ANNALES HISTORICO-NATURALES MUSEI NATIONALIS HUNGARICI Tomus 52. PARS ZOOLOGICA 1960. Data on the distribution of Dermestidae (Coleoptera) with special reference to the Hungarian fauna By M. MROCZKOWSKI, Warszawa* The greater part of the work has been done in Budapest, during the author's stay there in May 1959. This is essentially a faunistic analysis of the materials representing the family Dermestidae in the Zoological Department of the Hungarian National Museum in Budapest. The author expresses his deep appreciation and thanks to Dr. Zoltán Kaszab, Head of the Zoological Department of the Hungarian National Museum, to Jenő Györffy and Dr. Sebő Endrődy-Younga for making the materials available and for their encouragement in my work. In the discussion of the general distribution of the most interesting species occuring in Hungary, it is impossible to leave unmentioned my unpublished data concerning the distribu­ tion of these species elsewhere. Thus the work has been based partly on the materials preserved in several museums and zoological institutes, i. e. those kept in the Zoological Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warszawa, in the Zoological Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences in Leningrad, and in some cases on specimens from the Zoological Museum of the Lomo- nosov University in Moscow, the Natural History Museum in Pécs (Hungary) and in the private collection of Dr. S. E n d r ő d i. In spite of the fact that the work mainly concerns the area of Hungary, there are also included new materials from others European countries. This in order to cover better their entire distribution. Thus for the first time it is listed here Dermestes szekessyi Kal. from Germany and the Ukrainian SSR, although that species has been known only from Hungary, Poland and the Byelorussian SSR till now. Anthrenus scrophulariae var. suecicus Palm, a very interesting variety thought to have been boreo-alpine, and known oidy from Sweden, Macedonia and Germany (Berchtesgaden in the Alps) has been reported from Switzerland, Italy, Hungary, the Russian Federal SSR, and the Ukrainian SSR, generally in mountains in the alpine or boreal areas, very often in deeply shadowed northern valleys such as Elzalak in the Bükk mountains or Szuadó in the Mecsek mountains in Hungary. From Turkey, there is reported here for the first time Megatoma pici Kal. ; from Germany^ and Bulgaria — Dermestes laniarius ab. rulei Kal. ; from Hungary and Czechoslovakia — Der­ mestes kaszabi Kal. ; from Hungary and Austria — Anthrenus olgae Kal. Besides these species, there are reported new ones for the Hungarian fauna i. e. Dermestes frischi ab. uniformis Rey, Dermestes ater Deg., Attagenus schaefjeri (Herbst), Globicornis corticalis Eichh., Trogoderma glabrum (Herbst), Anthrenus scrophulariae var. gravidas Küst. and Anthrenus polonicus Mroczk., which, together with the previous ones, make 7 species and 3 variations new for Hungary. Also there are given new distributional data from Hungary for 22 rare Dermestid species ; their distribution in Hungary has not been sufficiently known yet, and D. K u t h y ' s catalogue (1896) quotes but a few localities of their occurance in the present area of Hungary. * Zoological Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences Dermestes frischi ab. uniformis Rey, 1889. A variation not mentioned in Kuth y's catalogue. In the Zoological Department of the Hungarian National Museum there are specimens of this variation from the following places : Szeged, Székesfehérvár, Pilisvörösvár, Velencei-hegys,. Magyaróvár, Győr, Tiszasüly, Agasegyháza. Dermestes murinus Linnaeus, 1758. Four localities from the present area of Hungary are listed in Kuth y's catalogue: Budapest, N.-Vázsony, Felsőlövő and Pécs. New localités : Pilisvörös­ vár, Velencei-hegys., Bátorliget, Mts. Börzsöny. Dermestes kaszabi Kalik, 1950. A species described from Yugoslavia and Crimea, and listed later (Kalik, 1951, Mroczkowski, 1958) from Roumania, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey and the Caucasus. New distributional data are : Czechoslovakia : Trencin (Dr. Brancsik) — 2 specimens ; Hungary : Budapest : Óbudai hegys., Hármas­ határhegy, IV. 1906 — one specimen. Dermestes intermedius Kalik, 1951. This species was described on the basis of specimens from Hungary, Czecho­ slovakia, the Balkan peninsula, Turkey, Syria and Iraq. From Hungary, it was known till now from the following localities : Szeged, Debrecen, Esztergom, Kalocsa, Székesfehérvár and Budapest. New localities in Hungary : Győr, Tihany, Leányfalu. Dermestes atomarius Erichson, 1846. There are specified 4 localities from the present area of Hungary in Kut- h y's catalogue : Budapest, Dabas, Kalocsa and Acs. New localities : Balaton- lelle, Siófok, Debrecen, Esztergom, Mohács, Pécs, Szeged, Zalavár (Kisbalaton), Lelesz, Kenése, Szigetcsép, Vácrátot, Szikra, Szaár. Dermestes erichsoni Ganglbauer, 1904. Kuth y's catalogue reports the following localities from the present area of Hungary (under the name D. tesselatus F.) : Budapest, Dabas, Peszér, Sopron and Z. Tapolcza. New localities : Simontornya, Zalavár (Kisbalatoii), Velencei hegys., Siófok, Galgamácsa, Leányfalu. Dermestes laniarius ab. rulei Kalik, 1951. A variation described from : Szeged and Nagysalló — Hungary, and from Margelan — Uzbek SSR. In the collection of the Zoological Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warszawa, there are two specimens from Ger­ many : Edenkoben, Pfalz, 24. V. 1929, leg. G. Schaaff and one specimen from Bulgaria : Popovo, 9. VIII. 1950, leg. A. Riedel. New localities for Hungary : Budapest, Zamárdi (Somogy m.), Martonvásár. Dermestes szekessyi Kalik, 1950. A species described from Hungary from Őszöd, Balatonederics and Fertő- Hegykő, and later listed from Poland and the Byelorussian SSR (M r o c z- k o w s k i, 1952). It occurs also in Germany : Berlin and Frankfurt a/O. and in the Ukrainian SSR : Kamensk on the Doniec (specimens in the Zoological Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsawa). Additional localities for Hungary are : Bácsa, Budapest, Zalavár (Kisbalaton), Vörs (Kisbalaton), Deb­ recen, Zamárdi (Somogy m.), Gyenesdiás. Dermestes bicolor Fabricius, 1781. This species is mentioned by K u t h y only from Budapest and Kalocsa from the present area of Hungary. New localities : Siófok, Szeged, Zalavár (Kisbalaton), Vörs (Kisbalaton), Debrecen, Jenőlak, Magyaróvár, Ősi (Veszprém m.), Kapuvár, Őszöd, Dombóvár, Bátorliget, Pétfürdő. Dermestes ater De Geer, 1774. A cosmopolitan species, not mentioned in Kuth y's catalogue. There is one specimen from Budapest in the Zoological Department of the Hungarian National Museum in Budapest. Dermestes olivieri Lepesme, 1939. In Kuth y's catalogue, it is mentioned (under the name D. ater 01.) only from N.-Vázsony. New localities : Budapest, Piliscsaba, Tihany, Siófok, Pécs, Székesfehérvár, Velencei hegys., Őszöd, Érd, Sződ, Törökbálint, Hajmáskér, ócsa, Dömsöd, Csörög, Szikra, Dombiratos. Attagenus schaefferi (Herbst, 1792). A widely distributed species in the entire Holarctic area with the exception of its northern parts. It is not listed by K u t h y from the present area of Hun­ gary. New localities in Hungary : Pinnye (Sopron m.), Dömsöd. Attagenus punetatus (Scopoli, 1772). There are given four localities in Kuth y's catalogue (under the name Alt. vigintiguttatus F.) : Budapest, Péczel, Sopron and Felsőlő. New localities : Pécs^ Debrecen, Velencei hegys., Siófok, Bakonv, Ságvár. Megatoma undata (Linnaeus, 1758). Only three localities from the present area of Hungary are reported by K u t h y : Budapest, Isaszeg, Kalocsa. New localities : Magyaróvár, Siófok, Pinnye, Csepel-sziget, Pápa, Vácrátót, Péczel, Dobogókő, Ságvár. Megatoma pici Kalik, 1952. The description of this species is based on specimens from Hungary from the following localities : Kom. Szatmár, Szatmárnémeti, Szigetszentmiklós and Csép. Later, it was also reported from Jugoslavia (Non veille r, 1959). In the Zoological Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warszawa, there is one specimen from Turkey : Konia. New locality for Hungary : Kalocsa. Globicornis corticalis Eichhoff, 1863. This species occurs in Central Europe, in the southern part of Nothern Europe and in the northern part of Southern Europe. Not found in Kuth y's catalogue. One specimen from Siófok and one from Dobogókő near Budapest are deposited in the collection of the Zoological Department of the Hungarian National Museum in Budapest. Globicornis marginata (Paykull, 1798). Three localities from the present area of Hungary are reported by K u t h y : Budapest, Kalocsa and Acs. New localities : Győr, Székesfehérvár, Pinnye, Magyaróvár. Globicornis nigripes (Fabricius, 1792). K u t h y lists only one locality from the present area of Hungary : Kalocsa. New localities : Budapest, Siófok, Pinnye, Debrecen, Magyaróvár, Kismegyer. Phradonoma villosulum (Duftschmid, 1825). Three localities are mentioned in Kuth y's catalogue from the present area of Hungary : Budapest, Debreczen and Kalocsa. New localities : Siófok, Érd, Velencei hegys., Csepel-sziget, Dömsöd, Őszöd, Székesfehérvár, Szeged, Szeged : Várostanya, Kecskemét, Szigetszentmiklós, Péczel, Putnok, Isaszeg, Orszentmiklós, Alcsút, Fejérvárcsurgó, Kelebia, Matkópuszta, Pusztamérges, Peszér. Trogoderma megatomoides Reitter, 1881. Only one locality is given by K u t h y : Budapest. Additional localities : Siófok, Kalocsa, Dombóvár. Trogoderma versicolor (Creutzer, 1799). K u t h y mentions in his catalogue the following localities from the present area of Hungary : Budapest,
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