ISSN 0075^269 THE JOURNAL OF HELLENIC STUDIES VOLUME CVII 1987 This Volume is published with assistance from the British Academy CONTENTS PAGE 1 E. BADIAN The Peace of Callias 40 W. R. CONNOR Tribes, festivals, and processions; civic ceremonial and political manipulation in archaic Greece 51 G. FOWDEN Nicagoras of Athens and the Lateran Obelisk 58 S. D. GOLDHILL The Great Dionysia and civic ideology 77 P. HALSTEAD Traditional and ancient rural economy in Mediterranean Europe: plus ca change? 88 J. S. MORRISON Athenian sea-power in 323/2 BC: dream and reality 98 R. G. OSBORNE The viewing and obscuring of the Parthenon frieze 106 R. A. S. SEAFORD The tragic wedding 131 C. SOURVINOU-INWOOD A series of erotic pursuits: images and meanings 154 H. J. WATKIN The Cypriote surrender to Persia NOTES 164 T. M. BANCHICH On Goulet's chronology of Eunapius' life and works 167 R. M. COOK Pots and Pisistratan propaganda 169 R. M. COOK 'Artful crafts': a commentary 178 L.J.COVENTRY Messenger scenes in Iliad xxiii and xxiv 171 J. J. COULTON Opramoas and the anonymous benefactor 180 G. FERRARI Menelas 182 R. A. HIGGINS A gold diadem from Aegina 182 A. J. HOLLADAY The forethought of Themistocles 187 G. L. HUXLEY Onomakles and the Alopokonnesians 188 D.M.LEWIS Bowie on Elegy: a footnote 188 O. SKUTSCH Helen: her name and nature 193 S. V. TRACY An inscribed gold ring from the Argolid: addendum 193 D. VIVIERS Pisistratus on the Thermaic Gulf 195 R. A. H. WATERFIELD Aristotle, Metaphysics 1019a4 196 NOTICES OF BOOKS 267 BOOKS RECEIVED 275 INDEX OF BOOKS REVIEWED 278 MUSEUM SUPPLEMENT: THE CITY OF BIRMINGHAM MUSEUM AND ART GALLERY 1966-1986 THE SOCIETY FOR THE PROMOTION OF HELLENIC STUDIES 31—34 GORDON SQUARE, LONDON WC1H 0PP PUBLISHED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE SOCIETY Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 011987 Oct 2021 at 00:31:46, subject to the Cambridge CoreAll terms rights of use, available reserved at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0075426900010302 THE SOCIETY FOR THE PROMOTION OF HELLENIC STUDIES OFFICERS AND COUNCIL FOR 1987—88 President SIR DAVID HUNT K.C.M.G . O BE. Vice-Presidents The following ex-Presidents PROF R P WINNINGTON-INGRAM. D.LlTT.. F.B.A.. 1959-62 PROF. A. ANDREWES. F.B.A.. 1962—65 PROF N. G L. HAMMOND. D.S.O.. F.B.A.. 1965—6» SIR KENNETH DOVER. F.B.A.. 1971-74 PROF ROBERT BROWNING. F.B.A.. 1974-77 PROF. G. S. KIRK. Lirr.D.. F.B.A., 1977-80 PROF. P. E. CORBETT. 1980—83 PROF. G. B KERFERD 1983—86 and PROF BERNARD ASHMOLE. C.B.E.. F.B.A. Council Elected 1985 Elected 1986 Elected 1987 E L BOWIE DR W G A. CAVANAGH DR S. A BARLOW G CADOGAN MS S COVENTRY DR R BEATON DR R J S GARLAND MRS P E EASTERLING DR N. R. E. FISHER A F GARVIE PROF J P GOULD F. D. HARVEY DR N. J. RICHARDSON B GREDLEY DR D W HOLTON MRSC. ROUECHE A HOBSON DR E. MO1GNARD DR J B SALMON DRH KING DR M MULLETT DR A J S SPAWFORTH DR C. MEE DR A. J N. W PRAG DRO P TAPLIN DR J. L MOLES R. C. SMAIL MS M WILLIAMSON PROF B SPARKES DR K A WARDLE Editorial Committee DR C. B. R. PELLING (Editor) PROF. A M SNODGRASS J C. B. LOWE (Review Editor) PROF. G. E. R. LLOYD DR L. RODLEY (Editor of Archaeological Reports) PROF P J RHODES E L BOWIE DR O. P TAPLIN Editorial assistant: M. COMBER Trustees PROF C MARTIN ROBERTSON PROF J P. BARRON PROF P T. STEVENS Hon. Treasurer Hon. Secretary Hon. Secretary for U.S.A. A TATTERSALL PROF J P. BARRON PROF. STERLING DOW Secretary DR L RODLEY Hon. Auditors Bankers SHIPLEY BLACKBURN MESSRS COUTTS & Co.. 14 16 REGENT STREET. LONDON SWIY 15 LOMBARD STREET EC3V 4PS 9AU Officers of the Joint Library Hon. Librarian Librarian Keeper of Slides J C B LOWE MISS A E HEALEY MRS S MEADE Contributions to the Journal should be sent to Dr C. B. R Pelling. University College. Oxford OX I 4BH Good photocopies, not original typescripts, should be submitted, since contributions which are not accepted will only be returned to authors by special arrangement. For style of references to be adopted see JHS en (1984) 287 (offprint available free from the Secretary. Hellenic Society. 31 34 Gordon Square. London WCIH OPP). Books intended for review should be addressed to The Librarian. Hellenic Society. 31-34 Gordon Square. London WCIH OPP Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies. 1987 Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. 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