Double Jewish Hamilton take memories Photos of Israel Haimish exhibit and Macau P14 celebrates the past P17 Hamilton Jewish News THE JEWISH VOICE OF HAMILTON DECEMBER 2012 VOL 27:2/ KISLEV - CHESVAN 5773 AGREEMENT #40007180 Meet Barb Babij A community Federation’s new CEO Her first official appearance at of hearts the UJA Cabaret campaign kickoff UJA OPENING A REMINDER OF EVERYTHING communicated much more than words. Standing at the podium THAT’s GOOD ABOUT THIS COMMUNITY before the large audience gathered at Beth Jacob Synagogue for UJA Cabaret, Barb Babij promised that her remarks would be brief as she simultaneously unravelled a scroll Barb Babij that cascaded towards the floor. Keeping a straight face, Federation’s new CEO proceeded to read a poem she’d written for the occasion, that both charmed and amused her audience. That self-deprecating sense of humour will no doubt serve Babij well as she takes on the challenge of facilitating Federa- tion’s new strategic direction. To read about Babij’s impres- sions of our community and the role she hopes to play in our future, see page 11. Amy Back surrounded by the cast of UJA Cabaret Photo by Wendy Schneider For anyone who was in doubt about the Barb Babij. A year of celebrations vibrancy and singular qualities that distinguish “This would never have been possible in Hamilton’s Jewish community, UJA Cabaret, Toronto,” he said, “having people from differ- the UJA Campaign opening, that was held on ent affiliations working together for a common October 18, was an affirma- cause.” tion of what our commun- Babij, too, was ity can achieve when we all When all is said deeply moved by the work towards a common performance. goal. and done we are “I saw tremendous The event, which attracted energy and ability to more than 400 people of all a community of work together to create ages and affiliation, show- something ... People cased the considerable talent hearts. were buzzed. There was of a cast of enthusiastic indi- excitement.” Jack and Barbara Katz with their son Teddy at his Bar Mitzvah, 1978 viduals for whom the night was a culmination In short, UJA Cabaret served as a reminder of months of hard, collaborative work. As the to those of us in attendance, that, when all is Oh, what a year this is. The Adas Israel Congregation, cast sang and danced their hearts out, it was said and done, we are a community of hearts. Beth Jacob Synagogue and Temple Anshe Sholom are impossible not to be caught up in the spirit of And that when our hearts are united towards all celebrating big anniversaries in the Hebrew calendar the evening, articulated so beautifully by Amy making sure no one in our community is Back’s stirring lyrics. denied a hot meal, a sympathetic ear, a support- year 5773. To mark the occasion, the HJN will devote a Together, we do do extraordinary things. ive environment or a Jewish education, there page in each of the next three issues, to each of the shuls. And if we’re too close to see it, just ask Perry is nothing we can’t achieve. When your UJA Our tribute to Adas Israel in honour of its centennial year Romberg, who was acting Federation execu- canvasser calls you over the next few weeks, tive director until the recent hiring of new CEO, please dig deep and give generously. can be found on page 12. For more about UJA Cabaret, see page 10 Cycling in Israel Mixing fun with a good cause P15 Page Two Table of Contents insurance broker inc. Phil Leon Est. 1965 PRESIDENT’S REPORT HJN DECEMBER 2012 IN THIS ISSUE: LArrY SZPIRGLAS HAMILtoN JEWISH FEDERatION PRESIDENT, David A. Leon, FCIP Wealth of Experience UJA FEDERATioN OF HAMILTON 10 UJA CABARET HITS THE MARK Vice President Event highlights community unity We are without question a Automobile Insurance Commerical Automobile Retail, Office & Wholesalers community that demonstrates HAMILtoN JEWISH FEDERatION Home Insurance Home Based Business Commercial General Liability again and again, our belief that Personal Umbrella Liability Professional Errors & Omissions Liability 11 GETTING TO KNOW HER together we do extraordinary Federation CEO outlines vision for the future FOWLER & ASSOCIATES Discount rates available for B’nai Brith members. things. Through all of our current Plan underwritten by Novex Group Insurance communal endeavors it’s clear we IN THE News Bus: 905.525.0001 1.800.734.6362 Complete Investment & Estate Planning [email protected] Fax: 905.525.1690 are a very progressive, innovative and positive enterprise. 13 it’s no WAY TO LIVE Examine this issue of the HJN and you will see the examples Southern Negev communities under fire Scott Thomson Dwight A. Fowler Shane Fowler — everything from celebrating our communal history (the Investment Advisor Vice President Investment Advisor featuRE Investment Advisor Working Family Stories and Treasures community art exhibit “Meet me at the Haimish”) the smashing Cabaret celebration 17 THE WAY WE WERE 905-528-6349 905-528-4254 905-528-0113 Celebrating memories of a bygone era that opened this year’s UJA campaign, and the exemplary PAGE 10 week-long Holocaust education programs created by Federa- tion’s Holocaust Education Committee, which brought out Toll Free: 1-800-775-0037 thousands of Hamiltonians to films and exhibits that bore witness to the tragedies of the Holocaust and other genocides. Hold the Date DepaRTMENts Fax: 905-528-6897 We can see it as well in the centennial celebration of the Adas Community 4-6 Israel Synagogue, in The Hamilton Spectator’s tribute to Rabbi COMMUNITY EVENTS Holocaust Education 7 “I’m so fortunate that my vet highly recommended Emeritus Bernard Baskin, and in the stellar actions of our McCann Professional Dog Trainers!” Public Relations Committee, which dealt most effectively Monday, Jan. 28 Guest Voices 9 B’nai Brith Sports Dinner with some abhorrent anti-Israel propaganda facilitated by UJA Federation 10-11 Hamilton Convention Centre a group calling itself Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Reception 5:30 p.m. Dinner 6:30 p.m. Feature 12 Middle East (CJPME) — a misnomer to say the least — that bbsportsdinner.com News 13 was on display at the Hamilton Public Library in September. All of the above is referenced in the articles that you will Arts 14 Wednesday, Jan.16 read in this issue. What those stories do not necessarily reveal Tribute to Raoul Wallenberg Israel 15 Serving Southern Ontario is that behind every successful endeavour, lie the efforts of an Marking the 100th birthday of Raoul Wallenberg Shalom Village 16 Call 1-888-681-7877 or register online untold number of volunteers, Jewish communal profession- Sponsored by the Holocaust Education Committee Feature 17 www.McCannDogs.com als, our synagogue clergy and many others in the Jewish and Guest Speaker: Ernie Mason Now offering Doggie Day Care with a difference! non-Jewish community. So let’s be sure to celebrate all the Adas Israel @7:30 p.m. Profile 18 positive moments throughout our community’s history that Special Mentschen 19 More than 50,000 family pets and their owners make up a rich and diverse communal tapestry. Saturday & Sunday, March 9 & 10 trained! New sessions start every month. It is regrettable that some among us choose to minimize Beth Jacob Israeli Film Festival COMING UP the positive aspects of community, and instead, focus on www.bethjacobsynagogue.ca PASSOVER ISSUE the negative, even going so far as to belittle and insult our • Deadline for booking ad space communal achievements in the public domain. Such was the Monday, April 22 Jan. 28, 2013 Celebrity Author Lunch with Vincent Lamm • Deadline for receiving editorial copy case in a recent issue of the Canadian Jewish News (CJN) in Feb. 4, 2013 Sponsored by Na’amat Hamilton which a column appeared that was harshly critical of Hamil- • Deadline for receiving ad copy 1036 KING WEST HAMILTON Adas Israel @ noon Feb. 20, 2013 WWW.ALBERtsnow.com ton Jewish Federation’s handling of the CJPME display at the [email protected] • Estimated date of arrival 905-525-0831 library. That no attempt was made by the CJN to seek out the Mar. 4, 2013 actual facts or provide equal space in the same issue to our Federation was, in our view, a grave error of judgment. The Hamilton Jewish News opinion expressed in that column, in fact, stood in stark DARE to be YOU contrast to the strong community support communicated to PLEASE reTURN UNdeLIVerABLE PUBLISher Geraldine Katz-Rose, Ira Rosen, EXCLUSIVE CANADIAN AddreSSES TO: Hamilton Jewish News Inc. Paul Roth, Jay Rosenblatt, Avi TECHNIQUES | DESIGN | IMAGINATION our Public Relations Committee for their strategic handling P.O. Box 81203 Shapiro, David Shore, David EDITOR 1030 Lower Lions Club Road Streiner. of a distressing event. (see page 13) Wendy Schneider Ancaster ON L9G 4X1 [email protected] Let us be clear that we are a diverse community with vary- Agreement # 40007180 HJN ADVISORY & EDITOriAL COmmiTTEE ing opinions on almost all issues that confront Canadian and TELephONE 905-628-0058 Aviva Boxer, Steven Dembe, World Jewry and Israeli society. Such is the case in a demo- HAMILTON JEWish NEWS Brenda Deskin, Celia Rothenberg, is published four times a year FAX Wade Hemsworth cratic society and we should expect no less. We at Federation by Hamilton Jewish News Inc. 905-627-7099 and Wendy Schneider HAmiLTON jeWISH FEDERATION believe that we express the sentiments of the majority of our Circulation 2,000 PRESIDENT community members on many issues, and we strive to be Larry Szpirglas EDITOriAL POLICY both strategic and transparent by informing you about the THE HJN INVITES MEMBERS OF THE COM- immediATE PAST PreSideNT MUNITY TO CONTRIBUTE LETTERS, ARTI- decisions we make and the rationale behind those decisions.
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