United States Patent (19) 11) 4,250,169 Hosoi et al. (45) Feb. 10, 1981 54 METHOD OF PRODUCING ANTIBIOTICS 56) References Cited SUPPOSITORIES U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 2,854,378 9/1958 Buckwalter .......................... 424/271 75 Inventors: Kaoru Hosoi; Tadamasa Ikeda, both 2,931,798 4/1960 Umezawa et al. ................... 424/8 of Yokohama; Takemi Nakayoshi, 2,975,099 3/1961 Goyan et al. ... ... 424/18 Kawasaki; Akira Okada, Zushi, all of Japan 3,325,472 6/1967 Sackler ................................. 424/227 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS 73) Assignee: Meiji Seika Kaisha Ltd., Japan 1915191 10/1969 Fed. Rep. of Germany ........... 424/114 OTHER PUBLICATIONS (21) Appl. No.: 45,967 The Merck Index, 9th Ed. (1976), #2969. 22 Filed: Jun. 6, 1979 Primary Examiner-allen J. Robinson Attorney, Agent, or Firm-John J. McGlew Related U.S. Application Data 57 ABSTRACT 63 Continuation of Ser. No. 870,524, Jan. 18, 1978, aban A method of producing aminoglycoside antibiotics in doned. the form of suppositories which comprises dispersing an aminoglycoside antibiotic substance or its non-toxic salts in an oleaginous or aqueous base to which at least 30 Foreign Application Priority Data . a nonionic surface-active agent and/or an anionic sur Jan. 21, 1977 (JP) Japan .................................... 52-4854 face active agent are added and forming said substances with said base into a pharmaceutically safe and effective 51) Int, C. ...................... A61K 31/70; A61K 31/71 suppository for using in living animals and humans, e.g. 52 U.S. C. .................................... 424/181; 424/180; in infants. 424/0IG, 15 58 Field of Search ................ 424/180, 181, DIG. 15 1 Claim, No Drawings 4,250,169 1. 2 antibiotics prepared in the form of suppositories. More METHOD OF PRODUCING ANTIBIOTICS particularly, the inventors of the present invention dis SUPPOSITORIES persed an aminoglycoside antibiotic substance or its salt in an oily or aqueous base mixed with at least a nonionic This is a continuation of application Ser, No. 870,524 surface-active agent and/or anionic surface-active filed Jan. 18, 1978 and now abandoned. agent, and thereby enabled the rectal absorption of the antibiotic and succeeded in achieving the effective BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION blood concentration thereof. In this case, the dosage The present invention relates to a method of produc may be made in form of suppositories specified in the ing aminoglycoside antibiotics suppositories. 10 Japanese Pharmacopoeia or in the form of a paste. In The systemic administration of medicine is usually the latter case, the paste-like medicine is injected into performed either orally or by injection. Aminoglyco the rectum. side antibiotics, when administered orally, are very poorly absorbed through digestive tracts and as a result DESCRIPTION OF SPECIFICEMBODIMENT OF the concentration thereof in the blood cannot reach an 15 THE INVENTION effective therapeutic level. Therefore, these antibiotics According to the present invention, there is provided are administered only by injection at present. Inciden a method of producing aminoglycoside antibiotic sup tally, the capsules and granules of these antibiotics positories which comprises dispersing an aminoglyco which are now on sale as medicines for oral administra side antibiotic substance or a non-toxic salt thereof in an tion are intended not to be absorbed through digestive 20 oily or aqueous base to which at least a nonionic sur tracts but to control bacterial infections inside the diges face-active agent and/or an anionic surface-active agent tive tracts. are added, and forming said substance with said bore Aminoglycoside antibiotics, including streptomycin, into a pharmaceutically acceptable antibiotic supposi kanamycin, bekanamycin, ribostamycin, gentamycin, tory. amikacin, tobramycin, dibekacin and others, consist of a 25 The aminoglycoside antibiotics that can be used in group of antibiotics which are substances very effective the present invention include streptomycin, kanamycin, in the treatment of bacterial infections, since they act bekanamycin, ribostamycin, gentamycin, amikacin, to extensively on Gram-positive bacteria, Gram-negative bramycin, dibekacin, etc., and their sulfates, hydrochlo bacteria, acid-fast bacteria, etc. At present, however, rides and other non-toxic salts which can maintain in the systemic administration of these antibiotics is neces 30 herent "basic" properties when dissolved into solutions, sarily performed by injection, especially by intramuscu The oily or oleaginous bases used in the present in lar injection for the reasons mentioned above. Thus, it vention include those usually used for producing sup has been heretofore considered totally impossible to positories: for instance, oils and fats such as sesame oil, achieve the effective absorption of such aminoglycoside olive oil, soybean oil, cacao butter, coconut oil, beef antibiotics by any of the usual administration methods 35 tallow and lard; those obtained by modifying the above except for injection. Also, there has been no report mentioned oils and fats through hydrogenation, fatty known to the present inventors as yet on a procedure by acid exchange or by other processes; mineral oils such which these aminoglycoside antibiotics were success as vaseline and paraffin; and higher fatty acids such as fully absorbed in the body by any of the usual methods stearic acid and oleic acid. These oils, fats, mineral oils except for injection. and fatty acids may be used singly or in combination. Recently, however, it was revealed that intramuscu The aqueous bases that can be used in the present lar injection especially for infants might cause muscular invention include polyoxyethylene glycol, propylene atrophy. Since then, it has been eagerly desired to estab glycol, glycerogelatin, etc., which may be used singly lish a safe systemic administration method especially for or in combination. infants, instead of injection. 45 As the nonionic surface-active agent in the present invention the following agents are useful, for instance, SUMMARY AND OBJECTS OF THE polyoxyethylene nonylphenyl ether (for instance, INVENTION “EMULGEN-903" and “EMULGEN-920' produced It is, therefore, an object of the present invention to by KAO ATRAS CO.,LTD., and “NIKKOL NP-10' provide a method of producing aminoglycoside antibi 50 produced by NIKKO CHEMICALS CO., LTD.), otics in the form of suppositories which make it possible polyoxyethylene alkyl ether (for instance, "Lauromac to achieve the effective absorption of aminoglycoside rogol' listed in the Pharmacopoeia, and "NIKKOL antibiotics without relying upon the disadvantageous BC-20' produced by NIKKO CHEMICALS CO., administration methods as have been mentioned above. LTD.), polyoxyethylene sorbitan fatty acid ester (for Suppositories for systemic administration have the 55 instance, "Polysorbate 80' listed in the Pharmacopoeia, following advantages, as is well known, and, therefore, and “NIKKOL TO-10" produced by NIKKO CHEM are very useful: they require no medical assistance when ICALS CO.,LTD.), and polyoxyethylene stearate (for administered, as in the case of injections; they can be instance, "Polyoxyl 40 stearate' listed in the Pharmaco easily administered even in case of emergency at night; poeia, and “NIKKOL MYS-40' produced by NIKKO they give no pain or local disturbance when adminis CHEMICALS CO.,LTD.). tered; they can be administered safely and easily even to As the anionic surface active agent in the present infants; they undergo no drug inactivation action by invention the following agents are useful for instance, gastric juices, unlike oral drugs, and they exert no irri sodium lauryl sulfate (for instance, "NIKKOL SLS' tant action on gastrointestinal tracts; they can be admin produced by NIKKO CHEMICALS CO. LTD.), so istered to patients to whom oral administration is impos 65 dium lauryl phosphate (for instance, "NIKKOL SLP sible; and they have other useful features. The inventors N” produced by NIKKO CHEMICALS, CO.,LTD.), of the present invention made efforts for many years to and alkyl-sulfo-succinate (for instance, "AEROSOL realize the effective rectal absorption of aminoglycoside OT” produced by ACC CO., LTD., and “NIKKOL 4,250,169 3 4. OTP-100" produced by NIKKO CHEMICALS CO., LTD.) EXAMPLE 3 The addition of the surface-active agent is preferably 10 g (in potency) of bekanamycin sulfate was added in the range of about about 2 to 10% by weight of the to a mixture containing 10 g of polyoxyethlene stearate suppository. 5 (“NIKKOL MYS-45’ produced by NIKKO CHEMI Although the addition of the above-mentined antibi CALS CO., LTD.) and 80 g of an aqueous base called otic substance is variable according to the desired thera "Macrogol 6000" (polyethylene glycol, listed in the peutic doses, it is generally 5 to 80% by weight. The Pharmacopoeia), and was fully dispersed therein while above-mentioned oleaginous or aqueous base can be being heated and mixed at 60° C. The product thus used in a desired amount to form suppositories 10 obtained was poured into individual suppository con Now the present invention will be hereinafter de tainers, 1.5 g for each; and then was naturally cooled to scribed in detail with reference to several examples: obtain desired suppositories. One of these suppositories was rectally administered to a rabbit (about 3 kg in EXAMPLE weight); then, blood samples were collected when the 10 g (in potency) of bekanamycin was added to a 15 following periods of time had elapsed after administra
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