Russian Academy of Science Institute of Physicochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science RAS “Okabiolab” Ltd. International Conference “Solving the puzzles from Cryosphere” PROGRAM ABSTRACTS Pushchino, Russia, April 15-18, 2019 2 The International conference «Solving the puzzles from cryosphere» organized by: Institute of Physicochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science RAS and “Okabiolab” Ltd. Conference Committees. Chair of the Organizing Committe: Andrey Alekseev (Corresponding member of RAS, Director of IPCBPSS RAS) Chairs of the Programm Committee: Vladimir Melnikov (Full member of RAS), Marat Sadurtdinov (Director ECI Tyumen Scientific Centre SB RAS), Mikhail Zhelezniak (Director MPI SB RAS), Elizaveta Rivkina (Head of Soil Cryology Laboratory, IPCBPSS RAS) Programm Committee: Andrey Abramov, Dmitry Drozdov, Vladimir Tumskoy, Olga Makarieva, Felix Rivkin, Stanislav Kutuzov, Alexey Lupachev Chair of the local Organizing Committee: Andrey Abramov (Soil Cryology Laboratory, IPCBPSS RAS) Local Committee: Svetlana Chudinova, Elena Spirina, Victor Sorokovikov, Tatiana Vorobyova Technical group: Aleksandra Veremeeva, Anastasya Shatilovich, Lyubov Pasnitskaya, Lidia Gulyaeva, Larisa Kondakova, Ekaterina Sokolova, Stanislav Malavin Partners Earth’s Cryosphere Institute, Tyumen Scientific Centre SB RAS (Tyumen) Melnikov permafrost institute SB RAS (Yakutsk) PYRN-Russia 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Conference program 5 Abstracts Introduction 18 Session 1: General cryology puzzles 26 Session 2: Hydro&Glacio puzzles 83 Session 3: Remote&Geophysics in permafrost 121 Session 4: Infrastructure&Engeneering puzzles 136 Session 5: Permafrost affected soils 178 Session 6: Permafrost microbiology and Biogeochemical processes 188 Session 7: Puzzles from the past – Palaeoecology 202 Roundtables 209 4 PROGRAM of the International Conference “Solving the puzzles from cryosphere” Pushchino, Russia April 15-18, 2019 5 15.04.2019 Monday 9:00-9:50 Opening ceremony. Introduction Chair: Andrey Abramov 9:50-10:10 Permafrost studies in 2017-2019 by Permafrost Zhelezniak M institute SB RAS - results, plans and perspectives et al. 10:10-10:30 Seismic and ground penetrating radar application Sadurtdinov M in permafrost zone 10:30-11:00 Coffee 11:00-11:15 Development of philosophical concepts Melnikov V concerning cold: from ancient natural philosophy et al. to cryosophy 11:15-11:30 Problems of understanding the Ice Complex Tumskoy V 11:30-11:45 On the degradation of mountain glaciers in Russia Kutuzov S 11:45-12:00 Soil Diversity of the Bunger Hills (Wilkes Land, Dolgikh A et al. East Antarctica) 12:00-12:15 Does permafrost control evolution of deglaciated Rachlewicz G coastal landscapes of subantarctic islands? – et al. answers from King George Island , South Shetlands (Antarctica) 12:15-12:30 The Cost of Permafrost Hazards to Russian Streletskiy D Economy 12:30-14:30 Lunch GENERAL CRYOLOGY PUZZLES Chairs: Vladimir Tumskoy, Aleksandr Kizyakov 14:30-14:45 Gas-emission craters puzzle - 4 years of Leibman M investigations et al. 14:45-15:00 Gas geochemistry of the ground ice samples from Semenov P the exposure in Central Yamal et al. 15:00-15:15 Preliminary Results of a Study the Frost Mound in Nikitin K & the North of Western Siberia Badu Y 15:15-15:30 A physico-mathematical model of the injection Marakhtanov V mounds of swelling (bulgunnyakh, pingo) 15:30-15:45 Methodologic aspects of studyng gas emission Sergeev D et al. craters in permafrost 15:45-16:00 The cryogenic origin of the Yamal phenomenon Buldovich S et al. 16:00-16:30 Coffee 16:30-16:45 Insolation Periods of Climate Change as a Means Smulsky J 6 of Solving Cryospheric Puzzles 16:45-17:00 The study of the transformation of the permafrost Sinitskiy A et al. zone in a changing climate (projects of the Arctic Research Center of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District) 17:00-17:15 Geocryological research in the Mesozoic basins of Sysolyatin R & Aldan shield Zheleznyak M 17:15-17:30 Permafrost Degradation in the Western Sector of Vasiliev A et al. Russian Arctic under Climate Change 17:30-17:45 Distribution and dynamics of permafrost in the Malkova G et al. floodplain of the Pechora river Results of complex geocryological and geophysical monitoring 17:45-18:00 Ice complex in the Debin and Susuman river Zadorozhnaia N valleys (Cherskiy Range) et al. 18:00-19:30 Poster session 1 Modeling of thermal abrasion coastal dynamics at Aleksyutina D the Kara Sea et al. 2 Cryostratigraphy of the upper horizon of Andreeva V permafrost at the post-fire sites in vicinity of the et al. town of Chersky 3 Activation of cryogenic processes in Central Yamal Babkina E et al. as a result of climate change and thermal state of permafrost 4 Alpine permafrost geothermal zonation in the Boyko A Udokan ridge (Zabaykalsky Krai) 5 Dendrochronological analyses of tundra plants in Buchwal A et al. the Lena River Delta (Siberia) 6 Sorption interaction of acetic and chloro-acetic Fedoseeva V acids with quasi-liquid film of ice et al. 7 West Siberian geocryological transect: a new site Gubarkov A in the northern taiga et al. 8 Comparison of temperature data in boreholes at Kamnev Y et al. the Parisento field station (august 1986 - august 2018) 9 Coastal dynamics of the Kolguev Island Kizyakov A et al 10 Frost boils of the Pur-Taz interfluve Koroleva E et al 11 Present evolution of Ivashkina Lagoon (Laptev Levochkina O & Sea) Tumskoy V 7 12 Cryogenic structure of deposits on the 70-75 m Maleeva A et al. terrace of Aldan River (Mamontova Gora outcrop) 13 Variety of characteristic times of cryogenic Melnikov V & phenomena Gennadinik V 14 Statistical analysis of the climatic factors influence Petrov B & on the active layer depth in Russian cryolithozone I Streletskaya 15 Late Pleistocene paleosols in the context of the Sedov S et al. Quaternary landscape evolution of Northwestern Siberia 16 Reaction by climate changing in North Asia Sysolyatin R mountain region (Verkhoyanian mounts, Suntar- et al. Khayat ridge) 17 Heterogeneous ice wedges at study areas on Tikhonravova north-east sector West Siberia Ya & Slagoda E 18 Hydrochemical Features of the Northern Coast of Torgovkin N the Kotelniy Island et al. 19:30-21:00 PYRN-party 16.04.2019 Tuesday/Вторник GENERAL CRYOLOGY PUZZLES Chairs: Vladimir Sheinkman, Alexey Maslakov 9:00-9:15 Quaternary sediments and massive ice beds of the Baranskaya A Gulf of Lavrentiya, Chukotka et al. 9:15-9:30 Accelerated coastal erosion of the Bering Sea Maslakov A (Lorino site, the Chukchi Peninsula, Russia) 9:30-9:45 Modeling of the Dynamics of Subaqueous Ostroumov V & Permafrostat at Variable Rate of Thermal Abrasion Vasiliev A 9:45-10:00 Monitoring of thermocirques, their activation and Khomutov A growth controls, Central Yamal, Russia et al. 10:00-10:15 The long-therm temperature dynamics of the Konstantinov P permafrost in the areas of cuttings of larch forests & Fedorov A (Central Yakutia, Russia) 10:15-10:30 Mathematical modeling of the morphological Victorov A et al. pattern development for thermokarst plains with fluvial erosion 10:30-11:00 Coffee 11:00-11:15 Degradation of ice-wedges in Central Yakutia Fedorov A et al. under the modern climate warming 8 Pseudomorphs after polygonal-ice wedges and Sheinkman V & loess-like but floodplain alluvial deposits at the Sedov S top of river terraces as new confirmation that Northwestern Siberia during the Pleistocene was a frozen non-glaciated area 11:15-11:30 Frozen deposits as a material for luminescence Simonov O & dating and a perspective to date them by means of Sheinkman V a new TL technology 11:30-11:45 A Case Study of Morphoscopic and Morphometric Kut A Analysis of Quartz Grain Surface 11:45-12:00 Permafrost islands on the Tersky coast of the Lugovoy N & White Sea Romanenko F 12:00-12:15 Changes in the parameters of the active layer Ponomareva O under the influence of climate warming near the et al. southern boundary of the cryolithozone (on the example of Western Siberia) 12:15-12:30 Dynamics of local conditions of peat accumulation Kuznetsova A in the Holocene of the southern tundra of the Pur- et al. Taz interfluve 12:30-14:30 Lunch HYDRO&GLACIO PUZZLES Chairs: Olga Makarieva, Stanislav Kutuzov 14:30-14:45 Laboratory investigation of flow and bank Dolgopolova E interactions of the river in cryosphere et al. 14:45-15:00 Modelling Thermal Regime of an Intrapermafrost Tananaev N Talik in Central Yakutia et al. 15:00-15:15 Hydrological modelling of the maximum runoff Nesterova N & characteristics at small rivers in the permafrost Makarieva O zone 15:15-15:30 Aufeis of the Yana and Indigirka river basin Makarieva O (Russia): the database from historical data and et al. recent Landsat images 15:30-15:45 Possibilities for Estimating the Runoff Components Gubareva T of Rivers in Cryolithozone by Tracer Methods et al. 15:45-16:00 Investigation of water tracks hydrology in the Tarbeeva A north-west of Yakutia et al. 16:00-16:30 Coffee 16:30-18:00 Roundtable "Verification data for modeling" Page 209 Moderator Gleb Gribovskii 9 16:30-16:45 River runoff generation at the small research Lebedeva L watershed in continuous permafrost environment et al. in Central Yakutia, Russia 16:45-17:00 Volume change of valley glaciers in the Cherek Naydenko A river catchment (Central Caucasus) from the mid- et al. 20 century 17:00-17:15 Small forms of glaciation — Chukotka and the Ananicheva M Verkhneangarsky Range: why do they survive? et al. 17:15-17:30 Changes of small glaciers in sub-Arctic Siberia in Kovalenko N XXIst century: a case study of the Putorana Plateau et al. 17:30-17:45 Avalanche hazard zoning for the land use planning Turchaninova A in the Russian Arctic et al.
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