THE SATURDAY WORLD K Vol. I, No. 8 ROSSLAND, B. C, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1903 Price Five .Cents Lord Onslow has declared at not yet been determined, but the NEWS IN A Edinburgh that the restrictions on values hold their own and will the importation of Canadian cattle GAMP OUTLOOK IS BRIGHT run about $30 in gold. ALASKAN would not be removed. NUTSHELL Sir Henry Campbell Banner- The Republic Mines TRIBUNAL man has deolared that the British Liberals will oppose protection root All the Mines Are Shipping Well The following is the statement of Items of Interest Round and branoh. the ore tonnage shipped from Re­ Canada Obtains an Open the World. All treaty questions arising be­ at Present. publio during the past week: Waterway. tween the Empire and Franoe are Mountain Lion to Trail, 621 to be referred to the Hague tribu­ tone; to Nelson, 140 tone; to Gran­ LATEST TELEGRAPH BULLETINS nal. by, 183 tons; Knob Hill to Nelson, NORTHERN PROVINCE BLOCKED Lord George Hamilton and Sir ELMORE CONCENTRATOR A SUCCESS 89 tons; Zala M. to Crofton, 50 Edward Grey are conducting a tons; Total, tone, 1,083. The Doings of Conspicuous Persons fieroe campaign against Chamber­ General View of the Present Conditions Surrounding Terms of the Award Which the Affecting Canadian In­ lain. Russian Ways Canadian Commissioners Re­ English papers fear the revoking the Camp—Prosperous Future Is Now terests. The governor of the Amur, Si­ fuse to Sign as Just. of the British preferential duty by An Assured Fact. Canada in resentment of the recent beria, has issued an order that no Chinamen, Koreans or foreigners award In the Alaskan dispute. There has been muoh disappoint­ shall be employed in the gold The fall assizes have taken place Chamberlain has addressed an The official announcement of the dary mines carries the total for ment over the award 0/ the Alas­ mineB of the Amur, province. A at Nelson. enthusiastic audience at New result of the work of the Elmore this year well beyond the half kan tribunal expressed in Canada. castle, supposed to be a great free supplementary report forbids all The Grand Trunk railway bill concentrator now running on one million mark, the amount shipped Under the terms of the treaty a traders stronghold. river steamers to carry coolies to has passed the Senate. side regularly, is being awaited by running considerably over two majority of the tribunal, if obtain­ FOREIGN the mines. More good finds havo been made the camp. It ia reported on ex­ thousand tons daily. ed, was to be decisive. There were at Poplar. Clericals and Socialists are at cellent authority thatthe plant hes Granby mines to Granby smelter, three representatives of the United open warfare at Bilbao, Spain, Time has been given for the re­ proved even a greater success than 9,440 tons; Mother Lode to Green­ SMALLPOX QUARANTINE States, two of Canada and one of organization of the Clergue works Bar silver is quoted at 61 3 8 a' waa anticipated, but it may be wood smelter, 2888 tons; Snowshoe Great Britain. The first and the New York. on Sault S'.e Marie. supposed that the announcement to Sunset smelter,2070 tons; Athel last agreed upon a compromise, Professor Hugerup has formed a Dominion Officer Now in but the Canadians have refused to Ex Mayor Manning of Toronto, new Norwegian ministry. will not be given until both sides stan to Sunset Bmelter, 270 tons; one of thatoity's wealthiest citizens, eign the award whioh, however, The King and Queen of Italy are of the plant are being run regular­ Oro Denoro to Sunset smelter, 954 Charge of All South­ is dead. visiting France. ly, for until such is the. case there tons; Emma to Granby and ern Travel. goes into effect juBt the same. Ontario politicians are nominat­ A monument to Queen Viotoria will be no definite result whioh oan Nelson smelters, 396 tons; Canada gets one waterway, the ing oandidates for the next general is to be erected at Boston, U. S. very well be given. The delay is Sunset to Sunset smelter, 80 tons; Portland Canal, but the United eleotion. The quarantine regulations un­ Boris Sarakoff, the Macedonian incident to all new plants which Winnipeg to Sunset smelter States obtain two islands off ila Negotiations between the C.P.R, der the order of the Dominion gov­ insurgent leader has been killed are placed in operation and will 270 tons. entranoe which command it. In and their employees at Montreal ernment for the Boundary are now in action. every other point the United States have BO tar proved fruitless. doubtless be overcome within a The Granby smelter thiB week in full force. Dr. Sinclair has been Conflicts between strikers and short period of them. treated 8616 tons, making 264,446 has gained the day. A fire, supposed (o have been appointed by Ottawa as Dominion soldiers have been renewed at The contention of the United started by an incendiary, occurred It will be learned with satisfac­ tons for the year. Health Officer under the control Armentieres, France. StateB aa to the boundary was not at Kaslo early in the week. tion that the llossland Kootenay The following shipments were of the head of the health depart­ Turkish troops crossing the Ser­ sustained. The Canadian view was •: A strike would appear to be im­ haB resumed shipment of ores, its made by the different mines: ment in Saittttde; Dr. Montizambert. vian border have been repelled by acknowledged to be accurate but a minent among C. P. j& railway differences with the Northport WEEK TOTAL The provincial health officer Dr- force. Granby 9,440 286,848 compromise boundary was agreed employee west of Winnipeg. smelter evidently having been Mother Lode 2888 101,511 Fagan has no longer any control The Northern Paoific has de­ Snowshoe 2,070 60,112 upon. The value of the land con­ The Toronto Grand Jury has re­ amicably arranged, No enrs have B.C 19,365 over the quarantine regulations of olared a seven per cent dividend on ceded is nil, but it is a barrier to ported in favor of compulsory ar­ aB yet been billed out, but there Emma 396 15.284 the International Boundary. In the ourrent half year. Sunset 80 14,801 Canadian commerce on the Paoifio bitration of trade disputes. are a couple in process of loading Oro Denoro 954 9,436 the oity Dr. Maokenzie is Btill Ten thousand Chinese workmen Morrison 3,339 ocean, partially mitigatsd by the Orders have been given for the at the platform, near the upper Athelstan 270 2,640 Health Officer, his municipal du­ are raising Russian fortifications Winnipeg 270 1,840 opening of the Portland Canal. construction of a 16 knot cruiser at Port Arthur. Bchool house in the Great Northern Providence 705 ties in no way conflicting with the on Lake Erie to guard Canadian railway yard. Elkhorn 173 Dominion regulations. The train fisheries. Dan Patoh has lowered the The Rathmullsn. world's pacing record for The White Bear has nearly com­ Totals 16,368 516,054 from infected centres BUA as Spo­ Efforts are being made to, have one mile to 1 min. 56 1-4 seconds. pleted the casing in of its head- kane and other suspected points is After a close down of several the member for Lillooet retire in Slocan Shipment!. worke, and it also will be in full met by Dr. Sinolair and his assis­ years the Rathmullen is again to favor of Attorney General MoPhil- The Japanese navy haB aban­ tants. Dr. Sinclair takes the run started under more favorable aus­ lips. doned its threatening position at swing in a short period of time. The total amount of ore shi pped the Korean port of Masampho. The Jumbo is shipping steadily to from the Slocan and Slocan City from the Boundary to this oity, one pices. The managing direotor, Mr. The Roman Catholio diocese of mining divisions for the year of his assistants that from the L. H. Moffatt, haB arrived from Peterboro, including Nipissing, and Fifty thousand pounds Turkish Northport, and the Le Roi No. 2 to 1902 was, approximately. 30,000 other parts of northern Ontario is had been granted in Constanti­ Greonwood. The O. K. mill is in tons. Since January 1 to Oct. 17, Boundary to Nelson and another Toronto and has stated that opera­ to be divided. nople to alleviate Macedonian dis­ 1903, the shipments have been aB that from the Boundary to Grand tions will again he commenoed on full swing, and quite a success is follows: tress. Porks. the property at an early date. William Moon, ex-postmaster at being met with on the property. WEEK. TOTAL Michel, B. C. has been sentenced to A bloody conflict between neg­ In addition to these, the Le Roi iB Americanly 21 708 Every person coming from the roes and while men has taken place Antoine 212 Dominion House Prorogues four years imprisonment for defal­ shipping over 800 tons daily, and Arlington 40 south is under the supervision of cations by the Court of Assize sit­ near New Orleans. Several deaths Alberta 3 ooourred. the Centre Star and War Eagle be­ Black Prtnce 17 these officers and are vaccinat­ The Dominion House will pro­ ting this week in Nelson. Bondholder 2 ed should they deem the operation The principal ealure Jof the com­ tween contribute nearly 3000 tone Bosun 20 990 rogue today at Ottawa. No an­ IMPERIAL. Bluebird 57 necessary as a precaution against ing Colombian elections ie the ab­ weekly to the camp's output.
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