Eastern Illinois University The Keep October 2008 10-17-2008 Daily Eastern News: October 17, 2008 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_2008_oct Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: October 17, 2008" (2008). October. 12. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_2008_oct/12 This is brought to you for free and open access by the 2008 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in October by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CAMPUS I AWARDS Alumni receive irit shown at'Yell Like Hell' awards during Homecoming Gamma Delta, Sigma Pi, By BRITTNI GARCIA Srudent Union and Mike Campus Editor walked away winners at che Hell' and 'Who Wanes to This weekend Eascern's Alumni t' competitions Thursday Associarion will honor 10 alumni in the McA.fee Gymnasium as because of individual accomplish­ Homecoming Week events. ments and work given toward the Gamma Delra and Sigma universiry. rmed as a group, represent· The Distinguished Alumni Life, and che BSU repre­ Award was created in 1973 and is tbc RSOs. the most prestigious award Alum­ ni Association gives co aJum­ ni. Qualifications for chis award include individuals who have dis­ tinguished themselves in academ­ Alpha Gamma Delcas were ics, business, public service, ser­ when they heard their soror­ vice co the university and who has for the second year in a row high prestige for the universicy. orming to music from the This year's recipients for the Distinguished Alumni Award y Salamone, a senior com­ incluck Roger Clarr, Kenneth "on studies major said it felt Damann Jr., Daryl! Fletcher, Ted to Ix on top once again. Gregory, Barbara Hundley and e wanced co win so bad, and Roberc C. Manion. cticed so hard," she said. "le Anthony Pleasant is the recip­ good." ienr of the Outstanding Young KAROLINA STRACK ITHE DAILY EASTERN NEWS 'Yell Like Helf occasion Alumnus Award. A member of Alpha Phi performs a cheer routine during 'Yell Like Hell' on Thursday night in McAfee groups such as Greek life, Jim Erdmann is the Louis Gymnasi.um. The Alpha Phis performed together with the fraternity Sigma Phi Epsilon and took third place. V. cc halls and student organiza­ Hencken Alumni Service Award ro display school spirit through recipient and John Marsaglia and routines, chancs, rumbling, EIU Pink Panthers said she looked MOREONUNE Williams, a sophomore political Dorothy Bennett are the Distin­ , and cheers to music linked for spirir also while she judged. science major said the T-shirt and guished Educator recipients. the cheme of Homecoming: "I want to sec the spirit come mask was all incorporared inco the John Stimac, chair of the geol­ n' Roll, Pop n' Soul." through originality and creativity," •See dennews.com for a video of performance for fun. ogy/geography deparrmenr nom­ oinc Thomas, Eastern's cheer she said. "Also lots of energy." Thursday night's "All of these things were group inated Pleasant, a 2006 gradu­ coach judged the performanc­ Several groups performed to vari­ performances from McAfee decisions," he said. "If (we're going) ate of the geology department, thc cvent. ous artists such as Aerosmith, Metal­ Gymnasium. do it, we are going· to go all the because of accomplishments be mas said he looks for spirir lica, Michael Jackson, the Beatles, way." has made in and out of Eastern. crowd involvement for the rou- the Bcasrie Boys and more. DeMarlon Brown, a junior politi­ "I nominated him because This year, che BSU decided to cal science major, said this is the sec­ Anthony has been an oucsranding t's Homecoming weekend," perform co the Michael Jackson hie, "SEMO" for Southeast Missouri, ond rime BSU bas raken first place person," Stimac said. "He was diJ. "d. "I look for Eastern Illinois "Thriller." Easrern's opponent for the football for "Yell Like Hell." igenc with all of his work and was icy spirit." During che performance, Ian game, and had put on a mask that already ready co help anyone." Dallas, the coach for the Williams wore a shirt chat read looked like Michad Jackson. » SEE YELL, PAGE 5 Stimac never had Pleasant as a student, but he can remember the day of open house when Pleasant and his mother approached the geography/geology cable. arious authorities take stance on EWP "Anthony, as a high school student, knew exactly what he ly trained faculty pie of completed portfolios to see if their first two submissions will be ed to do college work, he said. wanted co do and I was very luate writing the institution is achieving its goal required to get additional writing He said, generally speaking, uni­ impressed," Stimac said. at demonstrating char students can support. versities don't provide remediation. Because be was able co provide pies write effectively." Sanders said this addition co the Sanders said remediation implies information co the U.S. Depart­ Rebecca Throneburg, chair of the EWP has created the misconcep­ students are not ar the college level, ment of Energy abouc rhe Fucure­ By EMILY ZULZ Committee for Assessment of Stu­ tion that the portfolio is remedial in which is nor the case with the new Gen location in Mattoon, Stimac Administration Editor dent Learning, said faculty members nature, as opposed co asscssmenr in procedure in the EWP. believes he is successful. are the only people that ever race nature. "But, some srudents do struggle This is the first time Stimac · Lord believes several mis­ individual papers from classes. "Throughout the many meetings with writing skills, and faculty want­ bas ever nominated someone for ·ons regarding the Eleccron­ "Nobody is ever re-grading an on the EWP revision process as well ed to assure that hdp was available in the Young Alumnus Award. ting Portfolio have appeared instructor's judgment," she said. as through the survey, we heard fac. a structured way for those students," When nominaring someone for the nc:w sysrem was imple­ The university then sdeccs 10 per· ulty ask that the EWP provide addi­ she said. "In assessment, we call this chis award, Stimac looks for a per­ Scpt. 9. cenr of the ponfolios to be assessed tional help for students whose writ· the feedback loop - information son with an outstanding personal­ , provost and vice president in its totality, Throneburg said. ing was revealed not to be ar the col­ from data must be used co improve ity and who has characrer. ernic affitirs, said a major Karla Sanders, director of the lege level Eastern wanted to achieve," learning and char is what the writing He also believes it is lmporcanc ccption is whether or not Center for Academic Support and Sanders said. improvement program portion of ro show the quality of graduates bculcy member is evaluat­ Achievemenr, said individual papers In the faculry ~ survey con­ the EWP is designed co do." Eastern has produced. writing assignment that was are nor assessed again after che fac­ ducted in fall 2006, 80 percent of Lord said people who teach writ· "We arc very proud of our by the faculry member ulry member gives the paper a com­ faculty wanted some type of remedi­ ing rypically say not to mix over­ department." Stimac said. "le plete score. ation. Only 12 percent said it should all global assessment of how well the shows che quaJiry of our instruc­ She said a group of faculry trained not be a part of che process. In the degree program is doing with indi­ tors." ro assess portfolios read the l 0 per­ open-ended response about what vidual student evaluation toward the Manion, Fletcher and Claar are cent of rhe completed portfolios. works least well in the current EWP, degree. recipients from the Lumpkin Col­ "These faculry look at completed l 0 percent wrote they were frus­ He said the challenge with keep­ lege of Business and Applied Sci­ portfolios and identify trends across trated that the EWP did nor iden­ ing the cwo separate is that the EWP encess, Cheryl Noll, chair of rhe the writing in the portfolios using tify, stop or remediace poor writers. is something collected for insticu­ school, believes this is great for a multi-trait reading guide that was The term "remediarion" was used co rional assessment, which srudents rhe deparrment. developed by experrs in the field and describe chis procedure during dia­ don't have much buy-in for ir. "!e's wonderful, and it is a ces­ by the faculty themselves," Sanders logue of the planning of the EWP. By adding che procedure where rament of the qualicy of our said. Lord said a more correct rerm for poor individual ratings have a conse­ deparcmenc," Noll said. "We have chis procedure was "additional sup­ quence of need of remediation, gives exceptional graduates and we Remediation versus port." srudents incentive ro submit their appreciate them when they recon­ assessment Remediation usually refers ro the best writing, Lord said. necr co Easrern." The EWP now includes an addi­ situation when the srudenc arrives on tion where students who do not pus campus without the abilities expca- » SEE EWP, PAGE 5 » SEE ALUMNI, PAGE 5 NEWS DEN STAFF PllODUCTION S1AfF UOUTTHI DAILY IEASTlllll lmlS NlgNcNef _____ICMIMurphy SATU•Y WEA11IEI.., n.. Doily Uslftn-ls poduced bplhe Chmy end of the week with highs low 60s lead da9* Bobllljell ~ d Eostnn Illinois Uni\lenlly I! Ir Copy tdolonldnlgnen Sim SottOYnto dolly Monday through Friday. WI~ 61°140° today. Expect overnight lows to fall into the upper II --------Clor•Shook dunng fall and spring semeston ilnd - 30s tonight.
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