
Ꭰᰴܦ❴(March 2020) Issue No: 3/2020 ACCCIM Bulletin 共商共赢 Connect Business 马来西亚中华总商会(中总) 132 会 讯 ಥߞูଉᰊশᶤ֏ាՕλةԉᨼግᔕగ᎒ ൸ᗵټίऒ༌⚏รФำֵ⩹Ԃ͎ Outbreak of COVID-19 and Enforcement of Movement Control Order by Malaysia Government ACCCIM Join Hands to Fight Against the COVID-19 Pandemic 中总于2020年3月16日至4月4日采取的积极行动 Proactive Actions Taken by ACCCIM from 16th March to 4th April 2020 ⼛Ჭ̺䘔䪫И䔇㵸ц䃚喏࠱᠘䭱䉤ᬿࣶ͆ C 㗦►喌⫗ᗱی㗦►喋⫱⟣یᕧ㜖ಷ ᩻ȟ䉎ᩫ䘔䪫ᠫⲏڥ͙✲ࣽБᲑ喏̬Ⱐ〙ᅩᝬ㘩喏ͦцȟͦტ 䘔倄㏓䘔䪫ᠫⲏ䛸䭫 ᄥៃ⫗ᗱ̶ֆܦ䉍⡚Ƞ仂Ⱔͥ䛸ᚁᅐ̭ 䛸͈๗冭ȟϐ䕆䘔䪫ᠫⲏ䛸偻ტ⺑ȟ ᎠᰴᬑᮆᄥϦጯ喏๓侘ᄲᰴᬑ㜟 仂Ⱔ㒞䘔䪫喋㏻≺ηߍ喌ᠫⲏ䛸ᚁ䓪∁ȟ 䘔䪫ᠫⲏ侘ޛ䘔䪫喏࢟᪅㗞䘔じ̬ޛᏒጯネݢАᐢ䪫 侘ࡺ̵ѹڹ㵸㵸ߔネݢ喏䮻ऺڔᬑ喏 㜟ᰴᬑ喏仂ⰤͷᒸθᏒѴᆁᐢ喏㜟ᰴᬑȠ ⅵ䶦ࡧ⩋ȟ䭱䉤ᬿࣶ͆䘔ޛ䘔䪫ᠫⲏ᳃̳ ሜȟḹࣶ࣋ϓ͆䘔ޛ䘔䪫ᠫⲏ䛸台ᬑᬳ सᣎ䃔㼏۟ᵴ喞ڝ⮰ ふ喏ࣹᭌੲ⩸䬚䷄喏ڟ͙ᕧᰴᬑ࢟ज़ߔᱦݢ喏㉓䩏ჲ吿ֆຩⰤ ۲ำ喏А⼄Βะ㵸ߔネݢ䬠㮩᭛ᅱტ̶⤙喏Ѳ ڝ䄪䷄ࣽ㶔᪳ॶڟ 䦴ᄥ⫗ᗱࣶ㵸ߔネݢАⰤ D ԉӇᰬф䉔⮰ߍࣶᰬࣶᬢ⮰䃛ᖛ喏㐅δц ქ䄣࣮䬱͙ᕧ㑽々喞ڱੲტИȠ ݅喏᪳ॶ ݢ҈β͖䉠᪳喏࠱ॗ͖㻲䶽喏ڝ ͙ᕧ䲎ၼΒ E 喏͙ᕧস͙ᕧцڱϺᰴᬑ㜟ᰴᬑ喏ⴙⴙ๕ ㏻≺ⵀ⾢͙ᓯ喏ᕧц䪫ͥ䛸ᝠ㞛͆⮰䶲ᄨ̷喏䓱 ࢟Ą㵸ߔネݢАͷ㔭Ძ⮰ᓯผąসĄ͙ᕧ䭞 ጯᰬᣖژ䕋㏰㏳䊣Ბ喏䔇㵸β๓䛻҈喝 ⫗䬠⅀䛽ऑą喏ܲϗ࠱ॗᩫᏈ 䘔䬔㖀㈧ڟȟネݢА䬠⮰䃛ᖛȟᩫᏈⰤ ڟЩำᔄᒁࣶᐦ䃚ΒδᩫᏈ喏ࣹᭌੲ⩸ ᐻȟ䭞⫗䉰䃛ふȠ䉠᪳㣣ᓃᮚ㒃๓у倄Ꮢڝ ॴ B Ϧ⁍Ƞ 㗦►⫗ᗱস㵸ߔネݢАᝬ䲎ᄥ⮰ᠽᝄ ∔喏㼒ࣶϦ䓪یᅝ ࣶజද喏सᬢᆁᐬᔗ䕋䬚ࢣ䄯ᴑ喏ᩢ䯲ੲ⩸ Ƞ ゥ㣣3.ڝ ͦៃ⫗ゥ喏 F ᘻ㻭喞 1 ͙ᕧ➥ݗ҈ఎ䭋8IBUT"QQ㓐㏰ 䕆䓳͖8IBUT"QQࣶᓚԍ㓐㏰喏䦴ᄥᕓะ⤲ W G ηߍ喝 ⼛Ჭॴᐦ䃚Βসำᔄᒁ喏䄷も⪑喏̺䘔䪫 J ͙ᕧ̺侘ࡺޛ䘔䪫8IBUT"QQ㓐㏰ ИⰠᣑᄥ䄴喏ࣹᭌੲ͆⩸䲎ᄥ⮰ ͙ᕧᩢ䯲স᪠⤲ੲ⩸䲎ᄥ⮰䬚䷄ȟᢚࣶ జදȠ ⤲䬭ࣶ㏻≺㵸ߔڱڑᐦ䃚㼏۟ᵴ喏侘ࡺፒ ηц䃔䃦Ƞ WJ ͙ᕧゥࠋៃܧ⫗ᗱ8IBUT"QQ㓐㏰ ϐ䕆䘔ȟტ䉤ᬿࣶ͆䘔ȟḹࣶ࣋ϓ͆ 䃪ⰚᴳȠ 䘔䪫䓱䕋 ۟䊌ࣶ䉰ߕ䃍ܾ喏ࡻߕϦℽসტޛ䘔ふ䘔䬔㕸ߍ㠯ఠ䬚䷄喏侘ࡺ 㗦►⫗ᗱȠیܧ㼏۟Ƞ ៃ ͙ᕧসദ᱘ц⼄Βะន㵸⼄Β8IBUT"QQ㓐 ͙ᕧস䭱䉤ᬿࣶ͆䘔 WJJ ᕧੲцڔ 侘Ბ㺫φ JJ ޛ⼄Β䪫喋͆喌8IBUT"QQ㓐㏰ ㏰ ᣎ䃔छ㵸ߔネݢ䬠ᖎู䓼҈⮰㵸͆Ƞ ㏰㏳⼄Βะ҈ఎ䭋喏ࣶᬢь䓪ᩫᏈᰬზ ៑ࣶ䃛ᖛ喏䓱䕋ᩢ䯲цੲტ⮰ᐦ䃚স䲎ᄥ JJJ ͙侧侘๓ҫ亲ȟ͙ᕧȟ侘Ბ㺫φ͙䉰Э͆ᕧੲ ⮰䬚䷄喏ᣔߔᔗ䕋䬚ࢣ䄯ᴑ喏ゥࠋៃܧ цᓚԍ㓐㏰ ⫗ᗱ喏ξⰤऴ҈ࣶ䙹ऴ喏㼏むцੲტ⮰⪽ ͙ᕧ㖀㐈⩋䘔β㼏ᕑ䰬⮰ࡧ⩔➕䉰喏͙侧 䬚Ƞ 侘๓ҫ亲স͙䉰ᕧੲцࡻߕϺ͙ឪ䉓⎼Ƞ H ̺䉎㏻ͧ᧙台䯩᪸ऴ҈喏Ϻᰴᬑ䊣̹κ ͙ᕧᣑ㣣͙ࣷຩఎѿ䕆ⴑ喏㶔㺭䊌ࡧ ᮆ̶◥喏䕆䓳͙ᕧ䲎ၼΒĄⰠ᧙ᐬ䃞ą喏⩱ ⩔➕䉰㐅侘Ბ㺫φ喏⩝͙侧侘๓ҫ亲ࡻߕ 䄴ः⫗ᗱᒝ৹⮰र㵸र͆ᝬ䲎͠⮰ᠽᝄ喏͆㔱 㐋ゥȠ 㘩॒ߌ䕋䒘ಷ喏̬̬㼏む⪽䬚Ƞ JW ͙ᕧ͙๚⤲ηц8IBUT"QQ㓐㏰ ࣶᬢь䓪ᩫᏈᰬზ៑ࣶ䃛ᖛȟϐᢎᘻ㻭ⰷ ∁ȟܲϗ㏻侸Ƞ 2 日期 Date 行动 Actions 䙹ᐦ䃚δ䉎ᩫ䘔䪫ᠫⲏ䛸͈๗冭ڠ͙ᕧॴ㏻≺ᡛ 16.3.2020 ACCCIM’s Proposals for the Economic Stimulus Package submitted to YB Senator Dato’ Sri Tengku Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz, Minister of Finance ͙ᕧ᪳ॶ ACCCIM Press Statement ⫗सៃڝᓯ㖆߇܉̶̷ڔ͙ᕧࣽ᪳ॶणघ ACCCIM’s Statement on Solidarity with the Government to Fight the COVID-19 Outbreak ᩻ц䃚ڥტ䉤ᬿࣶ͆倄㏓䘔䪫ᠫⲏ䛸䭫̺ 17.3.2020 Meeting with YB Dato’ Seri Mohamed Azmin bin Ali, Senior Minister of International Trade and Industry ̺仂Ⱔ㒞䘔䪫喋㏻≺ηߍ喌ᠫⲏ䛸ᚁ䓪∁ц䃚 Meeting with YB Dato’ Sri Mustapa bin Mohamed, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Economic Aff airs) ᩻ڥॴᐦ䃚Βδტ䉤ᬿࣶ͆倄㏓䘔䪫ᠫⲏ䛸䭫ܧ۞►㗦ی͙ᕧᅝ㏪㼏 ACCCIM’s Proposals to Mitigate the Impact of COVID 19 submitted to YB Dato’ Seri Mohamed Azmin bin Ali, Senior Minister of International Trade and Industry ͙ᕧᅝᰴᬑ㜟ᬑͷ㵸ߔネݢАॴᐦ䃚Βδტ䉤ᬿࣶ͆倄㏓䘔䪫ᠫⲏ䛸 ᩻ڥ䭫 ACCCIM’s Feedback on Restrictions of Movement from 18 March to 31 March 2020 submitted to YB Dato’ Seri Mohamed Azmin bin Ali, Senior Minister of International Trade and Industry ͙ᕧ᪳ॶ ACCCIM Press Statement ͙ᕧᕧц䪫ͥ䛸ᝠ㞛͆ࣽ᪳ॶনभर䕌䖡⚓㵸ߔネݢА ᬢ㞜喏ᝄ㘈⫗ᗱ善ąٷڝĄ⩋छ䉡喏๓ტᥦ ACCCIM President Tan Sri Datuk Ter Leong Yap calls on all Malaysians to Comply with the Movement Control Order and Join Hands in Combating COVID-19 Virus 18.3.2020 ͙ᕧᅝ㏪㼏ੲ͆⣜䛽≭ॴᐦ䃚Βδ䉎ᩫ䘔䪫ᠫⲏ䛸͈๗冭 ACCCIM’s Proposals on Relieving Cash Flow of Businesses submitted to YB Senator Dato’ Sri Tengku Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz, Minister of Finance ηцБࣶᩫᏈर䘔䬔ࣶᱦᲰᰬࣽጯ⮰䃛ᖛ喏䕆䓳⤲ڔ͙ᕧ⼄Βะᄲ仂ⰤȟტႵ 8IBUT"QQ㓐㏰喏Ꭻࣽ㐅ദ᱘цࣶఎѿц喏Бݕ䃛ᖛ⮰ᔗ䕋ь䔾Ƞसᬢ喏᪠⤲β ԍᖛݢపࣽጯ͙ᕧ䲎ၼΒ喏ᎢᬢݧᰠȠڟⰤ Latest announcements by YAB Prime Minister, National Security Council and various Government Ministries and Agencies were rapidly disseminated by ACCCIM Secretariat to Constituent Members and Associate Members via WhatsApp Groups. At the same time, information were consolidated in pictures format and posted on ACCCIM Facebook and frequently upload with latest information. 䙹ॴᐦ䃚Βδ侘Ბ㺫φ仂Ⱔͥ䛸ᚁᅐ̭ڠ͙ᕧᅝ㏻≺ᡛ 19.3.2020 ACCCIM’s Proposals for the Economic Stimulus Package submitted to YAB Tan Sri Dato’ Hj. Muhyiddin bin Hj. Mohd. Yassin, Prime Minister of Malaysia 3 Бࣶ䛹㵸⊴䉥⼺ॴำᔄᒁδ侘Ბ㺫φ仂Ⱔ⼺ٹ⼺͙ᕧᅝᐦ䃚㐅δ䨬ਗ਼ࣶߍ 19.3.2020 (cont.) ͥ䛸ᚁᅐ̭ ACCCIM Memorandum on Proposed Tax Holiday for the Sales & Services Tax (“SST”) and Migration to the Goods & Services Tax (“GST”) submitted to YAB Tan Sri Dato’ Hj. Muhyiddin bin Hj. Mohd. Yassin, Prime Minister of Malaysia ͙ᕧ᪳ॶ ACCCIM Press Statement নभ๓у㺭䖡⚓ネݢА⁍ڹጯᰠ⌱Ẇᠳࢃ喏ژ͙ᕧࣽ᪳ॶ㶔ͼ㻭ᩫᏈ ACCCIM was pleased that the Government has Announced Clearer Guideline, and Urge Public to Comply with the Movement Control Order 20.3.2020 ͙ᕧ᪳ॶ ACCCIM Press Statement ᕧੲцস͙ᕧऽੲ⩸ᩢ䯲ᐦ䃚喏БݕᩫᏈ᠋もߕЭ͆㏪జڔ侘Ბ㺫φ NCCIM and ACCCIM to Solicit Feedback from the Business Community in order for Government to Formulate Relief Measures to Alleviate Businesses 22.3.2020 ͙ᕧ᪳ॶ ACCCIM Press Statement ڟ䄷䃍もߕЭ͆⍍䯪ڝ䘔䪫䔇㵸㻲䃛ц䃚喏⼛ᲭߕᩫᏈޛ͙ᕧ̺侘ࡺ ACCCIM had a teleconference meeting with MCA’s Minister and Deputy Ministers, vigorously seek help and support of the Government to assist businesses to overcome and survive from this crisis. ⫗㗦►⭋یܧ͙ᕧࣽߔゥ喏ៃ 23.3.2020 ACCCIM’s started fund raising to fi ght against COVID-19 pandemic. 24-03-2020 ͙ᕧ᪳ॶ ACCCIM Press Statement ͙ᕧゥࠋៃ⫗ദ䛽喏ࢁᬑ⾭ⵠ̳АवⰚᴳ ACCCIM Raised RM 2 Million in One Day to Combat COVID-19 ⩸㗦►䕌⮰㏻≺স䉎ߍᢋȟੲیᕓఎѿᅝڔᕧੲцȟ͙ᕧসڔ侘Ბ㺫φ 25.3.2020 䲎ᄥ⮰䬚䷄সᐦ䃚㼏۟ᵴॴำᔄᒁδ喝 B 侘Ბ㺫φ仂Ⱔͥ䛸ᚁᅐ̭ ᩻ڥ䭱䉤ᬿࣶ͆倄㏓䘔䪫ᠫⲏ䛸䭫 C D 䉎ᩫ䘔䪫ᠫⲏ䛸͈๗冭 E ϐ䕆䘔䪫ᠫⲏ䛸偻ტ⺑ F 仂Ⱔ㒞䘔䪫喋㏻≺ηߍ喌ᠫⲏ䛸ᚁ䓪法 NCCIM, ACCCIM and National Level Organisation Joint Memorandum on Issues Encountered and Recommendations to Cope with the COVID 19 Infl icted Economic and Finance Damages submitted to: (a) YAB Tan Sri Dato’ Hj. Muhyiddin bin Hj. Mohd. Yassin, Prime Minister of Malaysia (b) YB Dato’ Seri Mohamed Azmin bin Ali, Senior Minister of International Trade and Industry (c) YB Senator Dato’ Sri Tengku Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz, Minister of Finance (d) YB Datuk Seri Ir. Dr. Wee Ka Siong, Minister of Transport (e) YB Dato’ Sri Mustapa bin Mohamed, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Economic Aff airs) 4 ゥ㣣̳АवȠ͙ᕧᄲरݗߕ̳АवδБ̷ദ䛽喝ڝゥ≧ߔ㏿喏͙ᕧ 25.3.2020 (cont.) 㗦►ࡧ⫃䃪ำദ䛽喋⩔κ䉙Μࡧ⫃䃪ำ喏ຮ䭞័ȟए㒕সন।ஔ喌Ƞی5IF&EHF 㗦►⫱ᗏ喏㔸䖙ःᙋ⮰ࡧ័ی5IF&EHFࡧ័҈㔱ᩛᤠദ䛽喋ͦ䗏χఌͦ⚓䶪 ҈㔱Ӈ㏻≺ᩛᤠ喌Ƞ ゥ䊱䷉̳Аव喏͙ᕧ䶲ᄨᄲ̷̬۟ₑ⮰䉰ߕ䃍ܾ喏БࡻߕϦℽসტ 㗦►⫗ᗱȠیܧៃ ACCCIM successfully raised RM 2,586,200 at the end of fund raising. ACCCIM’s donation of RM one million each will be channelled to the following Funds: (1) Th e Edge Covid-19 Equipment Fund (Money will be used to buy medical equipment like protective suits, masks and ventilators). (2) The Edge Covid-19 Health Care Workers Support Fund (Money will be used to give fi nancial assistance to health care workers who are infected while caring). ACCCIM leaders will then decide the next course of actions for the balance amount of RM 586,200 raised in order to help our nation and country to fi ght against the Covid-19 pandemic. ᕧੲцᕧц䪫ᯔ͙ᕧᕧц䪫ͥ䛸ᝠ㞛̺͆仂Ⱔ㒞䘔䪫喋㏻≺ηߍ喌ᠫڔ侘Ბ㺫φ 27.3.2020 ⲏ䛸ᚁ䓪∁㻲䶽ц䃚 Tan Sri Ter Leong Yap, President of NCCIM and ACCCIM had a Teleconference Meeting with YB Dato’ Sri Mustapa bin Mohamed, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Economic Aff airs) 䙹ڠ䘔䪫䔇㵸βじθ⁍㻲䃛ц䃚喏ऽ䘔䪫ࣹᭌじθ䒚⮰㏻≺ᡛޛ͙ᕧ䶲ᄨ̺侘ࡺ ᬌ∁㼏۟ੲტఌͦ⫗ᗱসネݢА䬠ᝬ䲎ᄥ⮰䬚䷄Ƞ ACCCIM leaders organized second teleconference meeting with MCA’s Minister and Deputy Ministers. At the meeting, ACCCIM informed that the Second Economic Stimulus Package is unable to help businesses in resolving problems and issues encountered due to COVID-19 and Movement Control Order. ͙ᕧ᪳ॶ ACCCIM Press Statement фࡂ⾦䬠ڣ䙹ߕЭ͆ⴙ㏪జᘋϹڠ͙ᕧ䃐ͦ㏻≺ᡛ Economic Stimulus Package Provide Short Term Relief to Businesses, but ACCCIM was of the view that there are Space for Optimization ㏻≺䙹ࣶ㷭⒈䷺䮕ąࣹ亴ȠڠᔬϦℽᡛڟκĄڟ͙ᕧ䔇㵸ᔗ䕋䄯ᴑ䬚ࢣ喏ᒭⅮ 29.3.2020 䬚ࢣκᰴᬑ₎ᩢТȠ ACCCIM Quick-Take Survey to Solicit Feedback on Th e Prihatin Rakyat Economic Stimulus Package (Prihatin) and Workers’ Retrenchment Plan. Deadline of submission: 4th April. ᕧੲц᪳ॶ NCCIM Press Statementڔ侘Ბ㺫φ 䃍ܾᏀ倄ੲტ㶑ߕڠజද喏じθ㏻≺ᡛڑ喏Э͆䮣⤯ڔ㗦►ፙࢣی NCCIM’s Press Release on the Second Economic Stimulus Package and Issues Encountered and Recommendations to Cope with the COVID-19 Global Outbreak. 5 30.3.2020 ͙ᕧᅝ๓Ꮐᕑᐦ䃚ॴำᔄᒁδᩫᏈ㉓ᕑ㔯㭽喝 B 䉎ᩫ䘔䪫ᠫⲏ䛸͈๗冭 C ϐ䕆䘔䪫ᠫⲏ䛸偻ტ⺑ D 仂Ⱔ㒞䘔䪫喋㏻≺ηߍ喌ᠫⲏ䛸ᚁ䓪∁ E 䭱䉤ᬿࣶ͆ޛ䘔䪫ᠫⲏ᳃̳ሜ ACCCIM Memorandum on Six Main Issues for an Immediate Consideration of the Government submitted to: (a) YB Senator Dato’ Sri Tengku Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz, Minister of Finance (b) YB Datuk Seri Ir. Dr. Wee Ka Siong, Minister of Transport (c) YB Dato’ Sri Mustapa bin Mohamed, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Economic Aff airs) (d) YB Datuk Lim Ban Hong, Deputy Minister of International Trade and Industry ͙ᕧ̺䉎ᩫ䘔䪫ȟϐ䕆䘔䪫ȟ仂Ⱔ㒞㏻≺ηߍ䘔䪫ȟ䭱䉤ᬿࣶ͆䘔ޛ䘔䪫䔇㵸㻲 䶽ц䃚喏ࣹᭌੲ⩸䲎ᄥ⮰䬚䷄সᐦ䃚㼏۟ᵴȠ ACCCIM had a teleconference meeting with YB Minister of Finance, YB Minister of Transport, YB Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Economic Aff airs) and YB Deputy Minister of International Trade and Industry to discuss issues encountered and recommendations by businesses. ᕧੲц̺䉎ᩫ䘔䪫ᠫⲏ䛸͈๗冭䔇㵸㻲䶽ц䃚Ƞڔ侘Ბ㺫φ 31.3.2020 NCCIM Teleconference Meeting with YB Senator Dato’ Sri Tengku Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz, Minister of Finance ܦፙ㔱࠱᠘ List of participants: (a) Tan Sri Datuk Ter Leong Yap, President NCCIM and President ACCCIM (b) Tuan Haji Dr Abd Halim bin Husin, Vice President NCCIM and President DPMM (c) Datuk Gobalakrishnan, Vice President NCCIM and President MAICCI (d) Tan Sri Dato Soh Th ian Lai, Vice President NCCIM and President FMM (e) Datuk CK Tan, Vice President NCCIM and President MICCI (f) Dato’ Low Kian Chuan, Secretary-General NCCIM (g) Datuk AT Kumararajah, General Council NCCIM and Secretary General MAICCI (h) Mr Koong Lin Loong, ACCCIM National Council Member cum Chairman of SMEs Committee (i) Mr Lee Heng Guie, Executive Director, ACCCIM’s Socio-Economic Research Centre (SERC) ͙ᕧ᪳ॶACCCIM Press Statement 䙹ڠ͙ᕧ๓ᐦ䃚ߌᑦ㏻≺ᡛ Э͆喏ԉᅝ͆喏ᡦ㏻≺善 ACCCIM Submitted Six Main Issues to Enhance Economic
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