CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF SUPERIOR REGULAR BOARD MEETING SUPERIOR CHARTER TOWNSHIP HALL 3040 N. PROSPECT, YPSILANTI, MI 48198 FEBRUARY 19,2013 7:30 p.m. AGENDA I, CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLLCALL 4. ADOPTION OF AGENDA 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Regular Meeting of January 22, 2013 6. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION a. Public Heating on Ordinance No. 185, Burning Ordinance 7. REPORTS a. Supervisor b. Departmental Repolis: Building Department, Fire Department, Hospital False Almm Report, Fire Marshall, Ordinance Officer, Park Commission Minutes, Sheriff's Report c. Utility Department Financial Reports Period Ending 12-31-12 8. COMMUNICATIONS 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 10. NEW BUSINESS a. Utility Department, Abatement of Bromley Park Utility Maintenance Fee b. Utility Department, Repairs to Leforge and Clark Pump Station c. Resolution 2013-05, Extend Priority Health HMO for One Month d. Resolution 2013-06, Purchase and Enroll in Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan PPO High Deductible Health Plan and Health Savings Account e. Resolution 2012-07, Opt Out ofPA 152 of2011, Public Employer Contributions to Employees Medical Benefits Plan f. Ordinance No. 185, Burning Ordinance, First Reading g. AATA FY2013 Purchase of Service Agreement h. Set Hourly Salary for New Deputy Treasurer 1. Appointments to the Planning Commission II. PAYMENT OF BILLS 12. PLEAS AND PETITIONS 13. ADJOURNMENT David Phillips, Clerk 3040 N. Prospect, Ypsilanti, MI 48198 Telephone: 734-482-6099; Email:[email protected] Page 1 of 1 SUPERIOR CHARTER TOWNSHIP BOARD REGUI,AR MEETING JANUARY 22, 2013 PROPOSED MINUTES PAGEl 1. CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Superior Charter Township Board was called to order by the Supervisor William McFarlane at 7:30 p.m. on January 22, 2013, at the Superior Township Hall, 3040 North Prospect, Ypsilanti, Michigan. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Supervisor McFarlane led the assembly in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. 3. ROLLCALL The members present were William McFarlane, Brenda McKitmey, David Phillips, Nancy Caviston, Rodrick Green, Lisa Lewis and Alex Williams. 4. ADOPTION OF AGENDA It was moved by Green, seconded by McKinney, to adopt the agenda with the addition of Meals on Wheels, Invoice 2013 as item i. under New Business. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 17, 2012 It was moved by Caviston, seconded by Green, to approve the mitlUtes ofthe regular Board meeting of December 17,2012, as presented. TIle motion carried by a voice vote. 6. CITIZ.EN PARTICIPATION A. FIRE CHIEF JAMES ROBERTS Fire Chief James Roberts and Firefighter Chris Wiggins explained to the Board that the Township was awarded a grant for $46,200.00 for the purchase of "Jaws of Life" and other equipment used for extrications when responding to vehicle accidents. Firefighter Wiggins wrote the grant application. The grant requires a five-percent match by the Township. The Fire Depaliment has submitted other grant applications for hiring additional firefighters and to replace the current ladder huck. B. CITIZEN COMMENTS SUPERIOR CHARTER TOWNSHIP BOARD REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 22, 2013 PROPOSED MINUTES PAGE 2 Linda Osgood said she lives at the comer of Geddes and Ridge roads on II acres that is zoned A-2. She said the area has changed, there is a lot of Utility Depat1ment equipment in her £i'ont yard, the new charter school opened last year and this summer, they will install a roundabout at the nearby intersection. She felt her propel1y was no longer suitable for A-2 use and inquired if the Board would supp011 her requesting the property be rezoned as a Planned Conllmmity. Supervisor McFarlane explained to her that she would have to propose a suitable area plan for a plamled conmmnity zoning and suggested she speak with the Township Planner and the Building Official to explore her options. 7. REPORTS A. SUPERVISOR REPORT Supervisor McFarlane rep011ed on the following: On April 15, 2013, the Washtenaw County Road Commission will be conducting their annual meeting at the Township Board meeting. Township officials will complete a drive-around inspection of Township roads on February 27, 2013. The terms of two current Plamling C01l1lnission members expire on February 28, 2013. He will reconlluend candidates for these positions at the February 19,2013 Board meeting. Anyone interested in the positions should submit a letter of interest to the Township. The Fire Department recently responded to two structure fires. Mutual aid assisted them on both fires and they did a very good job. A "News You Can Use", one-page newsletter will be mailed out on the begilliling of February. It will include an at1icles about the imp011atlCe of having your chimney inspected, being safe when using an indoor fireplace or woodstove, the February 19,2013 pnblic hearing on the proposed Ordinance No. 185, Buming Ordinance, Republic Wastes new schedule for picking up recyclables and a new stop for the librat·y bookmobile. B. DEPARTMENT REPORTS: BUILDING DEPARTMENT, FIRE DEPARTMENT, FIRE MARSHALL, HOSPITAL FALSE FIRE ALARM, ORDINACE OFFICER REPORT, PARK COMMISSION MINUTES, SHERIFF'S REPORT, ZONING REPORT It was moved by Caviston, seconded by Lewis, that the Superior Township Board receive all reports. The motion carried by a voice vote. 8. COMMUNICATIONS A. SUPERVISOR MCFARLANE LETTER, EMPLOYEE HEALTH CARE SUPERIOR CHARTER TOWNSHIP BOARD REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 22, 2013 PROPOSED MINUTES PAGE 3 In a letter dated January 18,2013, Supervisor McFarlane indicated that at their February 19, 2013 meeting, the Board will be required to select a health care plan for full-time Township employees. He indicated that the cost of tile CUl'rcnt plan increased by 10% in 2011,14% in 2012 and 20% for 2013 and the Township cannot afford to absorb further increases. Township staff members and officials are reviewing options. He indicated that there will be employee contribution towards health care this year. It was moved by McKinney, seconded by Lewis, to receive the January 18,2013 letter from Supervisor McFarlane regarding Employee Health Care Insurance for 2013. The motion carried by a voice vote. 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS There was 110ne. 10. NEW BUSINESS A. RESOLUTION 2013-01, FIRE DEPARTMENT PURCHASE OF MATTRESSES Fire Chief James Roberts explained that most of the Fire Department's mattresses were around 20 years old. They are in need of replacement. Hc was able to obtain prices from several different stores and recommends the Board the lowest bid of$3,500.00 ii'om Art Van Furniture for the purchase of seven box spring and mattress sets. The foHowing resollltion was offered by Philips, seconded by Williams: SUPERIOR CHARTER TOWNSHIP WASHTENAW COUNTY, MICHIGAN A RESOLUTION FOR APPROVAL OF THE PURCHASE OF SEVEN BOX SPRING AND MATRESS SETS FOR THE SUPERIOR TOWNSHIP FIRE DEPARTMENT RESOLUTION NUMBER: 2013-01 DATE: January 22,2013 WHEREAS, The Superior Charter Township is a Michigan Charter Township; and SUPERIOR CHARTER TOWNSHIP BOARD REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 22, 2013 PROPOSED MINUTES PAGE 4 WHEREAS, The Superior Township Fire Department has the power, privilege and authority to maintain and operate a fire department providing fire protection, fire suppression, emergency 1l1edical services, technical rescue, hazardous incidence response and other emergency response services (Fire Services); and WHEREAS, The current mattresses for the fire department are in the neighborhood of twenty years old and are in need of replacement; and WHEREAS, The cost to replace this fhrniture is not to exceed $3500.00; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED; That Superior Township Fire Department is allowed to enter into agreement with Alt Van FU1'1liture to purchase seven box spring and mattress sets at the purchase price of $3500.00 and the cost ofthis purchase is to be taken ii'om line item No. 206-336-980.050 Equipment under $5,000.00. Ayes: McFmlane, McKinney, Phillips, Caviston, Green, Lewis, Williams Nays: None Absent: None The motion carried, the Resolution was adopted. B. RESOLUTION 2013-02, UTILITY DEPARTMENT PURCHASE OF TRANSCEIVER UNITS Rick Church, Utility Department Director, was present and provided the Board with a memo, which explained his request for the Board to approve the purchase of 100 meter transceiver units (MXU) at cost of $150.00 per unit. The MXU allows for the meter to be read wirelessly. The Utility Depmtment needs to keep a supply on hand for new meter installation and replacement of malfunctioning MXU's. They need to replenish their current supply. The following resolution was offered by Phillips, seconded by Williams: A RESOLUTION FOR APPROVAL FOR THE SUPERIOR TOWNSHIP UTILITY DEPARTMENT TO PURCHASE 100 METER TRANSCEIVER UNITS FROM ETNA SUPPLY COMPANY. RESOLUTION NUMBER: 2013-02 SUPERIOR CHARTER TOWNSHIP BOARD REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 22, 2013 PROPOSED MINUTES PAGES DATE: Jalluat"y 22, 2013 WHEREAS, the Utility Department needs to replenish their supply of Meter Transceiver Units, which are used to remotely read the water meters within Superior Township in order to properly measure water and sewer usage for billing purposes, and WHEREAS, the Adopted Policies of the Superior Township Board of Trustees requires Board approval for all purchase of services contracts where the total amount of the purchase is over $1,000.00, and WHEREAS, Etna Supply Company has agreed to supply the transceiver units at 2012 rates, mId NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: that the Superior Township Board of Trustees authorize the Utility Department to purchase 100 Meter Transceiver Units fi'om Etna Supply Company at a cost not to exceed $ 15,000.00. The motion carried by a voice vote. The Resolution was adopted. C. RESOLUTION 2013-03, UTILITY DEPARTMENT PURCHASE OF PAVEMENT BREAKER Rick Church was present and provided a memo to the Board requesting approval of a Dewalt electric pavement breaker from McCally Tool of Aim AI'bor at a cost of $1 ,640.00.
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