27th March , 1933 THE 1LEGISLATIVE ·ASSEMBLY DEBATES (Official Report) Volume II, 14)33 (23f'd Febf'uaf'Y to roth Maf'ch, 1933) FIFTH SESSION OF 'HE FOURTH LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY, 1933 SIM.LA GOVEHNMENT OF INDIA PRESS 1933 1I97LAD , r. Legislative Assembly. Presillent : THE HONOURABLE SIB IBlWIDI RAHIKTOOLA, K.C.S.I., C.I.E. (Upto 7th March, 1933.) Tn HONOURABLE MR. R. K. SIIANHUKIWI CHETTY. (From 14th March. 1933.) Deputy Preaiilent: MR. R. K. SIIA.NKUKJW( Cm:T'l'Y, M.L.A. (Upto 18th March, 1933.) MIt. ABDUL MATIN CHAUDBUBY, M.L.A. (From 22nd March. 1933.) Panel of Ohairmen : BIB lIARI SINGH GaUB. KT., M.L.A. SIB AlmUR R.umt:, K.C.S.! .• KT .• M.L.A. Sm LESLIE HUDSON, KT., M.L.A. MIt. MUIWOU.D YAJrIIN KHAN, C.I.E., M.L.A. SecretM1J : MR. S. C. GUPTA, C.I.E., BAB.-AT-!.AW. A8Ntaf'ItB of tire Secretary : MuN MUHAMMAD RAFI, BAB.-AT-!.AW. R.u BABADUB D. Dun. Mar8MJ: CAPrAIN' HuI SA.BDAB NUB AHMAD KHAN, M.O., I.D.M., I.A. Oommittee on Public Petitions : MR. R. K. SBA.NHUXBAM OBETI'Y, M.L.A., Ohairman. (Upto to 13th March 1933.) , lIB. ABDUL MATJN CB4UDHURY, M.L.A., Ohairman. (From 22nd March 1933.) • Sm LESLIE HUDSON, KT., M.L.A. Sm ABDULLA-AIrMAMUN SUHRAWARDY, KT., M.L.A. MB. B. SITARAMARAJU, M.L.A. MB. O. S: RANGA lYEB, M.L.A. M97LAD 12 o 11 PAOES. PAOES. TH'URSDAY, 238D MA8CH,1933- hmAl'"24TH MAacK, 1933-conld. The Nudity Exemption Bill-In. Questions and Answers .. 2416-44 troduced 2537 Statements1aid on the Table 2444 The Removal of Doubts.about the The Sa.lt Additional Import Duty Applioation of the Doctrine of (Extending) Bill-Discussion not Repreaentation, in oase of Suo. concluded . 2444-66, Delsion to Stridhan under llhe 2467-87 Dayabhag Bill-Introilluced 2338 Statement of Business 24~7 The Indian Bar Councils (Amend. ment) Bill-Introduced !538 FmDAY, 24TH MARCH, 1933- The Indian Penal Code (Amend. ment) Bill-Introduced JN8 oQueetionl and An.were 2489-21103 The Imperial Bank of India (Amend. 'The Indian Railways (Amendment) ment) Bill-Introduced •. 2538 Bill-(Amendment of section 61 >-: Presentation of the Report of The Abolition of Capital PuDilhm8llt the Select Committee 2150' Bill-Introduced 2538 The Code of Civil Prooedure (Amend. The Child Marriage Reatraint ment) Bill-Introduced 2lI89 (Amendment) Bill-Motion to ciroulate negatived 2liOf-24 The Hindu Temple Entry Dilabl. litiea Removal BiIl-DiBouslion on The Hwdu Temple Entry Disabi- the motion to oiroulate not con· lities Removal Bill-Intro- oluded 2339-63 duced 2625-32 &TURDAY, 211TH MAltOJI, 1933- The Child ~ Restraint (Re- pealing) Bill-Introduced . 2532 Mem ber Sworn .. 2566 The Girls Protection Bill-Intro- Message from the Counoil of State •. 2666 duced 2633 Statements laid on the Table 2665--56 The Untouohability 4bolition BilI- The Salt Additional Import Duty bVoduced .... •• 2633 (Extending) Bill-Passed 2667-84 The :Dena" State Prisoners Regu. The Indian Finance Bill-Discus· lation (Repealing) Bill-Introduc. lion not concluded 2564-89, ed " 2033 2589-2606 The Indian Criminal Law Amend. Statement of Business 21189 ment Bill-Introduced 2684 MONDAY, 27TH MAltOJI, 1933- The (Child M.a.rriage Restraint Member Sworn .. 2807 (Amendment) Bill-Introduced 2635 Questions and Answers • . 2607-40 The Mussaiman Wakf Validating Unstarred Queatiolll and Answers 260-61 (Amendment) Bill-Introduced.. 2633 Short Notice Question and Answer 2661~2 The Hindu Widows' Right of Main. Motion for Adjournment ,e Law· tenanoe Bill-Introduced . 2/S36 ieasness in Sind-Ruled out of The Code l'f Criminal Procedure Order 2~6 (Amendment) Bill-Introduced 2635 The Indian Finance BiD-Discus· aion not ooncluded 2666-91 The Code of Civil Procedure (Amend. Appendix 2692 ment) Bill-Introduced . ,2536 TtrllBDAY, 28TH 1t1.uwH, 1933- The Child Marriage Restraint Questions and Answers . 2696--2723 (Amendmcnt) Bill-Introduced .. 2536 Election of .Member. to the Stand- The Hindu Widows Mainttnanoe ing Committse on Emigration .. 2723 Bill-Introduced " .. 2536 The Indian Finance Bill-Paased &8 amended • . 2723-53 The Ajmer·M.erwara Juveniles Demands for Supplementary Smoking Bill-Introduced 2&J6...-37 Grants • . 27113-67 iii PAGlia. PAGU. WBDNMDAY, 29TH lUBoB, 1983- TlmBsDAY, 30TH ltuoB,I933- Unatarred Questions and All8wels 2826-28 Motion for Adjournment re Order of expulaion aerved on four Chet- Motion for Adjournment re Order tiyar bankers of Saigon by the of expulaion aerved on four Government of Indo·China-Poet- Chettiyar banker. of Saigon by poned till next day 2769-71 the Government of Indo-China- Withdrawn .. .. 2828,2877-92 Election of Members to the Stand. Eieotion of Mom hera to the Central ing Finance Committee for Rail- Advi80ry Counoil for Railways .. 2829 way. and the Standing Com- mittee on Roads . 2772 Election of Members to the Stand- ing Committee for the Depart. ment of Education, Health and Statemcnts laid on the Table 2773-74 Lancb 2_ Propoaa1a for Indian Constitutional IIeu&ge from the Counoil of State 2829 Reform-Discussion not con· Propoaal for Indian Coll8titutional cluded 277'-2828 Reform~. 2829-92 I ., 15 LEG ISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. MotUitJr. ,rt" MGro" , 1988. The Assembly met in the .Ass~bly Chamber of the Council House at Eleven of the Clock, Mr. President. (The Honourable Mr. Jl.. K. Shan- mukham Chetty) in the Chair. MEMBER SWORN. Major-General Sir John Megaw, K.C;I.E., K.H.P., M.L.A. (Govern- ment of India: Nominated Official). QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. ALLBGBD L.l.THI CHARGE BY THE POLICE ON Hu Pn.GBlMS IN BOJIBAY, 923. *lDwl Bahadur Hall WaJlhudd1n: Is it a fact that S. S. Akbar has recent1y carried Indian pilgrims to Ule Hedjaz and that at the time of embarkation at the port, the Bombay police made a Zathi charge upon the unarmed outgoing pilgrims? Will Government be pleased to state the facts and the action they propose to take to safeguard the interests of intending pilgrims in the future? . The HoDoar&bl~ Sfr Harry Ba1g: Wit~ your,pennissioD, Sir, I sJ:tould like to answer questions Nos. 928, 924 and 958 together.. In view of the interest taken in the Press and elsewhere in this matter, I wish to give at some len~h the facts .ascertained through the Government of Bl?,mbay. The S. S. Akbar WRS due tq sail on the 2nd March and in accordance with the practiee which experience has shown to be convenient .to . all parties, pilgrims were allowed to embark their. heavy luggage on the 1st March. On this o(,(,Rsion there wos RU ·unuaually large crowd Rnd durin~ the rush from t,he wharf one old pil~mwa8· thrown down by the crowd nnd was in dRn~er of being trampled to death. The police res('ued him by pushing back the crowd A. littIe. but they did..not use their l~thjB .. On the following dny the embarkation of pilgrims began and .all the nrranrrements were earned out according to plan. When the pilgrims had been ;ot on board there was a.ruM fortbe gangways by coolies andp~dl8rs nnd also bv visitors who had friends on board. The police formed a cOMon round t.he 'gnn~a:vs nnd maintained that cordon. with difficulty. until t,he ship sailed. They did Dot, use tbeir lathiB for t,hiscrany . other pwyose. The Commissioner of Police on hearing of the aUe~ations of .harsh trentml"nt from the police at o~('e made nn enquiry ~rom .t~e fOl~r m~m~ers of the Raj Committee who, WIth eommendable publl~ SPirit: ?SSlst nlgnms at the Port. These four members have reporte~· m wrItmg t~at they Witnessed no such incident and that the behaViour of the pohee was (2607) A 2608 J.EGIS1.ATIVE ASSEMBLY. [27TH MABel! 1988. unexcf>ptionable. The arrangements for the embarkation of pilgrims are under the personal Bupervision of the Deputy Commissioner, Port Police, who is assisted by tbeJ.>o~ Health Officer and hill staff and also by the members of the Raj Committee, Bombay. 'Members of this House will recognise t.hat the task of embarking pilgrims who are for the most part inexperienced and exci~able t~vellersi •. a d~ultone and I can only regret that untrue allegations of harsh conduct on the part of the police should h.ave caused diatress to those who are specially interested in the welfare of HaJ pilgrims. I can assure the House that the port authorities are doing all that is possible to maintain effioient embt\rka~io~ an:angements for th~ pilgrims.··· ,., lDau. Babadur Ball Wallhud4la: May I know, Sir, the names of those members of t,he Haj Committee who we~ PNlsent at the POlt? .':. I .• De B.oIlourable ilr lIarry Kat,: I have got them somewhere, but I do not know if I can get them out of my papers immediately. I have got their letters in my file and I shall be very glad to show them to the Honourable Member afterwards.' Kr. II. Jluwood .Ahmad: Is it a fact. that big lnthil \1'hich are used to di~perse the members of the non-eo·opel'8tion ·movement were used on that day in Bombay? The llOnourabie Sir B&rrJ JIaIg: I have specifically stated thnt lathi, were not used. Kr.•. Jlaawood Ahmad: Is it 0. faot that the police had those p~i· cular Zathi, when they were deputed to look. after the Haj pilgrims? "1'Jle JIoDourable Sir Earr,BaII: I have no doubt that the police' carry lath;,. JIr. G&Ja~ BIDP: Do I underitand tllnt tbe l.a.thi charge .lAd· mini.tered on the Mualim crowd on that day .
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