l'OllpS. pled by infantile paralysis. Sometimes . vited. Several of the teachers at the versity. He Is an authority on school Girl Rcserves, nuditol'illm. we take for granted a lot of the bles­ college will come als'o," Supt. M. M. admlni'stration, finance, and secondary Friday: sings we do have. Rose asserted this w~ek. ed.ucatlon. At present he is acting as Ghanute basketball, herc, 7:30 P.M, •••••••••••• Principal J. L. Hutchinson explained director of secondary surveys in Kan­ But from the looks of the crowd pre- I~askctball. DouglnR that the principals and the superin­ sas. sent, numbers are not Incking of those 1 tendents ,will visit those classes in M. A. Callahan has a special interest who are willing to give to R worthy which they are most interested, in Crawford Cpunty, for at one time cause. It is to be hoped that the re- " he was county superintendent. At turns came up to ex~ectation, ~nd by Lcft to right: Bruce Washb'urn, Don Iscnbcrlt, Gene Coppedge Rob I st1UC~ Climax Of Week This cooperative study was begun prl'sent h is state supervisor of high the way, this colummst was byI Nt Saar, Mr. Carney, Harvey Lanier, Don Swab, Bob Brlltlts, J'ack Barber. ,. " .. last fall by the Faculty Club. It is part schools. the pep exhibited by the Junior Highs. in their game. Those kids reaJly were Eleven band boys received letters 60 ,performances. :ro have a 96 pcrcl'nt At Sadie's Dance, of the program begullo by' the Central John White is chairman of the fa­ yelling. During the mnin game, it January 24 fur having 96 percent or I average, the boys must attend 476 ... Association to cstablish a standard culty committee which has directed 50cemed to me there was more pep thlln better attendance at all performances II rehearsuls ~nd 46 pe.rfor~ances. IAfter Game high school by which others can be the work of Senior High teachers in in a PHS game. It couldn't be pos- and rehearsals for the past two and a At the, middle of the third year, an _ measured, according Mr. Hutchinson, making the cooperative study. Other sible of course that the Junior High& half years. ' avcrage IS takcn of ench boys attcn~-I The m(\1'1 on this committee have be- members of the committee are George have more pep that we do. Thc bOyR receiving- t,hc Ictters are Ial,lce and awards are made them. Th~s "H-e-yl Mal Where's my new tie come experts by their long studiy in 'Duerksen, Anna Flntel, and Sara ............ Jae!; Ba! I)H, D'Jb !31'l~gs, Harvey gives the boys a chance to wear their that Huh'less Joe give me fOI' Christ- the field cducation, J. W. Dicfen- Stephens. It is not often that a writer who Laniel', (;('01gC Pyle, Robelt Sanr,;letters before they graduate. It is as-!mas,.. shouted Lil' Abncr from his does editorial writing finds things to D6nuld Isenbel'g, James Wells, .Jack I sumcd ,that the percentage of attend-I dressing room, "I gotta hot date on Speech Department Battle Ton"lght' .. It secms that too much time in IBrondthurst, Donalrl Schwab-, Bruce ance Will be about the same by theloonight and I gotta' look my best.... Presents Assembly p~?;se: Is is spent in complaining Washbul'11, and Gcnc Coppedge. Imiddle of the third Ye.lU· as it will be That's exactly what the following "d e Idorlba. t'lng But this week wei Mr Gerald' M. Carney, music in- by the end of the same year. Lil' Abners in PHS are saying The speech department entertained May Deci eHo~der an 0 Jec .. " I '" ... in assembly last Frid,ay' morning, have found g{lmething wc beleive, structor in PHS, 1:,f01 ma~ly prcscnt:d I The etters glVl'J1 thl~ year are m since they have bcen caught by thc Wit~1 ~elections ~,peaking . ally worth throwing a few bou thc clcven boys WIth thcll' letters 1ll the shapc of a lyre With the letters 'I boister()us little Sadies )'unning around frol'll the) Of League Crown IS re That's these American- th!1 rcgular band perlO(., I PHS across I.'t They are. purpI'e With a the campus choir, aftcr-dinner speeches, an ora- que.tso. f l' . h' b k tion, awarding of trophies and a mer- .m s t rs that have becn posted in In order to recclVe a lettcr, one w Ite ac ground and white'I'letters. Bill Schumell was tackled by Bar- Interest in the SEK league bas- las1I tPhOe :ooms. We always have con- mu~t attcnd at least 96 percent of all They.are about five inch,es s,quare. Ibarn Gohr, Morlis Moffat was easily it, and a reading. ketball race tonight turns to PI'tts- tended that there can not be too much band rcheatsals and pel'formances for The. ban d, 1,m der the dIrec tIon of Mr. caught by Rosie Skacr while Walter Devotions were given by the speak- burg, where the Dragons meet the 'ng of Amer'l'canism, We take 80 Ia pcriod of threll Y'!tlr~, Carney, plays at all P. H. S. football' Riley has conscnted to go with Daph- ing choir, directed by Harvey Lanier. teachl f ttl g s b I tb 11 '• I It was the 24th Psalm . Col~mbus Ti~ns on th~ home court. h for granted that Is going on to- "No excusc -- even rom e arne, as ,e a games, partlclpatcs inc Shoup. Jimmy Myers will be there Pratt and Charles Davis' Jane won her Pittsburg Will be trymg to avenge mdauyc. Those sl'gn-' stressing our l'ights president of the United States -- willi in city and high sc.hool parad.es, at-! with Madlyn OsteI'felt, and guess what, . th'tIt C 1 b 1 ~ h C Trophies were awarded ,to Jane. e. one pom oss. 0 .0 um us ear y 'ne thing. be accepted," Mr. Carney stated. I tends t coal Festrval, and gives a Jerome Ne,ptune is going with Vir- thi Th t It II h I do a fl h t trophy at the Coffeyville )speech s season. e.1 WI ave an m- ............ During this three-year period, t ere concer every year. The "pep band" is ginia McBride. Of course Arline ICirby 'tournament for first place in extem- pOI-tant bearmg 111 the race .for the Quotl'ng from Bill Graue's colum.n Iare about 600 rehearsals and about a part of the P. H. S. band. I'S gOl'llg '''I'th Wallace LewI's. SEK If th D th n poranious speaking. Charle,8' trophy crown. e ragons WI~, . ey last weck: ':1 think t~e"Dragons w~~ I Candid Camera Shots of Rose's Gh.nts Monday B~t folks I guess our little Sadies was awarded to him for first place on stand a good chance to end up 111.flrst win by a slight margm (Fron:r Co I are Just about as nervous. h' aft l' dinner speech given at Fort place. If they lose however, It Will fle feyville.) Of c.ourse, I don't like ~o This is a candid view, from all an- from the entire game last night. 'l'hey have alt'Ca.d!y made Pop pron'- S~~tt.l merit of award was presented their third lo~s ~nd will consid~ra- teU the sports editor how to run ;~: gles, of the gamc Monday night. ise to ge,t thee car in tip, top shaJle, to AI McClure for scco,nd place won !\t bl'y lessen thell~ trtle chances. businesll, but it is too bad that. ef STYLE REVEIW COOL, CALM AND COLLECTED.
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