VOL. 56, NO. 11 DIOCESE OF OAKLAND JUNE 11, 2018 www.catholicvoiceoakland.org Serving the East Bay Catholic Community since 1963 Copyright 2018 Catechetical Congress: Who, what, why, where and when Patti Collyer, of the Diocese of Oakland’s Department of Faith formation & Evangelization, talked with Michele Jurich of The Catholic Voice about the upcom- ing Catechetical Congress, which will be Aug. 11 at Bishop O’Dowd High School in Oakland. What is a Catechetical Congress? It is an opportunity for people to come and be enriched and to learn more about Collyer the faith. Catechetics is understanding our faith and learning how to share our faith. We’re hoping that people will come and be inspired. I think ALBERT C. PACCIORINI/THE CATHOLIC VOICE CATHOLIC PACCIORINI/THE C. ALBERT there’s something for everyone. They don’t have to be in ministry. Bishop Michael C. Barber, SJ, lead about 100 people to the Planned Parenthood office, praying the rosary. More photos How will people in ministry be at facebook.com/TheCatholicVoice. served? We have a track that is focused on people who work with young people; we have one that works with children and families; and one for RCIA (Rite of Bishop leads march for life Christian Initiation for Adults). There’s a Spanish track and an English track. There are two keynotes in each language, which everyone will be participating in. Everyone will pick two to Planned Parenthood office workshops. Everyone will have Mass with By Albert C. Pacciorini people’s minds. Bishop Barber. Staff writer Contact 40 days for life Last October, the bishop recalled, after Who are the keynote speakers? Bishop Michael C. Barber, SJ, led a he met with a dozen young Jesuits, one We have Mark Hart, who is the vice group of about 100 people in a 40 Days https://40daysforlife.com/search/ of them told the bishop his story, that his president of Life Teen. He’s also known for Life-sponsored rosary procession from walnut+creek mother had been on her way to an abor- as the Bible Geek. He’s probably one of St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception tion clinic, but she changed her mind. I the most noted Catholic speakers in the or [email protected] Church to Planned Parenthood’s office in am so glad she allowed me to live, he told (Continued on Page 6.) Walnut Creek. the bishop. This was the second time a large group we should support them, and alleviate “It’s not a batch of some cells,” said had rallied for life outside the Planned their pain. Bishop Barber. “It’s a human baby. It’s a Diocese of Oakland Parenthood offices, an easy walk from Another lie is that two men, or two person, not a thing.” Catechetical Congress St. Mary Church and School, said Linda women, of the same sex can be married. “The Church will help any woman who When: Aug. 11, 8:15 a.m.-4 p.m. Mertes, one of the 40 Days for Life orga- “It’s not a marriage. It’s legal; but not doesn’t want a child to find a home for it,” nizers. everything that is legal is right.” he said. Where: Bishop O’Dowd Planned Parenthood is a nonprofit If Congress passed a law that the world Many attendees believe a life may have High School organization that provides “reproductive was flat, that would not make it true. been saved as a result of the Mass, walk 9500 Stearns Ave., Oakland health care,” including abortion, worldwide. In Germany in Adolph Hitler’s time, they and prayers. “We are surrounded by truth, and lies,” were told Jews were not people, so they “We saw something amazing,” reported Early bird registration, said Bishop Barber in his homily at the were rounded up and put in concentration Rev. Lawrence D’Anjou to the group gath- before July 15: $35 noon Mass May 18 preceding the walk. camps. ered in the St. Mary school gymnasium Registration after July 15: $40 Eighth graders from St. Mary school also In the United States 150 years ago, just after the rally. “It was right toward the end No onsite registration participated at the Mass. because you were black, you were not a of the event, Father D’Anjou said, the pro- www.oakdiocese.org/congress When we’re told that baby in a mother’s human being, the bishop said. cession group had broken into groups on womb is not a human being, that’s a lie, How can we change things? he asked. either side of Oakland Boulevard and the Information: Patti Collyer, Bishop Barber said. “All we have to do is tell the truth.” driveway to Planned Parenthood. Department of Faith Formation When people get old and we’re told it’s We can convert people through prayer “A young couple went into Planned and Evangelization OK if they want to kill themselves, that’s and love, he said, citing how St. Teresa Parenthood,” he said, “and we saw the [email protected] another lie, he said. They should be loved, of Calcutta’s prayer and love changed (Continued on Page 6.) On our cover High court rules in favor of baker in same-sex wedding cake case Three new priests were ordained By Carol Zimmermann and Sonia Sotomayor dissented. for the Diocese of Oakland on May Catholic News Service Kennedy noted the case had a 25: Revs. José Arturo Bazan, Jimmy WASHINGTON — In a 7-2 deci- limited scope, writing that the issue Macalinao and Mario Rizzo. More sion June 4, the Supreme Court “must await further elaboration.” on Pages 3 and 10. sided with a Colorado baker in a Across the country, appeals in case that put anti-discrimination similar cases are pending, includ- Bishop’s Column . 3 laws up against freedom of speech ing another case at the Supreme Classified. 7 and freedom of religious expres- Court from a florist who didn’t want Datelines . 8 sion. to provide flowers for a same-sex , CNS Forum . 11 Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, wedding. TERS Graduation Tribute . G1-G20 writing for the majority, said the The ruling in Masterpiece EU News in Brief . 5 Colorado Civil Rights Commission Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Obituaries . 7 had violated the Constitution’s Commission stems from the ILKING/R Ordinations . 10 protection of religious freedom in case argued before the court last W Seniors . 9 its ruling against the baker, who December from an incident in 2012 ICK The Church. 2 refused to make a wedding cake when Charlie Craig and David R Travel . 4 for the same-sex couple. Mullins asked the Colorado baker, Baker Jack Phillips decorates a cake in his Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg (Continued on Page 6.) Masterpiece Cakeshop in 2017 in Lakewood, Colo. 2 — THE CATHOLIC VOICE THE CHURCH JUNE 11, 2018 BISHOP BARBer’s schedule June 11-15: US bishops’ Spring General June 21: Office meetings, Chancery, Meeting, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida Oakland, including Priest Personnel Board, Presbyteral Council June 16: 11 a.m., Mass and Fake news Confirmation, Our Lady of Guadalupe, 4 p.m., Misal Romano workshop, This image post- Fremont Cathedral of Christ the Light Event ed on Instagram Center, Oakland purports to be the 5 p.m., celebration of the 120th first papal selfie anniversary of St. Columba Parish, June 22: 2 p.m., Order of Malta investiture but is fake news. Oakland and Mass, Cathedral of Christ the Light, The image was Oakland June 19: Office meetings, Chancery, captured from a Oakland, including College of Consultors 6:30 p.m., Order of Malta, dinner in video chat Pope honor of new investees, Oakland Francis did in June 20: 11 a.m., blessing, Providence 2015. The image House, Oakland June 23: 10 a.m., Mass, Confirmation, is included in St. Joachim, Hayward Office meetings, Chancery, Oakland, the book, “Fake including Catholic Charities of East 5 p.m., Mass, Confirmation, All Saints, Pope: The False Bay quarterly meeting Hayward News about Pope Francis,” by 4:30 p.m., Pope Francis Legal Clinic June 24: Noon, Mass, Confirmation, St. Italian journalist volunteer appreciation reception Callistus, El Sobrante Nello Scavo. The book compiles and debunks the most popular THE VATICAN BLISHER/CNS false news stories U about the pope. peace in the Middle East; and an apostolic 14 new cardinals visit to Dublin Aug. 25-26 for the final days Pope Francis announced he would of the World Meeting of Families. make 14 new cardinals June 28, giv- P SAN PAOLO ing the red cardinal’s hat to the papal Intervention in economy almoner, the Iraq-based patriarch of the Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Chaldean Catholic Church and the arch- Bartholomew of Constantinople called bishop of Karachi, Pakistan, among others. on Christians to work together to build a Announcing his choices May 20, the pope culture of solidarity in the face of growing Corrections said that coming from 11 nations, the new economic inequality and a lack of respect A story about the Order of Malta annual worldwide pilgrimage to Lourdes in the cardinals “express the universality of the for the human dignity of the poor and of May 21 issue incorrectly said a participant was North Korea. It was South Korea. church, which continues to proclaim the migrants. The two leaders met privately merciful love of God to all people of the May 26 before addressing an international earth.” conference sponsored by the Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice Foundation, which Offer to resign seeks to promote the teaching of St. John The 2018 Oakland Diocesan Directory All 34 bishops in Chile offered their Paul II’s 1991 encyclical on social and resignations to Pope Francis after a three- economic justice.
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