/ v j V - ■" ■ ■! 4- / <i. <i .n - ii r.l . ;! . .o n o tm t: It' II .(? ■<>'< '^^1* •' P .■*’•1' vJ f t j f^i^/i/s^kl^ Jrrjr^rsA rirK M r, srjjis. u m o iB ’ "■"»» a •! i»j »in»/o V O L U M E X . lie OHAT8WORTH, ILLINOlfi, SATURDAY MORNIN^; pCTOBER 28,1882. N U M B E R 1. —Rev. Knowlton with his family hurriedly from the room, remark^figi Cbtmrtli.flaiBdiilir! arrived Thursday evening, and have "N u t If I know it, she won’t. She ))elU SUBSORIPl'ION KATES. settled in the M. E. Parsonage. blue glazes oat of me at home, and I^stend AMMOT If paid In 8 months llAtij Otherwise tt.oo per a n n u m . —•Among the able editors of Arkansas is it like a man, but when she threatens to ADVCBTI8INO RATBB. a full blooded Cherokee Indian. 'He keeps bit me in a strange boose, sod cells me s itL ijjr p^;s ' Loonl baslneaa notloes ten oenta per line; a tomahawk in bis desk for grumbling lisr before s whole crowd. I’ll run as long M . , Rates lor standing adds, furniehed on appli­ cation. ALLsdaertlsementa pnaocompanltMl subscribers. as I have a spark of manhood \tti."—Blko I, i i. hy direotlona restricting them will be kept (Nev.) Pott. STOCK OF In nntll ordered out, and charged according­ —The nobbiest lot of soft and bard hats Dioz. •: ly. ever brought to Cbatsworth at YOUNG —We have so many goods that the cel iIUm.)' BROS. A CO.’B. lar is full, the garret is fall| the barn is full, and yes—the store is crammed. CH IPS. —Corn 08c @ fiOc. Oats 98 cts Q 80 cts. D R V fiO O D S LO&iTUW Gome and aee the beat selected stock in Flax $1.00. Timothy seed $1.60. - Ills . -Lumber $17.00 $19.00. town at Jno. Waller's. 1 and adjoining Hogs $6 00 ^ $6 50; the latter price H Intniated lom y —Call and see the Heating Siotcb at the fur good heavy stock. The man that cheatstbe printer n tlo n . , Brick Store. Out of a single cent / < —For Flannels of all kinds, red, white, Will never reach tbe hevenly land —Mr. E. P. Fenn visited Forrest on and blue, and of all grades at the very Where old Klljah went. business Saturday. bottom prices, go to Jno. Walter’s. He will not gain admission there, —Tarns, Tarns, Tarns, at TOUNO Hy d e v e ls h e'll be d riv e n . ^ R A N — Mr, and Mrs. J. 8. Doolittle, and And made to loaf hla tim e away, HATS anij CAPS, BHOS. ACO.’S • daughters, of Goodland, Ind., visited Outside the wal la of heaven. STRATE —Hiss Mary Smith visited with friends relatives and friends in this city this week. W ithout a man to greet him BOOTS and SHOES, in Fairbury this week They returned liome on Wednesday. With a pleasant grin, T'he happiness that he will reap, It. —Btlgliest price paid for Poultry at all —Come nod look at our line of Stoves Will be almighty thin. DRESS GOODS, &c. Ac olleotlng notes times at M. Reising’s. whether ynu wish to buy or not. He'll have to eat the thlalle or sorrow and regret; I have the hti-jrest and best selected — Messrs. J. Q. True and H. L. Williams M. H . H a l l . [ L L I N O I 8 . He'll have to buck around right smart sto c k o f were in Pontiac Tuesday. —Robert T. Lincoln shipped from With cuBsedness, “you bed'* Springfield to Wasbinuton sixty two trunks —Fifty barrels of A No. one Apples at —Judge Black of Pennsylvania has been € / l belonging to Ids muiber, which were filled the Brick Store. retained by tbe Monnops of Utah to test with dress goods and trinkets purchased in —Mr. A. Daggett, of Sheldon, HJ., tbe constiiutionslity of the act of Con­ Europe. was on our streets Tuesday. gress relating to polygamy. Judge Black Goods ; s T , —For a c«>mfortable suit of Clothes, —Largest stock of Hats and Caps in is confident the act is unconatitutional, and r a n t e d . Overcoat, or anything in the clothing line, Ever brought to Cbatsworth which Cbatsworth at M. Reising’a. be certainly has much reason for bis con *1’-- St bottom prices, call on Juo. Walter. fidence. Marriage in this country, when I ana selling extremely cheap. —Mrs. Lawrence is visiting her daughter it. —Mr. H. Game has an elegant silver it is anytliing more tliau a civil contract, is Mrs. 8. Crumpton, in this city. Drug Store. cornet. It is gold mounted and beautifully protected simply because it is a religious DO YOU WANT - 1' —The Jntien square and bent wood engraved, with which Henry will, no rite. We cannot see -why the Con»{itu- MY CLOTHING DLPARIM ENI LUMBER, Churns for sale at M. H. Hall’s-. doubt, soon be dispensing some very fiue fion does uul guarantee a man two or Is replete with a full line for the LLY —Mrs. Chas. Wetnland, of Eyler, was music with the band. more wives, as a matter of religion and fall and winter trade. NAILS, visiting friends in this city this week. —Oysters and Minced-meat from now conscience, ms well as one. : S T , —Yoniig Bros. Ac Co. on cau be found at my store. —In a New York paper the following PUMPS, ;s’ store. iieaders of popular prices in dress goods. J. L. DeLong. HEALTH PRESERYINQ estimate is given of the wealth of certain WINDOWS, kt —Mr., B. Crumpton received two car —Mr. Juo, Hubbard has repaired the of our railroad magnates: CORSET. william H. Vanderbilt, said to be DOORS, W e d n e s d a y loads of cattle from Chicago Friday. building immediately east of the P lain w o rili.............................................. ........»26a,(KK).OiK) By a novel arrangement of flna b. ’ —If you would have the finest cooking DEALER office, and on and after Monday I.eland Stanford, said to be worth. ui-t.ooo.oiH' coiled wire springs, which yield I Ay G o u ld .................................................. 80,0 0,000 readily to every movement of the BLINDS, Apples in town go to M. H. Hail’s. nexi will be prepared to keep boarders at Collls F. HuiiUngtou.8.............SO.ooo.ooo wearer, the most PEKFBCV ;*ra n te d reasonable rates. Warm meals furnished Charles (jroeker ...................................... 4",<SjO,oi>o FITTX N a and comfortable coi>> LIME, —Mr. and Mrs. S. Remsburg, of Bureau Mrs. H op k in s............................................. loooO.tiOO set ever made ia secured. at all hours. Rus-sell Huge .......................................... to.nooooo county, visited relatives in this city this XsftppiOTsdhy ths Bist Pbyddis8« ^ l a l e o f Tom .Scott............ ................. 2'i.0(k),(kk> S A N D , ' week. —Young Bros. A Co. ’will sell you C yrus W. F ie ld ........................................ 16 000.00<I Give it a trial and yoa will »USE. S am uel .1. T ild e n .................................... ift.otxj.ooo IMNKYBEruilDKO wear no other. For sals hf —Remember that Toung Bros. & Co. are Broadhead Alpacas cheaper than you Jo h n W. G a rre t..................................... lu.iHKt.o'O b r i c k '; ■ headquarters for Cloaks and Dolmans. can buy them anywhere else in Total........................................... $670,000,uoo JOHIT W AZiTSK. M&IEIS& CEMENT, —Mrs. Geo. Torrance, of Pontiac, Livingston county. —Mr. James A. Smith, editor of this ' furniehed. CHATSWORTH ILLINOIS visited relatives and friends in this city —Excepting a few one horse revolutions paper, received a telegram on Monday HAIR, lartlculars. this week. peace now prevails through the earth, and last infurniing him that Miss Susie ILLINOIS —Finest selection of California Canned abundant crops are reported at home and Heinperley. a younger sister of Mrs. BUILDING PAPER, Fruits at bottom prices at M. Reising’s. abroad. If it weren’t for these abomina­ Smith, was fust failing in health, and DRAIN TILE OR GS, —Remember that Mr. E. P. Fenn will ble comets tiiat skip in unanounced, carry they in company with Mr. George L. sell bis personal property to-day. ing terror to our liearts, we might be a Heinperley, who is a brother of Miss J e s a f e S M I J BARBED FENCE WIRE? E K ; (Saturday). ^ bappy people Hemperley, departed on the first train for Harrisburg, Pa , with the hope of greeting ILL. —A new assortment of shoes of all sizes —An A No. 1 quarter section of land their beloved sister once more in life, but <owe%t R a te s just received at TOUNO BROS. & CO.’S. for sale at $40 per acre, 8^ miles north Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry, the insatiate archer winged his shaft ere west of Cbatsworth. Inquire of D. J. fniueltd —Mr. N. H. Kipp, manager of the their arrival at her iioine, and denied them Repairing done promptly, and •f'Empire line, Lafayette, Ind., was in the Stanford, Cbatsworth. warranted ; also a full line of !f you do, call on tlieir anticipated hope, as a telegram was city Wednesday. SOLD. Die d -O f typlioid fever on Saturday received soon after their dsparture stating, —The celebrated Walker Boot, the best night last at Spirit Lake. Iowa, William that, “She was sleeping '4he sleep that :E A6ENT! in the market for sale by TOUNG BROS. Conley, aged 25 years.
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