EEXEC- ECON- THE the ft^dcnls'^jM c local UBSTIT- UTION FOR-THElArTER WITH THE WORD "the part-time Students' Vice President" THAT SECTION 17(1) OF THE CON­ THE UNION STITUTION BE AMENDED BY THE DELETION OF THE WORDS "or local AUS Secretary" AND THE INSERTION OF THE WORD "or" BEFORE THE official notices WORDS "Honorary Treasurer". THAT SECTION 17(2) OF THE CON­ NOTICE OF MEETING STITUTION BE AMENDED BY THE SUBSTITUTION OF THE WORDS Notice is hereby given that the "Area Chairman" FOR THE WORDS next meeting of the 63rd Council "Vice President of the Area". of the University of Queensland Union will be held in the J.D. THAT OFTHECON- Story Council Chamber on Thursday STITUTIO DED BY THE 12th September, 1974, at 6.30 p.m. DELETI IRDS "and Local fDTHEIN- SERT iRD "and" CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS "Honorary Notice is hereby given that the UNIVERSITHBY OF QUEENSLAND UNION l following motions proposing to E&l'ldN 18(2) (a) OFTHE amend the constitution will be •ION BE AMENDED BY considered by Union Council at invites nominations for the following positions on the 64th ?TITUTION OF THE WORDS its meeting on Thursday, 12th Council of the University of Quecnsland Union: urman" FOR THE WORDS September, 1974. "Vice President of thai Area". THAT SECTION 4 OF THE CONSTITUTION EXECUTIVE: THAT SECTION 13(1) OFTHE CON­ BE AMENDED BY THE INSERTION OF PRESIDENT STITUTION BE AMENDED BY THE THE FOLLOWING DEFINITION AFTER UNION SECRETARY ENACTMENT OF A NEW CLAUSE THE DEFINITION FOR "Officer of the (i) The Area Chairman Union". TREASURER Post-Graduate Student means a student of GENERAL VICE-PRESIDENT THAT SECTION 13.1 OF THE CONSTIT­ Ihe University taking a course leading to a UTION BE AMENDED BY THE ENACT­ LOCAL A.U.S. SECRETARY MENT OF A NEW CLAUSE (1) TO READ higher degree awarded by the University. AREA VICE-PRESIDENT ST. LUCLV (Full-time) AS FOLLOWS: THAT SECTION 9.( i) OF THE CONSTIT­ (1) The Qiairperson of Uic Women's Rights AREA VICE-PRESIDENT ST. LUCIA (Part-time) Standing Committee who shall be elected UTION BE AMENDED BY THE INSERTION AREA VICE-PRESIDENT HERSTON OF THE WORD "and part-time external by the female members of the Union students" AFTER THE WORDS "Temp­ AREA VICE-PRESIDENT TURBOT STREET and who shall be a female member of orary Members"; BY THE DELETION OF the Union. THE WORD "and" AFTER THE WORDS "Honorary Life Members"; AND THAT FACULTY AND OTHER REPRESENTATIVES: No. of Reps THAT SECTION 45.4 OF THE CONSTIT­ SECTION 9. (2) BE AMENDED BY THE Classification: 64th Council UTION BE AMENDED BY THE ENACT­ INSERTION OF THE WORDS "who are MENT OF A NEW CLAUSE (d) TO READ members of the Union" AFTER THE WORD AGRICULTURE FACULTY 1 AS FOLLOWS: "students". ARCHITECTURE FACULTY i (d) Tlic Women's Riglits Fund. ARTS FACULTY (Full-time) Marl Anna Shaw THAT SECTION 13. (I) (d) (iu) OF THE CONSTITUTION BE AMENDED BY THE ARTS FACULTY (Part-time) Acting Itoion Secretary SUBSTITUTION OF THE WORD "semester" COMMERCE & ECONOMICS FACULTY (Full-time) , t FOR THE WORDS "term of the academic COMMERCE & ECONOMICS FACULTY (Part-time) ^ year". DENTISTRY FACULTY THAT SECTION 4(a) THE DEFINITION OF "Sport" IN THE CONSTITUTION BE EDUCATION FACULTY (Full-time) SEMPER FLOREAT AMENDED BY THE SUBSTITUTION EDUCATION FACULTY (Part-time) VOLUME 44, NUMBER 9B, OF THE WORDS "and Physical Recreation ENGINEERING FACULTY Association" FOR THE WORDS "Union ISTH AUGUST, 1974. or the University of Queensland Women's LAW FACULTY (Full-time) Sports Union". LAW FACULTY (Part-time) ' 1 Porque lias muerto MEDICINE FACULTY * 4 de pie, como hoinbre, no acostado THAT SECTION 45.1 OF THE CONSTIT­ en tierra como una bestia; cual UTION BE AMENDED BY THE SUBSTIT­ , MUSIC FACULTY 1 columna erguida. UTION OF THE WORDS "Four DoUan SCIENCE FACULTY (Full-time) ($4.00) FOR "$2.00" IN THE TWO SCIENCE FACULTY (Part-time) i PLACES WHERE THE LATTER APPEARS. Miguel de Unamuno. VETERINARY SCIENCE FACULTY 1 THAT SECTIONS 21 AND 49 OF THE COLLEGE REPRESENTATIVES CONSTITUTION BE REPEALED AND A NEW SECTION 21 BE ENACTED AS PHARMACY DEPARTMENT FOLLOWS:- OVERSEAS STUDENTS' REPRESENTATIVE 1 21.(1) Hie Annual Meeting of the Union POST-GRADUATE STUDENTS' REPRESENTATIVES 3 shall be held in the second week following the second semester of the year, and when possible on the NOMINATIONS OPEN dt 9.00 a.m. on Monday 12th Saturday. The meeting shall re­ August, 1974. ceive the Annual Report of the Union and the Declaration of the results of the Annual General NOMINATIONS CLOSE at 5.00 p.m. on Monday 26th Eliections shall be tabled. August, 1974 at Union Office. Published on behalf of 77ie University s- (2) The Balance Sheet, Profil and of Queensland Union, St. Lucia Loss Account, and Finandal Printed by CPLfCAT, 10 Bailey Street, West End Report of the Union, and the Nomination forms are available from Union Office and from Area Auditor's Report thereon, shall Vice-Presidents; Part-time students will be sent nomination forms be presented by the Treasurer EDITOR: Davkl Franken to a Meeting of the Union to be upon written request. BUSINESS MGR: David Meredith heM on or before the tint day Any active member of the Union except a part-time exlernal PUBLICATIONS SECRETARIES: of April eadi year. student may nominate for the position of President, General Vice- Lillian HoU, Annmaree O'Keeffe and (3) A Meeting of the Union Aall be President, Union Secretary, Treasurer or Local A.U.S. Secretary. Nanette Badgery a meeting of the memben of Any active member of the Union who spends more than fifty REVIEW SUB-EDITOR: Jreve Torre the Union. percent of his time-table in an area specified by the Regulations NEWS STAFF: Julianne Schultz, (4) The CouncU elected at the pre­ Peter Mtaphy, Terry Gygar, Tom may nominate for the position of representative of that Faculty, ^ Stevens and Linda Heron and Cliris Englisli. vious Annual General Elections or iu appropriate cases, for the position of represenlalivc of fhe shaU take office at the con­ FEATURES STAFF: John Harrison, clusion of the Annual Meeting of ijiembers of a Faculty who jiave the same status as himself. Tor Hundloe, Ejler Morgensen, Greg the Union provided.that the Candidates for election who have a bona fide intention of Poropat, Qive Palmer, Peter Ford, Council shall take ofBce at the altering their faculty status or area during fhe term of a Council v PhU Challands,find Sharon CarmiiJmel condusion of the second week may nominate for election to a position on that Council. Wrilten and Frances Todd. FOOD COLUMNIST: Hugh Cdrter after the condusion ofthe notice of intention to change faculty status or area musl be submitted second semester of tbe year if WINE COLUMNIST: Len Sorbello with Ihe candidate's nominalion. CARTOONIST: PauU Mitchell, Richard the Annual Meeting ofthe Union is vAny person who is a member of a CoUege within fhe University not concluded at that time. BlundeU shall be eligible to stand for Ihe position of College Representa­ PHOTOGRAPHERS: Greg Perry, B^ic THAT SECTION 47 BE REPEALED tive on Council. Perdraut and BiU Heron AND A NEW SECTION 47 BE ENACTED Any active member of the Union who is enrolled for a Doctorate _ CULTURAL SECTION: A//Wfl/rfj', AS FOLLOWS:- or Masters Degree or for a Master's Qualifying examination may Bob Thompson, Tony ThwaUes, Kevin 47. Athe Annual Meeting of the Union nominate for the position of Post-Graduate Students' Represent­ Jackman, David Boughen, Maureen each year, an Auditor shall be appointed ative. Fitzpatrick, Bill Holdsworth and Mick Wilson atui Janet Mahoney. to audit the Union Books for the next No person shall nominate for more Ihan one position al the Annual finandal year. Genera! Elections. Voting will be held by a postal ballot, closing with Due to the temporary affliction THAT SECTION 33 BE AMENDED BY the last mail on 22nd September, 1974. which has seriously retarded the DELETING THE WORDS "at iU Annual efficiency of the editor, SEMPER General Meeting*. John Campbell, floreat Volume 44, Number 10 ELECTORAL OFFICER, will be somewhat delayed. THAT SECTION 6 (3) OF THE CON- Though due on Thursday 1 Sth STITUnON BE AMENDED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF QUEENSLAND UNION DELECTION OF ALL WORDS AFTER August, it will probably be distrib­ "olher". _ '. uted Monday 19th. 'NOW WE ARE SIX" - L3510O clear and ma^cal as the misty, molsty proclaimed, "See Pitched Battles, Med­ mornings she sings about". Although I ieval Exorcism, Maidens Deflowered, wouldn't have said it like that myself, Miracles - all plus Steeleye Span's bag of 1 agree entirely with the sentiments. Her musical tricks featuring elves, maidens, voice is indeed magical. sooth-sayers, magicians, witches, kings, STEELEYE These points are far outweighed, however, queens, knaves and jokers'! What more by the impressive talent of these people. can I say except that, when they appear Steeleye Span is one of those groups that I'd been meaning to listen When they opened their last British tour at m Brisbane, I'll be there to see them. to but never did. Their music is usually considered to be in the same style the Royal Albert Hall, the advertisements Bill Holdsworth. as FaTfport^Convention and all the reports I've read about them were over- riowing with praise, although their performances did sound somewhat THE PEOPLE INVOLVED. bizkre. ABORTION On the weekend of the 17thand 18th August, a seminar entitled "ABORTION- THE PEOPLE INVOLVED" is being presented by "Children By Choice". Speakers are coming ftom all parts of Australia and from the United Kingdom to participate in this very important seminar.
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