Basketball England NBL Junior Structure 2017 – 2018 * = Appeal lodged team requesting Premier status Under 18 Men Premier Leagues North South Birmingham Mets Bristol Academy Flyers Charnwood College Riders Canterbury Academy Crusaders Cheshire Phoenix City of London Pride Cheshire Wire London Thunder Lewisham Derby Trailblazers London United Leeds Force London Westside Rangers Liverpool London Youngblood Lions Acers Manchester Magic Oaklands Wolves Myerscough College Spinners Reading Rockets Academy Newcastle Eagles Southwark Legends Sheffield Junior Sharks Surrey Rams I Team Birmingham Elite Team Solent Kestrels Midlands West Midlands East North East City of Birmingham Rockets Derby Trailblazers City of Edinburgh Coventry Tornadoes Derbyshire Spartans Derbyshire Arrows Frankley Falcons Ilkeston Outlaws Doncaster Danum Eagles Northants Thunder Leicester Dynamite Durham Wildcats Shropshire Warriors Leicester Riders II East Durham Lions Team Birmingham Elite II Leicester Warriors Harrogate St Aidan's Spartans West Bromwich Albion FC Mansfield Giants Kingston Panthers Worcester Wolves Nottingham Junior Hoods Leeds Tigers Rutland Thunders QE York Knights Team Sunderland York Eagles North West East South I Barrow Thorns Brentwood Fire Brent Ballers Cheshire Wire II Bucks Hornets CCF Barnet Bulldogs Lancashire Spinners Bury Cambridge Cats Haringey Hawks Manchester Giants East Hertfordshire Royals Islington Panthers Oldham Eagles Essex Junior Blades London Greenhouse Pioneers Preston Pride II Essex Rockets London Pulse Preston Pride Orange Harlow Hawks London United II Stockport Falcons Ipswich Tower Hamlets Lions Tameside Milton Keynes Trojans West Herts Warriors Trafford Magic Shoeburyness Scorpions Westminster Warriors Southend Swifts South II South III South West Bracknell Cobras Brixton Topcats Bristol Academy Flyers II Farnborough Phantoms Folkestone Bristol Storm Invictus South (Southampton) Greenwich Titans Cardiff Met Archers Oxford City Hoops Northfleet Crusaders Cotswold Reading Rockets Academy ll Richmond Knights Dorset Storm Surrey Goldhawks Richmond Park Academy Cougars Gloucester Saxons Surrey Rams II Shoreham Spartans Plymouth Raiders Development Thames Valley Cavaliers Sussex Bears Taunton Tigers Woking Blackhawks Sussex Storm * Torbay Tigers Vale Vipers Under 18 Women North South East South West Charnwood College Riders City of London Pride Bristol Storm Leeds Force GCA Haringey Angels City of Birmingham Rockets Manchester Mystics Kingston Wildcats Cotswold Myerscough College Spinners London Thunder Lewisham Portsmouth Newcastle Eagles London Youngblood Lions Amazons Reading Rockets Academy Sheffield Hatters Sevenoaks Suns Surrey Goldhawks Stockport Lapwings Southend Swifts Team Birmingham Elite West Bromwich Albion FC West Herts Warriors Team Solent Kestrels Oaklands Wolves Cup Only Under 16 Boys Premier Leagues North South Cheshire Phoenix Baltic Stars BC Cheshire Wire City of London Pride City of Birmingham Rockets Haringey Hawks Derby Trailblazers Ipswich Lancashire Spinners Bury Kent Crusaders Liverpool Red London Greenhouse Pioneers Manchester Magic London Thunder Lewisham Mansfield Giants London Youngblood Lions Nitros Newcastle Eagles Newham All Star Sports Academy Northamptonshire Titans Sussex Bears Sheffield Junior Sharks Team Solent Kestrels Trafford Magic Worthing Thunder Conferences East I East II Midlands East Braintree Blue Devils Abingdon Eagles Derby Trailblazers Brentwood Leopards Black Cambridge Cats Ilkeston Outlaws Brentwood Leopards White East Hertfordshire Royals Leicester Dynamite Chelmsford East Hertfordshire Royals II Leicester Riders County Upper Wolves Luton Leicester Riders II Essex Junior Blades Milton Keynes Trojans Leicester Warriors Essex Rockets Milton Keynes Trojans II Leicester Warriors II Essex Rockets II North Herts Knights Nottingham Junior Hoods Shoeburyness Scorpions Oaklands Wolves Nottingham Junior Hoods II Southend Swifts Oxford City Hoops Nottinghamshire Nova Thurrock Hornets Black West Herts Warriors Rutland Thunders Thurrock Hornets Yellow West Herts Warriors II Midlands West North North East Birmingham Mets Barnsley Leaders Bradford Dragons Juniors City of Birmingham Rockets Chesterfield Flight City of Edinburgh Coventry Tornadoes Derbyshire Arrows Durham Wildcats John Leggott College Scunthorpe Northamptonshire Titans Purple East Durham Lions Wolves Northants Thunder Oldham Eagles Leeds Force Shropshire Warriors Stockport Falcons Leeds Force (Purple) Stoke-on-Trent Knights Stockport Falcons Green Leeds Tigers Team Birmingham Elite Tameside Tees Valley Mohawks West Bromwich Albion FC Wakefield Wolves York Eagles Worcester Bears York Young Eagles Worcester Wolves North West South I South II Cheshire Phoenix II Croydon Cougars Bracknell Cobras Cheshire Wire Green Croydon Elite CCF Barnet Bulldogs Cheshire Wire White Folkestone Harrow Falcons Lancashire Spinners Rossendale Greenwich Titans JMA Reading Rockets Liverpool Black Kingston Wildcats London Feltham Warriors Manchester Giants Green London Thunder Lewisham II London Feltham Warriors II Manchester Giants White Maidstone Warriors London United Preston Pride Community Richmond Knights London United II Sefton Stars Sevenoaks Suns Surrey Rams I West Lancs Warriors Southwark Legends Surrey Rams II Swale Hawks South III South IV South West Barking & Dagenham Thunder Brighton Cougars Bristol Academy Flyers EastSide Eagles Farnborough Phantoms Cardiff Met Archers Harris Federation Knights Hackney Mid Sussex Chargers Dorset Storm Islington A2S Shoreham Spartans Gloucester Saxons Islington panthers Sussex Bears II Penryn Saracens London Westside Rangers Sussex Storm * Plymouth Raiders Development London Youngblood Lions Titans Sussex Storm II South Dorset Jurassic Coasters Newham All Star Sports Academy Team Solent Kestrels II Taunton Tigers Tower Hamlets Lions Winchester City Royals Team Gloster Jets Westminster Warriors Woking Blackhawks Torbay Tigers Vale Vipers Under 16 Girls Premier League Brighton Cougars GCA Haringey Angels Ipswich Manchester Mystics Nottingham Wildcats Oaklands Wolves Sevenoaks Suns Sheffield Hatters Southend Swifts Surrey Goldhawks West Herts Warriors North South East South West City of Birmingham Rockets Brentwood Fire Bristol Storm Derby Trailblazers County Upper Wolves Cardiff Met Archers Lancashire Spinners Bury Hounslow Hawks Invictus South (Southampton) Leicester Warriors London Feltham Warriors JMA Reading Rockets Manchester Mystics II London Greenhouse Pioneers Surrey Blue Storm Newcastle Eagles London Thunder Lewisham Team Solent Kestrels Northamptonshire Titans London Youngblood Lioness Wiltshire Demons Northants Lightning Richmond Knights Winchester City Royals Stockport Lapwings Thurrock Hornets Under 14 Boys Premier Leagues North South Cheshire Wire Baltic Stars City of Birmingham Rockets Brighton Cougars Leeds Force London Feltham Warriors Leicester Riders London Greenhouse Pioneers Manchester Giants London Thunder Lewisham Manchester Magic London Westside Rangers Newcastle Eagles London Youngblood Lions Sheffield Junior Sharks Newham All Star Sports Academy Stockport Falcons Richmond Knights A Surrey Rams I Team Solent Kestrels Worthing Thunder Conferences Midlands East Midlands West North West I Derby Trailblazers Abingdon Eagles Barrow Thorns Ilkeston Outlaws Bristol Academy Flyers Cheshire Phoenix Leicester Dynamite City of Birmingham Rockets Cheshire Wire Green Leicester Riders II Coventry Tornadoes Lancashire Spinners Rossendale Leicester Warriors Northamptonshire Titans Liverpool Leicester Warriors II Northants Thunder Manchester Giants Blue Mansfield Giants Oxford City Hoops Mersey Mavericks Nottingham Junior Hoods Shropshire Warriors Sefton Stars Nottinghamshire Nova Worcester Bears West Lancs Warriors Rutland Thunders Worcester Wolves North West II North East I Cheshire Phoenix II Bradford Dragons Juniors Braintree Blue Devils Cheshire Wire White Chesterfield Flight Brentwood Fire Lancashire Spinners Bury Derbyshire Arrows Brentwood Leopards Black Manchester Giants Green Doncaster Danum Eagles Chelmsford Manchester Giants White East Durham Lions County Upper Wolves Manchester Magic II Hatfield Fliers Essex Rockets Oldham Eagles Leeds Force (Black) Ipswich Stockport Falcons ll Leeds Tigers Basketball Shoeburyness Scorpions Tees Valley Mohawks Southend Swifts York Eagles East II South I South II Brentwood Fire II Hackney Kings Baltic Stars II Brentwood Leopards White Haringey Hawks Barking & Dagenham Thunder Bucks Hornets Islington panthers Brixton Topcats Cambridge Cats Kingston Wildcats EastSide Eagles East Hertfordshire Royals London Pulse Greenwich Titans Essex Rockets II London United Kent Crusaders Harlow Hawks London United II London Youngblood Lions Heat Luton Richmond Knights B Sevenoaks Suns Milton Keynes Trojans West Herts Warriors Southwark Legends Oaklands Wolves West Herts Warriors II Tower Hamlets Lions Thurrock Hornets South II Bracknell Cobras Farnborough Phantoms JMA Reading Rockets Mid Sussex Chargers Surrey Goldhawks Surrey Rams II Sussex Bears Sussex Storm * Sussex Storm II Winchester City Royals Woking Blackhawks Under 14 Girls North Midlands East Hatfield Fliers Bristol Storm Baddow Eagles Lancashire Spinners Bury Bucks Hornets Brentwood Fire Leeds Force City of Birmingham Rockets Brentwood Leopards Leeds Force II Derby Trailblazers County Upper Wolves Manchester Mystics Leicester Warriors GCA Haringey Angels Newcastle Eagles Luton Ipswich Sheffield Hatters Northamptonshire Titans London Greenhouse Pioneers Stockport Lapwings Northants Lightning London Youngblood Lions Cubs Tameside Juniors Oaklands Wolves Norfolk Iceni Tameside Royals Southend Swifts South Brighton Cougars City of London Pride Hounslow Hawks Invictus South (Southampton) London Feltham Warriors Portsmouth Richmond Knights Sevenoaks Suns Surrey Goldhawks Team Solent Kestrels .
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