ÖMG - DMV Congress 2013 18th ÖMG Congress and Annual DMV Meeting University of Innsbruck, September 23 – 27, 2013 Contents Welcome 13 Sponsors 15 General Information 17 Conference Location . 17 Conference Office . 17 Registration . 18 Technical Equipment of the Lecture Halls . 18 Internet Access during Conference . 18 Lunch and Dinner . 18 Coffee Breaks . 18 Local Transportation . 19 Information about the Congress Venue Innsbruck . 19 Information about the University of Innsbruck . 19 Maps of Campus Technik . 20 Conference Organization and Committees 23 Program Committee . 23 Local Organizing Committee . 23 Coordinators of Sections . 24 Organizers of Minisymposia . 25 Teachers’ Day . 26 Universities of the Applied Sciences Day . 26 Satellite Conference: 2nd Austrian Stochastics Day . 26 Students’ Conference . 26 Conference Opening 27 1 2 Contents Meetings and Public Program 29 General Assembly, ÖMG . 29 General Assembly, DMV . 29 Award Ceremony, Reception by Springer-Verlag . 29 Reception with Cédric Villani by France Focus . 29 Film Presentation . 30 Public Lecture . 30 Expositions . 30 Additional Program 31 Students’ Conference . 31 Teachers’ Day . 31 Universities of the Applied Sciences Day . 31 Satellite Conference: 2nd Austrian Stochastics Day . 31 Social Program 33 Evening Reception . 33 Conference Dinner . 33 Conference Excursion . 34 Further Excursions . 34 Program Overview 35 Detailed Program of Sections and Minisymposia 39 Monday, September 23, Afternoon Session . 40 Tuesday, September 24, Morning Session . 43 Tuesday, September 24, Afternoon Session . 46 Wednesday, September 25, Morning Session . 49 Thursday, September 26, Morning Session . 52 Thursday, September 26, Afternoon Session . 55 ABSTRACTS 59 Plenary Speakers 61 M. Beiglböck: Optimal Transport, Martingales, and Model-Independence 62 E. Hairer: Long-term control of oscillations in differential equations ... 62 G. Kutyniok: Parabolic Molecules: Curvelets, Shearlets, and beyond ... 63 M. Lacey: The Two Weight Inequality for the Hilbert Transform ..... 63 F. Schuster: The Theory of Valuations and What It Can Do for You! .... 64 C. Stroppel: Knot invariants and the idea of categorification ....... 64 Contents 3 M. Struwe: Conformal metrics of prescribed Gauss curvature on surfaces of higher genus ............................ 65 E. Szemerédi: The exact solution of the Erdös - T. Sós conjecture ..... 65 J. Teichmann: Stochastic Evolutions of Term Structures .......... 66 C. Villani: On triangles, gases, prices and men .............. 66 U. Zannier: On Pell Equations in Polynomials and Unlikely Intersections . 66 S01: Algebra, Logic and Set Theory 67 H. Brunotte: Eventually periodic and almost linear periodic matrices over quasi-max-plus algebras ....................... 68 S. Friedenberg: Gamma Invariants and the Torsion-Freeness of Ext .... 68 W. Herfort: Near Abelian Locally Compact Groups ............ 69 J. Tomaschek: Associative formal power series in two indeterminates ... 69 W. Wenzel: Arithmetic and Polynomials over Fuzzy Rings ......... 70 D. Dorninger: Testing for classicality of a physical system ......... 70 P. Schuster (Leeds): Ideal Objects for Finite Methods in Algebra ..... 71 K. Schölzel: On intervals of partial clones ................. 71 S02: Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science 73 M. Kang: Phase transitions in random graph processes .......... 74 E. Candellero: Clustering Phenomenon in Random Geometric Graphs on Hyperbolic Spaces .......................... 74 D. Vu: Cops and robbers on the n-dimensional torus ........... 75 D. Krenn: The Width of "Canonical" Trees and of Acyclic Digraphs ... 75 R. Thiemann: Certification of Termination Proofs ............. 75 A. Panholzer: Analysis of strategies for the hiring problem ........ 76 B. Gittenberger: Enumeration of generalized BCI lambda-terms ..... 76 M. Zeiner: The Effect of Forgetting on the Performance of a Synchronizer 77 S03: Number Theory 79 M. Drmota: The Thue-Morse Sequence Along the Squares is Normal ... 80 P. Hellekalek: On the b-adic method in u.d.mod 1 ............. 81 R. Tichy: Uniform distribution and dynamical systems .......... 81 M. Stoll: Uniform bounds for the number of rational points on hyperellip- tic curves with small Mordell-Weil rank ............... 82 R. Garunkštis: On the Speiser equivalent for the Riemann hypothesis ... 82 J. Kalpokas: Value distribution of the Riemann Zeta function on the critical line .................................. 83 T. Ernst: On the convergence regions for multiple q-hypergeometric functions 84 H. Knospe: Nonstandard Analysis for Measures with Values in non-Archi- medean Fields ............................. 84 4 Contents D. C. Mayer: 3-class field towers of exact length 3 ............. 85 J. Steuding: One Hundred Years Uniform Distribution Modulo One and Recent Applications to Riemann’s Zeta-Function .......... 86 N. J. A. Sloane: Solved and Unsolved Problems From The On-Line Ency- clopedia of Integer Sequences .................... 86 L. Kühne: Topics around the abc-conjecture ................ 87 F. Barroero: Counting lattice points and o-minimal structures ....... 87 C. Frei: Rational points on some del Pezzo surfaces over imaginary quad- ratic fields ............................... 87 T. Riedel: Picard-Shimura class fields corresponding to a family of hyper- elliptic curves ............................. 88 J. M. Thuswaldner: S-adic words, Rauzy fractals, and torus rotations ... 88 C. Ambrose: Average behaviour of index and order in certain families of finite abelian groups ......................... 89 D. Balakci: Spectraldecomposition of GL3 automorphic forms for the con- gruence subgroup G0(N) ....................... 89 S04: Geometry and Topology 91 M. Joswig: Tropical Linear Programming ................. 92 J. Wallner: Geometric Modeling with polyhedral meshes ......... 92 A. Alpers: Reconstruction of Polytopes from Refraction Data ....... 92 H.-P. Schröcker: Spatial linkages with a straight line trajectory ...... 93 C. Thiel: Restricted Successive Minima .................. 93 L. L. Cristea: Distances on Sierpi´nskigraphs and on the Sierpi´nskigasket 94 E. Hertel: Reguläre Dreieckpflasterung konvexer Polygone ........ 94 C. Scheiderer: Recent interaction between real and convex algebraic ge- ometry ................................. 94 G. Helmberg: Die Eisenstein-Parkettierung der komplexen Ebene ..... 95 T. de Wolff: Roots of Trinomials from the Viewpoint of Amoeba Theory .. 96 B. Strodthoff: Computing Layered Reeb Graphs from Boundary Represen- tations ................................. 96 M. Spirova: A discrete gradient-method approach to the Fermat-Torricelli problem ................................ 97 P. Giordano: Theory of infinetely near points in smooth manifolds: the Fermat functor ............................ 98 C. Richter: Illuminating and covering convex bodies ............ 99 R. Steinbauer: The exponential map of a C1;1-metric ............ 99 R. Frank: Central Projections and Their Matrices ............. 100 A. Zastrow: The comparison of topologies related to various concepts of generalized covering spaces ..................... 101 Contents 5 J. Böhm: On a Coxeter Theorem ...................... 102 M. Lederer: AKT -deformation of the ring of symmetric functions ..... 103 L. Wimmer: Questions Concerning Quadrilaterals in the Plane and on the Sphere ................................. 104 P. Stadler: Curve shortening by short rulers ................ 104 S05: Differential Equations and Applications 105 C. Walker: A free boundary problem for MEMS .............. 106 H.-C. Grunau: Estimates from above and below for biharmonic Green functions ................................ 107 M. Hilschenz: Ein Integralgleichungszugang zu den Minimalvektoren von Marx und Shiffman .......................... 108 I. Gasser: On small Mach Number Applications related to renewable En- ergy Production ............................ 109 J. Strecha: Modeling Flow Induced Vibrations of a Slender U-Beam at Low Reduced Velocities ........................ 110 L. Diening: Lipschitz truncation and applications to non-linear PDE ... 110 J. Merker: Very weak solutions of Poisson’s equation with singular data under Neumann boundary conditions and the pressure-Poisson for- mulation for non-Newtonian fluids .................. 111 I. Dražic:´ The existence theorems for 3-D flow of a compressible viscous micropolar fluid with spherical symmetry .............. 112 E. Emmrich: Nonlinear evolution equations of second order with damp- ing: existence and discretisation ................... 112 H. Vogt: Large time behaviour of heat kernels and admissible potentials . 113 B.-V. Matioc: Self-similarity for the thin film Muskat problem ....... 114 M. Nedeljkov: A class of non-classical solutions to multidimensional isen- tropic gas dynamics model ...................... 115 G. Teschl: Peakon asymptotics for the dispersionless Camassa-Holm equation ............................... 115 A. Mikikits-Leitner: Periodic KdV solutions on FPU chains: existence and higher order asymptotics ..................... 116 J. Rottmann-Matthes: Finding eigenvalues of differential operators on un- bounded domains using boundary value problems and contour inte- grals .................................. 116 F. Achleitner: Traveling wave solutions in scalar conservation laws with anomalous diffusion .......................... 117 P. Berglez: Zur Darstellung bikomplex-pseudoanalytischer Funktionen durch Integro-Differentialoperatoren ................. 118 K. Fellner: Oscillatory Solutions of Non-local Models
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