*John LGoddard Trophy winner *50th Anniversary Book ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *40th Irish~an Rally re.J....~~orge Gilltrap with his 1904 Darracq "Genevieve" PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE CONTENTS FEATURES No. 216 4 John L Goddard Trophy winner - For the love of trucks 10 50th Anniversary Book Committee 20 40th Irishman Rally 24 VCC Conference 1995 26 1930 Humber Golfer's Coupe Six reborn On behalf of the Club I wish to thank the 28 Antipodean Antiquarian Automotive Expedition - Part 3 Soulh Otago Branch for their efforts in host­ ing the Annual Meeting and Conference at 32 AGM Guest Speaker - Barbara Petre Balclutha. To have the opportunity to view the clubroom facilitics and meet members of 33 The Waitangi Winter Wander the outlying branches is an activity that 48 A Well Kept Secret should be preserved. The meeting went well with delegates and members having plenty of opportunity to have their say on matters of COLUMNS concern. The financial accounts and balance sheet were discussed at length and any 6 News from the National Office 37 Marketplace comments noted by the Management 9 50th Anniversary Rally Report 44 Obituary Committee. It is clear Ihat costs must continue to be contained or increases in sub­ I2 Idle Torque scription will be inevitable. CongratuJations and welcome to lan 18 Mailbag Doughcrty (Managemcnt Commillee), also Bruce Pidgeon (Beaded Wheels) and Don Broome (Chief Speed Steward) who will be representing their interest groups as COVER PHOTO required. J trust you will find the experience a rcwarding one. To those who did not scek Phil Jeeves ploughs his 1924 Hupmobile up through the snow. 40th re-election, Lionel Priest, Brian Goodman and Brian McGilligan, my thanks for your Irishman Rally. effol1S over the years to assist with the Photo by George Henry smooth running of the Club. I would like to offer special thanks to Inset: Jack and Leith Newell in their 1924 Vauxhall 30-98 at Lake Brian McGilligan and long serving member Spencer Barnard who have resigned from Mavora during Antipodean Antiquarian Automotive Expedition. the Editorial Commillee. The time and dedi­ Photo by Bruce Pidgeon cation thcy have given to ensure the continued success of the magazine is in­ estimable. No doubt their restorations will proceed at great pace from now on. A comprehensive report to the AGM from the Anniversary Rally Director Beaded Wheels indicated that entries for this cvent are still coming in and information still being sought Publisher: Vinlage Car Club of NZ (Inc.) Historic Vehiclc Authority for New Zealand. by overseas enthusiasts on a daily basis. The workload is such that Clynt Inns is now ISSN 0113-7506 Vol XXXXll No. 216 working full time on the rally that this event Editorial Committee: Bruce Pidgeon (Chairman), Bob SCOll. Paul Gieseler, Lindsay Wogan, Rogcr will without doubt be the absolute highpoint Green, John Coomber. Earl Preslon. Barry Thomson. of all rallies I am sure. Material for Publication: Reporl of restorations, events, road ICSIS, historical and tCehnical articles Ne Carol Nelson, our office administrator, should be forwarded to po Box 2546 Christchureh, typed or neatly prinled, double space on one side of has indicated to us her intention to leave her paper only. No paymenl is made to contribulors. The opinions or statemenls expressed in lellers or articles position with the Club. This is to be effective in Beaded Wheels are the author's own views and do not necessarily express the policy or views of the from December 22. I am sure you will all Vintage Car Club of NZ (Inc.) join with me in expressing our sorro\V to sce Carol go, yet remain grateful for the exper­ Advertising Address: Classified and Display Advertising 10: PO Box 13-140. Christchurch. Telephone (03) 366-4461, Fax (03) 366-0273. Rale schedule available on requcst. tise and quality of service she has brought to the job over the last eight years. The Back Issues: Available on request from PO Box 13-140. Chrislehureh. Management Commillee, with Carol's Correspondence and Subscriptions: Beaded Wheels subscribers change of addrtlSs to PO Box 13-140. assistance, will use the time available to Chrislehureh. Phone (03) 366-4461. Annual subscription (6 issues) $24.00. Pricc includes GST review the officc functions and consider an Australian subscription (6 issues) airmail NZ$42, seinnail NZ$34. appropriate replacement. Other countries (6 issues) airmail NZ$62. seamail NZ$36. "Oh, the Excitement!". Well done Earl Preston! It's articles like yours that enthuse Production: Beaded Wheels is typesel and printed by Wyall & Wilson Ltd. Christchurch. those who are striving to finish projects for Closing Date for Next Issue: Editurial Copy - 24th OClober 1995 the Anniversary Rally. The activity in the Advertisements - 10lh November 1995 Canterbury region is only a small part of the restorations going on around the country. How about hearing from some of the other branches? Happy and safe motoring, Frank Renwick w IN N R o F he average member may not have For the Love of Trucks had that problem very often, but T Barrie Binnie of Rotorua lives this problem 24 hours a day for he is nearly Bruce Nutton totally blind. Barrie and his brother Les operated a trucking firm (Binnie Brothers) in Rotorua Imagine being in total darkness with a screwdriver in one from J 957. Their first lruck was a 1952 Bedford 3 ton. The partnership specialised in livestock throughout the North Island, hand and a spanner in the other and having to remove a bolt but when Barrie was diagnosed as a diabetic the parlnership was split in the from the right front guard ofa vintage vehicle and every time mid-1970s. Barrie purchased a Kenworth logging truck but his eyesight deteriorated to such you turn the spanner the screwdriver slips from the slot. an extent that he relinquished this in 1984 and wenl 10 work on a small farm. HE Barrie had problems coming to terms l?igll/: Bl/n'i~ with th~ truck with his blindness and with a number of be/ore reslUmt;on. personal problems, lifc seemed to have little la offer. Luck came his way when his sisler Facing Page: BlIrri~ found a derelict 1952 3 lon Bedford truck Hinllie's rebuilt H~d/i)/'(I. under a hedge in Rotorua, identical to the fl ,Io\l': BatTie and Janice truck he commenced business with. with the completed 1928 This commenced a remarkable seven Ford A delivery vlln. year restoration project. Barrie completely stripped the vehicle apart and over a twelve month period sanded all the parts down to bare metal. A friend, John Kitchen, did a fair amount of the work on rebuilding the engine. Bernie Tronell and other Rotorua branch members helped Barrie. Barrie's son John or daughter Robyn drove Barrie about when he required parts. The truck was painted original Binnie Brothers "Royal Blue". The deck took six months to build using OB Rimu and finished with Epiglass marine varnish. The truck was sold in 1994 to Neil Vernon in Auckland. To fill the gap in the garage Barrie found a 1928 Model A delivery van in Auckland and brought it back to Rotorua. This time the panels were dry stripped by Kerry Han but Barrie rubbed the chassis down by hand and painted it himself. The woodwork had been carried out by a boat builder so it was a case of putting it back on the chassis and tidying it up. In all 2000 hours were spent on this restoration. The highlight of this restoration was having the vehicle at the Model A rally in Hamilton in 1994 where only two commercial vehicles were entered. In 199 I Barrie met and married Janice who is confined to a wheclchair. Janice is also a lower of strength and encouragement to Barrie actino as "meals on wheels" as she is always mak~1g cups of tea and preparing meals for Barrie as he toils on the trucks. Barrie sold the Model A Ford and a 1949 Ford Bonus utility has been purchased and friends within the Rotorua branch of the is under restoration. Barrie is determined to Vintage Cur Club whu support him in hi~ complete this restorfltion also. The restor;tiuns and take him to brunch func­ Foundation for the Blind supplied Janice tions. What is important to Barrie is Ihe sup­ with a close circuit telcvision which has port and love of his able wife Janice. been a great help in that it magnifies Barrie was nominated by the Rotorua manuals or instructions to a size beneficial branch for the John L Goddard Trophy. The to Barrie and Janice. recommendation supporting the nomination As can be appreciated many of our noted "Barrie Binnie is a man who has restorer's gMuges are less than tidy but overcome, by sheer guts and fortitude, Barrie knows exactly where every item is. several physical difficulties 10 achieve what His lack of sight makes no difference to the many people, physically fit and fully time of day Barric works as he does not sighted, would find beyond their capabili­ need light as a nornially sighted person ties. Barrie is a very fine member of this would. branch and a very real inspiration to those Barrie claims he is fortunate he has good who labour under physical disabilities.". VCC of NZ Inc, PO Box 2546, Christchurch News from the National Office Notice of Motion - No Change and club captains too. Nice to see them The Irish Tin Lizzie The notice of motion proposing to being recognised at the highest level for Nicky Bailey's Model T, mentioned in extend Club vehicle eligibility to all their organisational skills (not that I'm the last edition, will not be on display at vehicles over 20 years of age did not biased ofcourse).
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