中国科技论文在线 http://www.paper.edu.cn Environ. Sci. Technol. 2010, 44, 263–268 In general, the monomeric ferric complex FeIII(OH)2+ is Photochemical Cycling of Iron the most photoactive species in the absence of organic ligands in clouds and fog (3). The photolysis of FeIII(OH)2+ under UV Mediated by Dicarboxylates: Special • Effect of Malonate irradiation leads to generation of Fe(II) and OH(eq 1). + hv • FeIII(OH)2 98 Fe(II) + OH (1) ZHAOHUI WANG, XI CHEN, HONGWEI JI, WANHONG MA, CHUNCHENG CHEN, AND • DOM + OH f oxidized products (2) JINCAI ZHAO* Beijing National Laboratory for Molecular Sciences, Key Extensive field measurements have shown that dissolved Laboratory of Photochemistry, Institute of Chemistry, The organic matters (DOM) are very ubiquitous in atmospheric Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China water droplets where the dissolved iron coexists at a comparable concentration (1). DOM that have relatively poor Received July 1, 2009. Revised manuscript received affinity to Fe(III), such as most monocarboxylates, may November 1, 2009. Accepted November 24, 2009. enhance the production of Fe(II) by scavenging •OH radical (eq 2), which decreases the rate of reoxidation of newly generated Fe(II) (9). Our recent work also revealed that influx of various DOM (10) or inorganic chromium species (11) can Photochemical redox cycling of iron coupled with oxidation change Fe(II)/Fe(total) ratio in different ways. of malonate (Mal) ligand has been investigated under conditions Among these Fe(III)-DOM species, Fe(III)-oxalato com- that are representative of atmospheric waters. Malonate plexes are highlighted for their considerably high photoac- exhibited significantly different characteristics from oxalate tivity under sunlight irradiation. The photolysis of ferrioxalate and other dicarboxylates (or monocarboxylates). Both strong complex may proceed as follows (eqs 3-8) (4, 5): chelating ability with Fe(III) and strong molar absorptivities, but hv III 3- 98 III -+ •- much low efficiency of Fe(II) formation (ΦFe(II) ) 0.0022 ( [Fe (C2O4)3] [Fe (C2O4)2] 2CO2 (3a) 0.0009, 300-366 nm) were observed for Fe(III)-Mal complexes (FMCs). Fe(III) speciation calculation indicated that Mal is hv III 3- 98 II 2- + •- capable of mediating the proportion between two photoactive [Fe (C2O4)3] [Fe (C2O4)2] C2O4 (3b) species of Fe(III)-OH complexes and FMCs by changing •- - - - the Mal concentration. Spin-trapping electron spin resonance CO + [FeIII(C O ) ]3 f [FeII(C O ) ]2 + CO + C O2 · 2 2 4 3 2 4 2 2 2 4 (ESR) experiments proved the formation of both the CH2COOH · (4) and OH radicals at lower total Mal concentration ([Mal]T), but · •- + f + •- only CH2COOH at higher concentrations of malonate, providing CO2 O2 CO2 O2 (5) strong evidence for competition between malonate and OH- and •- + + T • subsequent different photoreaction pathways. Once FMCs O2 H HO2 (6) • dominate the Fe(III) speciation, both photoproduction and 2HO f H O + O (7) photocatalyzed oxidation of Fe(II) will be greatly decelerated. 2 2 2 2 + f + • + - There exists an induction period for both formation and decay Fe(II) H2O2 Fe(III) OH OH (8) of Fe(II) until FeIII(OH)2+ species become the prevailing Fe(III) forms over FMCs as Mal ligand is depleted. A quenching Ferrioxalate complex absorbs a photon and undergoes mechanism of Mal in the Fe(II) photoproduction is proposed. photodissociation without electron transfer from the oxalate to iron (eq 3a) (12) or with a ligand-to-metal charge transfer The present study is meaningful to advance our understanding (LMCT) process, yielding Fe(II) and oxalate radical anion of iron cycling in acidified carbon-rich atmospheric waters. •- •- 0 (C2O4 ) (eq 3b) (5, 13). CO2 is a strong reducing agent (E )-1.8 V (NHE)) and can react with another ferrioxalate •- Introduction molecule or can instead reduce O2 to superoxide anion (O2 ) at near-diffusion-controlled rate (k ) 2.4 × 109 M-1 s-1)(14). Iron species have been identified as a ubiquitous component The photochemically generated Fe(II) can be reoxidized by •- • • in atmospheric water droplets (i.e., cloud, rain, or fog droplets) O2,O2 /HO2, OH, H2O2, and other oxidants. in field measurements (1). The maximum concentration of Malonic and succinic acids are also dominant dicarboxylic dissolved iron species was up to 200 µM in fogwater (2). acids only inferior to oxalic acid in carbon-rich atmospheric Photochemistry of atmospheric iron has a significant effect waters (7, 15). Since oxalate and malonate have the strongest on numerous chemical processes in atmospheric waters, chelating capacity with Fe(III) among all dicarboxylates and especially in redox and radical chain reactions such as natural monocarboxylates (see Table S1), the photochemistry of fluctuation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) (3-5), oxidation Fe-malonate complexes is expected to be important in iron of dissolved sulfur dioxide (SO2)(6) and organic substances cycling of atmospheric waters. However, there is little (7), and redox cycling of other trace metals (e.g., Cu, Mn) (8). information available so far regarding the photochemistry Furthermore, photolysis of iron species could contribute to of Fe(III)-dicarboxylate complexes except for that of ferri- iron input to open-ocean surface water via atmospheric oxalate (4). deposition, thereby increasing the bioavailability of iron to The objective of this study is to investigate the photo- aquatic biota (6). chemical behaviors of Fe(III)-malonate complexes (FMCs) comparing with those of Fe(III) complexes of oxalate and * Corresponding author fax: +86-10-8261-6495; e-mail: jczhao@ other carboxylates. The effect of malonate ligand on iron iccas.ac.cn. cycling and the photochemical reaction mechanism are also 10.1021/es901956x 2010 American Chemical Society VOL. 44, NO. 1, 2010 / ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 9 263 Published on Web 12/09/2009 转载 中国科技论文在线 http://www.paper.edu.cn discussed. One of the most important findings is that, in comparing with ferrioxalate/ferric hydroxo species, a high level of Fe(II)/Fe(t) can be maintained under UVA irradiation in the presence of excess Mal. This phenomenon is unique among the dicarboxylates (C2-C6) and monocarboxylates (C1-C3). Experimental Section Chemicals. Iron(III) perchlorate hydrate, iron(II) perchlorate hydrate, and 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl (TEMPO) were purchased from Aldrich. 5,5-Dimethyl-1-pyrroline-N- oxide (DMPO) was from Sigma Chemical Co. Iron (III) tripotassium oxalate trihydrate was from Alfa Aesar. Oxalic acid, malonic acid, sodium hydroxide, perchloric acid, and 1,10-phenanthroline were of reagent grade and used as supplied. Barnstead UltraPure water (18.3 MΩ cm) was used FIGURE 1. UV-vis absorption spectra for solutions containing for all experiments. 100 µM Fe(III) and Mal ligand with different concentrations. Experimental Procedures. A 100-W Hg lamp (Toshiba Inset: Speciation (molar fraction) of 100 µM Fe(III) in solutions SHL-100UVQ-2) was employed as the ultraviolet irradiation with total malonate concentration ([Mal]T) between 10 and 1000 source. It mainly emits at 312 and 366 nm (16), overlapping µM. pH, 3.0. the solar UVA spectrum (320-400 nm) (see Figure S1). All experiments were conducted in a 70-mL cylindrical Pyrex (20). Typical instrumental conditions were as follows: center vial (Corning, Inc.) under continuous magnetic stirring. The field, 3480 G; sweep width, 100 G; resolution, 1024 pts; Pyrex vial also served as a high-pass filter so that only light microwave frequency, ∼9.77 GHz; microwave power, 12.68 with wavelengths greater than 290 nm penetrated into the mW; modulation frequency, 100 kHz. To minimize experi- vessel. Unless otherwise specified, all experiments were mental errors, the same quartz capillary was used for all the performed under exposure to air at room temperature. An measurements. The simulations of ESR spectra were obtained exhaust fan was employed during all the reaction processes with the use of WinSim EPR simulation software. to maintain the temperature below 35 °C. Fe(III)-organic acid solutions were freshly prepared by dilution of stock Results and Discussion solutions of 0.01 M dicarboxylic acids (DAs), 5 mM Fe(III) at Fe(III) Speciation. Table S1 (see Supporting Information) pH 1.5 (HClO4). The initial pH was adjusted with dilute HClO4 summarizes Fe(III) complexes with different carboxylates or NaOH. Under our experimental conditions ([Fe(III)], 100 and the corresponding equilibrium constants. Malonate µM; pH 3.0), the polynuclear iron complexes are negligible shows strong complexation ability with Fe(III) and is capable and are not considered in the photochemistry of iron cycling of forming mono-, di-, and trimalonato complexes with (see discussion in Supporting Information). For deaerated Fe(III), although the equilibrium constant for each stoichi- experiments, the solutions in the cap-sealed Pyrex vial were ometry of Fe(III)-Mal species is somewhat lower than that bubbled with high-purity Ar (O2 e 0.001%) for at least 20 min of the corresponding Fe(III)-oxalate complex. Due to their prior to UV irradiation and continuously purged throughout poor complexation capacity with Fe(III) (21, 22), the well- the experiment. During each kinetic experiment, a 1-mL known photochemistry of Fe(III)-OH complex is predomi- aliquot was sampled with a new syringe each time and nant in the presence of other mono- or dicarboxylates. immediately disposed for the consequent analysis. Figure 1 shows the speciation of Fe(III) as a function of Methods and Analysis. The concentration of Fe(II) was total malonate concentration ([Mal]T) at pH 3.0. The con- measured spectrophotometrically by a modified phenan- centrations of all the hexaaquo and hydroxylated Fe(III) throline method (10, 17). Briefly, 0.5 mL of 1,10-phenan- complexes decreased significantly with increasing [Mal]T, throline solution (5.0 mM), 1 mL of sodium acetate/acetic whereas FMCs predominated the speciation of Fe(III) at high III + III - acid buffer (pH 5.5), and 0.5 mL of ammonium fluoride [Mal]T.Fe (Mal) and Fe (Mal)2 are the major species of III 3- solution (0.1 M) were premixed, followed by addition of 1 FMCs at pH 3.0 whereas Fe (Mal)3 seems negligible under mL of the sample solution.
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