DO OUR PART Vol. 54. • No. 11 SOUTH AMBOY, N. J.. FRIDAYrAPRIL 12, 1935 Price Hour Ceni> TOOUN PROTESTS S. A. LIONS CLUB tocsl Legion Post .•$ ST. MARYS MX AGAINST UTILITY Administered Rites TO URGE FOR RELIEF ^ Will A&nd| ( WEEK SERVICES? ENGINEER'S ACTION of Confirmation Here FUND GRANT HERE Child" Weltere Meeting COURT OF HONOR | Aether Session BEGIN ON SUNDAY Considers Meade's .Appearance Ceremonies Took Place at Christ I Will Ask Council to Request County Mass""Meeting Takes Life Scout and Eagle Palm | Famous Keystone Quartette To Grand Scene of Triumphal En- at Recent Council Meeting Church Sunday Morning. Appropriation From Amount Place Tomorrow Night at Awards Among Those Made. B~ e on Hand" ". try Into Jerusalem Will Be "Absolutely Unpardonable & Recently Authorized. Highland Park. Revived. Gross Breach of Trust". The Rt. Rev. Albion Williamson /One of the most elaboratte Court cf Secretary Fred Meyers of the Y. Knight, D. D., Bishop.'Coadjustor of The laying out of playgrounds in Commander Howard Reese and a Honor ceremonies ever conducted by M. C.'.'A. announced yesterday that The liturgy of Palm Sunday «•- In accordance with his promise, the Diocese of Nen- jersey, visited different parts of the city and the delegation of members of Luke A. the Boy .Scouts here was held recent- all arrangements'* have been comple- presses by two ceremonies, the one State .Senator John E. Toolan, of Christ Church last (Sunday morning possible construction of a local se- Lovely Post, American Legion are ly at the High School Auditorium ted, for the invitation get together giving an impression of1 joy, the Perth Amboy, has written the Public and administered the Itite of Confir wage disposal plant were discussed making plans to attend the big coun- when in addition to members of the entertainment for members of the or-other of sorrow, the two aspects un- Utilities Commission regarding the matibn to the following: at length by the members of the So. ty mass meeting and rally for the local troop,' the Parlin and Morgan ganization to take place at the head- der which the Church considers presence at a Council meeting here Kathryn Hilda Bachelor, Ada Amboy Lions Club when they met at Legion's Child Welfare program to troops were on hand, quarters on "Friday evening, Apr. 26.Christ. •f an official of the Commission. The Edith Batchelor, Maybellc Alice But- Wilhelm's Hall Wednesday evening. take place tomorrow night at Frank- The Court'of Honor was presided The na.ti6nally famous Keystone The first will be the blessing "iiwji (State Senator and the Utility official, chelor, Margaret W.' Craig, Blanche It was brought out that the Feder- lin Junior High School at Highland over by James Housel, a member ot quartette will be present to render a procession of Palms. All through- it,, Charles A. Meade, Chief Engineer, Ruth Gennt, Winifred Elizabeth Git- al Government recently authorized Park. • • . the Troop Committee, who in turn number of special features and Ern-burns forth a holy gladness which 'who has charge of grade crossings tins, Jane Gordon, Ruth Gregor, the expenditure of $4,880,000,000 General P. S. Harris, former introduced Scout Executive Gaorjje est Christofferson, famou" accordion will allow us, after twenty centur- , and railroad bridges,, who has bean Evelyn Marie Lonscth, Lorvna 'Mae for relief work and South Amboy chief of staff of. the United States Weinheimer. and piano player will also be one of ies, to revive the grand scene of the ,with the Commission for thirty years Meinzer, Monta Mae Morgan, Doro- should present a request for some Army and Richard Hartshome, head 'Awards to the second class ranlj the entertainers. In addition there triumphal entry of Jesus into Jeru- appeared ut the last meeting of the thea May Nilson, Claire iMaric Sam of this money as soon as possible, of the United tSates Government's were made by Mose Clark to Donald will be entertainment of different salem. Then will follow the Mass itt Common Council. The- meeting, held uelson, Ellen Mnrie Saundcrs, Marion for,, improvements that would even- Commission of Crime will be among Coward* Adrian Foley, Jr., Benjamin types • including ' special exhibitbn which chants and lessons relating- in the High School auditorium, acted Mori* Stqlte, Irene G. Stolte, Arlene tually have to be~ made under less Grover; Howard Hausser, Bernard bowling, 'matches, between the Lucky the' speakers. " " -,\ .-,• : exclusively to the sorrowful recol- favorably upon an ordinance vacK- Phyllis'iStumpf, Carl Dawlinj*, Jam- fiivorablo circumstances, • Pietruski, Ernest Smalley and Ches Strikes, and.the Aces and the Night lection of the Passion of our Sa- ing David and'Henry streets in fa-!ts Henry Jonet>, Harold Lewis Mur .tar jSprngue. • Hawks 'and the.' Greyhounds. A committee consisting of An- : vour, will be sung by the gfrls of vor off a "ne" w connectinti g streettt , a newI John'' Edwarddd . Renderd , Russelll drew N. Kvist. Ehvood R. Drown, Knights of Columbus?' •''James Mcrson presented the Sec DurhiK'the eveninc-, the present- the High School Choir. • station and the electrification pro- ond Class merit award to Theodore ation of .tho l>.r,i?.e* In the "Citizen" Milton SpruRUc, Aitliur Heniy Howard Leary and Lawrence Kenny v The procession of little boys ire ject of the Pennsylvania Itailrond. Stumpf, Jr., Wallace Myron Wood. was appointed to study the matter Lijurisbuiy nnd Marshall E. Magoo head phi' 'tpiirnament will also Utoo Here to Greet State presontisd the First Class awards ;"o place. whito, headed by a Cross bearer, all In his letter, copy of which came| The annual meeting and election of and present a suggested "plan to arl blessed Palm, will be .fol- Willlum Muxfield and MuHortf Bunl^ Plar.«;avYb«-it)ff,.laid fora series of I f TinB blessed Palm, will be fol- here addressed to Ex-inayor Alfred,officers of the Acolyte Guild of thle Common Council for its •consid- owe<l bv Altar and Cholr b s w Or T. Kerr, the State Senator invites the Christ Church was held in tho Kec- eration. Deputy this Evening KV''V,v -:- educalional- lectures to be delivered °y " Harold Scnionult was in charge of during the cominj; .months under the will precede the Priests to the clos- commission to make an inspection of tory lust Friday night. The follo'V- The committee in charge of nr- ed door of the Church. A' few of i the local station, ho contending that th« presentation of the Merit Bail sponsorship -of the'. YMCA. A repre- ing officers were elected; Fred Rose, ra'ngements for the forthcoming re- Theodore Osbahr to Attend he choristers will enter the Churcl: the commission would then admit l'residvnt, Elliott Chapman, Vice gional meeting to take place nt the District Meetine at Home of Kes which were given to Clifford I sontative bf the Du Pont Pathe Film that he railroad owes the town a new President, Fred Paige, Secretary- Browor, Mulford Bunting, Ralph Compfltiy ati,p,B)i;Un, •will give an illu- Their chanting of the hymn, "AH Hotel Pines on Wednesday, April Local Unit. Davis, Herbert Dix, Stephen Doi- strated, tb,1k on the,history of motion Glory Laud and Honor" will alter- station regardless of the outcome of Treasurer, The R«v. Harry .Stana. 24th at 6:30 reported thnt practi- the electrification movement. He con-'bury Weyiich 1B, the chaplain, and Knighthood in this city will turn renski, George Goldschmidt, John picture; film t manufacture ,and ar- nate with the choir and Priests oat- cally the entire membership of tho Herr, It-win House, Jr., Eugene Hul- rangements have also been made for side the Church. , On one side are ends that railroad patrons using the Clarence' R. iStults warden. club linn made reservations. The lo- out onmnsse tonight to welcome to station do so at the risk'of contami- this city Theodore Osbahr, State De- sii, Francis Kuligiowski, Jack Mason, a talk on i electrical safety. Dates for represented the "Angelic Choirs" cal club will bo one of the hosts at George Morgan, WiHwlm Peigelbeck, three jecturfeswlirhe announced In and on the other, the soldiers of nation. the meeting. Because of this re- puty, whon he attends a district meeting at the Knights of Columbus William Richmond, Francis .Sicknick the near future, - ihrist still engaged in the strife of The iState Senator also alleges n Local Junior Order gional session, the regular bi-month- Edwin' Stuart, Lylc Van Dorn, John battle, who acclaim in turn the Kfnjr . state of Civil War exists in this city ly local mSelmg will hot be held on club rooms on David street. LnrRO delegations arc.expected to be'pre- Waiter and Donald Warden. of Glory. The door will be opened! 'over the street crossings and claims thnt date tut has been - postponed To Francis Kullgowski went the Jersey Central Light . that the council meeting in quesion Will Participate In until Wednesday night, Way 8th. sent from this county, as well ns after the subdeacon has knocked? from Monmouth, Union and Somer- Life Scout award presented by M. E. thrice with the staff of the- Cross. was attended by about twice the .,; VlsltorJ^at the meeting' wore Dr. Magee and L. Peigelbeck was presen- •umber at people that the High County Initiation S. J. AbbatleJIo and William • O'Con- set counties. • Company Bills May Be This represents how the Cross .of ted with the Eagle Palm Award. Christ will open heaven to us. The ' School Auditorium can accommodate. nor. The entcrtaiirmeVit program The visit of the State Deputy is Following the presentations the ' The letter is as follows: was under the direction of Chris procession will proceed into Cfiurefc .
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