Revue de Presse 1989 - NIRVANA au FAHRENHEIT Freslon Christophe,2 rue : DAVY FRANCE, MANAGEMENT ANGERS, 82-79 49100 82.FAX :41-86- Tél :0-8 8-19- mommmu JVWe v vv "r ~ Î Q -Cz- K M 3 1 -lZ11- (,e_ ~c Po P ./ SUS POP RECORDS 1932 -1st Ave.. Suite 1103 Seattle, WA 98101 NIRVANA S>Ui>E3 12061441-8Ut PcocP Terminal Bookin9: (206) 441-3011 POP-441-8441151WARECORDSAve98101Suite 1103 SUB 1932 ., Seattle, NIRVANA S>U>B (206) Pcocp ~Y .,"3g SUR POP1932,1ST AVE, #1108,`SEATTLE, WA 98101 TEL. (206) 441-8441 FAX206728238 SRÉETINGS : NIRVANA is a heavy-pop/punk/dirge combo spawned from the bowels of Seattle, Washington . Although only together for seven .months, KURT (guitar/vocals), CHRIS (bass), CHAD (drums), and JASON (guitar) have blessed the world with a single, an LP entitled "Bleach," and one cut on the Sub Pcp 200 compilation,_ as well as attaining success, fame, and a following of millions . Selling their bgttled sweat and locks of their hair has proved to be the biggest money makér so far . Plans for the future include dolls, pee-chee folders, lunch boxes, and bed sheets . In the towering offices of the Sub Pop wo~ild headquarters, talent agent dynamos Bruce Pavitt and Jonathan Poneman have the utmost . faith in NIRVANA's star qualities, and they see to it that the boys in the band get whatever their rock star hearts desire--and'that means no brown M+Ms! NIRVANA hopes to produce more.projects with them in the future . NIRVANA sounds like mid-tempo Black Sabbath playing the enack, Black Flag, the Stôoges, and a pinch-of the Bay City Rollers . Their personal musical influences include H . R . Puffnstuff, Speed Racer, divorces, drugs, sound effects records, the Beatles, rednecks, hard rock, punk rock, Leadbelly, Slayer, and, of course, the Stooges . NIRVANA sees the underground scene as becoming stagnant and more accessible to big league capitalist pig major record labels . But does NIRVANA fell a moral duty to fight this cancerous evil? NO WAY! We want to cash in and suck up to the big wigs in hopes that we too can GET HIGH AND FUCK . GET HIGH AND FUCK . GET HIGH AND FUCK . SOON we will need groupie repellant . SOON we will be coming to your town and asking if w--n can stay .over at your house and use the stove . SOON we will do encores of "GLORIA" and "LOUIE LOUIE" at benefit'concerts with all our celebrity friends . NIRVANA - c/o SUB POP (206) 441-8441 d1 iiiisweekEOWIN POUNCEY gels ONthe trait of Sub Pop, ihe label thatbroughtyou Mudhoney and who are doctorale bain mis home and about to unleashthe himself . Il i5 reportait thal ne tissa ta Wearmeflayedskinorhi$ ungodlyNIRVANA and n 7ip1!mSUnderroiOwngiotheSas ihe hait, bail TAO . Weil as owning a Dot made m eh[ relyoutofmummrfednipples. "NippieBek'kindadescnbes =' whoEdGienvies amwhatnedid ~KILLSALLKNOWItCERMS . .Irpmhisperspective ." To reach NIRVANA 1 tirait have to 'Justta moite it sourd a Utile dllferent I guess. Q «Plaine Tact . 'Althaughwhatnie Orlginally If PeMpeetivewas, Lord Only plug into ihe bond i s main man was planned ta have flirter, es much trial Kurdt Kobain . cartoon atufflncludedEtthebeglnningof'Love knows. The COPS Mme and He's hanging onto ihe end of a long distance Bu=' but Bruce(Paviff: Sub Pop hosd man) invesugatedhishouseaiMefera phone fine lust Nching ta tell me rite &tory . dldn't fille thal Ides, rie salit Il vient on top long, barted up as Satan es theywenl in, "I starteci Nirvana because triste was nothing l'ut Into children's records . .I collect chlidrens lhey Ihoughl lheywere dreammg aise left ta do," rie expiai ns . "1 dldn't fils sports records and obscure thlngs Ilke trial 1 have a a somelhing. This race finie quiet &o a band seemea ta bis tr .lest roson for very small rock record collection." man who wouldn't hun a sou somelhlngtodosocially." Nirvanawereafour-place for therecardingof shootai up freakirg cul me nalion .- Klrdt's offenser fa casuel enough, but hard ta 'Bleach', but wlth trie exit of their lest gultarlst, Tad imend la do trie lame swallow wharf you hearthewonderful grungy John Everman,they are backta being a trio. Ihing,onlyinsteadofsenseless pop final moka Nirvana trie rosi In lino ta the "We'vealwaysbison àthre,place,"explalns Slaugmerand fomb robbing Ihey wildly popular Mudhoney . By trie lime they tour Kurdt."It'scolnltey rot personal diNicultles 9implywanllotum clair amplifie r9 Europe wilh Tad thls comlng Ottober, Nirvana's Involved here . it's muskal differences." up lo ihe max. At me particular future es trie next BIG thlngwill bis in trie bag. Currently loining Kurdt In Nirvana are Chrls show inChkago,home boy Slave if that lourda (Vie frits partlcular power trio are Novoseilc on base gultarand Ched Channing on AlbiniwusuffigentNimpremed nothing more thon a rockin' fashlon accessory drums. a position triai la also somewriat sublect ta imite trie boys overta hie place then liston to'Bleach', trie tirait Nlrvena LP. Whlle te change . -Sa far, we've boa tour drummers to do sauta recading . Kurdt Singe lenderly of girls and fast Innocence, wtthln Iwo yearal" -Hereallylikedif, enthuses of youth corrupted and deflleà, trie olher Haricot Item mis summer bas ta bethe official Tad . -He wanted ta keep in tourte . members ofNirvana plough a furrow of straight Nirvana T-shirtwlth trie band's logo emblazoned WB calWd him up acon aller and ahead rock groove. avoir what [coins dire a utof tree rings or perhaps said,'Hey! Lors do a barbaque!' My flrst encounterwtth Nirvana was through a detaikdcross section of a place of bore. Hés ready tacock me goddam their astonishing *Love Su=' 45, a Imlled Neltherof my guesses la right,however. SteakSf edition laissais ainsi Sub Pop pushed out through "it's a graph of trie mira ring of Hall tram Tact plan totravel overwith ther'Singlea Club' operatlon. *Love B=' and Oante'slnfemo,"reveels Kurdt . "On trie bock of Nirvana (in trie serrebus 1) for Ira B-slde *019 Cheese' (thelatter appearlng on chat ShirtIl aays,'Crack Smokin', Fudge Packin', theirEuropean lotir . Lefsjust trie UK refasse ot'Blesch') bail ali trie sourMsof Satan Worshippin' Motherf--ers' . Each hopethere SA hall big enough la 'Pop Monster ringingthrough Il. Kurdt looks msmber of trie band reprermis oneof those holdmerenonnoussound. bock m'Love Bu=' differently, however. Mtegodes ." 'God's Ballai' is already evallable "I vilain vie eoulci have recardait Il a lot heevler, Sa whIch one are you Kurdt? at e record shopnearyou vie If was one of ourvary tirait recordlngs. We "I haven't decidedyeL" rie laughs . "We Gutterbest . .Tad explaimthe rewrd'sdüe weren'taura just whatare wsnteci to do sa if affermi ATadchobbylndeed . tumed out kind of wimpy cm pered ta Dur Most Meanwhile . If you hungerformore Nirvana 'Kuri end 1 mes ai afnend's etter'Bleach'then bis aura tu plck up a «Assis him vivifiai: tris everybodywim Ihedmmkit . I bchelorpartyandwewere recentrewrdings." copyof wanled Ont of trie thlngs thetwas loft off 'Love Buzz' C2 Records"Terlyakl Asthme' EPwinch favourite food le," b bis oolfront end sang a watching a'stag' film which lot, playingguitar killed nid, in ifs eransferral ta LP veille a eoupleof seconda of leatures Nlrvana's three-yearold'Mexican urges tour Features sa showed Dtis pnest in lis priesuy, cartoon show soundtrock recorded straight Seofood' contribution . Altematlvely, watt for Editor mischievously birdswilh pne atone . l'ut also an robes . Sitting bck in achatrwhile tram trie TV .This gave If a surreal and crazy thelrupcomlng promc EPthat la scon ta bis exhibitionlstlguess." a ladyof trie evening was sucklng on Tupelo as 1 pliait up trie direct Tad Doyle's presence siomps hisdick . Suddeny rie screams quallty final: fiffed penecfy with ihe openlng base released underthe temporary Mis of aine te talk te Tad guitar blows . Whydld you Eecide ta ditch k? 'Wlnnebago' . Sourds Ilke hesven ta me . thmughlhed'God'sBalls record out, 'GOD'S BALLS! Thot relais Doyle, ihe BIG man Iikea big grizzly with a "ara o1 great!' . Sa Ihars whem thet behindtheGlant harnais in ils poil. His sangs rater tomes tram ." 9 soundofTAD . ta. - aNer people . olher coings and But how to explain Tad ta ihe olher WrcumsonMs." One unmitiated? Haras how ihe man i WilhouthesilationTad'srepy persan rie likes ta sang about is hirnselldescribes me encre 5 cornes throughlouai andclear . legendary mass murderer and phenomenon . 'By fer . l fuld have ta say that cannibal Ed Gein who filatures -We re like a big metallic A myfavourttefoodissteak,eggs strmglyin a Tad tract< enutled grinding maohinemat saunas as F and polatoes . .Oh,herPs 'Nipple Boit. Ihough it's going lo blow up and 3l somemeaise wllhafavourite Ed Gein was nolonous for loti aprt ai any moment . II needs z food liait" digging up femalecorpses and Dit rosi boa, but il never gels il . Onto ihe lino leaps bass ployer usslg paris of thelranalomyto guesshalwouddoiL" Kun Danielson, credited on Tad's 'GoC's Ballai' LP for Sub Pop as being in contrai of washtub . Homllte .hatmonicaand vaMI slyUngs. 'I like lo est puy!" rie jg1 - snickers . "Or a place p! goda x brisas ." As you ha veprobably WGrked out for YoUrSait oser leader. Tad are One sick bunch of 5 mots . Sa how did Tad sien. Tad? t y0000TR(KFFPROUTTAKYFAthj .____.__.__ .__._.. WOro,aylSubPoO1 "I started out as a dmmmer IC7 OIESSANDCflINES_.__ ._.. ... ... ... __ . .... ._. ...__._._ ._.,.. LesThuçs!ScuPrpl playing for vanous bancs anal are now h, siory. t Dicked uo elav!ng 9 JOURNEYTOTHECENMEOFCATSUREP ...._._.- . ..__. .__UBua1SMPecl gmlar about a year-dnd-a-rait 10 ASYETUNMEDNEWMUDHONEYLP! . .., . ... ... ._. .. ._.. ._MUCrern!Suc~dl aga and 1ve played qunar ever since.l wanted ta De u0lront Mats gp"9 ON rie NUE serte JGW.
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