2017 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2017 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS COVER PHOTO © Alfredo Cunha CHAPTER 1 THE MISSION GOES ON 04 • Immigrant Population 69 1.1 Letter from the Chairman 06 • Social Facilities – Common Services 69 1.2 AMI 09 • Food Support 70 1.3 Sustainable Development Goals 11 • Night Shelters 71 - Our contribution in Portugal • Street Teams 72 and in the World • Home Help 73 1.4 Our reach 12 • Employment 74 1.5 Stakeholders 14 •Partnerships with other institutions 74 1.6 Development and Dynamics 16 3.3 Environment 81 1.7 Recognition 18 •”There isn’t a Planet B” project 81 1.8 UN Global Compact 19 • Fires Emergency Fund 81 •Waste collection for recycling and reuse 81 CHAPTER 2 • Forestry and Conservation 85 ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE 20 • Renewable Energy 86 2.1 Human Resources 24 •Global Projects 86 • Employees 24 3.4 Awareness Raising 88 • Volunteers 25 • AMI Initiatives 86 2.2 Training and Research 27 • Promotion at Schools 88 • Delegations and Centres 102 CHAPTER 3 • Corporate Social Responsibility 106 ACT - CHANGE - INTEGRATE 30 3.1 Global Projects 32 CHAPTER 4 • Partnership Requests 33 REPORT OF ACCOUNTS 2017 114 • Exploratory and Assessment Missions 34 4.1 Origin of Funds 116 • Emergency Missions ?? Income 116 • Development Missions with expatriate 34 4.2 Balance sheet 118 teams 4.3 Income Statement 122 •Global Projects in partnership with local 35 4.4 Opinion of the Supervisory Board 146 NGOs (PIPOL) 4.5 Statutory Audit Certificate 147 • Partnerships with Other Institutions 60 3.2 Domestic Social Action projects 61 CHAPTER 5 • Emergency Intervention 62 OUTLOOK FOR THE FUTURE 150 • Characterisation of the Population 62 2018 Calendar 153 • Work with children and young people 65 • Social Support Funds 66 CHAPTER 6 • Homeless Population 66 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 154 TABLE OF CONTENTS THE MISSION © Alfredo Cunha WWW.AMI.ORG.PT CHAPTER 1 05 THE MISSION GOES ON GOES ON IN 2017 WE KEPT OUR MISSION UNCHANGED, ALWAYS FIRM IN OUR VISION AND AWARE OF OUR VALUES, UNDERPINNING THE VARIOUS ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND ACHIEVEMENTS. AND ALL THIS WAS MADE POSSIBLE BY THE SUPPORT AND SOLIDARITY OF ALL OUR SUPPORTIVE STAKEHOLDERS. THANK YOU. CHAPTER1 THE MISSION GOES ON 1.1 LETTER FROM THE CHAIRMAN The analysis of the Annual Report of Activities and Accounts for the year 2017 of AMI Foundation – Assistência Méd- ica Internacional - once again shows a dual reality, that has fortunately been the case since its foundation in 1984: 1. A sustained, diversified and growing activity, founded on the ever-present fraternity, anticipating the challenges to be faced and solved, and the unparalleled dynamism and resil- ience of a cohesive team that adapts to new demands and to ever-present change. 2. Financial sustainability, once again reinforced by responsi- ble, timely and, in particular, common-sense financial man- agement, where financial engineering is strictly prohibited because we are all well aware of the enormous humanitarian, social and environmental responsibilities of the Foundation. Therefore, I will only highlight: a. The critical importance that our 30 years of international missions, duly and simply marked, had on the Portuguese people, and many others, and which demonstrated AMI Foundation’s leadership in international aid. In 2017 alone, we received 75 requests for international aid, we carried out 32 projects in 20 countries (Africa, America and Asia) in the © Alfredo Cunha areas of health, education, nutrition, the environment and civil society, which enabled us to directly assist over 100,000 Prof. Doutor Fernando de La Vieter Nobre people and, indirectly, more than 2 million human beings. Founder and Chairman of AMI Foundation b. The dynamism and action in Portugal also remained une- qualled. In the social area, AMI Foundation directly supported 10,359 people in Portugal, in 2017, in its 15 social facilities and response units, where more than 36 social services are pro- vided! Since 1994, when the first Porta Amiga Centre was opened, in Olaias/Lisbon, more than 70,000 people experi- encing poverty and social exclusion have been supported in Portugal. The Fund for Development and Social Promotion supported 271 people of 131 households, in 2017 alone. This fund, established in 2015, has already supported 581 people from 245 families in 3 years. In the environmental field in Portugal, other than current Besides, I reiterate our commitment to the UN Global Com- actions, we provided assistance in response to the forest fires pact, which was reinforced by our adherence to the SDG Por- that devastated Portugal in the summer of 2017, at Pedrógão tugal Alliance and the invitation I accepted with great honour Grande, through the raising of EUR 10,296, in partnership with and responsibility to be an ambassador for SDG 10 - Reduc- Altice, and at Gouveia, with the implementation of the Fires ing Inequalities. Emergency Fund, which we established in the amount of EUR 30,000, for an innovative reforestation project in Portugal with Finally, and this Report speaks for itself, I have the joy and the use of drones to sow native trees in a 3 hectare area. pleasure to state that 2017 was another year of affirmation and growth of the Foundation in all its activities and objec- It is impossible for me to state here the many projects devel- tives. oped during 2017, although I will highlight the AMI University Fund (allocated 54 university scholarships), the AMI alimenta This was only possible thanks to its committed and compe- [feeds] brand, the X-ray Recycling campaign, Kit-Salva-Livros tent governing bodies, its wonderful team of collaborators, [Save Books Kit] and Agenda Escolar [School Agenda], to name its hard-working volunteers and the countless companies that a few. back and believe in AMI as a transparent Foundation, which is and has always been focused on action and serving. Two major projects launched by AMI in 2017 should be high- lighted, which will be of vital importance for the economic and financial sustainability of the Foundation, to enable it to Thank you all. proceed with and affirm such activities on a sustainable basis: 1)”Change the World”: an innovative project in Portugal in the tourism sector, in which hostels, local accommodation and student residences comply with a financial sustainability phi- losophy of AMI Foundation. The revenues generated are used to directly finance local and global projects developed by AMI, namely those that are directly related to the concept and concerns of the Change the World brand: accommo- dation, food and environmental responsibility. 2) The construction of the future National Head Office of the Foundation in Carcavelos/Cascais, which will include a 300-people multipurpose auditorium, a nursery school for 80 children from 0 to 5 years old, assisted residences, a nurs- ing home for 60 elderly people and a 40-people perma- nent care unit. The entire facility, with a construction area of 8,500 m2, should be opened on the occasion of the Foun- dation’s 35th anniversary in 2019/20. © Alfredo Cunha CHAPTER 1 09 THE MISSION GOES ON 1.2 AMI MISSION STATEMENT VALUES Our mission is to provide humanitarian Fraternity: To believe that “All human aid and promote human development, beings are born free and equal in taking into account human rights and terms of dignity and rights. They the Sustainable Development Goals, in are endowed with reason and con- the health, social and environmental science and should act for each fields, anywhere in the world, regardless other in the spirit of brotherhood.” of race, gender, age, nationality, lan- Solidarity: To take the concerns and guage, politics, religion, philosophy or needs of the human being as causes social status, looking at each person as for action. a unique, irreplaceable being, worthy of Tolerance: To seek a personal and com- attention and care. munity attitude of acceptance towards values that are different from those of the group to which one belongs. Equality: To guarantee equal treatment without considering ancestry, age, sex, race, language, territory of origin, reli- gion, political or ideological convictions, education, economic situation or social condition. Truth: To ensure that the relationship between what is done and what is claimed is adequate at all times. Straightforwardness: To talk and speak clearly, respecting the values of others, the mission goes on while at the same time ensuring respect for their own. Transparency: To ensure that the pro- cess of acting and decision making is VISION STATEMENT done in such a way that it makes avail- Our vision is to mitigate the inequali- able all the relevant information to be ties and suffering in the world, placing understood. the Human Being at the centre of the concerns. To create a more sustaina- ble, more harmonious, more inclusive, more tolerant, less indifferent, and less violent world. 10 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS AMI 2017 In 2017 we kept our mission unchanged, always firm in our vision and aware of our values, underpinning the various accomplishments and achievements. A first over- view of what lies beyond the curtain of this report on our activities and accounts is presented next. It all happened thanks to the support and solidarity of all our sup- porting stakeholders. Thank you. 2017 REVIEW • We celebrated 30 years of interna- sion”, this time in Gaia, which uses pho- • We collected more than 11 tons of tional missions. tography as an instrument of inclu- food thanks to partnerships with Sonae • We directly supported more than sion, in partnership with Fundação MC and Kelly Services and the generos- 10,000 people in Portugal through Jumbo para a Juventude [Jumbo ity of their clients and partners. 15 facilities and social response units Foundation for Youth]. • Following the fires of 15 October, we spread all over the country.
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