DRIVE TO EXIST THEWESTPIELD LEADER DURING 1966 THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY I'ubliw tied WKSTK1KU), NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1966 Kvery Thursday 32 Page*—10 CenU A Little Girl Spring Recess d Fund Names Lincoln WesUidd Public Schools Hill Richardson, Star Yankee Ballplayer be closed for spring vacation - Big Ambition April g lo is inclusive. Schools will close at the end of the reg- 66 Campaign Chairman A little girl with a big ambition, ular session next Thursday To Be Guest Speaker At YM Dinner to deliver newspapers, may get her April 7Ui und will rtwpen at tlie of 600 same zeal in their effort Uiis year. wish with the help of Union County regular time Monday, April IS. 'General Campaign "The importance of tlie 14'agen- Sen. Nelson F. Stumlcr and the State cies which depend on the United Legislature. 43d Anniversary Mr. Lm- Fund support cannot he minimized Mis Margaret Snyder, 13. daughter ;as announced Their value to each of our residents of Mr. and Mrs. Dunn A. Snyder of Children's Event Scheduled Barrett Jr. Fund is immeusurcable, and it behooves 727 Forest Ave. wrote to Senator us to do everything possible to as- Stnmler asking for iiis help in mak- veteran of United For April 25th sure them adequate financial aid," ing it legally possible for her to get Easter Egg re, most recently Mr. Lincoln concluded. a job delivering newspapers. rf the Advanced The new general chairman j Robert 'Bobby' Richardson, s Peggy's complaint was that state 1964 he served as president of the Roard of Directors star professional baseball player Major Gifts unit law requires a girl to ha 18 before Hunt Near of the Westfield VMCA, one or the she can deliver papers. The same and second baseman for the WDS a team cap- fund's participating agencies. Mr. law allows boys 12 years and older The Westfield Lions Club today New York Yankees will be the Lincoln is also vice president and a lo do lhe job. announced that plans have been featured speaker for the YM member of the Board of Trustees of completed for its annual Raster Egg Fund's Board of the Presbyterian Church; a trust'T In her letter to the Senator. Peggy CA's 43rd anniversary meeting United said, "I realize the law was made Hunt which has become a tradition Monday, April 25, at the Y. \Ldelighted with and <leep- of Overlook Hospital; member of in town. L« of Mr. Lincoln's ac- Atlas Lodge 125 A&KM, and a mem- for our safety, tv.it 1 think 1 am just The announcement of Mr, rjiji understanding of me ber of Echo Lake Country Club. as capable as a 12-year-old boy." The hunt will be lield in Mindow- Richardson's appearance was askin Park. Saturday, April a at L-10d in preparing for and Now retired, Mr. Lincoln former- The letter had one desired effect. made jointly today by Robert C. Ins a sustained campaign ly was Eastern Region Manager Senator Stamler Monday introduced p.m., and as in the past will be Lincoln, president, and Arthur Lj be especially impor- a bill in the Senate which would per- limited to children seven years old for the Square I) Co. He is a gradu- and under. C. Fried, chairman of the an- •pras»e strive to achieve ate of Lchigh University with a mit lowering the age for girl news- nual meeting committee, paper carriers to 12, the same as for When the starting signal is sound: ful appeal. ROBERT J. LINCOLN bachelor of science degree in elec- Mr. Richurdson, known as "Bob- ajain last year Mr. trical engineering. boys. ed, the children will scurry through- by" lo baseball fans, has been a Mop in two key di- Commenting on his latest assign Mi-, and Mrs. Lincoln are the par-" out the park seeking gaily colored regular wilh the Yankees since tto Fund, was instrumen- merit in Unileii Fund efforts, Mr. ents of two children, both of whom Hauler Eggs which have been hid 1957. Ho has played In seven World kaj the campaign off to a LiiHfr n expressed his conviction are graduates of Westfield High Freedom Fighter, den by members of the Lions Club. Series, where he has set records for k [a both of those years that the various division leaders, School. Their daughter, Barbara, a Trinkets will be passed out to tin the most runs batted in in one did in going °ver lne top committees and volunteer solicitors graduate of Sfcidmore College is children who do not find any eggs. a me (0) and in one series (12), and i the goal we are shooting will be striving harder than ever to married to Dr. Richard S. Kloclm Family Become President of the Westfield I,ions mosl number of hits in one series i. With Mr. Lincoln's bring this year's appeal to a suc- and is living in Chicago. Their son, Club is William Townscnd of 21fi \ I33>. uperienced leadership cessful close. James, is a sophomore at North- New Citizens Clc-lf Edge. Chairman and co-chair In the "off" season, Mr, Richard- , «y we have every eon- "We have seen our last two cam- western University. mini of the Easier Egg Hunt com son pursues his intcrust in youth and ri te United Fund will be paigns go over the top," Mr. Lincoln Four members of a Westfield fam- inillcc are Jack Ambros of 7f>4 Christian beliefs by working In ilk up its third successive said, "and I have full confidence ily who, jusl 10 years ago. fled Com- Carieton Hd. and Robert Kling of lhe VMCA of Sumter, S. C, Ills jwr." that our workers will employ that Educational Secretaries munist oppression in strife-ridden HOB Fair Acres Ave. liome town. At the completion of tho To Honor Dr. Ewun, Hungary were among a grout) "f 44 10(85 season, he announced his in- persons who became American citi- Library Cash Drawer nntlon (o retire, primarily to de- Wife Here Tonight zens Monday in a ceremony of na- ute hl.s full time lo Christian work, me Squad Calls Bring turalization led by Union County Yichls #52 to Thief lowover, h|s was persuaded to The Westfield Association of Ed- Judge Chester A. Weidenbunior al 'ontinuc one more senson becauso ucational Secretaries will hold its Miss Shirley Wriglil, librarian at the Courthou.se in Elizabeth. (he municipal library in the Munici- tf the loss of Tony Kubek, Yankees •Day Activity Record annual "Pot Luck Supper" this horl stop due to injury. evening at (i:30 in the senior high Kahnan Zsamhoky, .10. of 1320 pal Building reported to police Tues- Overhill St., his wife. Elizabeth, and 1 Mr. Hieliardsiin Is an accomplished niij activity record last school cafeteria. Dr. S. N. Kwan, day morning the then ot' $52 in bill. - their two children, Elizabeth ISar- speaker, and is particularly adept hfi 18 members of the retiring Superintendent of Schools and an undetermined amount oi bara, and Knlnuin Francis, heard ret-orcl. Pluiiues were i;ivcu to se- when speaking of his Ute's con- Jscue Squad active be- accompanied by Mrs. Ewan, will he quarters from the cash drawer Judge Wcidenlmrnor liken the natur- niors ltcddy, George llandza, .Mm victions before adults and youth. X wi. Friday and 5:10 Noted Journalist he guest of honor. The assistant which had been jimmied open. Boosters Honor alization ceremony to a "magic HaniKin and Dick Stoller and to lie is a incmiwr of tho fellowship ij. lie number of calls uperintendent of schools, Howard Mrs. It. <i. Bailey of 7.T.2 Normal transformation" in which old world senior niiinagt'i's Dave lturnley, of Christian Athletes, and goes out sj March Is expected to Tomlinson and Mrs. Tomlinson will PI. reported the theft of golf bags To Speak Tonight ties arc renounced for American WHS Athletes Mike tiold and Kirwin Kinc. nf his way lo seek prayer and high. also attend. nnd clubs, with a total value of $540 discussion meetings nmonfi his fel- citizenship, with its "new loyalty, a from her home. Gary Keillor's wrestlers gave him a Civilian Defense Entertainment will be provided by new obligation, new rights, and a n good season with the varsity win- low athletes who share tiis Chris- Squad members At High School The Twelve" a group of high new hope." At Dinner tian concern. during "Operation school girls and "The Thirteen" a (Conlinui'd on 8) Mr. Zsamboky has developed a Two WHS Students Members of Weslfield High As announced by Mr. Fried, res- jlBtday revealed that Tickets for Harrison Salisbury's roup of high school boys. Edgar successful hnrdwood floor-laying and School's basketball, wrcslling and rvutiuiLs for the annunl meeting tore prepared for lecture tonight at Wcslflcld High ,. Wallace, music supervisor of sandiiu: business since fleeing his track (cams were recognized Tues- nay be made at lhe YMCA desk School may be purchased at the A'esl field High School will direct native land following the I!>M upris- Win Honors for day evening by the West field School)' Special Parking villi Ilnrokl J. Rolihnnn, Adult pro- responded to I door, according to Mrs. Harold he youngsters. lle-nstei'S Associat'on at its scvonlli f;t .nil illiu lili;iiiin:i .ij'np aOCi'vtury. calls during the Claussen, president of the Westfield Also, at this meeting the nominal Hungary, Mr. Zsamboky cxpiessr annual winter sports dinner at lhe Permit Plan to The program, slarllnK wilh dinner period, including League of Women Voters, sponsors ing committee will propose the: fol pride in the comment by Judge Weid English Studies school.
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