?-/-rr.*£WCJr j* r « * : .i-t 2 0 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Thurg., Aug. M , 1IW2 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE USOAL NOTICE . p t t ik n i “ RESIOCNTIAL OAS SEKVia ' ^ THE CONNECTICUT UOHT AND POWER COMPANY Unditrgroundi This 4-H fair [Democrats still M O H TkY RATE. h defends [ Notk* b horoby givon that Tho Connecticut light ond Power Compony ho« fUod With the OeportTT>#nt Mwcuiy H.P. * of Pubik Utility Control amendments to Ht schedule of electric and gos rotes opplkoble f o ^ lumen Wattage Sodium nuerMcwit OiMomer Servica Owdiet $6.00 CMtomers. The dollar omounts of such revised rotes ore set forth below. The complete tents o f ^ 1.000 103 $10.38 Ihold the reins oiwnded rote schedules ore on fMe in the office of the Deportment of Public UHlity Control, S t ^ 2.300 O 202 13.47 Commodity O io rg e i' ' gets four stars 13.47 109.98* iMrCcf his conjmisiqn Office Building, Hartford, Connecticut, end ot the Compony’s offices in Hortford, Tollond, Stomford, 2.300 C 202 • FktllOOCcf ' Wbterbury ond Meriden. From the effective'dote of the revised rotes, they will supersede current 4.000 327 17.37 ASover 100 10:.38*|MrCef ...page 6 CL&P and HELCO rotes. 4,230 ' 122 $13.31 ...page 11 3.800 83 $16.10 ...paged $11.22 AN electric ond gas rotes ore subject to the opplkoble fossil fuel or purchosed gos odjustnrvent clouse. r 3.800 130 21.13 6.000 448 RATE 10 RESIDENTIAL E lE a R lC SERVICE ^ 8.000 203 17.88 S M A U GENERAL G A S SERVICE 9.300 113 17.09 A M ONTHLY RATE - REGULAR USE: 10.000 690 28.74 M ONTHLY RATE; , 12,300 290 21.21 $8.50 Customer Servke^Chorge: $8.00 13.000 190 18.42 Cuttainur Sutvicu Chorg*; 16.000 175 18.70 Energy Charge: 8 .4 4 IC per kWh 22.500 445 26.58 Commodity Oiorgo; 115.74* per Cef Manchester, Conn. 24.000 500 22.82 FintS O C cf Mostly sunny, 103.67* per Cef B. MONTHLY RATE - REGULAR USE INCLUDING CONTROLLED WATER HEATING USE: 27.500 320 23.69 Noxt950Ccf 9 S.42* per Cef 50.000 463 28.93 A l o w 1,000 Cef mild Ssturdsy Friday, Aug. 27, 1982 Customer Service Chorge: $8.00 60.000 1095 49.19 VVIwe g o. b pmioirtly ddiuerml oikI rneter*l at mom M w w k x o M o n h ^ 140,000 1125 35.21 — See page 2 Single copy 25(p Energy Chorge: wiS bo o d ia rg t of $8.50 por mooMi foe eoch odditloool dohvofy and maloring location. For metol omamentol poles installed after May I , 1980, the above underground chorges will be First 300 kWh 8.441C per kWh ifKieosedby $10.75. N «il 300 kWh 7.1 8 IC per kWh 8.441C per kWh All over 800 kWh As on option to the above monthly charges for underground lighting, the customer ^ m<*e o RATE 26 ~ .s I - 1 - ___ ! * ■ m ei.— J -------6leA III ■■ill ■ rerl LARGE G B 4 B A L G A S SERVICE RATE 26-M MOOIHED HRM OAS SERVICE ( RESIDENTIAL T1ME-OF-DAY ELECTRIC SERVICE RATE 7 Flood Lighting: M ONTHLY RATE; MONTHLY RATE: \Begin's popularity peaks $ 155.00 Mercury H.P. Csjttamer Service Chorge: Customer Service Charge: $11.00 Lumen Wattage Vapor Sodium 22.500 445 $20.55 Demand Charge: , 10.724® per kWh On-Peok Chorge: Weekdays from 8 o.m. to 6 p.m. 27.500 320 $17.66 $ 1 .037 por O f of W intw Billing Domond, pkii Eastern Stondord Time 50.000 465 22.90 $ . 5 3 6 per Cef of Summor Excof. Billing Domond Off-Peak Charge: All Other Hours 6.919® pur kWh 60.000 1095 4 3 .1 6 ' non 1125 'll ■ 49.18 Moy.Oclaber Nov.-April RATES Billing Cycle. Billing CycU . PLO exultant SOIAR DOMESTIC WATER HEATING Decorative Lighting: m o n t h l y RATE: Mercury H.P. Commodity Charge: 70.23* per Cef . 76.08* per Cef Lumen Wattage Vapor Sodium $2.50 Meter Chorge: 4,250 122 $13.22 > l.u a per kW Demand Chorge: 5,800 83 $14.01 Energy Charge: 6 .y iy «t per kWh 15.79 8,000 205 RATE 36 115 15.00 SEASONAL G A S SERVICE 16.61 RATE 18 16,000 175 as it departs CONTROLLED WATER HEATING ELECTRIC SERVICE M ONTHLY RATE; ■ As on option to the obove monthly charges for decorative lighting, the customer m ^ ° MONTHLY RATE; one-time payment of $500 for the decorotive light and ornamental pole ond pay the overhead rate. Customer Service Chorge: $27.30 By Jack Redden of vans, multicolored trucks, am­ evacuated from west Beirut and will Customer Service Charge; $2.50 LOW M O U N TIN G ORNAM ENTAL POLES; Low mounting underground servko including slondord Comnwdity Chorge: United Press International bulances and aging military have a public send-off if proper ornomental pole in residential areas; Seasonal G o t Service 78.008 per Cef of transports in the first overland guarantees of his safety can be Energy Chorge; 7.040C per kWh Seofonol G o t Use withdrawal as the two-week long The lighting fixture charge plus $1.74 per month. Cheering Palestinian fighters arranged. evacuation neared the halfway Elsewhere, the first PLO RATE 27 today fired thousands of rounds of TIME.OF-DAY GENERAL ELECTRIC SERVICE OVERHEAD POLES O N PRIVATE PROPERTY; Where required only for streetlighting purposes, the ammunition into the air and blew mark. An estimated 4,500 of the 7.- casualties to be evacuated from \ customer will pay outri^t for overhead poles or In the case of a single wood overheod pole may pay kisses as they drove out of Israeli- 000 to 9,000 Palestine Liberation West Beirut arrived in Cyprus MONTHLY RATE: CONTRACT SCHEDULE A o monthly charge of $2.23. ^ Organization members in Beirut aboard a Red Cross hospital ship, of­ - .v LARGE VOLUME FIRM A N D INTERRUPTIBLE G A S SERVICE held Lebanon and linked up wlth^ m i Customer Service Charge: $19.60 have already left by sea. ficials said. Twenty disembarked 300 W AH POLE TOP FLOODLIGHTING; friendly Syrian troops in the first' A. FIRM A N D INTERRUPTIBLE SERVICE: Several of the fighters had flowers and another 155 wounded guerrillas Weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.. land pullout from Beirut. On-Peok Charge: Kilowatthours stuck in their rifles as they arrived Eastern Standard Time $ 155.00 “ Everything is perfect,” one were to sail to Greece later in the 300 Watt Floodlights Per Month Monthly Chorge 1. Customer Chwge — Monthly: Demor>d: $6.50 per kW mustachioed guerrilla of the Syrian- in friendly territory. day. One Lamp 102 $ 9.06 Energy: 9.44C per kWh The convoy carried an estimated As the main convoy approached Two Lomps 204 18.12 2. Demor>d Charge — AAonthly: backed Palestine Liberation Army Three Lomps 306 27.18 said, leaning from the window of a 1,300 members of the S^SOO-man Syrian-held territory, the advanced Off-Peak Charge: All Other Hours $1,585.50 Four Lamps 408 36.24 First 1500 Cef or less of controcted doily firm demortd Syrian-commanded Palestine guard of Syrian troops stationed in 1.057 per Cef truck headed for Damascus. “ We’re Five Lamps 510 45.30 All controcted doily firm demond over 1500 Cef Energy: 6.44C per kWh going home.” Liberation Army. no man’s land between the Israeli- 3. Commodity Charge — Monthly: ' In Israel, public opinion polls Led by wliite Italian armored per­ and Syrian-held sections waved Moy'Oetober Nov.-Apr. published today showed an sonnel carriers, a first group of 71 their Kalachnikov rifles in the air O U TD O O R RECREATIONAL LIG H TIN G ELECTRIC SERVICE RATE 29 Billing Cyetes Billing Cyeles overwhelming majority of Israelis vehicles moved out shortly after and cheered at the sight of their First Cef up to 25 times the controeted doily firm RATE 117 support the invasion of Lebanon and dawn onto the highway to comrades. MONTHLY RATE: PARTIAL STREET LIGHTING SERVICE demortd 70.23eperCef 76.08eperCcf Prime Minister Menachem Begin’s Damascus, Syria. The convoy of some 190 vehicles $9.80 Customer Service Charge: M ONTHLY RATE: Eoch Cef in excess of 25 times the controcted doily firm demand, the greater of (o )« f (b): popularity has soared to its highest In Beirut, a Palestine Liberation wound its way up the hilly road from level ever. >■ Organization source said PLO chief Beirut escorted by Italian soldiers Energy Charge: 1 3.51 C per kWh ^ (C -$4.00) X 1,000,000 Btu Chairman Yasser Arafat will be Mercury H.P. (o) Chorge/Ccf . The guerrillas left west Beirut from the multinational force super­ 42 X 150,000 Btu Vopor Sodium Irrcandescent Fluorescent earlier in the day in a ragtag convoy among the last Palestinians to be vising the evacuation and by SMALL GENERAL ELECTRIC SERVICE - RATE 30 $ 0.89 soldiers from the regular Lebanese V/hereC - The Connecticut Light ond Povrer Compony's cost per borrel for # 6 , V»% A ton sulfur fuel for iH Middletown Station for the month prior to the month in army. MONTHLY RATE: 2.29 which the gos service is rertdered, as filed with the DP1JC for determination “ As you can see; they were happy of peaches Customer Service Charge: $10.90 of the electric ersergy fossil fuel odjustment for the month following the $ 3.79 month in which the gos service is rendered; if, for ony month, no cost for to leave,” said Israeli Maj.
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