ALLENCOUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY ^ PD Commons GENEALOGY V 976.^02 AU7UTA, „ 3 1833 01760 8438 ^ 1917-1918 University of Texas Bulletin No. 1761: November 1, 1917 DIRECTORY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS FOR THE LONG SESSION OF 1917-1918 Published by the University six times a month and entered as second-class matter at the postofRce at AUSTIN, TEXAS \ The benefits of education and of useful knowledge, generally diffused through a community, are essential to the preservation of a free govern- ment. Sam Houston Cultivated mind is the guardian genius of democracy. It is the only dictator that freemen ac- knowledge and the only security that freemen desire. Mirabeau B. Lamar PD Books PD Commons DIRECTORY OF THE UNIVERSITY BOARD OF REGENTS Fredebick W. Cook, Chairman George W. Brackenridge, Vice Chairman E. J. Mathews, Secretary, Austin Terms expire January, 1919 Frederick W. Cook San Antonio George W. Littlefield Austin John Sealy ; Galveston Terms expire January, 1921 W. R. Brents , Sherman W. H. Dougherty Gainesville J. A. Kemp Wichita Falls Terms expire January, 1923 George W. Brackenridge San Antonio C. E. Kelly El Paso Ralph Steiner Austin Standing Committees Auditing: Messrs. Brents, Kelly. Buildings and Grounds: Messrs. Steiner, Littlefield, Sealy. Complaints and Grievances: Messrs. Dougherty, Kemp, Sealy. Executive: Messrs. Cook, Brackenridge, Littlefield. Finance: Messrs. Brackenridge, Brents, Kemp. Land: Messrs. Littlefield, Brents, Dougherty. Legislation: Messrs. Kemp, Dougherty, Steiner. Medical Department: Messrs. Sealy, Brackenridge, Cook. State School of Mines and Metallurgy: Messrs. Kelly, Brents, Kemp. The Board of Regents meets in Austin on the fourth Tuesday of April and October and on the day preceding Commencement Day, and in Galveston in May on the day on which the graduating exercises of the Department of Medicine are held. ; FACULTY AND OTHER OFFICERS OF THE MAIN UNIVERSITY, AUSTIN An asterisk precedes the naiues of men with wives living. E. B. means Engineering Building; L. B., Law Building; M. B., Main Build- ing. The telephone number is given in parentheses after the home and office address. Aden, Eunice, Director of Physical Training for Women: 2107 San Antonio St. (4506); Basement of the Woman's Building (3373), M.W.P. 11-12. Alderson, Curtis Jackson, Assistant in the Library: 2208 Nueces St. (2784); Library Building (791). Andrews, Jessie, Ph. M., Instructor in Germanic Languages: 1104 Colorado St. (1901); M. B. 215, T.T.S. 11-12:30. tANTHONY, Mrs. Alice Lane, B. A., Secretary to the Editor of Univer- sity Publications. AsHBY, Stanley Royal, B. A., Instructor in English: 1206 Guadalupe St. (905); M. B. 122, 10-11 daily. Aynesworth, Anne, M. A., Tutor in English: 2107 San Antonio St. (4806); M. B. 204, T.T.S. 11-12. Bailey, Claude, Assistant in Pure Mathematics: University Hall (2906) M. B. 23. Bailey, James Robinson, Ph D., Professor of Organic Chemistry: Absent on leave. Bailey, Lulu Mary, M. S., Instructor in Physics: 307 W. 15th St. (410); M. B. 1 (3233), 9-11 daily except Tuesday. Baker, Lorena May, Stenographer: 2105 Tom Green St. (3086); M. B. 151 (3430). Baker. Viola Belle, Engineering Librarian: 2105 Tom Green St. (3086); E. B. 108 (1086). Bantel, Edward Christian Henry, C. E., Professor of Civil Engineer- ing; Assistant Dean of the Department of Engineering: 2307 San Antonio St. (1611); E. B. 205 (1609), 12-1 daily. Barker, Eugene Campbell, Ph. D., Professor of American History: 2220 San Gabriel St. (2158); M. B. 220, 9:30-10, 11-11:15 daily. Barker, Owen Dudley, Assistant in Public Speaking: University Hall (2906); I. Hall 5 (1833). Barnes, James Austin, B. A., Tutor in Government: 2209 Neches St. (4144); University Hall 3 (1039), M.W.F. 11-12, T.T.S. 9-10. Barron, Mrs. Addie Dixon, Stenographer: 1901 Whitis Ave. (43); D. E. Hall (3171). tResigned November 1, 1917. PD Books PD Commons - Main University : Faculty and Other Officers 5 Batchelder, Paul Mason, Ph. D., Instructor in Applied Mathematics: 2206 Nueces St. (1779); M. B. 23, M.W.F. 3-4, T.T.S. 11-12. Bear, Jennie Rees, B. S., Instructor in Home Economics: 305 W. 21st St. (4009); D. B. Hall (3171). Beaver, Beulah, B. A., Assistant in Music: 1700 Congress Ave. (1627); M. B. 402 (1916). *Beck, Harry Birk, Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds: 400 W. 38th St. (2340); G. Hall 10. *Bedichek, Roy, B. S., Assistant Director of the Interscholastic League in the Division of School Interests of the Department of Extension: 105 E. 38th St. (3106); I. Hall 10 (2255). *Eeede. Joshua William, Ph. D., Geologist in the Division of Economic Geology of the Bureau of Economic Geology and Technology: 404 W. 38th St. (4800); University Hall 120 (2488). Bell, Florence, Assistant in General Literature: 210 W. 27th St. (2911); G. Hall 3. *Bell, Spurgeon, M. B. A., Professor of Business Administration: 2616 Salado St. (4098); H. Hall 14 (3115), M.W.F. 3-4, S. 10-11. *Bellmont, Leo Theodore, LL. B., Director of Physical Training for Men: 910 W. 31st St. (2306); School of Military Aeronautics. Benedict, Harry Yandell, Ph. D., Professor of Applied Mathematics; Dean of the College of Arts; Dean of Men: 2525 University Ave. (1577); Library Building (2921), 11:30-1:15 daily. Bennett, Albert Arnold, Ph. D., Adjunct Professor of Pure Mathe- matics: Absent on leave. Bewley, Lula Mary, Assistant to the Dean of Women: 702 Rio Grande St. (683); M. B. 101, 104 (3233). Biggs, Roy Ivan, Assistant Law Librarian: University Hall (2906); L. B. 205 (2176). Blackwell, Carl Petty, M. S., Adjunct Professor of Agricultural Education: Absent on leave. Bobbitt, Daniel Franklin, Quizmaster in Law: 306 W. 19th St. (2941); L. B. 106 (2176). *BoND, Otto Ferdinand, M. A., Instructor in Romance Languages: 3208 Grandview Ave. (4558); M. B. 217 (1467), M.W.F. 9:45-10. *Boysen, Johannes Lassen, Ph. D., Adjunct Professor of Germanic Languages: 710 W. 35th St. (4233); M. B. 136, 9-10, 11-12 daily. Bradsher, Earl Lockridge, Ph. D., Instructor in English: 2505 Whitis Ave. (1358); M. B. 120, T.T.S. 12-12:30. *Bressler, Raymond George, M, A., Lecturer on Rural Sociology in the Division of School Interests of the Department of Extension and Head of the Division; Head of the Division of Extension Teaching of the Department of Extension for the first half of the session: 1910 San Antonio St. (4501); L Hall 9 (2284). Brogan, Albert Perley, Ph. D., Adjunct Professor of Philosophy: 2822 Rio Grande St. (4500); M. B. 128, 11-12 daily. 6 Directory of the University of Texas, 1917-1918 Brown, Denton Jacobs, M. A., Instructor in Organic Chemistry: 2206 San Antonio St. (3396); Chemistry Building 101 (909), M.W.Th. 10-12. *Brown, S. Leroy, Ph. D., Associate Professor of Physics: 2707 N. Guadalupe St. (1217); M. B. 20 (2211), 11-12 daily. *Bruce, Homer Jackson, LL. B,, Registrar of the Department of Law: 2506 Nueces St. (2873); L. B. 106 (2176). *Bryant, John Myron, M. S., E. E., Professor of Electrical Engineer- ing; Research Associate in the Division of Engineering of the Bureau of Economic Geology and Technology: 709 W. 32d, St. (3282); School of Military Aeronautics (1429). *BuEHRER, Theophil Frederic, B, A., Tutor in Chemistry: 2412 Wich- ita St. (3959); Chemistry Building (909), 9-10 daily. BrFFUM, Mary Susie, Ph. B., Assistant in the Library: 2502 Wichita St. (1317); Library Building (791). Burg, Beatrice Victoria, B. A., Assistant in the Art of Teaching: 105 W. 20th St. (4720); H. Hall 17 (3637). Burleson,' Inez, Stenographer: 1905 University Ave. (1328); M. B. 151 (3430). *Butte, George Charles, M. A., J. U. D., Professor of Law: 2504 Rio Grande St. (1775); L. B. 205 (2176), M.W.F. 9-10:30, T.T.S. 10-12. Bybee, Halbert Pleasant, Ph. D., Adjunct Professor of Geology: 3805 Avenue B (3895); University Hall 1, T.W.T.F. 10-11. Calhoun, John William, M. A., Associate Professor of Pure Mathe- ematics: 2805 Rio Grande St. (2875); M. B. 23, M.W.F. 10-11, T.T.S. 11-12. Callan, Ella Agnes, Assistant in the Library: 111 W. 9th St. (4796); Library Building (791). Callaway, Morgan, Jr., Ph. D., Professor of English: 1104 Guadalupe St.; M. B. 211. T.T.S. 11-1. Campbell, Jean Douglas, Assistant to the Extension Loan Librarian in the Division of Information of the Department of Extension: 2208 San Antonio St. (1573); I. Hall 8 (2255). Campbell, Killis, Ph. D., Associate Professor of English: 2301 Rio Grande St. (2407); M. B. 211, M.W.F. 12-1, T.T. 10-11. Canaday, Frank Musson, Stenographer: 1611 Nueces St. (1636); I. Hall 11 (2284). Carotiiers, Mrs. Neil, Director of the Woman's Building: Woman's Building (2933). Casis, Lilia Mary, M. A., Professor of .Romance Languages: 309 E. 11th St. (2185); M. B. 201. Casteel, Dana Brackenridge, Ph. D., Associate Professor of Zoology: 501 W. 19th St. (3599); M. B. 322 (3552), M.W.F.S. 9-10. Castle, William Richard, Jr., Assistant in Drawing: 608 W. 24th St. (2633); E. B. 306. ^ PD Books PD Commons Main University : Faculty and Other Officers 7 *Clark, Evert Mordecai, Ph. D., Adjunct Professor of English: 300 E. 26th St. (3457); M. B. 118, M.W.F. 11-12, T.T.S. 9-10. Clark, Roxie, B. A., Tutor in Chemistry: 2410 University Ave. (2723); Chemistry Building (909). Cleaves, Wilbur Mundy, B. A., LL. M., Adjunct Professor of Law: 4003 Avenue D; L. B. 205 (2176), W. 10-11, 3-5; P. 9-10, 3-5; S, 10-11, 3-5. ' CoFER, John Daly, Assistant in Institutional History: 2309 Nueces St. (3002); J. Hall 7 (3831). *CoFER, Robert Emmet, LL.
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