NEW UP, GN, C&NW SETS Our spring releoses are: UP 5450/CNW 3477 ACF 44-soot choir cars, Gel smoother Running Models $24.75. UP5900/C&NW 8225/GN 37·44ACF baggago·mail with 6 soparoto etched door pioces in two sizes, $30.75 . With oualilY NWSL Whee1se1s1 W o solicit reservations from doalers ond individuals for tho following HO phototched brass side sots being considerod for 1992: ess friction and drag C&O/D&AGW/SAL/C&NW holf·fluted PS coaches (Plan 7600) with Evergreen fluting. means improved pulling NYC 2600 PS 56-saat coaches. Lpower: See how smooth IC 2600.sories "City" PS coaches. your equipment will roll with Send a largo SSAE (52e) for our catolog and bulletin showing 42 side sets (6 for dome cersl custom quality wheelsets end body kits for over 30 roads. Available from NWSL. through hobby shops or direct (add $3.50 shipping). Dealer inquiri es invited. NWSL wheelsets are avial­ able in HO, HOn3, Sn3, On2, BRASS CAR SIDES 716 S, 7th St. Peter, MN 66082 On3, & 0 gauges. Wheelsizes range from 26" to 42" in a variety of tread and axle styles . All wheelsets are precision machined, non-magnetic, nickle plated brass (except 0 gauge, which are chemically blackened steel) and each is individually inspected to assure a true, concentric, wobble-free, efficient rolling wheelset. Also available are the special " Half-axle" replacement wheelsets for Athearn HO scale diese ls which provide COMPUTERIZED ARTWORK SERVICE WHEELSET STYLES improved performance and eliminate those pesky dirty wheel/ electrical pick-up problems. Available in 40" & 42" whee l­ <l I I I ~~ c{f sizes, just $6.95 for a package of six. ~ '-4 Ath.orn Oi..s.el N scale wheelsets now available in nickel A~ "'Holf.A.1de ~ plated or weathered finish - 28", 33", 36" A~ ~sHLAN>-. For a complete list of all wheelsets, order the special AND <J 'wheels data package', only $2 via 1st class mail. Fu ll SouTHERN SOUTHERN line NWSL catalog (over 80 pages) $7 via 1st class. cJlaif ~~~cf1Fiern S:"'M.10 NorthWest Short Line Srapfiics • 1111 Beechwood Rd. ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~Box 423 ---•Seattle, Washington 98111 • cusror.i DECALS Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 THE R•G•S STORY ICROSCALE DECALS R!~cffijffW[~ Volumc l OVER THE BRIDGES RIDGWAY TO TELLURIDE 549 Phocos, 416 Pogu Volume 0 TELLURIDE, PANDORA And The MINES ABOVE 496 Pho1os. 496 Pag<J Detailed description both in text and photo captions from the beginning of RGS narrow·gaugcopcrations in 1890 HARDBOUND POSTPAID IN U.S.A.-$ 6500 eu. O svNDANcE •ueucAnoNs !Pit.ii:"-. 250 BROADWAY,DENVER, COLO. 80203 MASTERCARD I VISA ACCEPTED· 303 1777·2800 PROTOTYPICAL LOCO LIGHTING Complete pre·wired, assembled, easy toinstall electronic IC lighting for diesel and steam locos. With choice of single or true dual beam headlights. Some also include choice of mars, oscillating lights, beacons and strobes. All are track powered. constant brightness. Battery powered also available. Brighi. .. not L E.O.s. For illustrated literature. send $1 .99 and specify your scale (HO, S. 0. G. Lionel. Command Control)! PROGRESSIVE ELECTRONICS INCORPORATED P.O. Box 657, Wauconda, IL 60084·0657 Volume 13 Number 5 May 1992 IINJ1IINJE JOO CO) JD) JEJ1]Effi C. Keith Jordan Editor FEATURES: Sandy Rennie Production Manager Jeffrey M. Koeller Associate Editor CB&Q Stock Car .............. .......................... 24 Conclusion by Robert L. Hundman Pamela Clapp Editorial Director Advertising Manager FMC Covered Hopper .................................... 30 The New MDC Car by Robert L Hundman Lori LeBlanc Production Assistant Smoke Jacks ...................... ....................... 35 Bruce R . Meyer Contributing Editor Prototype Reference Data from John Nehrlch Dr. David P eck Contributing Editor Girder Bridges .......... ... ..................... ....... 36 Three Plate · Port One by Tom Lane Richard J. Bolan Contributing Editor Anne Hundma n Financial Mgr. Frame Trestle ..... ..................................... 40 C&O Standard by C&O Railway Robert L Hundma n Publisher SP Adair Yard Office .................................... 44 Modeling and Prototype by Bill Morrissey SUBSCRIPTION RATES 60' Auto Box Car ........................................ 48 L&N Greenullle by Stuart Thayer United States 2nd Class Mail (12 issues) .... $36.00 per yr. NYC Class HlOa 2-8·2 .................................. 52 Washington residents add S2.92 state tax. Lima's First Superpower? by Al Armitage Foreign & Canada NKP Wood Caboose ..................................... 59 Surface (12 issues) .............................$42 per yr. Radio Equipped by Mont Switzer Arst Class · US & Can ...................... $70 per yr. • Foreign .......................... $ 108 per yr. Sanborn Maps ............. ............................. 62 An Excellent Reference by Reuben Feuge DEALERS • Write for dealer terms to Hundrnan Publishing. 5115 Monticello Drive. Edmonds. WA 98026. UTLX Tank Car ......................... .. ............. 65 Tichy Model Modifications by C. Keith Jordon ADVERTISERS • Write for advertising information to Hundrnan Publishing. 5115 Monticello Drive, Edmonds. WA New Haven Missouri ..................................... 68 98026. Advertising material should also be submitted to this Diorama Prototype by Joe Collias address. Ta nk Cars ................................................ 71 MAINLINE MODELER (ISSN 0199-5421) is published Part 2 by John Ryczkowski monthly ( 12 times per year) by Hund man Publishing. 5 11 5 Monticello Drive, Edmonds. WA 98026. World War II Yards ...................................... 76 Second class postage paid at Edmonds. Washington. and War Information Photos by C. Keith Jordon additional offices. PlANS: POSTMASTER: Send address changes 10: MAINLINE MODELER 5115 Monticello Drive FMC Covered Hopper .................................... 33 Edmonds. WA 98026 by Jefferey M. Koeller (206) 743-2607 Frame Trestle ........................................ 40-41 by C&O Railway Copyright 1992 Hundman Publishing Inc. SP Adair Yard Office .................................... 45 All Rights Reserved Printed In U.S.A. by Biii Morrissey L&N Auto Parts Car ..... ............................... 49 by Mark Montague NYC Class HlOa ..................................... 56-58 by Al Armitage COVER: Rarely docs a single photo give as much infom1ation as this one. The pholo is taken from U1e arlicle beginning on page 76, titled WW II Yards. And the infonnation displayed on U1e cars in use at Contributors: Mainline Modeler welcomes your feature that lime is great suppozt for last monU1's article by John Nehrich. articles. drawings. and black·and-white or color photographs. The pholo was supplied by Paul Swanson. Such material should be sent to Mainllne Modeler. 5 1 i 5 Mo nticello Drive, Edmonds, WA 98026 for possible publication. For further informa tion concerning 11rtlcle preparation, please contact the address above or see "Guide To Authors" in the March, 199 J issue of Molriline Modeler. May 1998/MainlineModeler 3 • Unpainted , ptd Black or Glacier • Correctly detailed ver sions • Extra tenders available • HO Scale in BRASS • Reserve at your De ale r • Se nd SSAE for brochure NEW MODELS GREAT NORTHERN 6)(!15~ ~ F-5 & F-7 2-8-0 P.O . Box 3235 Alhambra, CA. 91803 0 SCALE N&W 2-8-8- 2 Y6B LOCOMOTIVES #16669 2nd series #2181-2187 11/22 I (2) tender, no paint ~16671 3rd series =2188, 1~/33 I tender, no paint. #16669-1 Same, painted i2181 w/cast bell bracket #16671-1 Same, painted and decaled #2188 . #16669-2 Same, painted 52182 w/cast bel 1 bracket fl6673 3rd series ~2 189-2194 1'1/33 I tender, no paint. #16669-3 Same, painted !12183 w/cast bell bracket #16673-1 Same. painted #2 189 #16669-4 Same, painted #2184 w/cast bell bracket #16673-2 Same, painted '12 190 #16669-5 Same, painted #2185 1·1/fabricated steel bell brkt . #16673-3 Same, painted #2191 #16669-6 Same , painted #2186 \'//fabricated steel bell brkt. #16673-4 Same. painted #2 192 #16669-7 Same, painted #2187 w/fabricated steel bell brkt. #16673-5 Same. painted n193 #16669-8 Extra tender type 22 I, no paint #16673-6 Same, painted ~ 2194 #16679 Aux iliary water car, no paint #16673-7 Extra tender type 33 l, no paint. #16679-1 Same, painted 3961 HIGllWAY 93 NORTll "L'9""'r.'S"' _'tti'" .., NHI O/On3 Steam STEVENSVILLE, MT 59870 cJr"""·,"'n c;tll"" ~ t..IJltC,.,r;;J-<,.,ls~ Loco Super Detailing PHONE: 406-7n-S07l FAX: 406-7n-S07.S BY PRECISION SCALE co., INC. Parts Catalog. $16.00 Now Available CANADIAN 4550 CUBIC FT. GRAIN HOPPERS HO Scale Undecorated $10.50 Decorated $14.50 lnterMountain Railway Company, 1224 Boston Ave., Longmont, CO 80501 4 Mainline Modeler/Ma.y 1992 DIESEL DATA SERIES A Concise 8 l /2x 11 Source of Data Including: PLANS - ROSTER - PHOTOS­ VARIATIONS Heavy Coated Paper Punched for 3-Ring Organizer Book 1 EMD SD45 Book 2 ALCO FA-2 Book 3 EMD BL2 Books 1, 2 & 3 are $5. 95 each. Washington residents add 8.2% sales tax. We cover shipping. Name: -------­ Address:-------­ City: --------­ State:-------­ Zip: --------­ Amount: -------- MORE TO COME HUNDMAN PUBLISHING • 5115 MONTICELLO DRIVE • EDMONDS, WA 98026 .l/nlJ 1.992 I ,\fai11lille .\lode/er 6 PACIFIC L IMITED -0- Scale P.O. Box 4127, Davis, CA !J5617 WESTERN FRUIT EXPRESS FRUIT GROWERS EXPRESS BALTIMORE & OHIO & BURLINGTON Circa Late '20's to Early 1950's BURLINGTON PHOTO COURTESY RODNEY "BAT" MASTERSON Truss Rod Refrigerator Cars, as rebuilt in the late '20's with steel underframes applied while retaining their truss rods. Four Versions. #10 SSAE For Details. This is the beginning of a complete series of cars for FGEX and its subsidiaries. Manufacturers
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