Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly TUESDAY, 28 AUGUST 1979 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy Papers [28 AUGUST 1979] Papers 89 TUESDAY, 28 AUGUST 1979 'Pwclamation under Adoption of Children Act Amendment Act 1979. Orders in Council under- Mr. SPEAKER (Hon. S. J. Muller, State Development and Public Works Fassifern) read prayers and took the chair Organization Act 1971-1979 and the at 11 a.m. Local Bodies' Loans Guarantee Act 1923-1979. APPROPRIATION BILL (No.l) Racing and Betting Act 1954-1978. Financial Administration and Audit Act Assent reported by Mr. Speaker. 1977-1978. Police Act 1937-1978. Electricity Act 1976-1979. ORDER IN CHAMBER Workers' Compensation Act 1916-1979. STATEMENT BY MR. SPEAKER Stock Routes and Rural Lands Protec- tion Act 1944-1978. Mr. SPEAKER: Honour.abh~ members, it Harbours Act 1955-1979. shall be my purpose. to ensure that all honour­ able members have an opportunity to par­ State Housing Act 1945-1979. ticipate in the debates in 1his Chamber. State Housing Acts and Another Act Amendment Act 1957-1979. This right may be assured only if members' responses conform to Standing Orders. City of Brisbane Act 1924-1977. District Courts Act 1967-1978. I draw your particular attention to Stand­ ing Order 119 "Offensive Words against Magistrates Courts Act 1921-1976. Member", which reads- The Supreme Court Act of 1921. " A Member shall not use unbecoming or Metropolitan Transit Authority Act offensive words in reference to another 1976-1979. Member of the House." and Standing Order 120 "Digressions, Ref­ Regulations under- erence to Previous Debate, Personal Reflec­ Land Tax Act 1915-1978. tions, Etc." which reads- "A Member shall not digress from the Construction Safety Act 1971-1975. subject-matter under discussion, or com­ Factories and Shops Act 1960-1975. men1 upon expressions used by another Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Member in a previous Debate of the same Act 1961-1976. Session; and all imputations of improper motives, and all personal reactions, shall Weights and Measures Act 1951-1978. be deemed highly disorderly." Inspection of Machinery Act 1951-1974. Canals Act 1958-1979. Building Act 1975-1978. ELECTORAL DISTRICTS OF REDCL:IFFE Building Societies Act 1886-1976. AND GYMPIE Business Names Act 1962-1976. BY-ELECTION DATES Status of Children Act 1978. Mr. SPEAKER: I inform the House that Traffic Act 1949-1977. the dates in connection with the issue of writs Adoption of Children Act 1964-1979. for the election of members to serve in this House for the electoral districts of By-laws under- Redcliffe and Gympie are as follows- Water Act 1926-1979. Issue of writ-10 August 1979; Railways Act 1914-1978. Date of nomination-16 August 1979; Rules under the Industrial Conciliation and Polling day-1 September 1979; Arbitration Act 1961-1976. Return of writ-5 October 1979. Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account as at 28 February 1979 of the Union-Fidelity Trustee Company of PAPERS Australia Limited. The following papers were laid on the Repod of the State Electricity Commis­ table:- sion of Queensland for 1979. Proclamation notifying the date that the Queensland Marine Act Amend­ Report under Legal Assistance Act 1965- ment Act 1979 shall come into 1979 by the Secretary, Queensland Law operation. Society Incorporated. 78622-5 90 Ministerial Statements [28 AUGUST 1979] Ministerial Statements MINISTERIAL STATEMENTS Mr. LICKISS: I seek to have the letter and enclosure tabled incorporated in CHANGES IN MINISTRY "Hansard". Hon. J. BJELKE-PETERSEN (Barambah (Leave granted.) -Premier) (11.12 a.m.): I desire to inform the House that on 21 August 1979 the Deputy "Queensland Permanent Building Society Governor, for and on behalf of His "Cl- Hungerfords Excellency the Governor- "19th Floor (a) accepted the resignation tendered by:- "T & G. Building The Honourable Thomas Guy Newbery, "Cnr. Queen and Albert Streets, as a Member of the Executive Council of "Brisbane Queensland; effective from midnight on "4 June 1979 21 August 1979; "Mr D B McKirdy (b) accepted the resignation tendered by:- "Deputy Registrar of Building Societies The Honourable Thomas Guy Newbery, "Office of the Commissioner for as Minister for Culture, National Parks Corporate Affairs and Recreation of Queensland; effective "231 Turbot Street from midnight on 21 August 1979. "Brisbane Q 4000 I also desire to inform the House that "Dear Sir on 24 August 1979 His Excellency the "I refer to your letter of 20 April 1979 Governor- and to subsequent conversations relating to (a) appointed:- loans to directors. Maxwell David Hooper and Ivan James "As previously advised, on the receipt Gibbs to be Members of the Executive of your letter I wrote to the Chairman, Council of Queensland; SGIO Building Society requesting infor­ (b) appointed:- mation relating to loans to persons named The Honourable Maxwell David Hooper, on the Annexure "A" to your letter of to be Minister for Maritime Services and 20 April 1979 which were current at Tourism of Queensland; and the time of transfer of engagements. The The Honourable Ivan James Gibbs, to Chairman of the SGIO Building Society be Minister for Culture, National Parks replied, advising that an examination of and Recreation of Queensland. his Society's records revealed that Mr J R R Frost was the only person named in I lay upon the table of the House copies the annexure who had a loan transferred of the Queensland Government Gazettes (2) to his Society. The loan was still current of 25 August 1979 containing the relevant notifications. with that Society. I engaged a former employee of this Society who had the Whereupon the honourable gentleman laid responsibility of moving voluminous recor~s the Queensland Government Gazettes on the from buildings previously owned by this table. Society and now owned by the ~GIO Building Society to a warehouse at Fa1rfield LEADER OF THE HOUSE and who had spent considerable time in Hon. J. BJELKE-PETERSEN (Barambah sorting those records into order to make -Premier) (11.13 a.m.): I also desire to the searching of those records as easy. as inform the House that arrangements have possible. After several days of searchmg been made, and the Honourable the Speaker through records, loan files of some persons notified accordingly, for the Honourable C. named on the annexure were located. A. Wharton, Minister for Works and Hous­ ing, to be Leader of the House. "The minute books of Societies which were absorbed by or amalgamated with this Society were also located and perused. LOANS TO DIRECTORS, QUEENSLAND The perusal of the minute books did PERMANENT BUILDING SOCIETY not add anything to the information con­ Hon. W. D. LICKISS (Mt. Coot-tha-Min­ tained in the loan files previously men­ ister for Justice and Attorney-General) (11.14 tioned nor were the names of other persons a.m.): On Tuesday, 24 April 1979, when contained in the annexure A sighted in answering a question in this House asked the minutes during the perusal which may by the honourable member for Archerfield, have indicated that loans were made to I said that I would advise the honourable those other persons although loan files member when further information had been were not located in the Society's records. received from the administrator of Queens­ "Attached is a schedule which sets out land Permanent Building Society in respect loans relating to four persons contained of loans to directors of the society. on the annexure A namely J R R Frost, I now lay upon the table of the House J V Hodgkinson, B H Knowles and P copy of letter received by the Deputy Reg­ P Finnimore. istrar of Building Societies from the Admin­ istrator of Queensland Permanent Building "Because of the volume of files to be Society enclosing details of such loans. searched and the fact that loan files may not have been stored in strict alpha­ Whereupon the honourable gentleman laid betical order or completed loan files may the letter on the table. not have found their way into the storage Sitting Days [28 AUGUST 1979] Fees paid by Crown, &c. 91 area, I cannot guarantee of course, that the thousands of pages of computer print­ no other loans were made to the persons outs to see if a loan was recorded at some mentioned in the attached schedule or time during the period mentioned in your to other persons named in your annexure. annexure or to peruse the millions of However, I have no reason to believe at entries through the cash receipt registers this time, that other loans were made. to establish if a person named in the "Indeed, I do not believe that it would annexure had made a payment on a loan be possible to ever guarantee that no which is not represented by a file already other loans were made even if a detailed located. Unfortunately, if all this work search of all the records of the Society were to be carried out, it would still not was carried out, which would involve a be conclusive. As time permits, I will great deal of time and a great deal of arrange for the hundreds of pages of cost. If you believe a thorough search minute books to be perused again to con­ needs to be made, I would guess it would firm that names were not overlooked. involve up to three months of time to "Yours faithfully look at the thousands of loan files held in storage to be sure that one was not "RH Peldan, filed in incorrect order or to search through "Administrator. ScHEDULE Name Amount of Loan Term Repayment Purpose Date Mr. J. R. and Mrs. J. D. $26,065 25 years 2000 Residence at Aspley Frost My understanding is that Mr.
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