this ation. has t1r~er'e b~21~;n. so al'~J,ch tress laid upon the theoa of the Church to i: the Ie rship in genealogy work t:r,S at lror 80')1113 r(:?IE~sorL the brethren of tb.e thaod <'clS) 11 group have not be,en made to f,eel that should be the ones, individually and colL:octively, to see that genealogy work is in every family throughm.lt the Church. It is heart(.::ning. indeed to see what leadership can do in a fami such as yours~ I ELm acquainte,oI with the excellent articles of incorporation and by law's pre your leadership. Along with similar documents eerved as :Lnes fer the ation program outlined C of the Church Genealogical Instruction J:lianuaL I comrlllend most he outline of your ans ,as "",e11 as your ation and this very of your great family genealogy. It seems ant that simultaneously 1ilith this< urge in gene research and work that then; should be IB.uru::hed the great importance of fel1nily solidarity among the This, 1:Lkewise ~ is be prorn.ot<ed, as is the f the thood and relief lijith homr~ teachers to assist,gnce 8.S needed" Your past publicat:ion8 as'iVel1 as future publtcat:tons 0:£ the shou.ld be a valuable to pan:ents not formal a Book of Rel.1lembrance ect: with their children, but ve 1:l vyealth of. f,aith a to thed.r home prograxfls cIt is f111 of :\TOU as "';;/1211 as the entire Churc:hvli.ll see the fic,slJelCe of of :(Jlaladd that the hearts of. the children shall be turned and the hearts of th(~ fathers to their this with instruction to should to It is that your fami ,("ill take the initi.ative in the family home night program that fathers and mothers ',"itb, their cb.ildren will be drawn tow;gLrd each othe'r as t,?el1 as ttU2 here "muld be d.l::,awD. toward their who ha\lt3 gOICle ·!befc{r'f~ ~ I t is that addi tJLoftal fHerl.1be:iCS of }Ti(YUr: large '\rllll be d.rC'l:I!I~T' into this to 12ibOlCS of the :3e\li2;7t:2!.1 nm1!' that tOOl may (llf vl.<i::.ariouB l"Ja.v:torshi p. ----~~~------ Sl~!ur :~{Q:iLl lt ---~"-- the 8.3Su!"ance of life this to gJreatr.::;r eEICi,ea ,f('j:1:S to ----- ---~-._~-:......:--=-~~--- '~lOrl(, and unitecU.y that th,a p082ible good may resul YOUI' efforts" Eve]:' prl;l.ying the (;)]: the. Lo!cd upon you, Lam 8,nd faithfully yours, 11,o\~ lard rrl () H~ulter, President G-e ne <0& •• UJ<;,"'~!~"~ S EDITORIAL PAGE Dear Relatives: Living Helativ'es: It is i11deecl a to sen.d ;:lOll irl this TIe<!},! i88118 .i am \1'8ry lonely and my heart is sad, It you help (}f the IIBElJ\TAP FAJVIILY CliTER I! " I this is a event in [:Loth,ere is Ht:;LrrrLaI1 Bellmapy born about Has 5" YOllr life irl thEt it "Ii\till st,iIrfllle,te JroLl to see.k 3Tour father is Uc,gc)o::l, born, HaGs, I had arlcestors arKl app:t'eciate t,h.e irlher'itarlC'S thE~t is ,ours~, 3 brothers and name is Dorthy. I "ras born h 1671 at J.vIass~ I Jl1a1"1'~'i(:v:1 IJlr~n 0" .A11Yli''S1) SOUle dear g,is,ters -~\fere Also, seeking after OLU~ dead is on,8 of the for me in ." (lid. rrl~Y e11dO"(rJr!1errl~s irl 1926 arlCL .sealecl rne to TI13T G<)C;~ 1 that the Lord has eel tllJ:,o:n US-j} bless tlleIne i/forl t 3T01J. fi:'lcl 1T131" hllS=- nas been done, If \ii'e all meet bfirlcl ~ S 11a1118 E~rld dear childrem< Vie 1/lant to become a OlJ~r v~e ·vIor}~ ac C UH'jJ.-'----'- W'"V'-~' VIe too, can be be able to progress irl Fat11::3::" t 8 Ct:U1. f -t do tIllS for ourselves, so God bless As a. .for 1'8SearCf1 in. you and d,() our IAJe have there is, Brother Frank the ,Salt Lake VIe have 11aJt.1es ~~' OlJ.t the has blet3sed the measure both a5 of 1/Jhic:h "re to find direct ancestors before This re~ a and individuals. Vle mus't, therefore be \frilling to do all 'de searc:h is tedious and We feel it is worthwhile to fiI.li~Jh ca:n for our ki:t!{h'c-3d dead both in research and vrork, and take our this pcoject, i5 found of bcC)nei"it to Ule fa:cuily will ]:)e to the Let's our records up to date, the D. & ed this paper. 1L1.): lias the records on earth vIhich are t:C"uly made OUi~ ,30 aleo are the records in Heaven.:1 The In the v'cords of the ,John II God hold us 1 member' of the 1:)18 for e"v'ery' peJCf30n,"v~f(::: b.B~\rc:; ;::~a"vfe(l l"lacl "v'.re dOfle mu' duty,i' Won 't is an.:tdous an.d 'w'illing -'Go ltlor:k: II you us in this \03.;3-(; program of res(3arch EL.nd t of the 'Nill gro'iV'" "vrE1;)' '~\rtleT"e yO'll Jr1ft;1 1)ee01Tie a. Sa'vior 011 1:10l1J.1t Zi011G Tl-"1ere are rnany PleaEJ8 her nO'"J Emd E",:m.dyour to tb.e unde,r- vve are in contact ItD.ell families in and Canada. Each "-!,l°e c the of this All information iII the in I ~bea,I~ 3T()ll xn:T that fl1ftl1y Etre .for 118 for pl'1leser'vatioIl.. Tl~lese files are fo:c the use of the me:mbers of the to do their '\lifOrk for them. I ha,d tll.e J:lcrnor of Belnap Family. united IfJhile in the I know th.8 lord 'ltd.lI bles:3 us forth t.he effort and :ie, t,he 8ei'n~ch "~il1 I\rIr:Lsh to than.k all those who b.c'\\lG "'~f\TorJ(ed l1ax-'d -I~o ()l:rtbl,i11 tJl,e If :.TOtl (ion. ~ t. l1Er~re rlELrneES to for ·we serld yOll 30n.lC~ II E1Evi:,8TiEtl in t,h:3 Files II J t:,110s e-y\rho lIlEtd e (It and you shall :':'eeeive.!I this paper ble. This is If It StH:::ceeds J it is because of your t9.11d firlancira.l aa,8i3·!'~H::tI1C,e~ J. F'f' Rt #2, Hexburg, Idaho 83 Lf.L,O Della A, Belnap Genealogical and Temple v\fork President ~, 1 - A IJfE,SSAGE FROM YOUR FJlJVlILY HI,STORIAIJ BELNAP FAJlHLY HEUlIJION Dear Kinsfolk: The rle~:t reunion of the F"uuily vJill be held in Instead of viTi the usual form.al statements of a historical article The t,ime, date, and e for this event has not been ,set, but abol~d~ the first Pioneers of the Great let us will be think in terms of Memory Pic~ of them, ha.ve "vTitten a'oout the time and e of their birth, etc. not think oP their looks ('mel If any of the separa.:t.e zations have set any time, date other contacts ",rjj:,h us? What has caused us to r81nember them or place, communicate vJith IL Austin Belnap, South 13th East, Lake C Utah. Please relive with me a fe",r of the llpictures ll that remain in. my nri.nd. I think of Grandfather Belnap as a rather tall, alert, stately idth keen sparkling eyes J white hair, white beard, When he came to visit us, he drove into the back yard, partially turned around with his FMULY HISTORY horses facing east, Then he climbed out of the wagon, securely fastened the horses, assisted the others out and came forward to the As rnembers of God I s Kingdom, we to };:eep records 0 Of back door. li\That joy it vms to see him and his faTaily course this means 'ire should have evidence to birth, , endowment and I remember Grandmother J\deline Belnap, whose name I carry "(,1[i th pride. record of our death we leave to our children, Most of uS could e I recall her beautiful white natural~vla:\TY hair which used to be dark this kind of inform.atio11 5 but this alone would make a rather dull accoQ"1t like her eyes, She w·as short-waisted and not very tall, Her hands of our It is not sufficient" To make our lives more mean··· shmved the hard work and the loving care vJhich she had given to both the ingful and to leave a more complete account of our lives, 1IJe are sick and the welle Yes, knew the cuddling of dozens of new babies, to vtrite family histories, too. Her dress was modest but attractive, I shall never forget her sml_Le, Neither shall I her little hand satchel and In the spirit of a moment we ITIELke elaborate plans to do the little black book full of ladies I names amI dates. None of us should this, but for most of us clone. Let each of us devise a e,rer tOl.lch either of ..these 3 vlllich -lI,rer,c al-vvciy'S sitting in. the -Vii-de method of our and let us be consist- "("rindoIilT sill in the room, ent in is a in l'IThich ·vve IlJr.'1ke at Another idea is to 'ifrib" a Al she ,vas not one of the first three, I remember Aunt Henriett.a.
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