Government Of Mizoram Department of School Education Annual Publication 2008-2009 ( List of Schools with number of teachers and enrolment of students ) Prepared by:- Statistical Cell Directorate of School Education Mizoram: Aizawl ' 1 / acc.No V ' - ) | Hate: ^ \ X 4/ ■1, documentation CONTENTS Page No. Foreword Derinitinns (li) (lii) NoiifK uliuii aiul approsul ol ila(a (IV) (\ ) 4. I>cptt ol Sc hool luliu ation, Mi 'oiaui ■()(**) al a 1 ilaiin. 5. Xbsliait ol Fr'muuv ScluHtls h, \bstrat( ol MidilU' Scliixils 8 11 7. \b stm ci ol 1 lig h Scht)i»lH 1 4 4 \bsliHCi ol Ilighei Secondary Schouis 14 17 I rsi o r PKiiviAKV sc h o o l s 9 . SDliO Ai/awl I ast I 1 8 ’ 1 10 SDbO, Ai/awl liasi II .’2 .’4 11 SI )|:( L \i/a v v l N ortli ’5 2K 12 S[)| () Ai/awl VVesI I ^ I 3 SI )| (» { hanipliai ^ 1 m 14 SDI (I K olasdi IS. I ( I , < drakma AulonniiKMi'; I >is! ( im iiii il (( \ l)( ) 4 ^ l"> 16 I i l I ai Aulununioii'- I )isi ( cimn il il \1 H i 40 I 7 SI ) I O 1 iiiig h i I nst Si) ■> \ IK SDK) I (iiigiri West S4. S9 h) SDIO N4ainil 60 02 M) 1 (4 ^4c^ni Auloiiomous I )ist ( nnn( il (M AI X ) 0 ^-66 ^ I S D K ) St*i« h h ip (, / I 181 O l iV IID iri I S< H fH M S . 2 SDI (• AI/awl Iasi I 70 y;' 23 SDIO Ai/uwl I asi 11 71- /5 24 SDl'O Aizawl Noith 7b-^K 25 S D K ) A i/a w l W'esl 79.82 26 S 131 O Cliami'hai 8 ^-8 6 :^7 S D i :0 . Kolasib 87-89 28 1 ( ) , ( 4iakrna Autononunis District l ’oiincil (( AI K ’) ‘H) 29 I ( )., Lai Aiit(mornous Disl. ('oum il (1 ADC ) 9E93 40 S D l'O 1 unglei l^ast 94-97 n S D IO , I unglei West 98 100 42 SDIX), Mamil J0M02 43 I .(), Mara Autonomous Dist ( ouneil (M AD( ) 103 105 H SDIX), Serehliip 106 4 08 U S l Of Ml<;ilSCH(U)LS K5 DEO. \l/.avvl lOM-113 <6 I )E0 , Charnphai 114-116 \7 DEO, Kolasil) 117 ^8 DEO, Lawngtiai 118 IH ) ^9 I )F'4), Lunglei 120^122 40 DI O, Mamit 123 41 D 1 O, Saiha 124-125 42 DI O, Serehlup 126-127 I JST OF lIlG lfl R SEC ONDARV SCHOOLS 43 DEO, Aizawl 128-4 30 14 DI O, C harnphai 131 45 DEO. Kolasib i 32 46, DEO. L awngtlaj 132 17 DI O. E iin g li! I 3 v n ! 48. DIO. Mai nil 134 4‘>. DEO, Saiha 135 50. DEO, Serchhip 136 (i) Foreword With (in iHcf edsini^ dciuaiui i<^r the duta of Schot^l Ediiiatliyn iJepat tnicnt from variinis i)hifincrs. Research SchoUxrs, bductitionisfs. etc. in om( imtside the Stote t}oni time to time, the I Mrectonile (xf Sciiool Eclucution (lUii its Siiboi duiate fleers rendered tluir service to meet the need o1 Statistical data for the users I he reference date for this dotii is J0''‘ Septemhei: I yiu l( > linnted v/ uu'e, '!^nJ\> the names of S(‘hools enrolmt rit nf seh(h)ls and the strength of teat hers could ht ,t>resented in this /)uhlii‘ation Other detail information like the a) Teachers by training w ise and communitywisi , h) ( lass-wise chrolment by community, c) Number of repeaters by community, d)Number of disabled children by community, (e)Enrolment in Aciulejnii Session (by 4ge Group) Classes etc. are also collected by the Statistical Cell (>fthis office which is intended to he published in our next publication I am gratejul to all the Subordinate Ofjicers like the District Education (yf fleers. Sub-Divisional Officers and Educatiort Officers for supplying the requisite basic data for this publication. The Officers and StaJ} o f the Statistical Cell deserve to he fmiised for their devotion and effort they have put in bringing out this publicati(m (MAI.SAWMTHANGI) Director of School Education, Mizoram ; Aizawl DEFINITIONS [he di‘fin!li()ns of some of tite importt^nl terms used m this f)iibhnHtioii ato qiven 10 low I MANAGEMENT OF SCHOOl f he authority, which runs a school, determines its type of management 1 he following managements are rtientioned in tliis publication Governinenl f here are two types of Government schools namely: Goyernrtienl A Government School is that which ih run by the State Governme*. completely financed by the Government ^f-ential Government st^hool is ttiat which is run by the Central Government completely financed t>y the Government Local Bodies As defined in Article 243 (read with 243 B) and Article 243 f’ (read with 243 0) of the constitutions I ocal bodieb include Panchayats, Municipalities, Cantonment Boards, Town Area Committee and any other bodies of local self Government. In Mizoram, I ocal Bodies include scfiools ru n by Autonomous District C'ouncils like CADC, l ADC and MADC 3 Schools Aided by Government and District Council: A Private Aided School is that whicti is run by an individual or private organization and receives grant from State Government ot local Body, There are four types of Private Aided Schools in the State namely: (^) Deficit SchoQl A school whicti receives Grant-in-Aid from tfie Consolidated F und under 7 tie Mizoram Aided School (Recurring and Non-Recurring Grant- in Aid) f^ules, 1990 The employees in these schools enjoy the benefit of fijll pay and allowances. These schools are mostly run by different churches in the State (b) Adhoc Aided School A Hct^ool which receives Grants- m Aid from the Consolidated Fund imder the Mizoram Aided Schools (Recurrincj and Non-Recurring Grants- in Aid Rules, 1997 “the employees in these schools eijoy full pay along with 50% allowances. (c) Lump-sutT] Mded ScfLogI A Pri\/ale luii the publir, whic h recei/es Luinpsiini grants finrn tfie Cotisulidated Fund of Mizoram itnder tlie Mizoram l:duf;ation (< irant in- Aid for fSenorul Mainlenance of fMivale ocfifjols) l?iilos, 2(jr)(i aie known as I iimp snm Aided Schools (d) C o u jia f p e | k ^ f^rivHte Scliools receiving grants-m-aid from Autonomous District Councils such as (’ADC, t ADi: and MADC Purely Private: A Purely Private School is that wtilch is managed by an individual or a privato organisation and does not receive any grant either from government or local body 6. New Primary School & Middle School/UPS: Primary Schools & Middle Schools/ Upper Primary Schools upgraded from EGS Centres ^ AIE Centres (SSA undertaking) GOVERNIVIENT OF MIZORAM PLANNING & PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION DEPARTMENT n o t i m c ;a t i o n Dated Aizawl, 19'" Aug, 200H No A 43016/2/2007 PL (j The Governor of Mizoratn is pleasetJ to declare ttie DirectorBte^ of f cononiics & Statistics as Nodai Agency for all Statistical activities wittiin ttie state for developing offi(-ient Statistical System and ensuring tectinical coordination in ttie fTiatters As a Nodal Agency the Directorate is responsit)le tor tlie following friiictions ! Coordination of Statistical activities of various DefJHflfnents/Oiganisation of ( Jovef firnef ft nf Mizorafn f(» generate/inaintain data required in different policy sectofs and suggesl rneasuieH tc improve tfie quality and coverage of data series 3 1f) avoid duplication in collection 8. compilation of data A To adopt accepted standards in collectiofi, classification, processing and dissemination of data 5 Tf) irientify gaps ir i ttle availability of statistif'S in (lifferent sectors and suggest suitat)le rneasure.s for imfjf oving the quality coverage. 6 To advise Government in the approval oi otherv^ise of any proposal for data collection submitted to ttie GovernrTient as a Plan/Non-f^lan scheme programme, by any department 7 7o render advice to all departments in respect of their ciata collection programme and off ler statistical activities including tabulation 8 To ensure unifonnity ami standards in collection, classification, processing and dissemination of data Sd/- LALMALSAWMA Secretary to the Govt, of Mizoram Planning & Programme Implementation Department Memo NO.A.43016/2/2007-PLG Dated Aizawl, the 19‘" Aug. 200B Copy to - 1 PS to Chief Minister, Mizoram 2 P S to Chief Secretary, Govt of Mizoram. 3 The Secretary, Govt of India, Ministry of Statistics & Programine Implementation, Sardar Patel Bhavan, Sansad Maarg, New Delhi. 4 Director General, Central Statistical Grganisation Sardar Patel Bhawan. Sansad Marg, New Delhi 5 Dy. Director General, National Statistics Commission, Sardar Patel Bhavan, New Delhi 6 All Administrative Department, Govt of Mizoram 7 Director Economics & Statistics Department, Mizoram, Aizawl 8 Adviser, State Planning Board 9 All Heads of Department, Govt of Mizoram. to, Controller, Printing & Stationery, Govt of Mizoram for publication in the Mizoram Gazette. 1^. A)? (MARIA C T ZUALI) Under Secretary to the Govt, of Mizoram Planning & Programme Implementation Department NO. R 11016/l8/2006-DES(T) G( )\ EUNMf N r C )l MIZCm AM I )1R1 (1 ^ )H M \ ( >r FU ( )N()M1( S S I Al tS IK S MIZOK \M ; \1ZAW1 1 >a!etl Ai/awl, ihi; lulv In, I he I Jii ec toi; School Education Departrnenl Mizoram Ai/awi xibjecl \ppioviil of Data for A i i i i u h I Piiblicalioii 2008 2009 Ri Youi lertei N<k ( I 10 11/7/MjOO I )TI ( El >N) I )l ZOM Sh, With reference to yoni letler No. tjiioled ;in«l < ui tlic above subjec I, (am to state (hnt ihe Annual f’ublicfition, 20()8-2()0‘Ml -ist ol Schools with number of teachers and enrolment o f students) prc))ared by f ducation Deparlment is approved wiih iipf)reeiation I hopt^ that it would serve as a source of information and eiihence tiie knowledge ol re a d e rs , re^;earch worker and administrators.
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