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(2) unls eBB l~yand allowed iibitor on the the sum actual red by -I. Quantity Price NOTE-Distributor does not jORMAN STUDIOS ARi INGTON, FLA. 4BOX OFFICE STATEMENT Date ---------------- 192 C ity . --- ----- - -_- - --- Theatre---------------------- Attraction -- Weather ------ Company's Per Cent- _---House Per Cent Closing Number Opening Number9 n Total atO Closing Number Opening Number 3 , Total at ' J Closing Number Opening Number Total at Total Ticket Sale Company's Share House Share 7 Total Collected ------------------------------ ------------------------------ House Treasurer. ------------------------------------- Company's Treasurer. ,°_, y , . - .. ? ,. / 4 f y) ,, ' . 6) __ ^; J 3 - _ i_ _,. 73. " r , 'I ~1 /7/V V " (/4/ By j Off Please ------- ------- --------- rrw I eneraimet the mih' of Thureday, De,, 14h as per your letrof Nov. 6th. Yorsvry truly, Gifford col NORMAN LABORATORIES ARLINGTON, FLORIDA City . Population Theatre NORMAN STUDU (hereinafter calc TITLES -1 A ar -- (3) Gross receip on the dates In addil stationed at shall have f receipts and The Ex] MATINEE: Any fre allowed unle Any adr the sums acl tunVUliFUN 3 1 UIJIUD ARLINGTON, FLA. BOX OFFICE STATEMENT ' D ate: ----------- --199 City . -- Theatt - - Attraction - --- ----- / Weather ........ z - Company's Per Cent House Per Cent Closing Number Opening Number',/ Total 7/ at & Closing Number Opening Number t Total at Closing Number Opening Number Total at /7<40 Total Ticket Sale Company's Share 60 House Share Total Collected House Treasurer. Company's~ Treasurer. ORMAN STUDIOS ARLINGTON, FLA. & X OFFICE STATEMENT City 69~D. 19 Theatre Attraction /- Weather.. Company's Per Cent------House Per Cent Closing Number Opening Number I Total Closing Number Opening Number Total /_9(at Closing Number Opening Number Total at Total Ticket Sale I Company's Share House Share Total Collected House Treasurer. Company's Treasurer. - ------ -__- -. THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS r/ /* c47 "THISS IDEOEIS FOR FCARDADDRESS I k1/ Ld 7y NORMAN STUDIOS ARLINGTON, FLA. BOX OFFICE STATEMENT D t----19 C ity ---- - ------ - - - - - -- - - - - - - -m--- - Theatre - - Attraction -- - Weather .--- -------- - Company's Per Cent--) House Per Cent Closing Number 6 Opening Number Total at/ Closing Number Opening Number Total 3 at -O it Closing Number Opening Number Total at Total Ticket Sale Company's Share House Share Total Collected House Treasurer. Company's Treasurer. } ~2O 7" 41 37 2k 7 $ i Y ~, ~A:~( J r A C r{O L7 1 iJ ST / 3 JI _ L y' fa y7 //- /Y-" - 74i~ >17 if] 0 2 :r3~ i 2 I, ~ /~~4 / ~3o Jr Jo NORMAN FILM MANUFACTURING CO. ARLINGTON, iv FLORIDA I REGENERATION r *, Romance in the South Seas. Love! Thrills! Adventure! All-Colored Cast The Greatest Colored Picture So far released, bar none. Holds Records Everywhere. 6 Smashing Reels. "THE CRIMSON SKULL" Baffling Western Mystery photoplay, co-starring Anita Bush, Lawrence Chenault with an all-colored cast. A Box Office Winner in 6 reels "THE GREEN EYED MONSTER" ' ( I' A Railroad Melo-Drama with an all-colored cast. A Breaker of Box Office Records in 5 reels s.. / "THE BULL-DOGGER" Featuring Bill Pickett World's Champion Wild West Performer. Death defying feats of courage and skill. K 5 reels HENRY STARR The Famous Oklahoma Out- law Himself in / "A Debtor to the Law" s A real heart stopping drama of life in the raw when the r6 West was wild. 6 reels COLORED COMEDY SCREAMS (7 Th Love Bug ( Spooks A Black and Tan Mix-Up A Natural Born Shooter I dun., 20, 1940 i)(-:, rC) 'c ;.r Fort; i h lnvc just1 ma;e 'o to 2~ -re. t' cpe our 3 how kth d':Le o-?hrdy,1e, anId you are to sell the cilildreni *ic1etsz t 1 E-ch. varon , a:ct pr opne Fnt Lac and one i ; pIcdntsilk 1A. Thn,4 ;g f7/0 h. i~, Ilornan /~,- ,~1 Aa:l -- v a 70" V- .23-- / 0~ Z30 33-~.a' e3 - J iv- 37O Ae- RECEIPT FOR INSURED MAIL-Form as13-a Keep this receipt until DOMESTIC AND CANADA No. parcel is accounted for FEEs INDEMNITY satisfactorily. It repre- c___ Value upt. 85 Class I- sents a parcel insured, Sc --------- Value up to 825 - - and must be presented 2c---------- Value up to 810 Postage cts. in the event of applica- 5c--------- Value up to 8100 tion for indemnity. The 30 _....Value up to 8150 Insuirance sender should write the 35c.--------- Value up to 8200 nameand address ofthe Apply at post office window for in- fee paid------------cts. addressee on the back. formation concerning feesand indem- Accepting employee will place his ini- city applicable to insured mail for iats in spaces applicable to indicate in- foreign countries other than Canada. dorsements and insert the fees paid. CLAIMSMUST BEFILED Fragile ---------Fee paid for return receipt ---- __.- -cts. WITH POSTMASTER WITHIN SIX MONTHS IPerishable ------- Special delivery fee _-_________-__cts. FROM DATEOF MAIUNG. Eggs ---------- Special handling charge-------------- cts. feywi anht o ato-cit ith.wt Press ~j&to ~" rbad I'-,aa orro' .All...- - - .. 1 I ~ W. C. BURGERT St FACTORY REPRESENTATIVE $09 MORGAN ST. - P. 0. Box 2072 TAMPA, FLORIDA . 7 _ ., o, ruw -...-. ...o r ;tr. ' ,,. .. -_ - ' 1'.. ; Srt + Oct., 1, 193f DeR !feseor For: T c MnJiMu youl the advertiiiV cards z~t eao ft*~ :Cor1 Our ja1i~c~t~ _r, slw thef date of F~ed. paoe " t s~ wy4 wol briu3. '1~ rmto l1okCt '1i~ 3i1wy _Ir Gr wreyu&ifl sell -ou t a0 SL tickt.,Thii~ ~ tat ou ..y elet 8ba r,,st .. a to sell the a NOot e ac, 1' t,-Cy Sdll 3 "tiok?.eta"they ,,-et a ?a ac d 2-11 they V- e"L1ll i 5 ca the0 Crd-th~y get , PaSSO., ADVERTISING CONTRACT THE NORMAN STUDIOS, ARLINGTON, FLORIDA IS HEREBY AUTHORIZED TO Ship by .. - T.....To Theater The Following Advertising on............................... Sheets Six Sheets @ Paper __________________ ___ Photos f_ Slides Heralds Window Cards Electros Special Advertising To be paid for by the undersigned. -- ------------------------------ Theater Date.............................. --------- - - - -(Seal) 'S r /7 Y ADVERTISING CONTRACT THE NORMAN STUDIOS, ARLINGTON, FLORIDA IS HEREBY AUTHORIZED TO Ship by .- - .... °- ------- -- --- - - - - T o - - ----"------------------- Theater The Following Advertising on 6. One Sheets Three Sheets i i Six Sheets Mounted P' Paper i Photos / f Slides Heralds Window Cards X~A~ -@&##( Eleetros Advertising () To be paid for by the undersigned. -Theater Date.............. ................ - -- - ------- (Seal) _ 4> 4 4 z 4 _ 4> 4 1 _ :'ti V 2; 7 I.
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