The campaign that decided the fate of the North front Santander, 1937 di Javier Romero Introduction: the summer of 1937 of 1937, the Republicans launched several In July 1937, the Spanish Civil War was minor and major offensives in the central entering their second year. The battles for zone to stop or delay the Nationalist drive, Madrid (November 1936-March 1937) in the hope that they could hold the North had convinced both sides that the war until the arrival of winter. With the snow would be long and could not be decided covering the mountain passes between in a single stroke. The Republican forces, Castile and the northern area, the Republic although weak on the offensive, had proved expected Santander and Asturias to hold that they could defend, so Franco tried a until the spring of 1938. By that time, the more methodical approach to defeat the Republican army would be ready to launch Republicans, conquering one territory at a major offensives against the thinly held time. Nationalist lines. With the Republic divided into two zones, The Nationalist offensive against the the logical step was to attack the weakest Northern zone began a few weeks after of both: the northern region. This area, the end of the fight in Guadalajara. In late however, had massive industrial, mining and March 1937, the Nationalist forces launched manpower resources that, if conquered by an offensive against Biscay, the last province Nationalist Spain, could give him a decisive under control of the Basque autonomous advantage. Therefore, the operations of the government. The offensive, thanks to the year 1937 were dominated by the campaign ferocious resistance of the local forces and in the north, with Franco attacking in the the extremely rough terrain, would take north while remaining on the defensive three months to conquer Bilbao (April-June). elsewhere. During the summer and autumn In the central Republican zone, however, HISTORICAL ARTICLE: Santander 1937 ARTICLE: HISTORICAL Initial position. August 14, 1937 (source: Col. Martínez Bande, Mono- grafías de la Guer- ra de España) Para Bellum - Numero 3 19 the Cantabrian range and the Castilian highlands, with the exception of Reinosa, where the front plunged south, deep into Castile, following the valley of the upper Ebro. This area, called the Reinosa pocket, had been conquered by the Republicans during the early weeks of the 1936, with the idea of using it as a springboard for a future offensive into Castile. A Nationalist attack on to Santander could follow one or all of the following invasion routes: from Valladolid and Palencia onto Reinosa, from Burgos through the Escudo mountain pass, or through Villarcayo- Espinosa de los Monteros and the Estacas de Trueba pass. These three invasion paths were covered by excellent defensive terrain, with narrow valleys surrounded by rough, scrub-covered terrain. The Escudo mountain pass (988 meters) dominated over all over mountain passes, so their control was The general the government was still busy reorganizing the best possible step for an invasion of Bastico (in the and disciplining militia forces. In the end, the Santander region. The Republicans, background) the superior firepower of the attackers (they consequently, built a number of trenches were supported by the German and Italian and defensive positions to cover the Escudo. air contingents) and the lack of a coordinated Santander was defended by two Republican Republican command in the north, allowed army corps, reinforced by Asturias forces: the the Nationalists to conquer most of Biscay XIV (Basque) Corps, and the XV (Santander) by mid-June 1937. Corps. These two corps, along with the With the Republican army still organizing, Asturias XVII Corps, formed the Ejército the Republican forces launched local del Norte, under command of General counterattacks at Segovia (late May-early Mariano Gámir Ulibarri. The XIV and XV June) and Huesca, in Aragon (10-29 June). It Corps covered all routes of approach with wasn’t until early July when the Republicans reserves ready to counterattack the flanks of were able to launch a major offensive. any enemy penetrations. At San Pedro del The Battle of Brunete (July 5-27, 1937), Romeral, a Basque brigade was deployed northwest of Madrid, quickly turned into in reserve, ready to counterattack enemy a slugfest with massive casualties for both advances on to Arija or the Escudo pass. At sides, but came too late to prevent the fall of the Reinosa area, they deployed a grouping Biscay. It did, however, force the withdrawal formed by the 57th Division (AKA Asturias of part of the Navarre brigades and the Shock Division). This group, reinforced by firepower (air and artillery) deployed in the one Santander brigade and additional forces, North. This delayed somewhat the attack on was instructed to counterattack any enemy the next objective in the North: Santander. penetration of the Reinosa pocket. Two additional brigades were kept in reserve at Plans Ontaneda and Solares, covering el Escudo After the fall of Biscay, the remnants of the and Reinosa. Basque forces, (the XIV Corps with four divisions) clung on to a last strip of Basque The CTV moves to the north territory. To the south and west, the front The defeat at Guadalajara had led the Italian followed the mountain divide between expeditionary force to be more cautious and 20 do not underestimate their enemies. The brigades and reserve artillery units were back new commander and the reorganization of to the North, and the Nationalist offensive the expeditionary corps, however, yielded against Santander began. Given the massive new benefits at Santander. Gen. Bastico, how mountain obstacle, it seemed logical that had replaced Roatta as commander of the the Nationalists would attack along the CTV, reorganized his forces, using the best coast-instead, they decided to concentrate a leaders and troops to form two divisions, the strong maneuver force at the mountain flank Littorio and Fiamme Nere, while disbanding and launch a massive assault on to Reinosa. all other divisions and discharging unreliable The Nationalist planned to first destroy this elements. A second grouping, the XXIII bulge south of the mountain range, conquer Marzo, would be renamed division shortly of the key industrial facility there, and before the Santander offensive. After the then storm the Escudo and advance on to fall of Bilbao, Bastico managed to convince Santander and the coast. Speed was essential the Nationalist command to give his newly for the success of the offensive. reformed corps a leading role in the new The Nationalist command concentrated offensive. On August 3, 1937, il Duce, who in the mountains group A, commanded was running out of patience, told Bastico by gen. Solchaga and formed by the I, IV that he should warn Franco that the Italian and V Navarre and II Castile Brigades (each volunteers should “combàttere, o ritornare”. brigade had actually 12 infantry battalions, The CTV deployed 31,000 troops for the so they were actually small infantry new offensive. Furthermore, the Italo- divisions), and group B, with the entire CTV Spanish mixed “Frecce Nere” Brigade, which (with three reinforced infantry divisions, participated in the attack as well, had some one independent light armor brigade, and 1,800 Italians out of a total of 6,288 troops. additional Spanish units, including five Lavishly equipped with artillery (200 guns), cavalry squadrons). To the east, at the los at least by Spanish Civil War standards Tornos pass, Group A deployed the II, III and (their Nationalist counterparts thought that V Navarre Brigades and the “Frecce Nere” their ammunition spending bordered on brigade. In the air, the Aviazione Legionaria profligacy), the CTV was expected to play a would provide support to the CTV, while key role in this campaign. the Legion Condor would support Group C By the 14 August, two weeks after the end and the Spanish air units Group A. of the battle of Brunete, the crack Navarre The Navarrese were to attack and destroy San Vicente de la Barquera (hex. 1303) seen from the sea. The photo gives an idea of the type of terrain that the Italian-nationalist offensive had to face. Para Bellum - Numero 3 21 A bomber of the Reinosa pocket from the west, while the by much larger air formations. After that, the Aviazione Italians were assigned a decisive mission: to the Italians advanced along three lines of Legionaria take the Escudo pass, the key height in the advance towards Soncillo, while the celere bombard the enemy defenses. Although the Italians had an motorized group marched towards Reinosa republican lines enormous firepower superiority over their to link up with Group A. By the end of the enemies (along with their artillery, they were day, the Italian assault had penetrated five supported by the Aviazione Legionaria and kilometers into the enemy defenses, despite part of the Legion Condor) the breakthrough of the stubborn defense of the CLXXI and at El Escudo was expected to be a difficult CLXXII Brigades of the 53rd Division. The one: in addition of the excellent defensive Italians reached a point located some 3 km terrain, the Republicans were entrenched to the north of Soncillo, and Gámir had to and expected the attack. The precedent commit his reserves to block the advance to of Guadalajara, furthermore, had cast a the Escudo. shadow of doubt over the performance of On the 15 August, the Navarre Brigades the Italian forces. reached a number of villages to the SW of Reinosa, despite of the fierce resistance The offensive begins of the 50th Division, which caused severe On 14 August, the Nationalist launched their casualties to the Nationalist forces. Gámir Santander operation. The first phase of the moved in more reserves towards Escudo offensive, the destruction of the Reinosa and Reinosa and ordered the retreat of pocket, began with the I Navarre Brigade the CLXXIII and CLXXV Brigades from the infiltrating and taking by surprise most of Reinosa pocket.
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