F .l H K :\ü 1 I .d1Stributed to the council ç « 4 M 9 4 0 1Q2< 1 AND TO THE LEAGUE OF NATIO NS _ ^ MEMBERS OF THE LEAGUE] Geneva, November 4th, 1925. S ubject L ist N o. 54 OF DOCUMENTS distributed t o t h e c o u n c i l a n d t o t h e m e m b e r s o f t h e l e a g u e DURING OCTOBER 1925. (Prepared by the Distribution Branch.) Council, League (continued) 36th Session (extraordinary), October 1925, Paris M inutes of 1st m eeting, O ctober 26, 1925 A Council 36th Session/P. \". 1 (1) M inutes of 2nd m eeting, O ctober 27, 1925 Armaments, Reduction of Council/36th Session/P. V. 2 (1) Year-Book containing data referred to in Covenant, Article 8 M inutes of 3rd meeting, O ctober 28, 1923 Letter dated October 24, 1925 from the Secretary- Council/36th Session/P. X". 3 ( 1) General to States Members and Non-Members quoting the resolution adopted September 26, 1925 by the 35th Council Session recommending the M inutes of 4th m eeting, O ctober 29, 1925 adoption of the models given in Annex 1 to the Council/36tli Session/P. X". 4 (1) Convention for the Supervision of International Trade in A rm s signed Ju n e 17, 1923 for their M inutes of 5th m eeting, O ctober 30, 1925 national statistics and for the documents furnished to the Secretariat as data for Council/36th Session/P. X". 3 (1) C. L 127. 1925 C. X I Covenant. League Assembly, League Interpretation of various articles of, and of other 6th Session, Septem ber 1925, Geneva questions of International Law Resolutions and recommendations adopted by Questions submitted September 25, 1923 by the 0 . J. Special Supplement, No. 32 and addendum 26th Council Session to a special Committee of Jurists on Summary dated October 15, 1923 by the Secretariat Replies given January 24, 1924 by the Committee (Information Section) of work of of Jurists, to (C. L. 44. 1924. Annex 1) Monthly Summary, Volume \ , N° 9 Letter dated October 10, [925 from the Secre- tary-General to States Members, requesting, Austria before February 1,1926 any observations which Financial situation of they may desire to make on the above-men­ tioned replies, with a view to a possible Commissioner-General examination of the matter by a Committee Report (31st) dated July 30, 1925 by Commis­ to be appointed by Council sioner-General (M. Zimmerman), for period June 15-July 15, 1925, together with seven C. L. 113. 19^5 ' ^ relevant annexes O. J., XT, No. 9, p. 1226 (C. 411. 1925. II) D Danzig, Free City of High Commissioner Appointment of M em orandum dated O ctober 29, 1925 by the Secre­ Council. League tary-General announcing the expiration of the 35th Session, September 1925, Geneva mandate of M. MacDonnell as High Com­ missioner on February 22, 1926 and the con­ Nummary dated October 15, 1925 b y the Secretariat sequent necessity for the 37th Council Session (Information Section) of w ork of to proceed to Monthly Summary, \ rolume X’, No. 9 C. 640. XL 229. 1923. 1 d, ». '7i (F.i 4- 150 (A. 9/15. Imp. Stmor Dispute between Bulgaria and Greece Dispute between Bulgaria and Greece (continued 1 Letter dated October 24, 1925 from the Bulgarian Telegram dated October 23, 1925 from the Actiiv- Government announcing the bombardment of President (M. Briand) of the Council to the Bulgarian Petrich by Greek artillery in spite of the recom­ and Greek Governments announcing the convoca mendation of the Acting-President of Council exhort­ tion of Council for O ctober 26, 1925 to deal with the ing the cessation of military movements and the Bulgarian Government's appeal, and exhorting the withdrawal of troops behind their national frontier Governments to give instructions for the cessation of military movements and for the withdrawal of C. 635. M. 214. 1925. VII troops behind their national frontiers C. 630. M. 210. 1925, VII M inutes of m eetings held O ctober 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30, 1925 by 36th Council Session regarding Telegram dated October 24, 1925 from the Bulgarian Government expressing its gratitude for the earlv Council/36th Session/P. X’. 1 (1) - 5 (1) convocation of Council, stating that it will be repre- sented before the Council by M. Marfoff, declaring that, although no Bulgarian troops have entered Greek territory, instructions have been given to its Report dated October 26, 1925 bv the Acting-President (M. Briand) to the 36th Council Session setting forth troops in accordance with the recommendations of the reasons for his convocation of this Session and the Acting-President of Council and announcing the the action which he has taken previous to its opening continuation of the Greek bombardment of Petrich and proposing that the representatives of the two interested Governments be heard as to the action C. 633. M. 212. 1925. XII which the}- have taken in accordance with his re­ commendations and as to the present situation Telegram dated October 24, 1925 from the Greek Gov­ ernment communicating its verbal note to the Bul­ C. 662. M. 221. 1925. X II garian Government, which gives its point of view of the incidents which took place on October ig, 1925, declares the Bulgarian Government to be re­ Resolution adopted October 26, 1925 by the 36th sponsible for these incidents and specifies the repara­ Council Session approving the initiative taken by its tion to which it considers it is entitled Acting-President, requesting the two Governments to inform it within twenty-four hours that uncondi­ C. 634. M. 213. 1925. VII tional instructions have been given for the with­ drawal of troops behind their national frontiers, and Telegram dated October 24, 1925 from the Greek Gov­ within sixty hours that all troops have been with­ ernment repudiating the Bulgarian version of the drawn, that all hostilities have ceased and that all various incidents, declaring the military measures troops have been warned that the resumption of taken by Greece to be only those necessary for its firing will be met with severe punishment and re­ security and announcing its willingness accept the questing representatives of the British, French and competence of the Council in the matter Italian Governments to proceed to the region and report to the Council on the execution of the above- C. 636. M. 215. 1925. VII mentioned stipulations C. 661 (1). M. 220. 1925. V II Telegram dated October 24, 1925 from Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs to its Legation at Berne repudiat­ ing the Bulgarian Government's statement that Telegram dated October 22, 1925 from the Bulgarian Greek troops have bombarded Petrich and giving its Government giving details of certain incidents which version of the facts took place on October 19, 1925 between Bulgarian Telegram dated October 24, 1925 from the Greek and Greek sentries, protesting against the consequent Legation at Berne forwarding crossing of the frontier by Greek troops, appealing to the Council under Articles 10 and 11 of the C. 634. M. 123. 1925. XII Covenant and stating that, pending the result of its appeal, Bulgarian troops have been ordered not to Telegram dated October 24, 1925 from the Swiss Gov resist the invaders ernment (M. Motta) expressing confidence in the C. 628. M. 208. 1925. V II intervention of the League in favour of the main­ tenance of peace vn C. 632. M. 211. 1925- vu Telegram dated October 22, 1925 from the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs to its Legation at Berne Telegram dated O ctober 25, 1925 from the Bulgaria» announcing that Greek troops have been obliged to Government forwarding a copy of its verbal note tv advance to Petrich and that instructions have been the Greek Government disputing the statement nw e given to stop this advance in the Greek Government’s note of October 22, I9-5- explaining its point of view and the reasons for its Telegram dated October 24, 1925 from Greek Lega­ reference of the matter to the Council and declaring tion at Berne forwarding its inability, pending the Council's decision, to enter C. 634. M. 213. 1925. VII into direct negotiations with the Greek Governmet VII C. 660. M. 219- 1923- Telegram dated October 23, 1925 from the Bulgarian uelai Government, announcing, further to its telegram of Telegram dated October 26, 1925 from the X enez October 22, 1925, the continuation of the Greek in­ G overnm ent noting the inform ation forwarrded by vasion of Bulgarian territory and urging the necessity the Secretary-General and expressing the hope t for the immediate convocation of Council to con­ a pro m p t and honourable solution of the dispute sider its appeal be found C. 629. M. 209. 1925. V II C. 665. M. 223. 1925- Dispute between Bulgaria and Greece (continued/ Telegram dated October 27, 1925 from the Bulgarian Government declaring that it has given instructions to its troops to abstain from all military action, to withdraw any troops which may have entered Greek territory and that the representatives of the British, French and Italian Governments will receive the E reception due to the importance of their mission C. 664. M. 222. 1925. VII Economic Weapon Telegram dated October 27, 1925 from the Bulgarian Government repudiating the Greek Delegate's state­ Covenant, Article 16 regarding ment to the Council that agreement between the two Governments has been reached on the initiative of Protocol of amendment adopted by the 5th Assem­ the Roumanian Minister at Athens bly (C.
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