PEER REVIEWED Use of Antibiotics to Prevent Calf Diarrhea and Septiceinia Peter D. Constable, BVSc, PhD, DACVIM Department of Veterinary Clinical Medicine, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61802 Abstract l'oxytetracycline (0.15 to 6.0 mg/lb [0.32 to 13.2 mg/kg] au 24 h, per os) sont efficaces dans le traitement de la This article reviews studies related to the use of diarrhee chez les veaux et permettent un accroissement antimicrobial agents to prevent calf diarrhea and septi­ du taux de croissance des veaux nourris au lait. De cemia, and discusses whether prophylactic administra­ plus, la chlortetracycline permet la diminution du taux tion of antibiotics in neonatal calves is effective and de mortalite lorsque administree chez les veaux indicated. Orally administered chlortetracycline, oxytet­ nouveau-nes pour prevenir la diarrhee. 11 n'y a pas racycline, tetracycline and neomycin have label claims d'antibiotiques qui promettent de prevenir la in the US for the "control" or "aid in the control" of calf septicemie chez les veaux. Paree qu'il ne semble pas diarrhea caused by bacteria susceptible to the antibi­ exister d'etudes sur l'efficacite de la tetracycline et de otic. Chlortetracycline and oxytetracycline (0.15 to 6.0 la neomycine et parce que !'utilisation hors homologa­ mg/lb [0.32 to 13.2 mg/kg], q 24 h, PO) are efficacious tion des medicaments. n'est pas permise pour la for preventing calf diarrhea and increasing growth rate prevention routiniere des maladies ou !'augmentation in milk-fed calves, and chlortetracycline (3 mg/lb [7 mg/ du taux de croissance et du taux de conversion kg], q 12 h, PO) is efficacious for decreasing mortality alimentaire, selon le code de l'AMDUCA de 1994, seule when administered to prevent diarrhea in neonatal !'administration orale de chlortetracycline et calves. There are no antibiotics with a label claim for d'oxytetracycline est recommandee pour la prevention prevention of calf septicemia. Because of the apparent de la diarrhee chez les veaux. lack of efficacy studies for tetracycline and neomycin, and because extra-label use of drugs for routine disease Introduction prevention and for increasing weight gain and feed effi­ ciency in calves is prohibited under the Animal Medici­ Calf diarrhea is the leading cause of mortality in nal Drug Use Clarification Act (AMDUCA) of 1994, only dairy calves31 and an important cause of morbidity and oral chlortetracycline or oxytetracycline should be ad­ mortality in beef calves.32 The three principle methods ministered to prevent calf diarrhea. used to reduce the incidence and severity of calf diarrhea are: 1) administration of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli Resume (ETEC), rotavirus and coronavirus vaccines to cows and heifers in late gestation, 2) ensuring adequate transfer Cet article fait le tour des etudes portant sur of passive immunity by optimizing colostral immunoglo­ !'utilisation des antibiotiques pour la prevention de la bulin administration and absorption, and 3) decreasing diarrhee et de la septicemie chez les veaux et discute enteric pathogen load in the environment. A fourth but de la valeur de !'administration prophylactique non-approved method for preventing calf diarrhea is the d'antibiotiques chez les veaux nouveau-nes. Aux Etats­ administration of oral antibiotics in an extra-label man­ Unis, les etiquettes des antibiotiques administres par ner to prevent diarrhea and thereby decrease mortality voie orale, telle que la chlortetracycline, in newborn calves. The purpose of this review is to criti­ l'oxytetracycline, la tetracycline et la neomycine, cally examine studies related to the use of antibiotics to promettent le controle ou l'aide au controle de la prevent naturally acquired diarrhea and septicemia in diarrhee causee par des bacteries susceptibles aux calves, and to discuss the appropriate use of antibiotics antibiotiques chez les veaux. La chlortetracycline et to prevent calf diarrhea and septicemia. JUNE, 2003 137 Antibiotics with a Label Claim to Prevent istered to dairy, beef and veal calves, whereas neomycin Calf Diarrhea can only be administered to dairy and beef calves. There are no parenterally administered antibiotics with a label Only four orally administered antibiotics (chlortet­ claim for prevention of calf diarrhea, and no antibiotics racycline, oxytetracycline, tetracycline and neomycin) are have a label claim for prevention of calf septicemia. currently labeled in the United States for the "control" or "aid in the control" of calf diarrhea caused by bacteria (E. Antibiotic Efficacy for Preventing Calf Diarrhea coli and Salmonella spp.) susceptible to the antibiotic (Table 1; the list of trade name products is not exhaus­ The five critical measures of antibiotic efficacy in tive). The tetracycline group of antibiotics can be admin- preventing calf diarrhea are, in descending order of Table 1. Antibiotics with a label claim for the control or aid in the control of bacterial diarrhea in calves less than 1 month of age. The list of trade name products is not exhaustive. Formulation Dosage schedule Product chlortetracycline hydrochloride powder 5 mg/lb, q 12 h PO in solution for up Aureomycin Soluble Powder Concentrate, Fort Dodge; CTC Soluble to 5 daysa Powder Concentrate, Durvet; Purina Chek-R-Mycin lOX, Purina Mills tablet 5 mg/lb, q 12 h PO for 3 to 5 daysa Aureomycin Tablets, Fort Dodge powder 0.25 mg/lb, q 12 h PO in milk replacer Aureomycin 90 Granular Type A Medicated Article, Aureomycin 100 or feed Granular Type A Medicated Article, Alpharma; CLTC 100 MR, Philbro; CTC 5, Alpharma oxytetracycline hydrochloride powder 10 mg/lb, PO daily in water for up to 5 dayse Terramycin-343 Soluble Powder, Pfizer Animal Health tablet 2.5 mg/lb, q 12 h PO for up to 4 days Terramycin Scours Tablets, Pfizer Animal Health powder 0.5 mg/lb, q 12 h PO Terramycin Soluble Powder, Pfizer Animal Health powder 0.25 mg/lb, q 12 h PO TM-50D, Philbro; Aureomycin 50 Granular Type A Medicated Article, Alpharma feed additive 50 g oxytetracycline/ton OTC 50, Durvet tetracycline hydrochloride bolus 5 mg/lb, q 12 h PO for 3-5 daysa,d,e 5-way calf scour bolus, Agrilabs; Polyotic Oblets, Fort Dodge powder 5 mg/lb, q 12 h PO for 3-5 daysa,d,e Tetracycline Hydrochloride Soluble Powder-324, AgriLabs, AgriPharm, Butler, RXV, Vedco, WVS; Tetrasure 324, Fermenta; Tet-sol 324, A.H.A; Duramycin 10 & Duramycin-324, Durvet; Fermycin Soluble, Fermenta; Polyotic Soluble Powder, Fort Dodge powder 100-200 mg/gallon drinking water Tetra-324, Premier Farmtech powder 100-200 mg/gallon drinking watefll Tetracycline Hydrochloride Soluble Powder, Butler; Solu/Tet, Vedco neomycin sulfate liquid 5 mg/lb, q 12 h PO for up to 14 daysh,c Biosol Liquid, Pharmacia; Neomycin 200, Aspen; Neomycin Oral Solu­ tion, Durvet; Neomycin Oral Solution, Phoenix; Neovet Neomycin Oral Solution, RXV. liquid not statedh Neo-128, TriBio powder 5 mg/lb, q 12 h PO for up to 14 daysh,c Neomix 325 Soluble Powder and Neomix Ag 325 Soluble Powder , Pharmacia; Neomycin 325 Soluble Powder, Rhone Merieux oxytetracycline hydrochloride & neomycin sulfate milk replacer additive (100 mg oxytetracycline & neomycin)/gallon Neo-Terramycin 50/50D, Philbro milk replacer additive (50-100 mg oxytetracycline Neo-Terramycin 100/50D, Philbro & 100-200 mg neomycin)/gallon milk replacer additive (125 g oxytetracycline & 250 g neomycin)/ton Land O'Lakes Instant Amplifier Max NT, Select NT, & Maxicare NT, Land O'Lakes calf starter additive (50 g oxytetracycline & 35 g neomycin)/ton Neo-Terramycin 50/50, Philbro; Moormans NT 10/10, Moorman calf starter additive (50 g oxytetracycline & 70 g neomycin)/ton Neo-Terramycin 100/50, Philbro aAdminister 1 hour before or 2 hours after feeding milk or milk replacer. hCan be administered in milk or milk replacer. elf signs such as fever, depression, or going off feed develop, oral neomycin is not indicated as the sole treatment since systemic levels of neomycin are not. obtained due to low absorption from the gastrointestinal tract. If symptoms persist after using the preparation for 2 or 3 days, consult a veterinarian. Treatment should continue 24 to 48 hours beyond remission of disease symptoms. dlf improvement is not noted in 3-4 days, consult a veterinarian. •Do not mix with milk or milk replacer. IN o label claim for use in milk or milk replacer. gDo not administer to calves being fed milk or milk replacer. 138 THE BOVINE PRACTITIONER-VOL. 37, NO. 2 importance: 1) mortality rate, 2) weight gain in survi­ tion of diarrhea in a fourth study. The postulated vors, 3) severity of diarrhea, 4) incidence of diarrhea, mechanism for the beneficial effect of prolonged oral and 5) duration of diarrhea. Because many of the early administration of chlortetracycline and oxytetracycline studies were uncontrolled, this review of antibiotic effi­ on the incidence and duration of diarrhea was de­ cacy has been restricted to peer-reviewed published stud­ creased concentrations of E. coli in the small intestine ies with adequate numbers, random allocation to groups and feces. 8 The 1960 study by Dalton et al8 appears to and inclusion of an appropriate control group. be the only study documenting that prophylactic ad­ ministration of oral antibiotics decreased mortality. Efficacy of oral antibiotics The daily oral administration of ampicillin (50 to In an extensive 1955 review of the efficacy of anti­ 200 mg by syringe) for 14 days significantly (P = 0.0092) biotics for preventing diarrhea and increasing weight decreased the infection rate with Salmonella
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