Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Circulation Climbs Contents Copyright by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1961 — Permission to Reproduce, Except Aa additluial 2,000 cities at The second letter la a series On Articles Otherwise Mariced, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue tU s te m , of the **DeBTCr Cath­ of eight encouraging the faithful olic Kegkter” win be maUed to to become “Register” readers the parishes this w e^ at the re­ win be discussed from the pul­ vest of the pastors tor chnrch pit April 16. An appeal will l>e door distribntioii S a n d a y, nude to the parents of teen­ Aprii 11 agers. lU s past Sunday more than DENVER CATHaiC The “increased readership MOO copies were distributed to through greater circulation’’ families not now receiving the paper in the mall. This is but drive will continue throughout one iadicatimi that the “Beg- the months of April and May. Ister's” current campaign for All of the archdiocese’s 105 par­ REGISTER new subscriptions is catching ishes have given their full co- held. operatton. ^__________________ VOL LV. No. 35. THURSDAY, APRIL 13) 1961 DENVER, COLORADO Niewman Congress to Draw Delegates From 4 States “Lend Me Your Hands” is the theme of the Inter- Arehiteef's Sketch of Rem'odeled St. Joseph's Church, Fort Collins mountain Province Newman Club convention to be hosted by Colorado University’s Newman Club at the Boulder Campus this week end. Two hundred delegates Church in Fort Collins will come to the campus from Colorado, Utah, Nebraska, • ■ • and Wyoming for three days of meetings, discussions, and addresses by outstanding speakers. The dates are April 14, 15, and 16. Richard Paul Roy is general con­ Blessing Planned April 27 vention chairman of C.U. The Newman Club is an The remodeled St. Jo­ reredos are a blend of Car­ hands on the shoulders of the organization of Catholic stu­ Saturday afternoon there f will seph’s Church, at a cost of rara and Colorosa marble. Savior. 1116:1600 feet high, the dents on the secular college be a workshop on vocations. $350,000, in Fort Collins The main crucifix is made of statue was carved by an art­ campus. It is aimed at furth­ Chairman of jthe<; panel will be will be dedicated Thursday, bronze. ist in the Italian T;^oL ering the religious, academic, the Rev. Charles B. Woodrich, Statue of Patron '^e stations of the cross and social life of the Catholic archdiocesan director of voca­ April 27, at 5:30 p.m. by Archbishop Urban J. Vehr. Over the main altar is a and the statues of the Sacred students. On the national lev­ tions. The panel itself will be huge hand-carved statue of Heart and the Blessed Mother el and in Boulder, the cluh composed of the Rev. Bernard Offering the Mass of Ded­ St. Joseph in his role as fos­ over the side altars, which are is one of the strongest of the ication will be the Rt. Rev. ter father of the Christ Child. marble replicas of the main existing religious organizaT Monsignor Eugene O’SuUli- T he saint stands wTth his (Turn to Page 5 — Column 1) tions aimed at institutions of van, pastor of St. Vincent higher learning. de Paul’s Parish, Denver, Keynoting the convention will and former pastor of St. Jo­ be William Barrett, internation­ seph’s -Parish. A special ally known author of such Area's Needy Persons Plan Newman Club Comrenflon books as The Left Hand of Odd, Mass for the occasion was Shadows of the Images, and Sud­ written by Gregory Bueche, Planning for the Intermonntate Province club; Dick Roy, convention chairman; and den Strangers, in addition to music department head at Newman Club convention sponsored by the Thomas Gibstm; and, back row, Joan Forsyth, To Receive Clothing ^ several other books and articles. Colorado State University. Colorado Vidversity Newman Club, Boulder, Rob Rickman, Sybil McDonald, and Cornelius April 14-16, are, left to right, front row, Amy Downey. Prior to Mr. Barrett’s address. Father Thomas McMahon, Hdey, Ed /Shallenberger, president of the Father Charles Forsyth, pastor of St. Francis’ Parish, In Bundle Day Drive O.S.B., C.U.’s Newman Club Castle Rock, and former assis­ chaplain and province chap­ tant at St. Joseph’s, will serve This Sunday, April 16, is day except Sunday from 8:30 lain, will give the welcoming ad­ as deacon, and Father .Charles Bundle Day for all parishes in a.m. to 5 pjn. The schedule for Greater Understanding Eyident, dress to the delegates. Brown, present assistant at St. the Denver area. Bundle Day the truck and its pickup areas The Rev. James Friel, Pueblo Joseph’s, will be subdeaepn. is a one-day campaign, spon­ are as follows: Mondays — Ar­ College Newman Club chaplain The Rt. Rev. Monsignor Wal­ sored by the St. Vincent de vada, Westminster, Tliornton, Jewish, Catholic Leaders Assert and Pueblo diocesan director ter Canavan, rector of the Cath­ Paul Society, for usable cloth­ Edgeiyater, and Lakewood; of Newman Clubs, will give the edral Parish, Denver, will de­ ing that will be distributed to Tuesdays and Tliursdays—South sermon at the 7:45 Mass April By Paci. Hauett land during the Nazi domina­ ptycki of Lwow, who lived in liver the sermon: Serving as those in need in Denver and Denver, Englewood, We^t Den­ 15 for the delegates. its suburbs. ver, and Lakewood from south Contacts between Jewish, tion. Poland had the largest the territory taken over by the masters of ceremonies will be pewish community in Europe^ the Very Rev. Monsignor Rich­ In addition to this annual ap­ of 16th Street; Thursday—little- Russians. Society President Rev. Alexander Sigor, and Catholic Vrepresenta 3,250,000. Of these 2,500,000 werC ard Duffy, pastor of St. Jos­ peal for the needy, the St. Vin­ ton; Wednesday and F rid a y - Archbishop Szeptycki, w h o The Saturday luncheon speak­ National* Chaplain tives have been both more put to death by the Nazis. died in 1944, opposed by both eph’s; the Very Rev. Monsignor cent de Paul Society maintains East Denver and Park Hill; and er will be Robert J. Robinson, Friday only—Aurora and Hoff­ numerous and more mean­ “Every Jewish family had a Reds and Nazis, has a beatifi­ president of the John Henry li. Byrne, M.M., of the Mary- George Evans, Assistant Chan­ a salvage bureau at 1625 Wazee man Town. The services of the ingful in the past three or loss somewhere.’’ cation cause now pending in Cardinal Newman Honor knoll house in Denver, a Lor- cellor, and Father John Vidal, Street. Each day the bureau’s salvage bureau truck can be four years. Aid in Poland Rome. Many Polish priests were Society, past extension vice entine sister from Loretto C.M., of St. TTiomas’ Seminary. truck goes to specific locaUties And with contact comes great­ in this area and picks up used made available by calling CH, Dr. Lichten, riho made a put to deatii for aiding Jews. president of the National New­ Heights College representing the Doubled in Size er respect for one another, un­ furniture and appliances that 4-5503. , stndy of Nazi Jewdiunts, said Ih e Anti-Defamation League, man Chib, and past chairman convent life, a Jesuit pridst The churchi first dedicated in derstanding of positions a n d will either be given to poor that the biggest individual help though sponsored by B’nai of Central States Province. Mr. from Regis representing the re­ 1901, has been doubled in size teachings, the clearing away of families or sold at the De Paul given to Jews in Poland came B’Rith, the national organiza- Robinson is one of America’s ligious community life. Brother by an extension in the direc misunderstandings, and the es- from Metropolitan Andrew Sze- (Tum to Page 5— Column 2) outstanding Newmanites. Alban, F.S.C., a Christian Broth Society’s retail store at 1951 tion of the main altar. T h e Lawrence Street, Denver. De Paul Men thblishmeht of friendship even er, and Dr. Frank McGlone, seating capacity,' formerly Professional Work amid differences. outstanding Denver physician. about 300, is now 732. Plan Annual . These ideas emerged from an The United States Air Force Professional work is* done in Interview with Dr. Joseph L. Academy will provide the speak­ The addition matches the old­ the modern shops of the salvage er section of the church. The Mass April 23 Lichten of the national board er for Saturday evening. Capt. bureau on all furniture in need of the Anti-Defamation League A'. F. Hurley, USAF, a profes­ stone on the exterior came from of repair. TTie latest in new the same quarry as the stone Archbishop Urban J. Vehr of B’nai B’rith, whq spoke Mon sor of history at the academy, equipment can be found in the for the older part of the struc­ will offer the annual Mass for day night at a meeting of Cath­ will address the banquet. carpenter shop and the reup­ the St. Vincent de Paul Society olic and Jewish leaders of the ture. The stone on the older holstering department, where 33 National Official section, in addition, was sand­ at St. Thomas’ Seminary, Den­ Denver community. The convention is honored in workers, some of them handi­ blasted to make a perfect blend. ver, on Sunday, April 23, at Representing the Jewish com­ S- having the National Newman capped, make the chairs, ^ofas, 8:15 a.m.
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