t h e w e a t h e r Forecast by U. 8. Weather Bureau. Hartford. NET PRESS BUN AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION Cloudy with light snow tonight; for the Month of November, 1929 Tuesday cloudy and not much chfuige in temperature. 5 , 4 8 8 Conn. State Library—Comj^ Meoibera of the Audit Bnrean of Clrcnlatlona PRICE THREE CENTS t w e l v e p a g e s SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1929. (Classitied Advertising on Tage 10) VOL. XLIV., NO. 76. <S>- MEXICO FREEZES KICK Whalen Seeks Clues in Chicago STORMS CAUSE WHITE HOUSE SILENT THREE KILLED FROM NATIONAL DRINK NOTE EXPLAINS Mexico City, Dec. 30.— (A-P-) SEVEN DEATHS After trying for a year to tod MOTIVE BEHIND ON DRY LAW TODAY SEVERAL HURT some means of discouraging the consumption of pulque, the po­ A ON OTHER SffiE tent “home brew” beverage of this country, the government M A N ^SinO D E First Official Move Will 1N D C T“ WAR” has found a system as simple NATIVES REPORT as Columbus’ method of making V\1 Many Injured and Heavy Ein egg stand on end. Come After House Ap- The department of health has Ansonia Man TeUs Friend SEEING ElELSON Fortunes in Booze Seized ordered all pulqueries or native j Damage in Britain and on saloons in the federal district, ^ I proves Resolution for to sell only ice cold pulque. | I Wopian Ruined His Life; Over Week-End; 24 Idaho i Refrigeration, it has devel- ! the Conlinenl-AD Ships ' Joint Committee to Study { oped, deprives pulque of its in- j ! Does Not Explan Why He Officials Found Guilty of 1 ebriating powers. __________ ' Delayed. from Campfire— Search­ Consolidation of Agencies I Shot Her. Liquor Law Violations. London, Dec. 30.— (AP)—The j southwest gale which caused seven i ers Start Out Anew. Washington, Dec. 30.— (AP)— AHERICAM DRUNKS i Ansonia, Dec. 30.— (AP) A dra- , Prohibition, which has turned the deaths in Great Britain and on the i 1 matic revelation of the motives Christmas season of Washington in­ Providence, Dec. 30.— (AP) U. European seacoast over the week i S. Attorney Henry M. Boss, Jr.,, i which led Joseph Dellutri of 172 Moscow, Dec. 30— (AP) —Spurr­ to days of sizzling charges about end today appeared to have blown declared here this morning that, ON THE INCREASE i Beaver street, this city, to shoot ed by reports from natives of icy toe administration of toe dry laws, itself out but was accompanied by northern Siberia that they had seen with the facts at hand he saw no --------- ! Mrs. Ethel Drake and then slay has apparently failed to disturb the a heavy rain which is causing fears the plane of the missing American reason for presenting to a Federal j /\ F* D j himself in the Drake apartment at traditional calm of the White of floods in the low lying districts aviators, Carl Ben Eielson and Earl i 57 Anson street, Derby yesterday Borland, the Soviet government to­ Grand Jury the slaying of three ^ QiiirypY SllOWS O v e r FlVe 1 e r 1 House. rum-rimners and the wounding of a J afternoon, came this morning in the along the Thames. day intensified its search for toe Ears which were attuned to ex­ fourth by the crew of the CG-290 ■ form of two letters which Dellutri — 4. + ! The flood waters were over their two men. Both have been missing pected utterances by President Hoo­ Grover Whalen. New York^s police to Chicago , Windsoj area. ^C^lajrs north of Siberia for nearly two which overhauled and machine-, Cent More Than in ’27; had mailed Sunday morning from ver in reply, mainly to toe excoria­ in an effort to trace clues_in toe ^atoged^^^ the were inundated at Eton and many | months after a fiight from Alaska tion of present enforcement methods gunned the “Black Duck” early yes- I Bridgeport to Sealer of Weights and terday morning in low’er Narragan- | Yale and Frank Marlow, New Yo^^ r^keteers.^^^ HlrmarBundrslm^ - A j roads were impassable to rescue the crew of an ice-bound and personnel by Senator Borah, of Measures Stephen Lo PresU of tWs sett Bay. i Death Increase, Too. left, discussing the case with 3 c york under Northwestern Germany was struck fur ship. Idaho, and toe accompanying or fol­ The Federal prosecutor conferred| city, who had been one of Dellutri s Chicago gangster, New York police say, S severely by the storm which blew Ivan Chukhnovsky, one of those lowing flareups from wet or dry with Assistant Attorney General S. I closest friends. One of the letters. contract to kill the two racketeers down several buildings in Dortmund, who figured prominently in the leaders, heard only that toe first offi­ W. Fischer, Jr., this morning and i 30 _ ( A P ) —The ! bearing a special delivery stamp, rescue of toe Italia survivors, with cial move there in the controversy New York, Dec. ' had been written by the deceased I Cologne, Duesseldorf and Muenster. Pilots Straube, Alekseev, Sterligov, both agreed to mark time until Moderation League today published j Several persons were injured. Ship- would come after the House had Lieut. while he was coming to Ansonia on will leave tomorrow for Krasnoy­ further report, were made. | 555 places I ping also was troubled. approved a resoltition for a joint Commander L. T. Chalker of the the train. It told of his having to arsk, in central Siberia, and hope to committee to study consolidation of New London Coast Guard base was j purporting to show that arrests tor pawn two of his rings to get money I ■ Bough on Channel. leave from there by January 6 for dry law enforcement agencies. Then ALLAN HOOVER ARRANGES I Boisterous conditions were still Cape North in a powerful seaplane due here this afternoon to report to i jjj.^2uj^guness increar.ed 5.5 percent for his train fare back from New toe White House will transmit to it York City. The other letter was prevalent in parts of toe channel and to take up the search. recommendations prepared by the Mr. Boss. in 1928 over figures for 1927. written in New York a ty . in a steamer service was maintained Other Searchers law enforcement commission. The League, which says its 3-to nervous hand, on the back of three By .Associated Press. | PARTY AT WHITE HOUSE with great difficulty. The Maid of Captain Milozorov of the Soviet Temporary Lull. “ the restoration of temperance,” de­ advertising circulars. Orleans, toe first steamer to leave steamer Stavropol, which is frozen Week-end drives by prohibition clares that its figures show that Says Farewell. I Boulogne for England since Satur­ in toe ice in the vicinity of the sec­ With word that President Hoover enforcement authorities resulted in “the Volstead Act has failed utterly In this pathetic epistle, Dellutn day, arrived at Folkstone with 2o0 tion over which the American avia­ did not think that the present fu­ the deaths of three rum smugglers to do what it was intended to do bade farewell to his friend Lo Presti passengers all showings signs of a tors flew, was instructed to send out rore called for any White House ac­ tion or statement, a temporary lull at the hands of the Coast Guard and namely, promote temperance and and to his sister Concita and all his Y .« p r M 1. R # 1 s.'AM ERICA PROTESTS rough crossing. Many steamers were two searching parties to investigate seizure of 5,000 cases of liquor and sobriety.” friends. He regrets reports of natives they had seen the came today in toe series of state­ the critical wounding of three offi­ still sheltering in various ports. ments from Senators and members Total arrests in the 565 places are heeded Mr. Lo Presti s advice to The Imperial Airways . resumed plane, and other reports of camp­ cers in Virginia and California. CTven in the survey for 1928 as 743,- keep away from Mrs. Drake. “It preme Tonight at Capital | DUTIES ON AUTOS fire smoke in an isolated place, one of executive departments. In addition, a Federal jury at ” he wrote. He normal services and the wireless 369 as against 704,336 in 1927. The has been my ruin. , aerial at Chelmsford which was party will explore 75 miles west of Representative Cochran, of Mis­ Coeur D’Alene, Idaho, returned ver­ 1928 figure is an increase or ^ “ ,- told of his intention to commit | Cape North and the other w ll souri, a wet, did say that he Intend- • dicts of guilty against 24 of 29 offi­ suicide but mentioned nothing to Mansion— One Hundred! ---- blown down over toe week end was search toe coast line as far as Kil- ed to work for modification of the 872 over the total for 1924, the first restored and wireless service was cials of Mullen, Idaho and others year the survey was made. show that he planned to shoot Mrs. iuchinsk Bay. Volstead Act, but he skirted the who were charged with wholesale France Increases Rates That working normally. Searching parties also will be sent More Figures Drake. Invitations Were Sent Out row now continuing, and there was violations of the liquor law. The letter: out from Wrangel Island toward general silence on the emphatic Coming in the midst of official From 261 places in states which “Dear Stephen: ; North Cape. statement yesterday by Rear Ad­ Washington's bitter dispute over had no dry law before national pro­ Win Curtail Whole Auto These are my last words to you ^ By Sue McNamara.
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