manufactured firelogs by James E. Houck and Paul Tiegs hearth The future looks bright for wax-sawdust and densified firelogs. CONVENIENCE FUELSanufactured logs have become are a convenient substitute for cord- amount of heat provided, is most impor- very popular and are widely wood. Surveys have shown that wax- tant to the consumer at these times. M used. There are two funda- sawdust firelogs are used at least some Even when fireplaces are used for mental types that often become con- of the time in about 30 percent of supplemental heating, the convenience fused with each other. These are woodburning fireplaces that are in use of firelogs is often an important con- wax-sawdust firelogs that are com- in the U.S. This means that sideration to the consumer posed of a mixture of petroleum wax some 5.1 million house- since, according to the and sawdust, and densified firelogs holds are familiar American Housing Sur- that are made by compressing saw- with the product. vey data, the major- dust or wood shavings. The same sur- ity of fireplaces are Wax-sawdust firelogs are for use veys show that in suburban or exclusively with fireplaces. Compressed wax-sawdust urban settings. In (densified) firelogs are for use primar- firelogs are used these settings, ily in wood stoves, but can be used in exclusively in firelog retailers fireplaces as well. Most wax-sawdust 12 to 15 per- are generally firelogs are sold through mass mer- cent of these close by and chandisers and grocery stores. Most com- woodburning offer cleanly pressed firelogs are sold through mass fireplaces.This packaged boxes merchandisers and fuel dealers. The widespread usage of fuel. demand for both products is increasing. is not surprising Wax-sawdust For densified firelogs, economical dis- when the fact that firelogs are typically tribution and the availability of raw about 61 percent of the composed of 40 to 50 materials appear to be the biggest prob- fireplaces in the U.S. are percent petroleum wax lems facing their manufacturers. For used for aesthetic purposes (obtained from petroleum wax-sawdust firelog manufacturers, rather than primary or supplemental refineries) with the remaining being regulations limiting the installation and heating is taken into consideration. sawdust. Wax-sawdust firelogs are use of fireplaces are of considerable These fireplaces are often only used designed for one-at-a-time use in fire- concern. on special occasions, perhaps several times places and require no kindling to start. per year. Convenience, such as offered Wax-Sawdust Fireplace Logs by individually wrapped, easily started ABOVE: Wax-sawdust firelog Wax-sawdust fireplace logs (firelogs) firelogs, not fuel cost or the absolute RIGHT: Wax-sawdust firelog in use hearth They are individually wrapped and the U.S. Department of Energy-sponsored mately 253,000 tons of firelogs are sold fire is started by lighting the wrapper. conferences. The results also have been annually in the U.S. Most are sold in They contain almost twice the heat con- filed with the EPA for use in their the West and South. Due to the fact tent of cordwood (15,700 Btus per pound national emission inventories. that firelogs contain more heat per pound as compared to approximately 8,800 than cordwood, less moisture than cord- Btus per pound for most cordwood), wood, and are designed for one-at-a- and much less moisture (two percent time usage, the 253,000 tons sold moisture as compared to about 20 per- annually in the U.S. corresponds to cent for typical cordwood). over one million cords of wood that There is a standard for perfor- are replaced through their use. mance and labeling of wax-saw- dust firelogs (UL 2115). The Densified Logs performance standard covers Densified firelogs are funda- aging, spontaneous heating and mentally unlike wax-sawdust heat loss rate characteristics. firelogs in manufacture, use The common log sizes are 6 and distribution. Far fewer lbs., 5 lbs., and small (2.5 to densified firelogs are produced 3.5 lbs.) for four-hour, three- annually than wax-sawdust hour and two-hour burn dura- firelogs. It is estimated that tions, respectively. They burn only 52,000 tons of densified best on grates with closely firelogs are produced annually spaced bars (less than three-inch as compared to 253,000 tons of spacings between bars) rather than wax-sawdust firelogs. Densified factory supplied grates typical of firelogs are a western phenomenon, most fireplaces. They are generally with all operating plants located in sold individually or in six-packs with the Northwest (Oregon, Washington, typical prices in the range of $1 to $3 Idaho, Montana and British Columbia) per log. and virtually all sales in the West. His- In addition to the standard firelogs, torically, there have been numerous several types of specialty logs have been These studies, along with earlier work players that have gone in and out of produced. These include logs that done by Shelton Research and the Cana- the business. Currently, there are eight crackle, replicating the sound of real dian Combustion and Carbonization companies that the authors were able cordwood burning. The crackling is Research Laboratory, have shown that to identify that manufacture the logs. accomplished by the addition of vari- the emission of the key air pollutants Densfied firelogs are composed of ous seeds (analogous to popcorn in con- of particles and carbon monoxide are compressed sawdust or wood shavings, cept), or mineral products or byproducts reduced by the use of wax-sawdust firel- generally without any binder added. There with trapped gas pockets which pop ogs in lieu of cordwood. The more are two types of technologies used to when heated. recent studies conducted by OMNI also make them – piston and screw machines. Other specialty products have have shown that the important air toxic The original logs were developed in the included logs which produce colored compounds of formaldehyde, benzene early 1930s by Potlatch Corporation in flames by the addition of salts, logs and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons Lewiston, Idaho. During their early devel- with fragrances added such as used with (PAH) are also reduced through the use opment the name “Pres-to-Logs” was scented candles, and logs with chim- of wax-sawdust firelogs. coined. It is currently the name brand of ney creosote removal additives. There has been considerable con- logs produced by Lignetics but, like the Since both the wax and the sawdust solidation among companies manufac- use of the brand name “Coke” to gener- used in the manufacture of the firelogs turing wax-sawdust firelogs. Currently ically apply to cola soft drinks, the are byproduct materials, there is a fun- the overwhelming majority of wax- term“Pres-to-Logs” is often used in the damental and obvious environmental sawdust firelogs are manufactured by same way to apply to densified firelogs merit in using wax-sawdust firelogs. only two companies – Duraflame and in general. Beyond this fundamental environmen- Conros Corporation. Duraflame is based Densified firelogs are, as the name tal plus, air quality emissions also have in Stockton, California, with plants in implies, more dense than wood. In fact, been demonstrated to be lowered by Stockton, Vancouver, Toronto, and in they are so dense, they sink in water. the use of wax-sawdust firelogs in lieu Kentucky. Conros Corporation is based Because they are made up of wood alone, of cordwood. in Scarborough, Ontario with plants in their heat content per pound is the same OMNI Environmental Services Toronto, California and Texas. as cordwood (on a dry basis). However, (OMNI) has conducted air quality stud- Besides logs manufactured under its they are a superior fuel as their heat con- ies for the Department of Energy, the own label, Duraflame produces the brand tent per volume is much greater, and former Firelog Manufacturers Associ- names of Hearthfire and Flame-Glo, as they contain considerably less moisture ation, and Duraflame. The results of well as various private label logs. Con- than typical cordwood (densified firel- these studies have been published in ros sells logs with the brand names of ogs generally contain about seven per- the proceedings of Air and Waste Man- Northland, Hearthlogg and Pine Moun- cent moisture as compared to 20 percent agement Association, U.S. Environ- tain, and private label logs as well. for typical cordwood). mental Protection Agency (EPA) and Surveys have shown that approxi- There are three sizes currently man- manufactured firelogs ufactured – 8, 5 and 3.1 pounds. The and obvious environmental benefit. larger-sized logs are serious fuel and Densified Log are almost exclusively used in wood Packaged Firewood hearth stoves. The smaller-sized logs are more Packaged firewood (bundled or boxed), Manufacturers amenable for use in fireplaces but, as while not a manufactured fuel, appeals with the larger-sized logs, they are also to the same consumers for the same Bear Mountain Forest Products more commonly used in wood stoves. reasons as manufactured firelogs, and Cascade Locks, OR Due to their density, they are more dif- is also sold at mass merchandiser out- ficult to start than either cordwood or lets and grocery stores. Quality fire- (541) 378-8844 wax-sawdust firelogs. To mitigate this wood supplied by reputable dealers problem, Lignetics includes a waxed should produce lower air emissions than Dellen Wood Logs “mini-log” fireplace starter with bun- typical cordwood since it is generally dles of their product. better-seasoned, i.e., has lower mois- Spokane, WA The densified firelogs are generally ture (10 to 12 percent as compared to (509) 928-1397 sold in mass merchandise stores in small around 20 percent for typical cordwood), bundles of three or six logs, and by the contains no bark and is clean of debris.
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