18Th FINA World Championships 2019 Gwangju (KOR) July 12 - 28, 2019

18Th FINA World Championships 2019 Gwangju (KOR) July 12 - 28, 2019

18th FINA World Championships 2019 Gwangju (KOR) July 12 - 28, 2019 Match 31 Men's Water Polo TUE 23 JUL 2019 - 8:00 Classification 15th-16th Place Play by Play KOR 17 - 16 NZL (3:3, 2:2, 4:5, 3:2) (PSO 5:4) Referees: TEIXIDO BERMUDEZ Jaume (ESP), DERVIEUX Sebastien (FRA) Per. Time Action Score Team Cap Player Per. Time Action Score Team Cap Player 1 8:00 Starting goalkeeper KOR 13 JUNG B 2 4:34 Field exclusion KOR 3 KIM B 8:00 Starting goalkeeper NZL 1 DYMOND S 4:29 Extra player shot - Goal 4 - 4 NZL 11 CLARK L 8:00 Sprint won possession KOR 6 LEE S 4:08 Turnover foul KOR 2 KIM D 7:49 Centre shot - Missed KOR 2 KIM D 4:08 Steal NZL 6 SMALL M 7:49 Field exclusion KOR 5 GWON D 3:42 Turnover foul NZL 6 SMALL M 7:26 Action shot - Missed NZL 2 LEWIS M 3:42 Steal KOR 13 JUNG B 7:03 Centre shot - Goal 1 - 0 KOR 2 KIM D 3:24 Centre shot - Goal 5 - 4 KOR 5 GWON D 6:35 Field exclusion KOR 8 KIM M 3:07 Centre shot - Saved NZL 4 PIKE R 6:30 Extra player shot - Goal 1 - 1 NZL 2 LEWIS M 2:45 Action shot - Post KOR 6 LEE S 6:12 Field exclusion NZL 2 LEWIS M 2:45 Rebound NZL 7 SUNDE A 5:54 Extra player shot - Missed KOR 9 CHU M 2:25 Action shot - Missed NZL 12 NEWCOMBE S 5:31 Centre shot - Goal 1 - 2 NZL 11 CLARK L 2:08 Turnover foul KOR 11 SEO K 5:11 Centre forward position exclusion NZL 9 BRYANT S 2:08 Steal NZL 7 SUNDE A 5:08 Timeout KOR 1:39 Centre forward position exclusion KOR 4 LEE S 4:53 Extra player shot - Goal 2 - 2 KOR 6 LEE S 1:21 Extra player shot - Goal 5 - 5 NZL 12 NEWCOMBE S 4:36 Field exclusion KOR 6 LEE S 1:02 Action shot - Saved KOR 7 GWON Y 4:25 Turnover foul NZL 8 POTAKA J 0:49 Action shot - Missed KOR 10 HAN H 4:22 Turnover foul KOR 6 LEE S 0:26 Action shot - Post NZL 10 BRYANT M 4:20 Centre shot - Goal 2 - 3 NZL 11 CLARK L 0:26 Rebound NZL 9 BRYANT S 4:00 Action shot - Blocked KOR 4 LEE S 0:15 Turnover foul NZL 7 SUNDE A 3:57 Turnover foul NZL 2 LEWIS M 0:15 Steal KOR 6 LEE S 3:43 Action shot - Saved KOR 7 GWON Y 0:04 Turnover foul KOR 7 GWON Y 3:24 Centre forward position exclusion NZL 11 CLARK L 0:04 Steal NZL 1 DYMOND S 3:11 Extra player shot - Saved KOR 5 GWON D 0:00 Action shot - Missed NZL 7 SUNDE A 2:51 Centre forward position exclusion KOR 4 LEE S 3 8:00 Starting goalkeeper KOR 1 LEE J 2:46 Extra player shot - Post NZL 4 PIKE R 8:00 Starting goalkeeper NZL 1 DYMOND S 2:19 Centre forward position exclusion NZL 10 BRYANT M 8:00 Sprint won possession KOR 6 LEE S 2:11 Extra player shot - Missed KOR 4 LEE S 7:34 Action shot - Goal 6 - 5 KOR 7 GWON Y 1:53 Action shot - Missed NZL 3 BROWN R 6:49 Turnover foul KOR 3 KIM B 1:53 Field exclusion NZL 3 BROWN R 6:49 Steal NZL 2 LEWIS M 1:35 Extra player shot - Post KOR 10 HAN H 6:38 Field exclusion KOR 3 KIM B 1:35 Rebound KOR 12 SONG J 6:19 Extra player shot - Goal 6 - 6 NZL 9 BRYANT S 1:33 Extra player shot - Goal 3 - 3 KOR 12 SONG J 5:52 Turnover foul KOR 10 HAN H 1:17 Turnover foul NZL 12 NEWCOMBE S 5:52 Steal NZL 7 SUNDE A 1:17 Steal KOR 5 GWON D 5:34 Action shot - Post NZL 6 SMALL M 1:04 Turnover foul KOR 2 KIM D 5:34 Rebound KOR 4 LEE S 0:49 Turnover foul NZL 5 STANKOVICH N 5:15 Centre forward position exclusion NZL 7 SUNDE A 0:49 Steal KOR 13 JUNG B 4:54 Action shot - Goal 7 - 6 KOR 8 KIM M 0:23 Turnover foul KOR 10 HAN H 4:24 Centre forward position exclusion KOR 12 SONG J 0:23 Steal NZL 2 LEWIS M 4:03 Action shot - Goal 7 - 7 NZL 3 BROWN R 0:01 Centre shot - Saved NZL 4 PIKE R 3:46 Penalty foul NZL 11 CLARK L 2 8:00 Starting goalkeeper KOR 13 JUNG B 3:46 Penalty shot - Goal 8 - 7 KOR 6 LEE S 8:00 Starting goalkeeper NZL 1 DYMOND S 3:46 Yellow card NZL T CAREVIC D 8:00 Sprint won possession KOR 6 LEE S 3:15 Turnover foul NZL 7 SUNDE A 7:40 Action shot - Blocked KOR 9 CHU M 3:15 Steal KOR 1 LEE J 7:21 Action shot - Saved NZL 6 SMALL M 2:52 Turnover foul KOR 6 LEE S 7:19 Field exclusion NZL 8 POTAKA J 2:52 Steal NZL 12 NEWCOMBE S 7:05 Turnover foul KOR 9 CHU M 2:39 Field exclusion KOR 6 LEE S 6:52 Centre forward position exclusion KOR 7 GWON Y 2:29 Extra player shot - Goal 8 - 8 NZL 6 SMALL M 6:41 Extra player shot - Saved NZL 11 CLARK L 2:04 Turnover foul KOR 12 SONG J 6:21 Counter attack - Goal 4 - 3 KOR 4 LEE S 2:04 Steal NZL 9 BRYANT S 6:06 Turnover foul NZL 11 CLARK L 1:58 Counter attack - Goal 8 - 9 NZL 2 LEWIS M 5:52 Action shot - Saved KOR 5 GWON D 1:39 Turnover foul KOR 7 GWON Y 5:49 Field exclusion KOR 5 GWON D 1:39 Steal NZL 10 BRYANT M 5:27 Centre shot - Saved NZL 7 SUNDE A 1:11 Action shot - Post NZL 9 BRYANT S 5:27 Rebound KOR 11 SEO K 0:47 6 metre direct shot in free throw 9 - 9 KOR 5 GWON D 5:06 Action shot - Saved KOR 3 KIM B situation - Goal 4:39 Centre shot - Saved NZL 7 SUNDE A 0:30 Action shot - Goal 9 - 10 NZL 2 LEWIS M Official Timekeeping by OMEGA WPOMTEAM7-------------FNL-000800--_69 1.0 Report Created by OMEGA 23 JUL 2019 9:16 Page 1/2 18th FINA World Championships 2019 Gwangju (KOR) July 12 - 28, 2019 Match 31 Men's Water Polo TUE 23 JUL 2019 - 8:00 Classification 15th-16th Place Play by Play KOR 17 - 16 NZL (3:3, 2:2, 4:5, 3:2) (PSO 5:4) Referees: TEIXIDO BERMUDEZ Jaume (ESP), DERVIEUX Sebastien (FRA) Per. Time Action Score Team Cap Player Per. Time Action Score Team Cap Player 3 0:30 Goalkeeper substitution NZL 13 FOUNTAIN B 4 3:19 Counter attack - Goal 11 - 11 KOR 4 LEE S 0:10 Centre shot - Saved KOR 2 KIM D 2:51 Turnover foul NZL 11 CLARK L 0:01 Action shot - Saved NZL 13 FOUNTAIN B 2:29 Turnover foul KOR 5 GWON D 4 8:00 Starting goalkeeper KOR 1 LEE J 1:59 Action shot - Post NZL 6 SMALL M 8:00 Starting goalkeeper NZL 13 FOUNTAIN B 1:41 Turnover foul KOR 12 SONG J 8:00 Sprint won possession KOR 5 GWON D 1:41 Steal NZL 10 BRYANT M 7:36 Turnover foul KOR 2 KIM D 1:30 Counter attack - Goal 11 - 12 NZL 12 NEWCOMBE S 7:16 Turnover foul NZL 7 SUNDE A 1:19 Field exclusion NZL 8 POTAKA J 7:16 Steal KOR 5 GWON D 1:19 Exclusion with substitution NZL 8 POTAKA J 6:56 Turnover foul KOR 6 LEE S 1:12 Turnover foul KOR 5 GWON D 6:56 Steal NZL 13 FOUNTAIN B 1:12 Steal NZL 2 LEWIS M 6:32 Turnover foul NZL 11 CLARK L 0:32 Action shot - Goal 12 - 12 KOR 7 GWON Y 6:32 Steal KOR 9 CHU M 0:32 Timeout NZL 6:23 Field exclusion NZL 12 NEWCOMBE S 0:13 Action shot - Saved NZL 2 LEWIS M 6:03 Extra player shot - Missed KOR 6 LEE S 0:01 Action shot - Blocked NZL 7 SUNDE A 5:40 Action shot - Blocked NZL 6 SMALL M PSO Starting goalkeeper KOR 1 LEE J 5:36 Field exclusion NZL 8 POTAKA J Starting goalkeeper NZL 13 FOUNTAIN B 5:30 Timeout KOR Penalty shot - Goal 12 - 13 NZL 2 LEWIS M 5:10 Turnover foul KOR 12 SONG J Penalty shot - Goal 13 - 13 KOR 4 LEE S 5:10 Steal NZL 11 CLARK L Penalty shot - Saved NZL 5 STANKOVICH N 4:48 6 metre direct shot in free throw 9 - 11 NZL 2 LEWIS M Penalty shot - Goal 14 - 13 KOR 6 LEE S situation - Goal Penalty shot - Goal 14 - 14 NZL 3 BROWN R 4:34 Centre forward position exclusion NZL 10 BRYANT M Goalkeeper substitution NZL 1 DYMOND S 4:22 Extra player shot - Goal 10 - 11 KOR 7 GWON Y Penalty shot - Goal 15 - 14 KOR 9 CHU M 3:58 6 metre direct shot in free throw NZL 9 BRYANT S Penalty shot - Goal 15 - 15 NZL 7 SUNDE A situation - Saved Penalty shot - Goal 16 - 15 KOR 10 HAN H 3:58 Timeout NZL Penalty shot - Goal 16 - 16 NZL 6 SMALL M 3:39 6 metre direct shot in free throw NZL 6 SMALL M Penalty shot - Goal 17 - 16 KOR 7 GWON Y situation - Saved Statistics # KOR - White G/S % X PS Personal Fouls # NZL - Blue G/S % X PS Personal Fouls 1 LEE Jinwoo 1 DYMOND Sid 2 KIM Donghyeok 1/3 33 2 LEWIS Matthew 4/6 67 1/1 1 3 KIM Byeongju 0/1 0 2 3 BROWN Rowan 1/2 50 1 4 LEE Seonuk 2/4 50 0/1 2 4 PIKE Ryan 0/3 0 0/1 5 GWON Daeyong 2/4 50 0/1 2 5 STANKOVICH Nicholas 6 LEE Seonggyu 2/4 50 1/2 1/1 2 6 SMALL Matthew 1/6 17 1/1 7 GWON Yeonggyun 3/5 60 1/1 1 7 SUNDE Anton 0/4 0 1 8 KIM Moonsoo 1/1 100 1 8 POTAKA Joshua Matiu 3 9 CHU Minjong 0/2 0 0/1 9 BRYANT Sean 1/3 33 1/1 1 10 HAN Hyomin 0/2 0 0/1 10 BRYANT Matthew 0/1 0 2 11 SEO Kangwon 11 CLARK Louis 3/4 75 1/2 2 12 SONG Jaehoon 1/1 100 1/1 1 12 NEWCOMBE Sean 2/3 67 1/1 1 13 JUNG Byeongyoung 13 FOUNTAIN Bae 0/1 0 Totals 12/27 3/8 1/1 11 Totals 12/33 5/7 12 Head Coach:KIMURA Go Head Coach:CAREVIC Davor Legend: % Efficiency G/S Goals/Shots Per.

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