Rhode Island's Only Anglo-Jewish Greatest Independent Newspaper Weekly The Jewish Herald in Rhode Island VOL. XXXVII, No. 46 FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1953 PROVIDENCE, R. I. T WELVE PAGES 10 CENTS THE COPY Cleveland Temple Arms For Arabs Threat Wins Court Fight CLEVELAND-A judge in Com­ To Peace, Israel Warns mon Pleas Court here issued an order directing the officials of Beechwood village to grant a per­ Forces Country mit to the Euclid Avenue Temple Introduce Bills T o to construct a new synagogue in the village. Alter Immigration The village authorities had re­ Into Arms Race fused the congregation's applica­ Naturalization Law T EL AVIV - The Wes tern tion for building permit last P owers, by supplying arms to t he January holding that the structure Arab states, are "inevitably" forc­ would violate the zoning r egula­ WASHINGTON - Two bil l s ing Israel into a r uinous arms race tions a nd ~ would not be in the aimed at rewriting or repealing which is a threat to peace, an best interests of the village. Attor­ the new Immigration and Natura ­ Israel Foreign Ministry spokes­ neys for the temple accused the lization Law which beca me effec­ ma n declared here in reply to a village authorities of bias a nd tive two weeks ago were introduced British Foreign Office statement termed their action restraint of a t t he opening of the new Con­ insisting on Britain's right to freedom of worship. Mrs. Samuel Sheffres, president of the Ladies Hebrew Union Aid gress. One, submitted by Repre­ supply the Arab states and Israel The court held that the zoning Association, is seen signing an agreement by which the organization sentative William A. Barret, P enn­ with jet planes. and other arma­ regulation was a rbitrarily a nd presents as a gift to the J ewish Home for the Aged the original Home sylvania Democrat, asks for the ments. unreasonably applied in this case lmilding at 191 Orms Street. Jacob I. Felder, president of the Horne repeal of the law known as the T he Israeli spokesman, who and found "discriminatory use" for the Aged, standing, and Max Winograd, vice-president, loOks on. McCa rran-Wa lter Act and for pointed out th at the Wester n of the ordinance. It held that the Photo by J qe Marcello return to the immigration statutes Powers are specifically pledged to temple would not depreciate pro­ in force before the measure was prevent an a rms race in the tri­ perty values or in jure rural at­ passed by the last Congress. The partite declaration on May, 1951. mosphere of the village a nd that oth er biil, introduced by Repre­ demanded that these powers sus­ reasons cited for denying the per­ GJC Seeks, to End Campaign Quickly senta tive Jacob J a vits, Republican pend arms deliveries to the Arab mit were not valid reasons. Liberal of New York, asks th e states until the latter change Drive Total or cash contributions received to House to order the rewriting of their hostile attitude toward the date, the campaign total was ap­ th e la w. J ewish State. If arms must be proxima tely $10,000 short of the No real change in the spirit of supplied to the states in the Mid­ Favorable Rates Now $590,000 $600,000 tota l. Henry J. Hassen­ the McCarran-Walter Act was dle East, h e added. they should be feld, drive chairma n, emphasized, foreseen by sources close to the provided on the realistic basis that General J ewish Committee offl.- however, tha t "complete coverage Presiden t 's Commission on Immi­ the Arab states are allied against. In Bond Conversion cials made it quite clear this week by our workers of the outstanding gra tion and Naturalization. These Israel. He also questioned whether that the top order of business on ca rds, together with generous sources pred icted that the Re­ the delivery of a rms to the Arabs NEW YORK- A more favorable the local welfare agency's agenda contributions by donors. can push publican Administration w o u 1 d was a "safe investment." rate of exchange for the conver­ is prompt completion of"th e cur - · the final total close to th e $640,- seek to modify some administra ­ Since the Western P owers deny s10n of Israel· dollar bonds to rent UJA fund-raising drive. 000 a mount raised last year." tive technicalities so that th e Act Egypt's claims to belligerency Israel pounds has been ann ounced Toward tn:at end. the follow- Other officials. including Joseph m igh t be more effectively imple­ a gainst Israel. they must either by the Israel Treasury through ing announcements th i,s week Galkin, executive director, and m ented, but that its racist fea­ prevail upon Egypt to give up that the American Financial a nd De­ stemmed from OJC h ea dquarter s Alvin A. Sopkin , GJ C president, tures and general nat ure would status or must "draw the logical velopment Corporation for Israel, in the S trand Building: were contacting unpledged donors rema in unchanged. conclusions" from the situation underwriter for state of Israel 1 > WorkeFs with unsolicited in person or by telephone. Southern Democrats have al­ and hold back arms, the Israel bonds. pledge cards still in their posses- All key campaign leaders were ready indicated th a t they wiil side spokesman continued. T he pre­ The new regulations are in­ sion were flatly being asked to in agreement that the drive must with conservative R epublicans in sent situation is "paradoxical," he tended to facilitate conversion to complete "coverage" within th e be brought to a speedy close. They defense of th e 1952 Act. Senator asserted, since the Arabs refuse to pounds for those bondholders who week-or return a ll cards to head- pointed out that, to avoid conflict Willis Smith, of North Carolina , make peace with Israel or to wish to visit Israel, to invest in quar ters for · re-assignment to a with the R. I. Community Chest openly predicted that Congress sh0ulder responsibility for regional Israel industries, or to contribute special "clean up" squad of solici- appeal last October, they had would make no "material changes defense and yet the West is sup­ to philanthropic agencies in Israel. tors. postponed its opening un til early in th e la w because th ere is noth­ plying them with weapons. These The rates set up for Israel bond 2) Members of t he greater November. ing materially wrong with it." arms are intended for use a gainst conversions for these purposes are Providence J ewish community- T he Th anksgiving and Christ­ Israel. not for regional defense, as follows: who ha ve not been approached mas holiday seasons f u r t h e r . the spokesman charged, and they 1. For approved investmen ts of yet by the solicitor a ssigned their slowed activities on some fronts. Pittsburgh Launches represent a threat to h er security Israel bonds in Israel industries. card- were asked to directly con- As a result , the drive was carried and to world peace. the rate of exchange is one Israel tact GJ C h eadqua r ters by phon e over to 1953 with som e 650 paten­ Turning to the specific British pound for one dolla r. or in person and list their pledges tial donors still not listed on th e Population Survey statement on arms for the Arabs, 2. For tourists converting their th ere. G J C "Honor Roll." PITTSBURGH- A study of the the spokesma n rejected the British Israel bonds while in Israel, the 3l With m ore th an 7400 pledges These were the factors that led J ewish papulation of P ittsburgh explanation that weapons ·were rate of excha nge is a lso one Israel aimed at establishing the number being supplied to Egypt under an pound for one dollar . to this decision to go "all out" in a of J ews in the city. how they are Anglo-Egyp tian tr eaty of 1935. 3. For cont ributions of Israel wife and children live in Florida. determined effort to close the books as promptly as possible dist ributed throughout the city, Firstly, the Israeli spokesman bonds to philanthropic agencies T he a ction in wh ich the Brook­ stressed, the Egyptians have de­ on the current drive. With a the number of J ewish aged and m Israel, the rate of exchange is lyn infan try officer performed the nounced the treaty. Secondly, the number of other activities pend­ th e number of J ewish children, as $1.40 for one Israel pound . deed that earned him a recom ­ British themselves cut off the mendation for the Medal of Honor ing on the local community level, well as other pertinent informa­ Ordinarily, Israel bonds are t ion , was launched here by the su pply of arms to Egypt last year took pla ce on Monday, Oct. 27, it was felt that a deadline m ust be during the Anglo-Egyptain crisis, neither tra nsferable nor redeema ­ establish ed for solicitors who have Federation of J ewish Ph ilanthro­ 1952, on a h ill In Korea. J ust ten when delivery was not to Britain's ble priOr to May 1, 1954. However, been tardy In covering cards. pies. the redem ption in Israel pounds yards from an enemy bunker. a interests. This proved that Bri­ described in the Treasury regula­ detachment of U.
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