< y\.. .'• - v> s- '• •• ' *$*'^J§£*$ --- :•• -• •'•. Volume 36 fy J'."'/ ^'3 . ! ;',-'... /July '' Niiriifc^f ' ,4:.i' ''•.V"-s 3.V' PROCEEDING• ' " S"" The Helminthological Spciety • ' ' •'' ' '-^:/':- : ';"•'• /-.''-r ''' "' -'r- ,-':••••• ' • '- ' ' ''• ' • ' '" -^ • ' ~ '' ' '^~ ' ^ of Washington • ;-•"/• • -L. •-'-:.•>;- • •('• •"' • •• • ^f —.-'/. i •'.' _,.. ••.':'• ;^\f. /"; » A semiannual journal of research devoted to jHelm/nfnblogy ancl a/lxbranches of Parasitology . , ,. - . ^- / Supported in part by'lhe; Y : v Braytpn H. Ransom Memprial/trust'Fund - "' c- \, ;-'; _! '\' ' -.,^r ' V'' •-'• .'-••'• ' ,-';"' - Subscription $7.00 a yolurrie; Foreign; $7.50 • : ,<-—- . - r j , . • , ; i -•'• ' ' ---' ' ' • /^' --J:'-' ^ ' "-- - - ACHOLONU, ALEXANDER D. Acanthbcephak of Louisiana Turtles' with''} a Redescriptioh of Weoec/imor/iyncTiws 5;«n^cr<it Cable and Fisher, 1961/ ,„_ 177; CIOBDIA, H. , Anthelmintic Efficacy of Thiabendazole Fed in1 ^Low Level ' >,, ,..' Dosages to Calves -^-Qfa —1~-—-1^7_—.-:-.——-X4ii.._:^../.^^_. ._ 205 CIORDIA,H.;\AND WALTER E. NEVILLE, JR. Epizootiology of Ovine Helrnin- thiasis^ iri the Georgia Piedmont J. L ._.—...—r—.l--.._-:-l.:.^.::.r._._-;---.-.. 2^0 .DAILEY, MURRAY D. Litobothrium alppias -and JL. coniformis, $yv,p NBW ! ' Cestodes Representing a New Order irom Elasmobrancll Fishes :.-„-::._—,- ,218 FAYER, RONALD. Refractile Body Changes in -Sporozoites of Poultry Coccidia fC \ ^.';-; in Cell- Culture^.,...-,....^:......!,!.,..- .2.......i.r..J;^^.-..^:.il-_... i..^.~-- 224 . HARVEYvJoiiN S;, JR., AND THOMAS G.MEADE. Observations on the Effects of ' Fjih Serum on Ceroarial and .Metacercarial- Stages" of{PosthodiplostQmum „ / , minimum (Trernatoda^ "-Diplbstomidae) ..—,—, ..C..!...!...!.,... i_-..__^ ..\1 HERLICH, HARRY. Path'ogenesis of Trichostrorigylus .colubriforniis,(Nenjatpda')' ; Infections in Guinea Pigs--!!-—:^—,.——.-„.-,.„-.—i__—i-'2'.-_!--x_... _.^l-^_:.; 265 • :, ,;;: :<, ,,' (Continued on Back Cover) ' ' , ' ^ . Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington ./;%' •<•'•..'.',-.-." \U ,".- .-'..• ,'•• ,vvj •-•. .'v. :•'•(:!• .-/. /J. -'..-IT ••'' I-. •* '••, / / : O -- :.;..r ' V'', ''• '.<•''}•. ' •'..', /"',-/•• i ';- •.•':\V'v. W ••!('•''>.' ."-':r'."..' '-^I (, r ^:-;" ^'";"r^'•.'/> '.:*-•-.'••'-''-' ..'IM :T,:' '"-'T' /;/' . ' ••>,'> V'' /('... v,0.,'.;:, ' / 7 v^v ,.'' -.'.'';\ ' ^•>''"i'-v-^ ' - -:f''"'<!' V '"• '"'-'• >;!;i':^ " '-.'^ •./'•y''':/'';. "''•'• '/v'>Y/'.<•'•'!> '^ • •-•' .'-i V W * jf^ '^''•"-'./•"« i :';"^T' ^'.'.f1 ':.;*:'•''.i'viCv '"t, fV:-' '' /^'^"••"' 'V: v •>-,''-: f-''"'. ' ^•%;.rC'^\''.".'--";.'' ;rv'/y j "rf: ^ THE HELMJNTHOLOGICAL SOCIETY Ol^ WASHINGTON " J >3;^^:iQ ^lfiS2vfc^ :' '.'"'•./'..-;;Avv;;V V?'4:-. li^ ;:-;' •iSv-\&i-^>'-.'v:^ ":-'T fr ' V / TH£( SpG|EJTf meets once a month from October through May for this^presentation and; :L^iscu5sibp of .papers Ui any and all br^nchfes of parasitology or related sciences. ; All interested persons are,invited to,attend. ";•• • •// .'•.V;-,^ .'. "',.•••/"''•'. .!• ^".y/.;.'/; 'XL* .>:',/•• ''- v--.'.j X V.--/''"-'.,v. > ' Persons'interested in Hjemb^rship'in^ thte/Mehhihthpiogical S,ociety pf Washington m^y'pbtain , application blanks\i the Gorte^spondmg 5ecretai^-Treasurer, Miss'Edna >M. BuJaiGT}, ^Belts- ^ ••-; j yille ParasitolpgicfaL Laboratory, Agficultural Research Center, Belfsville, Maryland 20705.7 A f ,'y.ear's subscriptioii' (tp the Proceedings is included invthis annual dues ,{$6.005. '^ , /; v ,' / I, '.' !,-i ^'"'r~ •'!''"• ' / : •"••' .•''•' •/'' •''•''•• ^'V-/'1-';' .--"V',-. - •'-"••' •_. '-1.''';. ' . ' "V-. ' ^ ''V.' '/' ;:;•'""',.''•.'-.-. V^V''-'.'/'"X?:'/.. 4^ ~ » ' OJFFICERS Of THE SOCIETY FOR ;t969 r ";'!;: "'.-I''. '• !V" ' ••'/.-V •(- . V'.; 'v;... •.,'•' r: ; 'V.\ .?*.•: j' ^ ',,', 'v '• ' '•'"' • ,'"/ •'[ president; ALAN C, PIPKIN •";;;|';.x :>f .'.-v//^y.: ',. /A .•]/•'/-;. p ?/J. - ;|': !-, sViceFresK^n*: Al JAMES HALEY/; / >. , ,;-, -/: ;'''A.- ;.%;'•'('•-:.': p-pfrielfponding Secretary-Treasurer: !Et)NA M. BUHRER. ; / 1: j ^,m?cuite Treasurer: LLOY^)!;E. ROZEBOOM y ^; ,r ( •;•' ,- A^wstont Corresponding Secretary-Treasurer; HALSEY H, VEGOlRS - ' Recording Secretarij: E. J. L. SOULSBY;C ; .'';, y 2 :•••' Librarian: JUjpITH M. HUMPHREY ^1^62^ 4 ) x ! /' • ; . j/ie Was/itng^qrt Academy, 'of^Sciences: AUREL 6: FOSTpE|l (1965-r ) '\RepreseptatwetotheAmericm '••'•.•--. .'-;•, :f-^ ^ ^ ;:••' :/r , J:r-; .' '' ?f,Z : ffi", - £ r.'vj:: '..f/,-:\GEpRGE W^MJT s Exe£utivle Committee Membefs-at^rge:, HARLEY G/ iSHEFFIELp>, 1969 ' "' THE PROCEEbtNGS OF THE liELMINTHOLOCJiCAL SOCIETY ioF^ WASHINGTON ' • -THE PROCEjEI^ING^ ^re published semiannually at Lawrence,,,Kansas by the Helmiiiffip-:-;' ; logical Society of Washington. Papers'need not f^j|w^jp(l|^''^5:c5iWW^ in the Proceedings. However, /non^members ,may pttBlish in the ^Proceedings' only| if they ; ^ contribute the ifufl cost of publication. rV f > , \S' • . /, •':-.••'•"/„,:' ' ; / ' ^MANUSCRIPTS should' be sent to ^heiEDlTOR, Francj^ G; Tromba,v"B6itWille Par^sito-, S',, logical Laboratory, Agricultural,, Research Genfe'r, BeltsyiUe;' Maryland '207p5: 'Mahuseripts V' must be .typewritten, double spaced, and in finishted /fornl. 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'-./ '..''"-'• i ^ -. '.f. i''"i/ "•••• ;::''r''%•• :JVf fi,.••-•',.i'.' v/vr?r^;;':fiC:5 !,'•"C- ;BOARD::;,;/y h: :';:^;y|;a^^':v-,::::':;':^'; G.'7TROM.BA,' 'E'ditbr ^;;/€ ->y '& -i, C>-V'-^./v ',:A :\K '- [:S^ ^V'j :v$U$fi!^ ^ •\',.vil; V.-MAY BELLE CHITWOOI) J1 '/,J ••,',-:|./wiLLiAy"R.'NICKLE^- ''•••;>.{-"• -^q'v /- ( ^ if!/ / ' '•'••''.-fJACO>( iTACORB HHi. FlSCHTHAFTSCHTHAtL. "• ''^,',' 1";,v ^V\f •• t"^ GILBER-^- \T iTRKT}T ^F .F. OTT. OTTOO -i • '\'\st-l ',/'! •A: .v:V.'-i:-7 WILLIA'•" M' 'J"•. ' HARGIS,i JR.' }H ,x X 7 V :;DEWEY J.'' ^ASKLlASKlv- GLENN L. -HOFFMAN '.'^^:'j1\ "V 'r'j 'HARLEY :G.^SHEFFiE^SHEFFIEL; D •: \ V ; LOREN R. KRUSBERG, - ^ !' .- ,'* ';',/; ^:;v::. JOHN T. LUpKER yc; y-ii / :/xfi^ : Jv-; ;;r:,;PAUL:;-P,: •;,- >\ '/-"v:«:^,' Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington PROCEEDINGS OF THE HELMINTHOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON VOLUME 36 JULY 1969 NUMBER 2 The Fiji Banana-root Nematode, Radopholus similis A. L. TAYLOR1 Dr. N. A. Cobb (1891) reported finding somewhat behind the middle of the neck it ex- "nearly 30 species of nematodes" in soil and pands to form a muscular prolate bulb one-half diseased banana plants sent by the Secretary as wide as the neck. Thence it passes through of the Agricultural and Industrial Association the oblique nerve-ring situated just behind the of Fiji to the Department of Agriculture of New bulb, and from being there one-fifth as wide as South Wales in June 1891.2 In 1893 (a, b) the neck it becomes rather suddenly one-half he published two papers describing 29 species as wide as the neck, and joins the intestine in from Fiji, giving the collecting dates for most a rather indefinite manner at 16%, as stated species as July 1891.:! Among the species de- in the formula. The ventral excretory pore is scribed as new were Tylenchus granulosus and situated at a distance behind the median bulb T. similis. equal to thrice the length of that organ. The The description of Tylenchus granulosus was intestine is composed of cells containing coarse as follows: granules. The distance between the wings of the cuticle equals one-third of the width of "T. granulosus, n. sp. 2.8 10. 16. 56. 90. the body. The tail is conoid to near the termi- 2.3 2.7 2.8 3.3 2.4 nus, where it diminishes suddenly to a blunt .68 mm. The cuticle is traversed by about four point. I saw only immature females, and can- hundred and seventy-five transverse striae, not give details concerning the sexual organs. which exist in the outer as well as the inner The above formula is the average of four speci- layers. The conoid neck terminates anteriorly mens. Male unknown. in a head somewhat rounded in front and "Hab.—Observed in numbers in brown rot- bearing six somewhat spherical lips. The stout ten cavities three-fourths of an inch deep in spear is one-tenth as wide as the head, and the the root-stock of banana plants, and also three bulbs as its base form a triple knot three occasionally among the outer sheaths of the times as wide as the shaft. Anteriorly the oe- plants as well as in the adjacent soil, Fiji, sophagus is one-fourth as wide as the neck; 1891." T. granulosus was not illustrated. 1 Nematologist, Food and Agriculture Organization, United The description of Tylenchus similis con- Nations, assigned to cooperate with the Fiji Department of Agriculture, Ministry of
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