Seasons’ Greetings Festive Message 2014 Dear Colleagues and Friends Life goes by so very fast, colleagues, and taking the On behalf of CPS, I would like to wish all of you time to reflect, even once a year, slows things down. that have the privilege of having a break over the We zoom past so many seconds, minutes, hours, with Christmas season a peaceful and joyful time relieved the frantic way we live that it’s important we take at of your rushed life and busy schedules. It was again least time to stop, take stock, and acknowledge our a year that was full of opportunities, which has just place in time before diving back into the frenzy of flown past. We need to sit down and reflect on work our daily lives! 2014 has gone, like the ones before it of the past year. … in a flash! The profession has had some challeng- I sincerely hope that you all have met the goals set es as it will always have and the secret is to look at it out for this year and will be prosperous in 2015 and from the perspective of opportunities and chances be able to utilise all the opportunities coming your that await us! way. Christmas is a very precious time to spend and Many things are thrown our way in this game of enjoy with family and friends. I trust that the mes- life. How you deal with them shows your true char- sage and joy of Christmas will have a special mean- acter. I hope that all of you to feel the hope and pas- ing to you all and wish you all the best for 2015. sion I feel for the upcoming year. I want ALL of you I want to express my gratitude and give recogni- to not only go for your dreams, but have a good time tion to all my colleagues who have put valuable time doing it! and effort into the profession and for assisting me in I wish all of you who are celebrating religious days getting the work of CPS done. that they are blessed and for those that are fortu- KOBUS LE ROUX nate enough to go on holiday, travel safely and come President CPS back refreshed and energised so that we can show the world what pharmacy is about in 2015! To quote TS Elliot… Dear Friends and Colleagues ‘For last year’s words belong to last year’s language As another year comes to a close we may ponder And next year’s words await another voice. all that went by. Some tasks were accomplished and And to make an end is to make a beginning.’ others not but we still have opportunities that may JOHANN KRUGER well be converted into achievements in 2015. I would President PSSA like to take this opportunity to wish you one and all a blessed and joyful festive season. If you are going to be travelling at this time, may Dear Friends and Colleagues you return home safely. Once again we have to come to the end of the year DONALD BLACK with so much that we still wanted to do. Though Chairman CPS (CWP) Branch there might have been some lows, the good is what we will take forward from this year and build the fu- ture on. A lot of progress in the pharmacy profes- Greetings to you all! sion has been made in 2014 and much good work It has indeed been a busy time for everyone! has been completed. For this we give our praise to 2014 saw the implementation of the complemen- the Almighty and thank our families, friends and tary medicines regulations which impacts not only colleagues for their support and tireless work. May the industry sector but also the community sector we all experience a peaceful and joyous festive sea- and even health shops. son and come back in 2015 with renewed vigour to As we fast approach the summer season and the convert all our opportunities and challenges into long summer days in the Cape, may you all have achievements. time to take a deep breath, smell the beautiful roses SAREL MALAN and take time out to recharge those batteries. Chairman PSSA CWP Branch Be safe with your loved ones and have safe travels. Come back refreshed for a new year. Season greetings! AADILA PATEL SAAPI SEASON’S GREETINGS continued As the year rushes towards its end I find that time is more than ever one of my most valuable and scarc- est commodities. I wish there were raw ingredients or a stockpile somewhere from which I could dis- pense, import, withdraw, forage, manufacture or even perhaps grow more time (I’ll even make it or- ganic!). This of course makes me reflect on how well I spent this precious commodity throughout the year when there somehow seemed to be more of it going around. Did I make the most of every second, min- ute and hour? Did I use it for good? How well did I distribute it between the important facets of my life and that of others around me, and did I get that ever important balance right? I hope that most of you can answer yes to majority of these questions, but if not I wish for you a 2015 in which you take a little time to make more time to spend time wisely. To all the PSSA, and especially our SAAHIP mem- bers, may you have a blessed Festive Season filled with joy and loved ones. To our members who celebrate Christmas – may you rejoice in the love of the Lord as you celebrate the birth of his Son. Best wishes (and time well spent) to all SHANI DAMES SAAHIP Chair NOTICE OF AN ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Notice is hereby given of the combined Annual General Meeting of the Cape Western Province Branch of the Pharmaceutical Society of South Africa and the Community Pharmacist Sector (CWP) Branch to be held at Pharmacy House, ‘S’ Block, Greenford Office Estate, Punters Way, Kenilworth on Wednesday, 4 February 2015 at 7:00 pm for 8:00 pm The meeting will be preceded by a finger supper. Wives, husbands and partners are most welcome, but to facilitate catering, kindly RSVP by Friday 30 January 2015 ELIZE/PAM – TELEPHONE 021 683 7313 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ KENNISGEWING VAN ’N ALGEMENE JAARVERGADERING Hiermee word kennis gegee van die gekombineerde Algemene Jaar­ vergadering van die Kaap Westelike Provinsie Tak van die Aptekers­ vereniging van Suid­Afrika en die Gemeenskapsaptekers Sektor (KWP) Tak wat gehou sal word te Farmasiehuis, ‘S’ Block, Greenford Office Estate, Puntersweg, Kenilworth op Woensdag, 4 Februarie 2015 om 7:00 nm vir 8:00 nm Die vergadering sal deur ’n vinger ete voorafgegaan word. Gades en metgeselle is baie welkom, maar om verversings te voorsien sal ’n antwoord waardeer word. RSVP teen Vrydag, 30 Januarie 2015 ELIZE/PAM – TELEFOON 021 683 7313 Editorial Bill Bannatyne The William Paterson Award – an appreciation and some comments As I was not given an opportunity to speak when I persuaded the committee to create a completely un- received the William Paterson Award, I would like to constitutional position of honorary minute secretary, make use of The Tincture Press to record my apprecia- a position which I held for several years. tion for the presentation and to add some comments. It was on this committee that I first met one of In the first instance, I would like to record my the very real gentlemen of pharmacy, Harold Zets. thanks and appreciation to Dr Finkelstein and some Harold was the leading member of the committee, a other CWP committee members whom I under- past chairman and treasurer of the Pharmacy Board. stand battled for some considerable time to get the I valued his friendship. award reinstated. The PSSA national executive had considered it to be an unnecessary addition to the The Pinelands Pharmacists PSSA awards. I only became aware of the award and When I married, my wife and I settled in South the effort that had been made to reinstate it when Africa’s first Garden City, Pinelands, quite close to I received a telephone call from the PSSA presi- Hymie Barnett’s pharmacy and a little further away dent, Johann Kruger, who informed me that I was from that of Ellie Shifrin, who, for many years, was to be presented with the Paterson Award. Further, I the branch secretary. Hymie and I used to travel to- am indebted to Dr Finkelstein for the very detailed gether to PSSA meetings during which I would be presentation which he made as a motion to the PSSA regaled, in his inimitable style, with stories and anec- AGM. It must have involved a considerable amount dotes of the PSSA. One of my daughters, also a phar- of research. He recorded some details of my career macist, Susan Joubert, did her internship at Barnett’s which I had forgotten about. Pharmacy and told me that he was not only a very I have received many awards from the PSSA all good pharmacist but also a very good businessman. of which are appreciated and valued. However, I At this stage I became a long time friend with believe that the greatest award that I have received another pharmacist from Pinelands, Gus Muller. is that I got to know, served with and on commit- Gus, a self made man, very down to earth, was the tees led by some of the very great men who, over the type of person who would always come to the fore years, have made the PSSA the premier organisation when problems arose and would put us back on that it is today.
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